Monday, October 1, 2018

sunset: part two

Firestar calls a meeting so Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight can report what they found. With the cats getting better Firestar is eager for life to return to normal and orders more hunting groups. Leafpool watches as Brambleclaw offers to go and Ashfur angrily offers as well, not wanting to be outdone by Brambleclaw. She insists she has to approve cats to return to their duties and Firestar agrees. As Firestar has his turn with her he tries to talk to her about Brambleclaw, Squirrelflight, and Ashfur. He admits that he once was worried about having Tigerstar's son in the clan but he judges Brambleclaw by his own actions and he trusts Squirrelflight. Leafpool wonders if she should tell Firestar about her dreams of Brambleclaw and Tigerstar but feels she cannot because it might come across as jealousy that she had to leave Crowfeather. Later Squirrelflight brings some fresh kill to Leafpool and Leafpool sees her misery. Squirrelflight admits that Adhfur is still upset with her. Leafpool decides to tell Squirrelflight about her vision of her with Brambleclaw. Squirrelflight leaves happy but still worried.

Brambleclaw dreams of Tigerstar and Hawkfrost. He tells them of the badger attack and Tigerstar praises him for his courage. He tells Brambleclaw that it won't be much longer before Firestar makes him deputy. When Brambleclaw points out that he hasn't had an apprentice yet Tigerstar tells him that he must delay Firestar's choice. Between Hawkfrost and Tigerstar the advice of manipulating Firestar into believing Graystripe is still alive and ensuring Brambleclaw gets to mentor one of Daisy's kits is offered. Brambleclaw feels uneasy over the advice but he admits it is sound. As they talk Tigerstar reveals Stormfur's return. Hawkfrost's reaction makes Brambleclaw feel like he should warn his friend, but he can't figure out why. They practice fighting techniques until Tigerstar dismisses them. When Brambleclaw wakes up he reasons to himself that Tigerstar did offer good advice and following it was not being disloyal to his clan. He is shocked to realize the wound on his shoulder opened up again in the middle of the night and he feels exhausted, as if he didn't sleep at all. Brambleclaw had his shoulder checked out by Leafpool, who comments that anyone would think he had been fighting. He is worried and doesn't understand what is happening. As he goes about his day thinking over Tigerstar's advice and his own ambitions he finds himself wondering what it is he really wants.

All day Leafpool worried about Brambleclaw, his injuries, and whether or not he is still visiting Tigerstar in his dreams. Leafpool tries to dream of Tigerstar's world to see if she can find out more but instead she finds herself being greeted by StarClan. Three bright stars shining above her draw her eye and Bluestar tells her that her path will twist and turn. Yellowfang tells her that the path she will walk few medicine cats have taken and Bluestar tells her that there are cats she has yet to meet. A few nights later Leafpool sees Brambleclaw leaving the camp. Even though he is not sneaking out she cannot imagine what he is doing so late at night and suspecting he is meeting Hawkfrost resolves to follow him. She follows Brambleclaw to a part of the lake near the WindClan border. As she watches him she falls asleep, dreaming of the lake filled with blood. Shocked, she wakes up and startles Brambleclaw who demands to know if she was spying on him. She denies it but is left shaken as she hears the prophecy echoing in her head.

Brambleclaw looks out over the lake, convinced that Leafpool not only was spying on him but also knows he visits Tigerstar. He worries what will happen when she tells her sister. He goes to the lake at night for peace since his sleep when he visits Tigerstar disturb the other cats. He also tries to convince himself that visiting Tigerstar is not a bad thing. He hears crying back at the camp and returns. Daisy is panicking because Berrykit is missing. Brambleclaw and some others go out to find him. They find him stuck in a fox trap with some ShadowClan warriors watching his struggles. ShadowClan mock the warriors for their kit getting hurt and for Stormfur and Brook's presence. They release Berrykit and bring him back to camp but he is badly injured and Leafpool is unsure he will survive. Brambleclaw is upset because if Berrykit dies he Daisy will probably take her kits away and he probably won't get an apprentice. He is also upset with himself for thinking this way. Stormfur tells Brambleclaw that he and Brook need to leave. Brambleclaw thinks they are returning to the mountains but Stormfur tells him the ShadowClan warriors were right and if they are going to be there they must be with his clan. Brook speaks of training to become a warrior and Brambleclaw is upset that Stormfur won't confide the truth in him.

Leafpool dreams of Mudfur, who asks her to pass on a message to Mothwing. Mothwing has a sick cat and Mudfur knows where the herbs are she needs to cure her. But Leafpool feels torn and feels that she cannot leave Berrykit or her clan right now. The time comes for the medicine cats to gather at the Moonpool. She debates going but Brightheart convinces her to go. She decides to pass Mudfur's message on to Mothwing there but she never shows. When Leafpool dreams it is of StarClan welcoming her as ThunderClan's medicine cat. Cinderpelt is not there.

So, that was pretty lousy of ShadowClan to watch Berrykit's struggles and not help. The one thing that amuses me about these books is how everyone sees their own clan as the correct one and the others as being in the wrong. But, I have to say, Thunderclan does seem to be the best of them. The other clans really only care for themselves and view the others with suspicion. Only ThunderClan time and again seem to care about the wellbeing of all four clans.

I am glad that both Firestar and Squirrelflight are judging Brambleclaw by his own actions, but Leafpool is right to worry. Brambleclaw is walking a dark path, justifying his actions by claiming loyalty to his clan. I dont think he realizes the true extent of Tigerstar's desires. I worry what will happen when Brambleclaw finally falls short of Tigerstar's standards. I think that Hawkfrost is the only cat Tigerstar really cares for. I also wonder about Brambleclaw walking with injuries he received in his dreams.

As for Daisy, I imagine she is definitely going to take away her kits now...

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