Thursday, October 4, 2018

sunset: part four

Firestar tells Brambleclaw that Dustpelt has reported Twolegs sleeping in woods. He wants Brambleclaw to scout out ShadowClan and RiverClan territory to make sure everything is quiet and Blackstar isn't going to use this as an excuse to expand his lands. Bramblelaw is proud to be picked for such an important mission and sets off. He makes it through ShadowClan territory no problem but as he approaches RiverClan he sees Brook accidentally chase prey into ShadowClan territory and kill it. Hawkfrost witnessed it and refuses to give Brook or Stormfur a chance to explain. Stormfur tries to tell Hawkfrost that next time Brook will be more careful but Hawkfrost implies there might not be a next time. Brambleclaw is shocked to see how much his brother sounds and acts like Tigerstar. Hawkfrost demands the cats go to see Leopardstar at once. Brambleclaw follows and climbs a tree to watch what happens next. He watches as Hawkfrost works the clan up against Stormfur and Brook, goading Stormfur into attacking him, leading to their banishment. Brambleclaw feels a mixture of upset on his friends behalf and admiration for Hawkfrost's cunning - but he does question as to whether or not this actually follows the warrior code. He follows Stormfur and Brook, who tell him they cannot return to the tribe, and convinces them to return to ThunderClan. As they walk Brambleclaw tells Stormfur that Hawkfrost was right - he should not have attacked. Stormfur admits that this is true, but Hawkfrost should not have goaded him. He then warns Brambleclaw to be careful with the path he is walking. Brambleclaw tries to sort out if Hawkfrost's actions were right or not.

Brambleclaw returns to camp but when Firestar realizes he brought Stormfur and Brook with him he says Brambleclaw's report can wait. Dustpelt is unhappy that the tribe cats are back and the next day he and Mousefur call a clan meeting, Between Daisy and her kits and now Stormfur and Brook the cats are worried about what their clan is turning into. After much back and forth Firestar says that what matters is not blood, but loyalty to the clan and ends the discussion. The cats are upset with Firestar's abrupt ending of the meeting and Brambleclaw follows him to talk to him. He tells Firestar that what the cats are really upset about is looking weak in front of the other clans. Even though he can hear Tigerstar howling no at him, Brambleclaw puts the clan first and tells Firestar that he must appoint a new deputy.

Upset over the clan meeting Leafpool returns to her den but Firestar seeks her out. He asks what he should do about Graystripe. Between Leafpool and Stormfur's words Fireheart reaches a decision. He calls a clan meeting to let the cats know that Graystripe will be mourned that night and a new deputy appointed at moon high. The clan speaks of their remembrances of Graystripe, finally able to put him to rest. As they sit for Graystripe, Leafpool asks StarClan for a sign. She sees their camp, but instead of cliffs it is surrounded by brambles. As she looks closer she realizes the brambles are claws, and they are extended outward. She realizes StarClan is trying to tell her that Brambleclaw will keep the clan safe. When she wakes up she realizes that even though he carries Tigerstar's blood, even though he never had an apprentice, even though he is visiting with his father - and StarClan must know this - he is the cat they want to be deputy. She seeks out her father who is trying to decide on a cat. He was leaning towards Brackenfur but wasn't full happy with his choice. Leafpool tells him of her dream and they go to announce his choice. Firestar's announcement of Brambleclaw shocks everyone - including Brambleclaw who blurts out that he has never had an apprentice. The cats are upset since this goes against the warrior code - with Dustpelt and Mousefur voicing this - but when Leafpool speaks of her dream they accept StarClan's will. Ashfur, however, does not. He implies that Leafpool fakes the dream because Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw are in love. Squirrelflight is so angry she actually attack Ashfu. Brambleclaw breaks them up and Firestar asks if anyone else objects. Spiderleg looks like he wants to but keeps quiet. As the cats congratulate Brambleclaw, Leafpool can see Tigerstar is also there.

Brambleclaw races through the forest, bursting with his news. Hawkfrost is already with Tigerstar, and before Brambleclaw can tell his father what happened Tigerstar says he knows and congratulates him. Tigerstar is upset that Brambleclaw almost spoiled his chances by pointing out he had never had an apprentice but since he became deputy anyway he acknowledges it was probably for the best so no one could accuse Brambleclaw of becoming deputy unfairly. Hawkfrost is upset that he still isn't deputy but Tigerstar reminds him that his time will come once again. Tigerstar begins to talk of his sons ruling the forest and Brambleclaw is shocked. Tigerstar lays out his plan for Hawkfrost to take over ShadowClan and RiverClan and Brambleclaw to take over WindClan and ThunderClan.  He briefly gets caught up in Tigerstar's vision. Hawkfrost talks of making friends in the other clans so they will support his bid for power. Brambleclaw thinks of how he already has friends in WindClan, and how they would feel betrayed if he took over. Brambleclaw tries to pretend he agrees without actually agreeing so he can think, but when Hawkfrost talks of killing the leaders at the Gathering so they can rule he cannot believe his ears. Hawkfrost tells Brambleclaw to calm down, that these are just suggestions. He says maybe they should meet in two days to discuss what they want to do. He makes sure Brambleclaw promises to meet him. Brambleclaw wakes up to the life of a deputy. As he tries to figure it out he worries what will happen if anyone finds out he has been meeting with Hawkfrost and Tigerclaw. He tries to assure himself that he is not going to actually kill anyone, he just wants to make his clan strong.

Leafpool sets off for the Moonpool feeling uneasy. She is worried about Brambleclaw being deputy. Willowpaw is introduced to StarClan and then the cats dream. Spottedleaf comes to Leafpool, and seeing the three stars again Leafpool asks after them. But Spottedleaf will not answer her questions now. She asks after Cinderpelt again and Spottedleaf takes her to the nursery where Cinderkit is sleeping with her mother, Sorreltail. Leafpool is shocked to realize Cinderkit is Cinderpelt. They then go to Willowpaw, who receives a vision of storm clouds. When Leafpool wakes up she finds Mothwing upset, wrestling with how she can train an apprentice when she doesn't believe in StarClan. She confesses to Leafpool the truth of the moth wing and Leafpool tells her she already knew, that Spottedleaf told her. Mothwing wishes to believe but cannot. As the other cats wake up Leafpool realizes that only she and Willowpaw had the storm cloud dream, meaning the danger is just for their clans. She knows that the danger is Hawkfrost.

Okay, so Brambleclaw is an idiot who has been deluding himself and Hawkfrost is totally going to try and kill him. I mean, really. You are accepting training from a cat who thought it was okay to kill anyone who stood in his way and then you are shocked that that is the advice he offers you? I get wanting to see the best in some people, but some people have no best. And where Hawkfrost once just wanted to do what was best for his clan he has now become Tigerstar's mini me. I thought this book was going to end with a huge fight to defeat Hawkfrost but I really don't see how that is going to happen in the next twenty pages. But now I am 100% convinced he has been meeting with Tigerstar behind Brambleclaw's back all along.

As always, I feel so bad for Mothwing. She so wants to believe and can't.

Wat is up with Stormfur and Brook? Why can't they go home? I hope they stay for good. Also, where the hell is Graystripe?

But Ashfur! I cannot believe he implied Leafpool was lying for her sister! I am actually worried about him and the path he could find himself following... However, this is the last book so maybe my fears are unjustified...?

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