Sunday, October 7, 2018

the sight: part two

Lionkit wakes up missing Jaykit. He wants to go outside for some fresh air but Ferncloud and Daisy are asleep. He decides to sneak out and check on Jaykit. When some warriors come by he hides so they don't see him. But they stay there and talk and he winds up stuck. Dustpelt and Spiderleg meet the returning patrol of Stormfur and Brackenfur. They discuss Firestar's recent decision to give some barren land to ShadowClan that they had been fighting over. The cats feel divided on whether or not it was a good decision. Talk turns to Hawkfrost and none of the warriors know what happened. All everyone was told was that his body was found while Firestar, Brambleclaw, and Ashfur were out on patrol. Mousepaw catches Lionkit hiding. Dustpelt hears Mousepaw and asks him what he is doing. Mousepaw lies to cover for Lionkit but warns him to get back to the nursery. When Lionpaw tells him that a comment was made about Stormfur not being a real ThunderClan warrior Mousepaw is upset.

Hollykit wakes up to find out that Lionkit snuck out and now has thorns all over him. She is worried they might get into more trouble but Lionkit assures her no one knows. She goes to Leafpool's den and asks Jaykit for help. He tells her what herbs she needs to make sure Lionkit's scratches don't get infected. Leafpool shows up before Hollykit leaves. She asks Hollykit what she is doing. Hollykit tells her that Lionkit has a thorn. When Leafpool is surprised that Hollykit knew what herbs to use Jaykit tells her that Holkykit remembered what he was treated with. Leafpool is impressed and tells her how to use the herbs. After helping Lionkit Ferncloud lets them go out and play. Mothwing and Willowpaw arrive. Willowpaw needs Leafpool's help understanding her dream. Hollykit decides she wants to be a medicine cat too and tells Lionkit this.

Lionkit is confused as to why Hollykit would want to be a medicine cat.  When Willowpaw leaves Leafpool's den she goes to talk to her. Willowpaw tells her about her dream and how Leafpool helped her to figure out what it meant. Hollykit goes to Leafpool's den to talk to her. Sensing that Hollykit wishes to speak to her in private, Leafpool tells Jaykit he can return to the nursery. Once they are alone Hollykit asks to be Leafpool's apprentice. Leafpool is surprised. Hollykit notices Leapool looks sad as she tries to warn Hollykit just what being a medicine cat means but all Hollykit can think of is healing her clan and speaking to StarClan. Leafpool tells her she must first speak to Firestar. Hollykit heads back to the nursery and excitedly tells her brothers the news. Jaykit is surprised that Hollykit wants to do this. He still feels being a warrior is the most important thing and Hollykit thinks Firestar has to make him a warrior. Later, Hollykit leaves the nursery for the last time. Her naming ceremony is that day. Brambleclaw is talking to Cloudtail, who has returned from a patrol. ShadowClan and WindClan have been extra diligent in marking their territory and Cloudtail is worried. As they talk Ashfur comes over. Brambleclaw says they will do nothing for now and Ashfur asks isn't that for Firestar to decide. Brambleclaw looks closely at Ashfur but sees no hostility. Brambleclaw says of course he will report this to Firestar but unless Firestar gives an order they are to do nothing. Lionkit joins her and soon it is time for the ceremony. Firestar gives the three kits their mentors. He names Ashfur for Lionpaw and Leafpool for Hollypaw. Hollypaw is excited but doesn't understand why both her mother and Leafpool look so sad. It is Jaykit's turn and the cats start whispering about how he can't be a warrior and Firestar can't possibly be about to give him a mentor. Jaykit demands a mentor too and Firestar tells him of course he is recieving one and names Brightheart as Jawpaw's mentor.

Jaypaw is upset to receive the only disabled warrior as his mentor. He is even more upset when Brightheart tells him she has asked Longtail to help with his training. He feels like no one is taking his desire to be a warrior seriously. Lionpaw and Ashfur go to see the territory. Hollypaw wishes to go too but Leafpool tells her that she needs to stay in camp and learn the herbs. Brightheart starts talking to Jaypaw about his training, but he lets his mind wander. He listens to every one in the camp and senses Brambleclaw - he feels that Brambleclaw is suspicious of someone and Jaypaw is shocked. Brightheart brings him back to the present and has Jaypaw take care of the elders, making him even more upset that his first duty as an apprentice is just chores. Jaypaw has an attitude with the elders as he helps them, but they seem amused by his spirit. Brightheart takes him to explore the land and Jaypaw's attitude does not change. They scent a fox and Brightheart tells him to go find Thornclaw's patrol but he refuses to leave her. As they attack the fox Jaypaw gets his tail caught in a bramble bush and cannot get free, leaving a scared Brightheart to face the fox alone. Thornclaw and his patrol arrive and chase off the fox. Back at camo Jaypaw is upset with how his first day went. When Hollypaw and Lionpaw try to talk to him and comfort him by pointing out any cat can have a rough day he gloomily walks away to go to sleep.

Jaypaw dreams of mountains and a stream, and when he wakes up the next day all the apprentices excitedly go about their duties of patrols and hunting while Jawpaw is left behind. He knows he cannot do those things and figures he will probably be stuck caring for the elders again, feeling like that is all the clan thinks he is good for. Jaypaw cannot scent Brightheart in the camp and decides to sneak out and explore the land on his own. He decides to go to the lake, but the wind is not in his favor and he gets lost. He finds himself on WindClan land and tries to back away but accidentally falls off of a cliff into the water below. He struggles in the water and a cat saves him. He finds out they are WindClan warriors and they find out he is blind. Crowfeather is one of the cats and he takes Jaypaw back to his camp. Jaypaw tries to go on his own but Crowfeather refuses to let him. The land changes to land he recognizes and he realizes they are almost home. He knows he is going to be in huge trouble. They meet a patrol with Squirrelflight, Stormfur, and Brook. The cats bring him back to camp and Crowfeather walks with him to Leafpool's den. Jaypaw does not understand why and when they reach her den he listens as Leafpool and Crowfeather have a tense conversation. Leafpool has Hollypaw treat Jaypaw but first she brings the wrong herbs, and then when she brings the correct ones she does not know what they are for. Jaypaw eats the herbs and falls asleep.

Firstly, Jaypaw is a bit of a jerk. But, I do understand part of his attitude problem. He does not like being treated differently and no one can seem to stop themselves from doing it. I did think that maybe he could be a warrior, but as his story goes on it is quite clear that is not the duty for him. And while I do understand a large part of his attitude problem he doesn't seem to be willing to meet anyone part way. I actually do think Brightheart being his mentor makes perfect sense. Training with a cat who is also disabled will help to show him how to overcome his ow  shortcomings - but he isn't willing to acknowledge any bonus to working with her.

As for Hollypaw, I do not think being a medicine cat is really what she wants - especially since Jaypaw seems more suited for it. I have a feeling we will see a lot more blunders in her future.
Lionpaw overhearing the cats talking was interesting, but I really do not see Dustpelt being unloyal to Firestar. Yes, they fought all the time when they were apprentices - and even at first as warriors - but Dustpelt is very loyal to Firestar and his clan. But I am glad to see that Brambleclaw knowing there is a traitor in their midst is not going to be ignored. As for Ashfur, maybe I was wrong about him. I really thought he could be the cat that helped Hawkfrost. I know it was all circumstantial evidence but he was really the only cat with motive. Now, however, he seems to be loyal and have no issues with taking orders from Brambleclaw.

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