Monday, October 8, 2018

the sight: part three

Lionpaw impatiently waits with his sister and some of the other apprentices. They are on their way to the Gathering but Firestar is waiting for Leafpool, who is sorting herbs. Jaypaw is being left behind as punishment for wandering off and almost drowning. Lionpaw goes over to Jaypaw to try and comfort him and Jaypaw hints the real reason he is staying behind is because Firestar doesn't want a blind apprentice at the Gathering. Lionpaw doesn't get to respond because it is time to go. Brambleclaw asks Firestar if he is going to mention how ShadowClan and WindClan keep excessively marking their borders. Firestar says no, for now they won't say anything. Ashfur backs him up. Lionpaw is both nervous and excited to go to his first Gathering. He is in awe of all the cats and comments that he will have to train twice as hard. Hollypaw tells him he should focus on how the other cats think. He thinks to himself that she sounds like a clan leader. He watches as Hollypaw and Willowpaw go off together and feels envious for his sister's connection to all the clans. Lionpaw sticks to Mousepaw and meets some apprentices, including Heatherpaw. Heatherpaw helped save Jaypaw and Lionpaw can't help but think she is beautiful. Onestar calls the meeting to start and the apprentices head towards the Great Oak. Firestar and Blackstar exchange words over the piece if land that Firestar granted him but before the meeting can go on strange cats are scented. WindClan attacks the cats but Firestar realizes one of the cats is Graystripe.

Hollypaw watches as Firestar greets his old friend. Graystripe has a cat named Millie with him. Someone voices the question of what about Brambleclaw now, and Hollypaw can't help thinking about it. Suddenly all the cats rush forward to greet Graystripe. Blackstar is openly hostile towards Millie. Leopardstar speaks of the truce but Blackstar responds the truce is for warriors. Firestar asks if the other leaders have anything to share. When they say no he calls his warriors to him so they can take Graystripe and Millie back to the camp. Breezepaw calls out, asking if ThunderClan has two deputies now. Hollypaw notices Ashfur paying attention. As they leave she wonders who is supposed to be the true deputy.

Hollypaw and her clan reach home. Cinderpaw stayed up to wait for everyone and at Graystripe's return she wakes Cloudtail. Soon everyone is awake and greeting Graystripe. He introduces Millie to the clan as his mate and Mousefur comments that she sees he is still breaking rules. He is surprised that Stormfur lives with ThunderClan now but no one comments on it. Jaypaw asks what is going on. Lionpaw tells him of Graystripe's return and Jaypaw comments that Millie had an infected wound. More questions are asked about who is deputy and Firestar says nothing is changing for now. Brambleclaw reports that there is no room in the warrior's den for Graystripe and Millie so a spot is made for them off to the side. Everyone gets to work settling in the new cats. Hollypaw tells Leafpool about Millie's infection. Leafpool is surprised that Jaypaw knew about it and says for now they should let the cats rest. The next morning Leafpool tells an excited Hollypaw that they will tend the cats at sun high. She sends Hollypaw off to fetch herbs. Before she goes Hollypaw tries to ask about the deputy problem but Leafpool tells her that is Firestar's problem, not theirs. Hollypaw gathers so herbs and excitedly heads back, but when she reaches Leafpool's den she finds out she gathered the wrong herbs. Hollypaw feels awful because she has such a hard time keeping the herbs straight. Leafpool tells her not to worry and they go to treat the cats. Millie's paw is infected and Leafpool tells Hollypaw to pull out the thorn. There is blood and pus coming from the wound and Hollypaw stalls. Leafpool does it herself while Hollypaw chews up the herbs for the wound. When they are done Graystripe comments that Cinderpelt would be proud of them but Hollypaw is fighting bile from rising in her throat. Leafpool takes Hollypaw for warrior training. Cloudtail and Cinderpaw are there. As they train Hollypaw shows herself to be a natural warrior. Leafpool gets distracted by Cinderpaw who is doing some of Cinderpelt's mannerisms. But she recovers from her shock and praises Hollypaw. At first Hollypaw is happy until she realizes Leafpool has never praised her like that for being a medicine cat.

Jaypaw hangs around the camp upset. He can feel Brightheart's frustration with him but doesn't care. He is tired of always doing chores and not learning how to hunt or fight. When he finally asks Brightheart when will he get to do those things she responds when he learns to take care of his clan without complaining. A patrol returns and Ashfur is angry that ShadowClan has been marking the border again. Graystripe wants to make a point but Brambleclaw points out that Firestar doesn't want to do anything about it yet. Ashfur makes a comment about how some cats will always try to take what another has and Jaypaw is feels his mother flinch. Firestar arrives and sides with Graystripe. Jaypaw can feel that his father is upset with Firestar's sudden change of mind. Firestar decides they should start making the border tree for tree. Brambleclaw asks Stormfur and Brook to, but Dustpelt embarrassedly points out that maybe someone else should do it. Stormfur looks about to object but Brook sides with Dustpelt. Firestar sends other cats. Jaypaw goes about his chores and overhears Brightheart admitting to Leafpool that she isn't making Jaypaw happy and does not know how to get through to him. While Jaypaw is in Leafpool's den getting moss Firestar comes to ask Leafpool to speak with StarClan about who their deputy should be. Leafpool agrees. Hollypaw arrives, finally getting the needed herbs correct. Leafpool tells Hollypaw that she needs to go to the Moonpool. She tells Hollypaw that Brightheart will help her while she is away. Jaypaw resolves to follow Leafpool. After quickly dropping off the moss at Graystripe's den he sneaks out of the camp, following Leafpool close enough to smell her but far enough that she won't see or hear him. He reaches the Moonpool and goes down. He hears other cats speaking and feels them pressing against him but he cannot scent them. He lays down near Leafpool and dreams. He can see all the cats milling around by the pool and realizes they are StarClan. He watches from above as Leafpool speaks to Bluestar, Lionheart, and Tallstar about the deputy problem. They tell Leafpool that the choice is Firestar's but hint that Brambleclaw is who they want. Leafpool calls out to Cinderpelt but she doesn't respond. Jaypaw finds an old battle scarred she cat staring at him. He wakes up to an angry Leafpool. As they talk Jaypaw tells Leafpool about actually being in her dream, even telling her what she dreamed of. She is shocked, telling him that he shouldn't have been able to do that. She is also surprised to find out he can actually see in his dreams. She presses him to tell her more about his dreams and he confesses to one where he is a kit walking through the snow. He asks if it is the Great Journey even though he knows he is too young. She tells him it is not, but that Squirrelflight gave birth to her litter outside of the camp and had to wait for the kits to be strong enough before going home. She tries to talk to him about becoming a medicine cat but he insists he is going to be a warrior and Hollypaw will be a medicine cat.

So, I actually feel like there really isn't much to talk about here. I kind of feel like everything is self explanatory.

Hollypaw's revulsion at Millie's paw, inability to memorize herbs, logic when discussing battles with Lionpaw, and her fighting skills all point at how she should be a warrior and not a medicine cat. As for Jaypaw, I feel his frustration, I really do - but Brightheart is also correct that he should be more willing to serve his clan. And he clearly should be a medicine cat, especially with his ability to enter people's dreams.

I feel like Brambleclaw is the deputy, no question about it. StarClan even sent the sign of brambles made of claws. And I never agreed with Graystripe being the deputy. The deputy needs to be a leader, not a best friend. Graystripe is not a leader.

And I keep going back and forth on Ashfur. One minute I think maybe I'm over-analyzing his behavior, the next I am seeing a hidden enemy. Is he just a loyal clan cat or is he seeking to undermine Brambleclaw? That comment about some cats always taking things that don't belong to them? Squirrelflight clearly felt like it was directed towards Brambleclaw and I agree with her. His standing with Firestar on not doing anything about ShadowClan when Brambleclaw wanted to act - then to turn around and want to act and have Brambleclaw tell him no. That seemed odd to me. Ashfur was completely fine with letting ShadowClan be but then two days later suddenly had an issue? Which led to him publicly disagreeing with Brambleclaw twice. Is he really just a loyal cat who suddenly got fed up? Or is he out to get Brambleclaw? I don't know but I do know the answer probably won't come this book. But I am dying to know who the traitor is.

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