Monday, March 8, 2021

darkest night: part two

Alderheart tries to eat but everything going on in the camp either annoys him or makes him sad that Twigpaw is gone. Hawkwing and Violetpaw arrive and Alderheart excitedly asks after Twigpaw. He is upset to learn she is still an apprentice. Hawkwing asks for help in finding their former clanmates. Bramblestar doesn't want to send a patrol but Hawkwing only wants one cat to led them to the gorge. Alderheart volunteers but is told no. Molewhisker offers his help and Alderheart is upset, as he knows Molewhisker doesn't want the SkyClan cats here. The SkyClan cats leave and Alderheart wonders how happy Twigpaw can be as a SkyClan apprentice. Later he and the medicine cats go to the moonpool. RiverClan never shows. Puddleshine says SkyClan needs help and he is needed in his clan. Alderheart volunteers but Jayfeather tells him no. It is decided Leafpool will go. The cats dream of StarClan and Alderheart sees both Purdy and Echosong among their ranks. Leafpool is thrilled to see Hollyleaf. Echosong gives them a new prophecy and the cats wake up. Alderheart wonders where Needletail is as she wasn't amongst StarClan's ranks.

Violetpaw, Hawkwing, Blossomheart, Rabbitleap, and Molewhisker go on their journey. They travel for days and one night while sleeping Violetpaw has another nightmare about Needletail. Unable to fall back asleep she leaves their shelter. While wandering the trees she sees Needletail. She runs to her friend, only to discover she is dead with no stars in her pelt and worries that Needletail is in the Dark Forest now. Needletail will not tell her why she is there, then walks away then disappears. Violetpaw cannot find her way back to their camp. She decides to settle down for the remained of the night where she is when Hawkwing finds her and brings her back to their nest. 

Twigpaw helps Dewpaw and Reedpaw work on the nests. Dewpaw is worried about Finpaw and how depressed he is. He says Finpaw will not see him, and suggests Twigpaw try. When they are done Twigpaw enters the medicine den. Leafpool isn't there and Finpaw doesn't want to see her. She tells Finpaw how upset she feels for what happened. Finpaw opens up and the two cats hang out for a bit. Leafpool arrives and changes Finpaw's bandages. Twigpaw realizes how happy she is to have found Finpaw and hopes he feels the same.

The medicine cats have a meeting to discuss the prophecy and how their leaders are reacting to it. Leafpool never shows and they wants Leafstar's opinion so they go to the SkyClan camp. While there Alderheart gets to see Twigpaw but she is distracted by Finpaw. He is sad that she is settling in so well and secretly wishes she misses ThunderClan. The medicine cats leave, leaving Leafpool behind, and go to RiverClan where they run into a patrol. However, the patrol will not let them pass and is openly hostile, refusing to let them see Mistystar, Mothwing, or Willowshine. Alderheart is shocked as at the gathering Mistystar said the borders were closed, but cats were still allowed to bring important information. Unable to convince the warriors to let them pass they leave. Alderheart is worried that none of the clan leaders care about the prophecy. Rowanstar and Harestar's response to the prophecy is to do extra border patrols, Bramblestar is indifferent until he gets more information, Leafstar is more worried about setting up a camp, and they cannot even get to Mistystar to tell her about the prophecy. 

Hawkwing has taken the lead from Molewhisker as he recognizes the territory. He brings everyone to see a loner named Barley who lives in a barn. They discover Cherrytail (Hawkwing and Blossomheart's mother) and Cloudmist (their sister). Violetpaw feels overwhelmed to have so much kin now. The cats catch up but Cherrytail doesn't want to leave. They decide to spend the night then head to the gorge, stopping back on the way to the lake to get Cherrytail's decision. 

Twigpaw really is settling into SkyClan! Maybe she did make the right decision after all.

As for Mistystar, I am surprised. I was surprised when Mothwing and Willowshine didn't appear for the meeting, but I'm even more surprised by the refusal to let the medicine cats cross the border. Even Onestar did not go to that extreme.

I am glad Purdy is in StarClan where he belongs, but Needletail clearly is not. I hope she is not in the Dark Forest like Violetpaw worries. And why did she visit Violetpaw just to refuse to tell her why? And lead her away from the SkyClan cats and get her lost for no apparent reason?

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