Thursday, October 11, 2018

the sight: part five

Hollypaw is shocked at Jaypaw's declaration. Firestar asks Leafpool if she is ready to take on a new apprentice so soon. Leafpool responds that she would be honored to train Jaypaw and Hollypaw feels as if Leafpool is hiding something. Jaypaw is upset at hurting Brightheart but insists he must become a medicine cat. Hollypaw feels as though this is not Jaypaw's choice. But something that is being forced upon him. Hollypaw realizes the other cats want her gone so she offers to get Brightheart. She tells Brightheart that Firestar wants her then rushes off before Brightheart can ask why. Everyone leaves Firestar's den and he tells Brackenfur that he is to be Hollypaw's new mentor. Brackenfur warns her she has some catching up to do and they head out to hunt. At first she misses her prey and is upset but the next time she catches it and is proud with herself.

Jaypaw is in the elder's den listening to Longtail and Mousefur argue. Longtail is trying to hint to Jaypaw that he is worried for Mousefur since she went stop coughing and isn't eating but Jaypaw can find nothing wrong with her. He leaves her with some herbs. Even though it has been a week he feels like nothing has changed from when he was Brightheart's apprentice and he is tired of handing out herbs. Leafpool arrives to find out how things are going. Jaypaw has a bad attitude about helping Mousefur so Leafpool sends him back to her den where they get into a fight over how he acts. He tells Leafpool she should be happy since he is a medicine cat just like she wanted but she responds she isn't happy and Jaypaw can feel this. That night all the medicine cats travel to the Moonpool. As Jaypaw waits for Leafpool by the camp entrance he senses Brightheart. He is upset he let her down and he knows how upset she is to lose him as an apprentice - so upset she wouldn't even let him explain. Leafpool catches him unaware and tells him that Brightheart needs time and that some cats have a harder time seeing past their weaknesses to see their strength. Jaypaw suspects she is also talking about him but refuses to acknowledge it. They meet up with the RiverClan and ShadowClan medicine cats and Jaypaw is shocked by how friendly Leafpool is with them. Willowpaw asks him where Hollypaw is and Jaypaw is rude to her. Littlecloud asks him how he likes being a medicine cat apprentice. He feels anxiety coming from Leafpool. Knowing she is worried he will say he hates it he lies and says he likes it. When Leafpool tells Littlecloud that Jaypaw has already memorized all the herbs Littlecloud is impressed. Barkface reaches them and the cats head to the Moonpool. Mothwing has Willowpaw go with Jaypaw to give him help and answer any questions. Jaypaw resents this since he already knows the way. As they walk she tries to talk to him. Before he can answer she grabs him and pulls him away. Jaypaw attacks her in return. Willowpaw says she was trying to save him from a rabbit hole. Jaypaw responds that he knew the rabbit hole was there and didn't need any help. Much to his anger, Leafpool makes him apologize. Willowpaw is upset and says she hopes Jaypaw falls in the next hole. Jaypaw listens in on the cats conversation and is paying so much attention to it he forgets to pay attention to his surroundings. He slips on the ice. Willowpaw lunges forward to help him but stops herself. As they reach the slope to go to the Moonpool Jaypaw can feel her anxiety for him but she never offers to help and Jaypaw's respect for her grows. As the cats sleep Jaypaw wonders if Willowpaw's dreams look the same as his. Suddenly he find himself in her dreams. She is speaking to Mudfur and Jaypaw wonders why Mudfur does not speak to Mothwing himself. He tries to find Mothwing's dream but struggles. Finally he does find it only to realize she is not with StarClan but instead is having a normal dream.

Jaypaw goes back to StarClan and finds Yellowfang waiting for him. She tells Jaypaw that while he does have a great gift he must use it wisely. He wants to know who dictates when and where he can use his gift. Yellowfang responds that he does, but not every gift is intended for every situation. Jaypaw is annoyed with her interference and Yellowfang decides to leave. Before she can go, Jaypaw asks her about Mothwing's dreams. Yellowfang tells him to figure it out for himself and leaves. He finds Barkface talking to Tallstar. Tallstar is warning him about an upcoming dog attack. Spottedleaf arrives and tells him this is not his dream and he was not given his gift so he could spy on other clans. Jaypaw asks why he was given his gift then but Leafpool wakes him before the other cat can answer. He asks Leafpool what she dreamed of but she tells him medicine cats do not discuss their dreams unless their is a reason to. Jaypaw decides that must mean he has to tell Firestar about the dog attack. As they leave Mothwing talks to him. He tries to sneakily ask her about sharing with StarClan but she changes the subject. She gives him advice on how to heal Stormfur's shoulder. After the other cats leave he tries to sneakily get information about Mothwing out of Leafpool, but she too evades his questions. He realizes she knows more then she is saying. Back at camp he excitedly tells Firestar about the dog attack, declaring that they can take some of WindClan's territory and become powerful. Firestar is wary and Sandstorm tries to ask him if maybe he misunderstood StarClan's message. He angrily tells them that they were not there and leaves, wondering what the point is of being a medicine cat if no one will listen to you.

Lionpaw wakes up to Whitewing crying out about a dog attack. At first everyone thinks they are coming to the ThunderClan camp, but Whitewing quickly explains it is WindClan who is under attack and that Thornclaw and Cloudtail have gone to investigate. Jaypaw triumphantly asks Firestar if he believes him now and Firestar retorts that this isn't about being right - cats could die. The clan debates back and forth but ultimately decide to help WindClan. Brambleclaw assembles some cats and Whitewing leads him to the fight. They arrive and Brambleclaw wants Ashfur and Lionpaw to lead the dogs into an ambush but Ashfur refuses. The two warriors stare at each other but Ashfur explains his reasoning and Brambleclaw accepts it. They join the fight with WindClan and drive the dogs off. Brambleclaw asks Crowfeather if they can come back to the camo with him to make sure things are okay and Crowfeather allows it. Back at the camp Onestar thanks ThunderClan for their help but not everyone is happy that ThunderClan came along. The cats head home and Lionpaw finds himself thinking of Heatherpaw.

I don't think I really have anything to say other then Jaypaw really is an unhappy cat. I understand him not wanting Willowpaw's help but he really does not seem to understand respecting other cats personal mental spaces and he is so bitter towards everyone.

As for Ashfur, his refusal to follow Brambleclaw's order did make sense, but Brambleclaw was clearly questioning just why Ashfur really refused.

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