Violetpaw, Twigpaw, and the four deputies are sent to WindClan to tell Onestar everything that has happened. The hope is he will listen to the deputies report since they are not clan leaders. But when the party arrives on WindClan land they can hear a fight at the camp. They race there to find Darktail and his rogues fighting the WindClan cats and quickly join in the fight. Darktail and Onestar are fighting and the rogue calls a stop to the fight to publicly taunt Onestar, causing everyone to realize he knows the WindClan leader personally. Onestar tries to act like Darktail is lying but everyone realizes something is going on between the two cats. The fight breaks out again but Darktail quickly calls a retreat. Onestar announces he needs to tell everyone something, but he will wait for the other clan leaders to arrive. Squirrelflight gets Bramblestar, Rowanstar, and Leafstar while Tigerheart gets Mistystar. Onestar confesses to everyone that when he was a young, ordinary warrior he liked to show off to some kittypets claiming he was a great warrior and clan life was perfect. One of the kittypets, Smoke, he had an affair with. One day she came to the moor, pregnant with his kits, wishing to join the clan. Onestar was horrified at the thought of confessing this to Tallstar and he knew clan life was not the perfect scene he had told her it was, so he sent her away. She had her kits on the way back. Alone and with no help only one kit survived. Later, when the kit was older, she tried to give him to Onestar again, but he again turned her away. Furious and hurt, Smoke told Onestar she would raise their son to hate the clans. That kit would grow up to be Darktail. Darktail never found WindClan, but he did find SkyClan so he took his rage out on them. He later followed the ThunderClan patrol home so he could destroy the four clans. During the battle on ShadowClan territory Darktail taunted Onestar, telling him that if he killed his son he would go to the Dark Forest. Terrified, as he is on his last life, Onestar called a retreat. Onestar now agrees to help the clans destroy Darktail once and for all.
Alderheart and the other medicine cats go to the moonpool. StarClan tells them in order to defeat Darktail they must remember their names. Back at the ThunderClan camp everyoen is getting ready for the upcoming battle but Alderheart is worried as he doesn't understand what StarClan meant. Twigpaw and Violetpaw are talking about the upcoming fight and Violetpaw makes a comment is about Darktail having a thing for water. This gives Whitewing an idea and she races to the clan leaders. Hawkwing tells his daughter that SkyClans specialty is attacking from tree limbs. Suddenly Alderheart realizes what StarClan meant and he runs to the other medicine cats.
Twigpaw enters ShadowClan territory with everyone. Hawkwing asks his daughters if they want to fight from the trees with him. Violetpaw declines but Twigpaw takes him up on his offer. The fight breaks out with every clan playing their strength. Eventually the rouges are driven to the water where RiverClan attacks them. The fight comes down to Onestar and Darktail, eventually causing them both to drown.
Back at the ThunderClan camp, Violetpaw tells Zelda and Loki goodbye. ShadowClan leaves next and Rowanstar gives Violetpaw permission to stay behind for a bit. SkyClan will be staying with ThunderClan until they find their own territory. Tigerheart and Dovewing are off to the side when Rowanstar snaps at Tigerheart to go with his clan. Hawkwing tells his daughters that he wants them to go with SkyClan but they don't have to decide right away. Now that Needletail is gone, Violetpaw considers going with her father but she worries Rowanstar might not let her leave. Violetpaw hopes the future will be fine,but she can sense change coming.
So, Onestar's actions now make sense. I did think that Darktail might be the son of a leader, but I assumed Brokenstar or Tigerstar - I never would have guessed Onestar.
Now that Darktail has been defeated I am left wondering what the next three books will be about. How does Rowanstar end up with SkyClan? When do Tigerheart and Dovewing run away? I assumed all of this happened with the search for SkyClan, but apparently not.
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