Thursday, October 25, 2018

outcast: part five

The tribe cats are startled to find Lionpaw's group. They are even more surprised to find Stormfur and Brook since they are supposed to be dead. Brook tells the cats that Talon and Night came to find them, saying that their help was needed. Lionpaw expects thanks, but instead the tribe cats exchange uncertain looks. They head to the tribe's cave. Brambleclaw has to carry Jaypaw for part of it, much to Jaypaw's anger. Crowfeather goes off and Lionpaw asks Tawnypelt what he is doing. She explains that he is visiting Feathertail's grave, and that he loved the she cat. Lionpaw sees Breezepaw looking at Crowfeather angrily. Feeling sympathetic, he realizes he would be upset too if Brambleclaw loved a cat before Squirrelflight. They enter the cave and Stoneteller is angry to see them.

Stoneteller is furious with Talon and Night for leaving and for bringing all the cats back with them. He allows the cats to spend the night but insists they must leave in the morning - and that Stormfur and Brook must go with them. Lionpaw is upset that not only is Stoneteller refusing their help he won't even talk to them. The apprentices are sent to stay with the to be's while the warriors are kept elsewhere. The two groups of apprentices talk about the differences between them then settle down for the night.

Jaypaw enters Stoneteller's dreams. He listens as Stoneteller begs his ancestor for help and his is told there is none. The ancestor turns to leave and Jaypaw calls out, asking the cat to wait for him. The ancestor is shocked to see him and asks Jaypaw to follow him. He leads Jaypaw to the Tribe of Endless Hunting, who speak of the prophecy of Firestar's kin. Jaypaw begs the ancestors to accept his clanmates help but they refuse, saying that the tribe does not fight. He wakes up to Hollypaw telling him Stoneteller is calling a meeting. He tells the assembled cats that the Tribe of Endless Hunting wishes for them to accept the clan cats help. Jaypaw is shocked since he knows Stoneteller is lying. He is also dumbfounded that all the tribe cats accept Stoneteller's words on everything and never question him. Brambleclaw starts to lay out plans for marking borders and defending the territory but Crag is worried that the tribe will lose who they are. Amongst themselves, Hollypaw agrees with Crag but Lionpaw feels they have no choice. Hollypaw applies to Jaypaw but he tells her it is not his decision since it is not his traditions that are in jeopardy. Privately, he wonders where the tribe cats came from initially and how they came to be in the mountains.

Brambleclaw asks Lionpaw, Hollypaw, and Breezepaw to train the tribe's apprentices some battle moves. Lionpaw is disappointed that most of them are uninterested, though a few do show some interest. Brambleclaw then takes Lionpaw with him to mark the new border for the tribe. While out Lionpaw slips and is saved by Crowfeather. They then run into the rogues, and explain to them what they are doing. The rogues have no interest in borders and say so. A fight almost breaks out but Brambleclaw puts a stop to it. He warns the rouges that next time they cross the border things will not go as well. As they leave Lionpaw thinks to himself that the rogues will cross the border. As they continue on a group of rogue apprentices attack them. They fight them off easily and everyone speculates as to why the attack happened since it wasn't a serious fight. However, even though it wasn't serious the tribe cats walk away from it injured. Lionpaw thinks to himself that they really need to learn how to fight, but wonders if it will work since they seem to have already given up.

Hollypaw and Breezepaw train the tribe's apprentices some fighting moves, and Breezepaw even playfully attacks Hollypaw. Some cats are receptive, others are not. She worries, though, whether they are doing the right thing. She also talks more with the cats about the differences between their ways. For the tribe, Stoneteller almost never comes out of his cave unlike the clans where the leader actually does hunting and patrols. She does not mention the nine lives of Firestar since she isn't sure if Stoneteller receives them as well. As they finish practicing for the day Jaypaw comments on how they shouldn't bother helping the tribe when the tribe wants no help. Squirrelflight tells Jaypaw he is wrong but Hollypaw feels that there is too much fighting going on within the tribe as well as without.

Again, I don't really have much to say. As much as stuff is happening it is almost like nothing is happening at the same time. Jaypaw still isn't getting any answers - though it is interesting that the Tribe of Endless Hunting knows about the prophecy. And it is also interesting how Stoneteller does not seem to mind Jaypaw in his personal space. Last series that room was just for Stoneteller yet not only does Jaypaw walk in uninvited he also spends the night! But aside from all of this, I feel like mostly we are just waiting for the tribe to decide something. But, on a side note, it was nice to see Breezepaw acting like a normal apprentice around Hollypaw - and for Hollypaw to not be mad.

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