Sunday, October 21, 2018

outcast: part one

The Tribe of Rushing Water argues with invaders over prey. But the Tribe is no match since they are not fighters. The invaders attack and The Tribe of Endless Hunting watches on, unable to help.

Jaypaw and Leafpool are out to collect herbs. Jaypaw wanders off to the stick, trying to reach out to Rock or the ancient cats. But they are silent. Leafpool interrupts him, annoyed that he isn't helping. Hazelpaw comes over, telling Jaypaw that today is the assessment for herself, Berrypaw, and Mousepaw. She is excited and doesn't notice Jawpaw's indifference to her news. As Jaypaw and Leafpool head back to camp Jaypaw finds himself wondering about the ancient cats. He startles a bird that Berrypaw was stalking, causing him and Berrypaw to exchange heated words. Back at camp Leafpool tries to get Jaypaw to tell her what is wrong but he insists that everything is fine. As he walks around the camp he overhears Hollypaw and Cinderpaw talk about their training session, and knows that Cinderpaw's leg is still bothering her. He thinks of all the kits in the clan now that Daisy has had another litter and Millie has moved into the nursery, pregnant with Graystripe's kits. He knows Firestar is proud of how large and strong his clan is, but worries about feeding them all. He hears Ashfur compliment Lionpaw over the prey he had caught, but Ashfur sounds off. Jaypaw can't read Ashfur but knows something is wrong there. He also knows that Lionpaw and Ashfur are not as close as they should be. As a border patrol is organized the apprentices and their mentors come back. As the mentors talk to Firestar about the assessment Berrypaw worries that Firestar will give him a name involving his missing tail. This causes Jaypaw to worry that Leafpool will give him a name based on his blindness. Firestar names the three cats warriors but as the clan cheers Jaypaw's mind goes back to the ancient cats and where they went.

Lionpaw is out on patrol with Ashfur and Berrynose. Ashfur and Berrynose walk ahead, whispering to each other. Between the loss of Heatherpaw and Berrynose's new attitude problem now that he has been made a warrior, Lionpaw is upset. After one comment too many from Berrypaw, Lionpaw finally snaps at Berrypaw that he is not his mentor. Later, while training, Tigerstar whispers hints to him so he can be an even better warrior, causing him to win his fights. Back at camp Ashfur has him work on the elder's den. Exhausted, Lionpaw gets to work. Icekit and Foxkit ask the elders for a story about Tigerstar. Longtail tells them that Tigerstar was a great warrior and that he wanted to he just like him. The kits are shocked since Tigerstar was evil. Longtail points out that he didn't know that at first. As he tells the kits about Tigerstar's treachery Lionpaw feels worried, since Tigerstar is training him in secret. But Longtail finishes his story by saying it was ultimately Tigerstar's ambition that killed him and if he had waited the power would have come to him eventually. Lionpaw feels better at this and leaves the elder's den.

Hollypaw brings food to Daisy. She goes to bring food to the elders too but Honeypaw stops her, having just fed them. Honeypaw admits to having feelings for Berrynose and Hollypaw is shocked since Berrynose has been acting like such a jerk. All of this leads to Hollypaw questioning whether or not she wants kits or can even have them. With the dream of becoming clan leader one day she is worried about her future. She decides to speak to Squirrelflight about being a warrior and a mother. At first Squirrelflight seems uneasy with Hollypaw's questions but then she relaxes and tells Hollypaw not to worry so about the future. Hollypaw feels frustrated since she feels Squirrelflight didn't really answer her questions. Later Firestar names mentors for Foxpaw and Icepaw. When Sandstorm gets named Hollypaw is relieved to realize she can have kits and be a good warrior - just like Sandstorm. Birchfall loudly complains about not being given an apprentice and Sandstorm puts him in his place. However, he and Berrynose go off together and Hollypaw wonders what has gotten into Birchfall lately. Hollypaw gets picked to go on patrol with Firestar and she is excited. They head towards the ShadowClan border where they see Berrynose and Birchfall in ShadowClan territory fighting with some warriors. Firestar puts a stop to the fighting, demanding to know what is going on. Russetfur tells Firestar that they caught Berrynose and Birchfall hunting in their territory. Berrynose insists they did not know they crossed the border but Firestar points out to him that it is clearly marked. Hollypaw realizes that Berrynose is furious that his clan leader isn't backing him up. Birchfall is very apologetic but Berrynose is angry. Blackstar arrives and at first he is angry with the ThunderClan cats, but then he confides in Firestar that he is not sure the new forest is for them. Hollypaw watches as Firestar and Blackstar act more like old friends then rivals. The clans part ways with Birchfall and Berrynose sent back to the camp to wait for Firestar and his judgment.

Hollypaw watches as Berrynose and Birchfall do apprentice duties as punishment. She goes off into the woods and runs into Jaypaw, who is trying to get into the collapsed tunnels. She tells him there is nothing down there but he confides in her that there are ancient cats who speak to him. He tells her that since the tunnels collapsed they have been silent and he is trying to find them. She doesn't quite understand his obsession but she agrees to keep his secret about the ancient cats. Later at warrior training, Brook tells the apprentices about life in the Tribe and Hollypaw finds herself wishing to visit there.

Okay, so any doubt in regards to my feelings on Ashfur now seem wrong. I have gone back and forth, one day believing in his guilt, the next his innocence. I am now completely convinced he is guilty. Some new warriors act as if they are better then the apprentices but usually it dies down and the older warriors protect the apprentices. Ashfur seems to be goading Berrynose until Lionpaw finally says something to him. I am completely convinced (without any real proof) that Ashfur is either influencing Berrynose's behavior or encouraging his bad behavior. And Berrynose is working on Birchfall! I cannot believe the two of them invaded ShadowClan like that! Birchfall at least seems to have come to his senses. He seemed to genuinely regret his behavior. Berrynose I am worried for because he is only angrier.
-And that was an interesting moment between Blackstar and Firestar. The two cats always clash so. It was nice to see the unguarded friendship side of their relationship. However, it was odd that Blackstar kicked up no real fuss about Berrynose and Birchfall. But I am going to chalk that up to the momentary bromance between him and Firestar.
-One final small note. One, I think it is foolish how Lionpaw is justifying his relationship with Tigerstar. Longtail's story (very honest Longtail, good for you!) did not undo Tigerstar's bad deeds even if it did focus on some of the good. Plus, Lionpaw always seems so angry. He really doesn't need a dead insane mentor on top of that.

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