Brambleclaw calls a halt to rest and hunt. Lionpaw feels impatient to keep going. Looking out over the fields he feels as if he is incredibly powerful and nothing could stop him. As the cats get ready to move on he feels embarrassed by his previous thoughts and hopes that Jaypaw wasn't eavesdropping on him. They head forward and listen as Brambleclaw tries to talk to the tribe cats about what they are doing to stop the invading cats. The tribe cats answers are frustrating to listen to since they do not believe in things like establishing borders or fighting. Lionpaw believes the tribe will be happy when they show up but Hollypaw points out to him that they probably won't be, using sneaking behind Firestar's back to ask another clan for help as an example. Lionpaw realizes what she means and Jaypaw asks what she would do. Hollypaw says they are going to make the tribe a clan but Jaypaw is not sure that is the correct answer either. That night as they rest Lionpaw overhears Crowfeather and Breezepaw arguing about helping the tribe cats. Breezepaw doesn't understand why they should. Crowfeather responds that Feathertail died for these cats and that Breezepaw will never understand loyalty. Lionpaw is confused by Crowfeather's response since Feathertail was a RiverClan cat. Brambleclaw wakes Lionpaw from his sleep. A strange cat has been scented nearby. They watch quietly and Squirrelflight is surprised to see it is Purdy.
Hollypaw and the other apprentices are surprised by how happy the warriors are to see Purdy. The apprentices are impatient to leave and head to the mountains but Purdy travels with them, making them go slower. As they pass a farm Purdy warns them to stay away from it, saying that dogs are there. Breezepaw and Lionpaw decide that Purdy doesn't really know what he is talking about and Hollypaw catches them sneaking off to the barn to hunt. Unable to talk them out of it, Hollypaw goes along with them but shortly after reaching the barn and hunting the dogs show up.
Three large dogs block the exit, causing Hollypaw and her friends to be trapped. Just as they begin to think they are goners Purdy shows up and saves them by showing them the way out. They race away with the dogs on their trail and escape to the other side of the fence to the angry warriors. Breezepaw argues that they were hungry and would have escaped the dogs on their own and Hollypaw is shocked by his attitude. Crowfeather doesn't even argue with his son and just turns his back on him, causing Hollypaw to think she would rather face Brambleclaw's disappointment then have him turn away from her. She wonders if Crowfeather even likes his son. Jaypaw is furious with his siblings, demanding to know what would happen to him if they died and Hollypaw feels even more guilty since she knows how much her brother depends on her. As they settle down that night Hollypaw catches a mouse to give to Purdy. She thanks him for saving them and curls up next to him to sleep.
Jaypaw dreams of Rock, who demands to know where the other two are. Jaypaw falls and is woken to the cats leaving. They tell Purdy goodbye and go to the mountains. The cats are in awe of them, Brook feels longing and fear for her home, and Jaypaw wishes he could see. They travel the rough terrain and Jaypaw has a hard time due to his lack of sight. As they travel Hollypaw accidentally warns the intruders they are in the mountains.
Though the intruders are aggressive, they let the clan and tribe cats pass. Hollypaw suspects it is because they were clearly outnumbered. As the warriors ask the tribe cats for more information Hollypaw is frustrated by the tribe cats answers of pacifism. Breezepaw almost falls off a ledge while showing off and Crowfeather, who is angry with him, has to save him. As they approach their destination an eagle's cry has the tribe cats tell them to hide. Hollypaw watches in amazement as suddenly tribe cats who had blended in with the stone attack the eagle and bring it down. Talon calls out a greeting to the cats.
So I don't really have much to say about this. I am glad their journey through the mountains was so quick. The previous series I always felt everything took so long. It was very frustrating. I do wonder how long they will be here in the mountains. I also wonder why Crowfeather and Breezepaw do not get along. I wonder if it is because they are too much alike? Or because Crowfeather still has feelings for Leafpool which make it hard for him to connect to his son? I doubt this question will ever be answered, though, since this is a WindClan problem.
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