Monday, October 15, 2018

dark river: part one

Fallen Leaves is escorted to a cave by his kin. Only chosen cats are allowed to go here, and there is a sense of ominousness as some cats fear his failure and others fear the possibility of rain. He walks in darkness finding an underground river and an old cat - blind, bald, claws twisted - sitting on a high ledge. This cat, named Rock, makes a mark on a stick and sends Fallen Leaves on his way with his blessing. Fallen Leaves must pick a tunnel. Vowing he won't die, he does. Rock suddenly asks if it is raining and Fallen Leaves tells him no. He walks into his chosen tunnel, determined to emerge a sharpclaw.

Lionpaw, Hollypaw, and Jaypaw play that they are defending their camp from ShadowClan warriors. Squirrelflight makes them stop, reminding them the Gathering is that night. This will be Jaypaw's first Gathering, and Lionpaw is annoyed he isn't more excited. Hollypaw worries what will happen if Millie comes, but everyone silences her fears. The cats leave. Hollypaw tries to talk to Lionpaw, but all he can think of is Heatherpaw. They cross the tree bridge - Jaypaw doing fine - and find everyone is there but RiverClan. Jaypaw smells RiverClan, but something smells off. Lionpaw cannot scent a difference. Whitetail, a WindClan warrior, affectionately greets Millie as "kittypet" making Hollypaw realize that maybe things really have smoothed over. But Tornear and Russetfur are not so pleased with the signs of friendship between the two cats. Jaypaw accuses Lionpaw of being disappointed. He denies it but Hollypaw accuses him of wanting to see Heatherpaw. He defends his friendship with the WindClan cat, pointing out that Hollypaw wishes to see Willowpaw, but Hollypaw insists it is not the same. Heatherpaw arrives and is happy to see Jaypaw. Lionpaw feels jealous but Jaypaw quickly snaps at a flustered Heatherpaw and Leafpool calls him away. RiverClan arrives and Lionpaw realizes Jaypaw is right - something is wrong. Willowpaw comes over to greet Hollypaw, telling her she cannot stay and talk. Hollypaw tries to find out what is going on but Crowfeather comes over and breaks up their gathering and the leaders call to everyone. Blackstar speaks of Tawnypelt having kits. She named one of them Tigerkit, much to everyone's shock. Lionpaw wonders at having kin in another clan and Hollypaw looks worried. The Gathering breaks up and Leafpool mentions that she noticed Tawnypelt was pregnant at the last one. Squirrelflight asks why she said nothing and, overhearing, Rowanclaw says it was because it is none of her business. He pointedly says that Tawnypelt now has three healthy clanborn kits. Squirrelflight points out that it only matters if they are loyal to their clan. Breezepaw interrupts and says Rowanclaw is only speaking the truth. Crowfeather, while looking right at Leafpool, reminds his son that ThunderClan celebrates mixed blood. Hurt, Leafpool turns away. ThunderClan goes to leave but Heatherpaw chases Lionpaw down. She tells him to forget what her clan said, and that she wishes to meet with him the next night in secret. Feeling guilty that he might be betraying his clan, Lionpaw agrees.

Hollypaw dreams of Willowpaw. She is trying to ask her what is wrong but she cannot seem to catch her. She wakes up and finds Lionpaw soaking wet. It is raining outside, but their den is dry. After sharing breakfast with Cinderpaw, they go about their duties. Brackenfur takes Hollypaw hunting. She tries to ask what will happen if she ever has to fight Tawnypelt's kits in battle, wondering if her blood connection is more important then clan loyalty, but to Brackenfur the answer is simple and he silences her. Hollypaw makes it back to camp to find Lionpaw still asleep. He is short with her and she wonders what is wrong with him. She seeks out Jaypaw, wondering if he knows what is going on but he is uninterested in Lionpaw's problems. She tries instead to talk about Willowpaw, pointing out that Willowpaw is probably worried Jaypaw doesn't like her. He irritably responds he doesn't have to like every cat he meets. She points out RiverClan's odd behavior at the Gathering and he agrees to try and find something out the next time they meet at the Moonpool. Brackenfur and Cloudtail take her and Cinderpaw training. While out Cinderpaw makes observations about fox scents that she shouldn't know. Hollypaw notices that sometimes Cinderpaw knows things she should not. Later, Hollypaw wakes up to find Lionpaw missing again. Poppypaw seems suspicious but Cinderpaw helps her cover up his absence. Hollypaw sneaks off to find Lionpaw and Cinderpaw follows her. They find Lionpaw and Heatherpaw playing together. Hollypaw confronts her brother and they fight. He accuses her of spying. Heatherpaw leaves and Hollypaw tells him if he does not stop seeing Heatherpaw she will have to tell Brambleclaw. He accuses her of thinking him disloyal. She denies it, but tells him he cannot be loyal to his clan when he heart belongs to another. Angry, he races home without her and Cinderpaw.

The medicine cats walk to the Moonpool. Jaypaw walks alone, with Willowpaw and Kestrelpaw behind him. He keeps slowing down so they can catch up but as soon as he does Willowpaw slows down and Kestrelpaw matches her pace. Jaypaw tries to delve into Mothwing's mind but as always it is blank. He tries to look in Willowpaw's but it is as if he mind is wrapped in brambles. They reach the Moonpool and Jaypaw hears the wind welcome them - but none of the other cats hear it. The Moonpool has flooded so they sleep in different spots then usual. Jaypaw enters Willowpaw's chaotic dream. They are swimming in the water, Willowpaw with her mouth full of herbs. Jaypaw is scrambling to stay afloat. They are on shore and Mudfur tells her to abandon her herbs. She must go before her clan is destroyed. Before Jaypaw can find out any more Yellowfang finds him and prevents him from spying more. As they talk Jaypaw realizes she cannot stop him from entering other cats dreams. She tells him that before he uses his powers he should find out why he has them. The cats wake up. Jaypaw admits to Leafpool that he dreamed of RiverClan. A frantic Willowpaw wakes up and tells Mothwing they must leave immediately. Back at camp Leafpool realizes that Jaypaw was spying on Willowpaw's dreams. She is upset but says they must give this news to Firestar. They report to him but since Jaypaw has no real information Firestar feels there is nothing to do - RiverClan's problem is RiverClan's. He also says he has not forgotten that Jaypaw wanted to attack WindClan. Jaypaw insists he said nothing about attacking RiverClan, just helping, but secretly he figures this way RiverClan will owe them a favor. Leafpool is upset but feels there is nothing she can do about Fireheart's decision, but Firestar is refusing to help, saying he is tired of the other clans being mad at him for interfering. They leave his den. Hollypaw asks Jaypaw if he found anything out. He tells her that he doesn't know what is wrong but there is a problem with RiverClan. She is upset when he also tells her that Firestar intends to do nothing about it. He debates telling her about the prophecy involving them but decides against it for now.

The next day Leafpool and Jaypaw go to collect herbs. While they are out Jaypaw finds a stick with odd marks on it. He wants to bring the stick home but Leafpool tells him he cannot carry it and the herbs so he hides the stick so the water will not wash it away. He feels it is wrong to leave the stick and cannot understand why.

So I was wondering if these cats from the prologue were in the past or the present, but now I feel it must be the past. The stick Jaypaw found is clearly Rock's stick. I wonder who these tribal or clan cats were and where they are now. And, why was it such an issue that it was going to rain when Fallen Leaves was entering the caves? Did he survive his ordeal or did he die?

But, onto what is probably more important for the present, what is going on in RiverClan? While I do understand Firestar's refusal to help it is so unlike him. And Lionpaw is asking for trouble falling in love with a WindClan cat. Then there are Crowfeather's comments at the Gathering, which were completely unasked for - especially considering he has fallen desperately in love with two different cats outside his clan. We shall have to see...

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