Tuesday, October 30, 2018

warrior's refuge

Millie shows Graystripe where the Highstones are in the distance. Graystripe is excited, realizing that they cannot be far from home now. Millie is scared of the terrain. They have to cross busy thunder paths, and when they wind up on a farm a huge monster chases them. They get separated. Graystripe sees a barn in the distance and runs there, hoping there are cats that can help him. The cats attack him, insisting that this is their territory and he needs to leave it. He begs them for help and finally they agree. There is a nursing queen there who is unhappy with this decision. They find Millie, who is hurt, and run back to the safety of the barn. At first the one cat, Husker, insists they must leave at nightfall but his mate, Moss, insists they must stay until Millie is better. The remaining cat is Moss's brother Splash. Husker, Moss, and Splash tell Graystripe and Millie that they used to live in the house as the owners kittypets but one day their owners died and the house was sold. The new owners brought dogs and now the cats are reduced to living in the barn. Graystripe thinks of Ravenpaw and Barley and their happy life, and doesn't understand why these cats are complaining so much. The next day Graystripe understands just how bad the situation is. He tries to hunt a mouse and is attacked by a twoleg first, then their dogs. He runs back to the safety of the barn.

They stay while Millie recovers. One day Graystripe is out hunting when the dogs corner him. Millie jumps in to save him and speaks to the dogs, telling them to go away and they do. Back at the barn Graystripe tells everyone what Millie did. She offers to teach them how to speak some words in dog and they agree.

Graystripe worried that practice might not be enough to help these cats. One day the dogs come into the barn and Splash speaks to them, telling them to leave and they listen. Graystripe realizes that things might be okay in the end. He tells the cats that they have a good life and Moss agrees, telling him that she is not sure she would ever want to live in a house again. Splash asks her for help with the twolegs, but Millie has no help to offer there. One day Graystripe and Millie are out when they see a twoleg kit playing near the water. They cannot see her parents anywhere and worry she will fall in. Graystripe decides to distract the kit by acting cute. Her parents come along and at first they try to shoo Graystripe away. Then they realize their daughter is about to fall in the water. Their daughter sees Graystripe and starts petting him and Millie. The twolegs realizes that Graystripe has saved their daughter. They come over to pet the cats too but Graystripe runs away, the memory of living with twolegs still too fresh. Back at the barn Millie tells the other cats what happened but as Graystripe listens he realizes he wants to go home more then ever.

Worried, Graystripe asks Millie if she wants to go home to her twolegs. She takes a while to answer, but finally she tells Graystripe her place is with him. One day while outside one of the twolegs hits a ball at Graystripe and Millie. Their parent tells at them and tells them to be good to the cats. Realizing an opportunity, Graystripe and Millie lead the twolegs back to the barn. Graystripe convinces Moss to show them the kits. Husker is upset at first, but then he realizes they can all live together in peace. Graystripe and Millie leave, heading for the forest. Graystripe thinks they are at the right place, but he cannot tell for sure since the land is so changed. They find Graystripe's home, but it is completely destroyed and the clans are all gone.

I feel a bit bad for Graystripe here. Going home, finding the forest destroyed and his clan gone. Not knowing where to go or how to find them. Feeling like he doesn't really have a place in this world until he finds his clan. (Of course, you are supposed to feel that way!) But he did find his way home and they did leave the barn cats in a better place then they found them. So there is that.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

the lost warrior

Graystripe watches on, seeing his home destroyed by Twoleg monsters. He leads an attack to rescue his clanmates - resulting in getting caught.

Graystripe remembers the first time he met Firestar, and how they became best friends almost immediately. He remembers the prophecy about fire saving their clan. Suddenly Firestar isn't there anymore. Graystripe looks and looks but he is gone. He wakes up inside a twoleg nest. He longs for the forest, but as the days go by he slowly becomes accustomed to his kittypet life. This upsets him even more and he feels so lost. He manages to sneak out one day but he has lost his sense of direction, and the sights and sounds are overwhelming. Scared, he runs back into nest.

He keeps sneaking out, trying to learn the terrain and the dangers. He catches himself chasing a butterfly one day, like a kit, and is upset with himself. He runs into a kittypet named Duke who beats him in battle. He feels even worse, wondering if he is losing his warrior skills. He meets Millie right after his fight with Duke. She takes him back home, much to his embarrassment since he couldn't find his own way. He dreams of Silverstream and Feathertail, who tell him that they will always be with him.

He goes looking for Millie again but cannot find her. A few days later she finds him, telling him that she was away on vacation with her Twolegs. She takes him to a surprise, which is a patch of trees. There he teaches her how to catch her own prey and how to fight. One day Duke and some other cats show up, looking to drive Graystripe and Millie out of the trees. On Graystripe's insistence they stand their ground and defeat Duke and his friends. Duke runs off, shocked that Graystripe would use attacks that could kill. Millie tells Graystripe that he should go back to his clan, where he will be happy. Angry he tells her that is not an option and leaves.

That night he dreams of Silverstream who tells him to take Millie and go back to ThunderClan. He asks Millie to go with him but she is unsure so he leaves alone. Millie goes back home, wondering if she made the right choice. Graystripe wanders for days and ends up sick and hiding. He dreams of StarClan and his friends, asking them where they have gone. Millie finds him and calls out to him, but when he wakes up he mistakes her for Silverstream. Millie cares for him and he gets better. She tells him she is leaving with him. She asks him who Silverstream is. Graystripe admits that she is his mate and that he still loves her, but she is with StarClan now, and Millie is here with him. Together they leave Twoleg Place and head for the unknown.

So I will admit that from day one Graystripe has never been my favorite. That is not to say that I hate his character - that is certainly not true - just that there are many characters that I like more then him. I enjoyed this story, which surprised me. Graystripe is far moodier and brooding then I ever imagined him to be, but that is actually a good thing. It adds extra dimension to his character and allows him to grow outside of Firestar's shadow, which is a good thing. And I can feel for Graystripe in this story. His longing to go home, unable to find the forest, the knowledge that it probably isn't there anymore, the fear of no longer being a warrior - all of this is understandable and almost crushing to live with. Yet despite it all he tries to find happiness with his situation, discovers Millie, and resolves to return home. Overall I really enjoyed this story and look forward to the next one.

Friday, October 26, 2018

outcast: part six

Unable to sleep, Jaypaw sneaks into the Cave of Pointed Stones. In there Stoneteller greets him and tells him about the signs he has received from his ancestors. Jaypaw asks where the tribe cats came from but Stoneteller does not know, it was so long ago. Jaypaw settles down to sleep and dreams of Rock, who tells him to be careful since these are not his warrior ancestors. As Rock fades away Jaypaw feels frustrated with the lack of answers he is receiving from everyone. When he wakes he finds out there was a fight. The prey hunters were attacked and their prey stolen. Jaypaw helps Stoneteller care for the injured cats but he is frustrated. Hollypaw asks how she can help but he responds that the tribe cats must learn how to start helping themselves.

Stoneteller motions to Brambleclaw and Lionpaw follows, eager to find out what is going on. Stoneteller admits that maybe it is time to leave the mountains for good. Lionpaw knows that the clan cats will never accept them and wonders where they will go. Brambleclaw urges Stoneteller to try borders and patrols. He invites Stoneteller with them to see the border they made. At first Stoneteller says he does not leave the caves, then he changes his mind and goes with the cats. As they walk to border Stoneteller is clearly unhappy but accepts it. Pebble shows Lionpaw how they roll in the mud to blend in with the stones and after doing it he playfully knocks Breezepaw into the mud too. When they get back Stoneteller calls a meeting. Brambleclaw says that they must go to the rogues and establish boundaries. The tribe cats are unconvinced that this will work but Stoneteller allows it. He also adds that if it does not then maybe the tribe will have to leave. The next day the selected cats look the for the rogues while others stay behind to guard the cave. Hollypaw finds the area that the camp is in and they settle down to wait. When the rogues arrive Crag tries to speak to them about territory but the rogues are uninterested, saying that the prey belongs to whoever can take it and that this is about survival and death, and the rogues have no intention of being the dead ones.

Hollypaw is devastated. She has built her entire life around the warrior code and now feels it means nothing since the rogues have no intention of following it. She is also frustrated that even the tribe cats don't seem to understand it. Some of the cats want to fight but Brambleclaw points out to Crag that this is a bad idea right now since they are outnumbered. As they head back to the cave they see the rogues taking prey from territory that is clearly marked as belonging to the tribe. Again they confront the cats and again the rogues don't care. Back at the cave the news that the rogues are not respecting the borders upsets everyone. Stoneteller tells Brambleclaw that all the work they did was a waste. Brambleclaw says they must fight for their land. Furious, Stoneteller tells his tribe that they must vote on what to do. He claims the Tribe of Endless Hunting does not wish him to influence their choice but Jaypaw tells Hollypaw that Stoneteller is lying and can claim anything about their ancestors. Hollypaw is shocked at the idea of someone lying about the ancestors messages. As the cats vote Stormfur and Brook stand with the cats who wish to fight, though whether they get a vote or not is not clear. In the end, much to Stoneteller's dismay, the cats who wish to fight win the vote. The next day as they get ready to leave Jaypaw seeks out Hollypaw and Lionpaw to tell them to be careful, that they must survive the battle.

When they approach the rogues home a plan is quickly devised to send the apprentices in through a hole in the roof. They will startle the cats, causing them to run outside to all the warriors who are waiting for them. Pebble leads the apprentices through the hole and they quickly startle all the cats. Their plan works and the rogues tush out to be met by the warriors. The battle is quick. Lionpaw fights like a warrior and never gets hurt. As he looks for another cat to fight Brambleclaw tells him the battle is over. As the clan and tribe cats look at Lionpaw he notices they are both impressed and a little afraid. Crag tells him that he fought well and will always be remembered. Hollypaw sees him and is horrified, wanting to know how badly hurt he is since he is covered in blood. The rogues approach the cats and agree to the borders and peace. The clan and tribe cats return to the cave. 

Jaypaw tries to sleep but cannot so he goes to visit Stoneteller. Stoneteller is upset with how things have turned out but there is nothing he can do when the Tribe of Endless Hunting will not speak to him. Rock appears to Jaypaw to tell him that the cats have won and now the clan cats must go home. Jaypaw is happy and hopes that the Tribe of Endless hinting will help the tribe cats now. But Rock is displeased. The Tribe of Endless Hunting did not ask StarClan for help. Rock feels that the clan cats should not have come. He also feels that the tribe is not a clan - the borders will not hold for forever when the tribe does not truly know or understand how to fight, and nor should they. Jaypaw asks Rock if the tribe cats are the cats from the lake. Rock is surprised that Jaypaw figured it out. He tells Jaypaw that the tribe cats turned their backs on many of their traditions when they came to the mountains and that they wanted peace. Jaypaw asks if the prophecy comes from back then and Rock confirms it. He then tells Jaypaw that he must tell his siblings about the prophecy, that they deserve to know since it involves them. Hollypaw rushes into the cave looking for Jaypaw so he can check over Lionpaw. But Lionpaw is completely fine and Hollypaw admits he fought like a whole clan of cats. Hollypaw admits she does not think the borders will hold and Jaypaw is reminded of Rock warning the same thing. Jaypaw admits that neither the Tribe of Endless Hunting or StarClan wanted them there, but they came anyway to help the tribe and because they needed answers. Hollypaw and Lionpaw are confused but Jaypaw explains that the three of them had to come to the mountains so events unfolded so they could and he begins to tell them of the prophecy.

This is a bit of a sad end. Clearly the tribe's fight is not over yet. However, somehow, the tribe is tied into the prophecy so I hope we will see them again. And I hope that everyone's relationship with one another is explained better. And now that Hollypaw and Lionpaw have been told about the prophecy maybe the story line will move forward. I do feel like it is possible that Lionpaw's power is his ability to fight. But I still do not see what Hollypaw's power is - an obsession with the warrior code is not a power. If anything it is actually kind of negative. She obsesses over it too much and when there is no clear answer she feels panic and despair. When everything is so black and white with no room for gray, that is not necessarily a good thing.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

outcast: part five

The tribe cats are startled to find Lionpaw's group. They are even more surprised to find Stormfur and Brook since they are supposed to be dead. Brook tells the cats that Talon and Night came to find them, saying that their help was needed. Lionpaw expects thanks, but instead the tribe cats exchange uncertain looks. They head to the tribe's cave. Brambleclaw has to carry Jaypaw for part of it, much to Jaypaw's anger. Crowfeather goes off and Lionpaw asks Tawnypelt what he is doing. She explains that he is visiting Feathertail's grave, and that he loved the she cat. Lionpaw sees Breezepaw looking at Crowfeather angrily. Feeling sympathetic, he realizes he would be upset too if Brambleclaw loved a cat before Squirrelflight. They enter the cave and Stoneteller is angry to see them.

Stoneteller is furious with Talon and Night for leaving and for bringing all the cats back with them. He allows the cats to spend the night but insists they must leave in the morning - and that Stormfur and Brook must go with them. Lionpaw is upset that not only is Stoneteller refusing their help he won't even talk to them. The apprentices are sent to stay with the to be's while the warriors are kept elsewhere. The two groups of apprentices talk about the differences between them then settle down for the night.

Jaypaw enters Stoneteller's dreams. He listens as Stoneteller begs his ancestor for help and his is told there is none. The ancestor turns to leave and Jaypaw calls out, asking the cat to wait for him. The ancestor is shocked to see him and asks Jaypaw to follow him. He leads Jaypaw to the Tribe of Endless Hunting, who speak of the prophecy of Firestar's kin. Jaypaw begs the ancestors to accept his clanmates help but they refuse, saying that the tribe does not fight. He wakes up to Hollypaw telling him Stoneteller is calling a meeting. He tells the assembled cats that the Tribe of Endless Hunting wishes for them to accept the clan cats help. Jaypaw is shocked since he knows Stoneteller is lying. He is also dumbfounded that all the tribe cats accept Stoneteller's words on everything and never question him. Brambleclaw starts to lay out plans for marking borders and defending the territory but Crag is worried that the tribe will lose who they are. Amongst themselves, Hollypaw agrees with Crag but Lionpaw feels they have no choice. Hollypaw applies to Jaypaw but he tells her it is not his decision since it is not his traditions that are in jeopardy. Privately, he wonders where the tribe cats came from initially and how they came to be in the mountains.

Brambleclaw asks Lionpaw, Hollypaw, and Breezepaw to train the tribe's apprentices some battle moves. Lionpaw is disappointed that most of them are uninterested, though a few do show some interest. Brambleclaw then takes Lionpaw with him to mark the new border for the tribe. While out Lionpaw slips and is saved by Crowfeather. They then run into the rogues, and explain to them what they are doing. The rogues have no interest in borders and say so. A fight almost breaks out but Brambleclaw puts a stop to it. He warns the rouges that next time they cross the border things will not go as well. As they leave Lionpaw thinks to himself that the rogues will cross the border. As they continue on a group of rogue apprentices attack them. They fight them off easily and everyone speculates as to why the attack happened since it wasn't a serious fight. However, even though it wasn't serious the tribe cats walk away from it injured. Lionpaw thinks to himself that they really need to learn how to fight, but wonders if it will work since they seem to have already given up.

Hollypaw and Breezepaw train the tribe's apprentices some fighting moves, and Breezepaw even playfully attacks Hollypaw. Some cats are receptive, others are not. She worries, though, whether they are doing the right thing. She also talks more with the cats about the differences between their ways. For the tribe, Stoneteller almost never comes out of his cave unlike the clans where the leader actually does hunting and patrols. She does not mention the nine lives of Firestar since she isn't sure if Stoneteller receives them as well. As they finish practicing for the day Jaypaw comments on how they shouldn't bother helping the tribe when the tribe wants no help. Squirrelflight tells Jaypaw he is wrong but Hollypaw feels that there is too much fighting going on within the tribe as well as without.

Again, I don't really have much to say. As much as stuff is happening it is almost like nothing is happening at the same time. Jaypaw still isn't getting any answers - though it is interesting that the Tribe of Endless Hunting knows about the prophecy. And it is also interesting how Stoneteller does not seem to mind Jaypaw in his personal space. Last series that room was just for Stoneteller yet not only does Jaypaw walk in uninvited he also spends the night! But aside from all of this, I feel like mostly we are just waiting for the tribe to decide something. But, on a side note, it was nice to see Breezepaw acting like a normal apprentice around Hollypaw - and for Hollypaw to not be mad.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

outcast: part four

Brambleclaw calls a halt to rest and hunt. Lionpaw feels impatient to keep going. Looking out over the fields he feels as if he is incredibly powerful and nothing could stop him. As the cats get ready to move on he feels embarrassed by his previous thoughts and hopes that Jaypaw wasn't eavesdropping on him. They head forward and listen as Brambleclaw tries to talk to the tribe cats about what they are doing to stop the invading cats. The tribe cats answers are frustrating to listen to since they do not believe in things like establishing borders or fighting. Lionpaw believes the tribe will be happy when they show up but Hollypaw points out to him that they probably won't be, using sneaking behind Firestar's back to ask another clan for help as an example. Lionpaw realizes what she means and Jaypaw asks what she would do. Hollypaw says they are going to make the tribe a clan but Jaypaw is not sure that is the correct answer either. That night as they rest Lionpaw overhears Crowfeather and Breezepaw arguing about helping the tribe cats. Breezepaw doesn't understand why they should. Crowfeather responds that Feathertail died for these cats and that Breezepaw will never understand loyalty. Lionpaw is confused by Crowfeather's response since Feathertail was a RiverClan cat. Brambleclaw wakes Lionpaw from his sleep. A strange cat has been scented nearby. They watch quietly and Squirrelflight is surprised to see it is Purdy.

Hollypaw and the other apprentices are surprised by how happy the warriors are to see Purdy. The apprentices are impatient to leave and head to the mountains but Purdy travels with them, making them go slower. As they pass a farm Purdy warns them to stay away from it, saying that dogs are there. Breezepaw and Lionpaw decide that Purdy doesn't really know what he is talking about and Hollypaw catches them sneaking off to the barn to hunt. Unable to talk them out of it, Hollypaw goes along with them but shortly after reaching the barn and hunting the dogs show up.

Three large dogs block the exit, causing Hollypaw and her friends to be trapped. Just as they begin to think they are goners Purdy shows up and saves them by showing them the way out. They race away with the dogs on their trail and escape to the other side of the fence to the angry warriors. Breezepaw argues that they were hungry and would have escaped the dogs on their own and Hollypaw is shocked by his attitude. Crowfeather doesn't even argue with his son and just turns his back on him, causing Hollypaw to think she would rather face Brambleclaw's disappointment then have him turn away from her. She wonders if Crowfeather even likes his son. Jaypaw is furious with his siblings, demanding to know what would happen to him if they died and Hollypaw feels even more guilty since she knows how much her brother depends on her. As they settle down that night Hollypaw catches a mouse to give to Purdy. She thanks him for saving them and curls up next to him to sleep.

Jaypaw dreams of Rock, who demands to know where the other two are. Jaypaw falls and is woken to the cats leaving. They tell Purdy goodbye and go to the mountains. The cats are in awe of them, Brook feels longing and fear for her home, and Jaypaw wishes he could see. They travel the rough terrain and Jaypaw has a hard time due to his lack of sight. As they travel Hollypaw accidentally warns the intruders they are in the mountains.

Though the intruders are aggressive, they let the clan and tribe cats pass. Hollypaw suspects it is because they were clearly outnumbered. As the warriors ask the tribe cats for more information Hollypaw is frustrated by the tribe cats answers of pacifism. Breezepaw almost falls off a ledge while showing off and Crowfeather, who is angry with him, has to save him. As they approach their destination an eagle's cry has the tribe cats tell them to hide. Hollypaw watches in amazement as suddenly tribe cats who had blended in with the stone attack the eagle and bring it down. Talon calls out a greeting to the cats.

So I don't really have much to say about this. I am glad their journey through the mountains was so quick. The previous series I always felt everything took so long. It was very frustrating. I do wonder how long they will be here in the mountains. I also wonder why Crowfeather and Breezepaw do not get along. I wonder if it is because they are too much alike? Or because Crowfeather still has feelings for Leafpool which make it hard for him to connect to his son? I doubt this question will ever be answered, though, since this is a WindClan problem.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

outcast: part three

Lionpaw is excited and wishes to go to the mountains. Everyone figures they won't be able to go but Jaypaw points out it doesn't hurt to ask. Firestar takes the cats into the forest to speak with them. Lionpaw and his siblings listen on as Brambleclaw plans to ask if Tawnypelt and Crowfeather can come with them and Talon admits that Stoneteller does not know he came to the clans for help. After plans are made Squirrelflight calls out the three young apprentices for eavesdropping. Lionpaw says they want to go too. Leafpool speaks up for them, telling Firestar he should allow it. Sandstorm backs her up so Firestar and Brambleclaw allow it. Lionpaw leaves with Brambleclaw to speak with Tawnypelt, Squirrelflight and Hollypaw go to speak with Crowfeather, and Jaypaw returns to the camp with Leafpool to prepare herbs for everyone.

Lionpaw and Brambleclaw wait by the border for a patrol. Soon enough Russetfur arrives - frustrated that Brambleclaw will not tell her what is going on - and escorts the ThunderClan cats to their camp. At the camp Brambleclaw asks Blackstar for permission to ask Tawnypelt to come on the journey. Russetfur is furious but Blackstar tells her it is Tawnypelt's choice. Lionpaw feels that Blackstar is only acting this way because he believes Tawnypelt will choose to stay behind with her kits, but when asked Tawnypelt agrees to go. Blackstar and Russetfur are furious, but Rowanclaw (Tawnypelt's mate) backs her up.

Hollypaw and Squirrelflight wait for a WindClan patrol. When it arrives they ask to speak with Crowfeather. The patrol bring the cats back to the camp so they can speak with Onestar. On the way to the camp it is made clear that Breezepaw is a problem apprentice and pretty much everyone in his camp is upset with him and his actions lately. They reach the camp and Crowfeather is upset to see them, fearing something is wrong. Squirrelflight seems just as awkward in her responses causing Hollypaw to explain what they are doing there, while wondering what is wrong with the two cats. Crowfeather does not seem to want to go, but when Onestar arrives he feels that Crowfeather shoups go - and take Breezepaw along with him. Upset, Crowfeather agrees to go and to bring Breezepaw along. Hollypaw notices that the father and son don't seem to get along well. As they head towards the ThunderClan camp Hollypaw begins to feel as if the journey might not be fun after all.

Leafpool has Jaypaw give out traveling herbs to everyone. He goes up to high ledge to give them to Brambleclaw and overhears him and Firestar speaking. Firestar wants a deputy named for while Brambleclaw is gone. Brambleclaw offers Graystripe as a choice. Jaypaw is dismayed with his father's choice, feeling it places Brambleclaw's position in jeopardy, but he senses Firestar is relieved with Brambleclaw's choice. The cats leave and Jaypaw wonders what is bothering Leafpool so.

Jaypaw and the cats travel away. Jaypaw makes a few mistakes (and clashes with Breezepaw) and then overhears the tribe cats talking about how ridiculous it is to bring a blind cat with them. Squirrelflight speaks up for him, pointing out that any cat can make a mistake, and the journey continues. Night speaks of how brave the cats were to journey to a new land. Squirrelflight says that StarClan helped them and Tawnypelt remarks that the Tribe of Endless Hunting will do the same if the tribe is forced to leave the mountains. Night is shocked at the idea of leaving but privately Jaypaw thinks it could be a real possibility.

So I don't really have much to say about these chapters. I am glad that Stormfur and Brook's story line is going to be resolved - though I will miss them when they are gone. And I hope that Jaypaw finds some of the answers he is looking for.

Mostly I am curious when the prophecy story line is going work its way in. And I am curious about Hollypaw's special power. Jaypaw can read cat's minds and enter their dreams. Lionpaw seems to be a very good fighter - though whether that is because of Tigerstar or the prophecy remains to be seen. But, Lionpaw did hold his own against Ashfur who was really tearing into him. What is so special about Hollypaw, other then her obsession with the warrior code. And why has Tigerstar not visited her when she wishes to be clan leader one day - an ambition neither of her brothers have.

Monday, October 22, 2018

outcast: part two

Jaypaw and Leafpool travel to the Moonpool. Jaypaw hopes to finally speak to Rock. When he dreams Tock does come to him, but is evasive in his answers. He does imply that there are cats from before the Tribe and Clans and he tells Jaypaw that he can get the answers to his questions in the mountains. Jaypaw spots Leafpool, and Leafpool points Feathertail out to him. Feathertail tells Leafpool she cannot speak right now and takes her prey to the Tribe's ancestors, implying that the Tribe might be in trouble. Jaypaw is frustrated that he did not get to ask Feathertail any questions. He watches as Rock follows Feathertail and feels that all the cats are connected somehow. When they wake he asks Leafpool if she will tell Firestar about her dream but she is unsure if she should, since it is the tribe's problem and not theirs.

Lionpaw is practicing moves with Cinderpaw while Berrynose makes negative comments from the side. Unable to take it anymore Lionpaw makes a comment about Berrynose's fight with ShadowClan. Berrynose becomes furious with Lionpaw, and Lionpaw is tempted to attack him but knows he would be in huge trouble if he does. Instead he stomps off, running into Stormfur who he realizes overhead everything. Lionpaw finds himself confiding his frustrations and fears to Stormfur, as well as the feeling of expectation he gets from his clan for being related to Firestar and Brambleclaw. Stormfur points out that he probably also struggles with being related to Tigerstar, and tells him that Brambleclaw used to struggle with that too. However, Lionpaw never thought of that before now, though he does not say this to Stormfur. As they talk of the clan and Lionpaw's feelings, Lionpaw begins to feel better. Stormfur tells him about the journey and meeting Brook, not living with his clan, and going home once Brook is ready. After Stormfur leaves Lionpaw realizes that he would never have been happy living with WindClan and Heatherpaw would never have been happy living with ThunderClan. He wishes to visit the mountains, and feels as if they are calling to him, but he knows he cannot go.

Obsessed with the warrior code and being the best warrior ever, Hollypaw decides to focus on one thing at a time while training so she can master each skill individually. Cinderpaw thinks it is a bad idea but Hollypaw is determined. The warriors take their apprentices to the training grounds. Lionpaw wants to try some advanced moves and pushes Ashfur to teach him some. Ashfur tells him it is too advanced but he can try if he wants. Lionpaw does the move perfectly, much to Hollypaw's shock, and asks Ashfur to be tougher on him. Ashfur gets an odd look in his eyes as he tells Lionpaw to be careful what he wishes for. He attacks Lionpaw and Hollypaw watches as the two of them actually fight, claws unsheathed, drawing blood. Shocked, Brackenfur puts an end to the fight. Ashfur brushes it off, telling Lionpaw that he fought like a warrior and telling the other apprentices that they should hope to be as good as Lionpaw one day. The two leave and everyone watches them go, shaken by what they just witnessed. After the training session Hollypaw seeks out Brambleclaw to tell him about the fight, but he already knows. He said Ashfur already told him about it, and about how proud he was of Lionpaw. Hollypaw feels that Brambleclaw is not really listening to her but she can't argue with Brambleclaw. He invites her to go hunting with him, Sandstorm, and Honeypaw. While out hunting they scent a strange cat smell. Brambleclaw sends Hollypaw and Honeypaw back to camp to report to Firestar and get more warriors but when they get there they find Graystripe arriving with intruders.

Jaypaw listens to the cats racing to see what is going on and hears Graystripe demand to know why the strange cats are here. Brook arrives and recognizes Talon and Night from her tribe immediately. Jaypaw senses that the tribe cats don't want to be here but feel they have no choice. Firestar, recognizing the cats, asks them why they are here and tells Brook to greet her friends but Brook and Stormfur clearly feel uncomfortable. As Jaypaw listens on he has a vision of the tribe getting invaded by a group of rogues, of Stormfur convincing the tribe to fight and stand their ground, of the fight going horribly wrong, and of Stormfur getting banished and Brook following him.

Jaypaw listens on as Talon and Night ask for Stormfur and Brook to return. The cats are angry that the tribe would ask them to come back. The whole story comes out, including Stormfur and Brook's banishment but Jaypaw only half listens since he already knows all of this. In the end Brook and Stormfur agree to return, and Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight ask Firestar for permission to go too. Firestar gives it and Jaypaw wonders if there is a way he can go too.

So, two things. First of all, I am now 100% convinced Ashfur is a bad guy. I mean, I was pretty much settled on it after the way Berrynose was treating Lionpaw when they were out together, but now I am firmly decided. I don't want to get sidetracked by Berrynose here, but I think Ashfur is encouraging Berrynose, and Berrynose is influencing Birchfall. I hope Birchfall has come to his senses. But I am getting the distinct impression that Ashfur actually hates Lionpaw. Which is odd, because he also protects Lionpaw at times (like when they were fighting the dogs). Lionpaw always feels like Ashfur is holding him back, Ashfur is very negative towards Lionpaw - but, in his defense, not necessarily unduly negative. After all, Lionpaw was slacking for a bit there. On one hand their relationship is very negative. But, sometimes, Ashfur does really come through for Lionpaw and seem to genuinely care for him. I wonder if sometimes he has a hard time separating Lionpaw from his parents.

I keep coming back to it had to have been Ashfur who betrayed Firestar. There is no other cat (except for Birchfall, but he was an apprentice and was sent away immediately). And now Ashfur actually drew blood while fighting with Lionpaw. Don't get me wrong, Lionpaw is turning into as difficult and rage filled as Jaypaw seems to be at times. And he really needs to stop meeting with Tigerstar. He cannot be an easy apprentice to have. But Ashfur flat out attacked Lionpaw and it quickly turned into with the intent to wound. Ashfur tried to brush it off, but no one was buying it. I have a feeling something bad is going to happen here. It makes me sad too, because at times it seems as if Ashfur has put the past behind between him and Brambleclaw. And, like I said, sometimes he seems to genuinely like Lionpaw. But other times it seems as if something is seething beneath the surface. And right now I feel like it just came out full force.

The second thing is we are finally finding out what is happening with Brook and Stormfur. And all three apprentices are hearing the call of the mountains. I imagine they will get to go with Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight. I just hope they don't try to sneak out of camp and follow them and instead get permission - but I'm not sure how they could finagle that.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

outcast: part one

The Tribe of Rushing Water argues with invaders over prey. But the Tribe is no match since they are not fighters. The invaders attack and The Tribe of Endless Hunting watches on, unable to help.

Jaypaw and Leafpool are out to collect herbs. Jaypaw wanders off to the stick, trying to reach out to Rock or the ancient cats. But they are silent. Leafpool interrupts him, annoyed that he isn't helping. Hazelpaw comes over, telling Jaypaw that today is the assessment for herself, Berrypaw, and Mousepaw. She is excited and doesn't notice Jawpaw's indifference to her news. As Jaypaw and Leafpool head back to camp Jaypaw finds himself wondering about the ancient cats. He startles a bird that Berrypaw was stalking, causing him and Berrypaw to exchange heated words. Back at camp Leafpool tries to get Jaypaw to tell her what is wrong but he insists that everything is fine. As he walks around the camp he overhears Hollypaw and Cinderpaw talk about their training session, and knows that Cinderpaw's leg is still bothering her. He thinks of all the kits in the clan now that Daisy has had another litter and Millie has moved into the nursery, pregnant with Graystripe's kits. He knows Firestar is proud of how large and strong his clan is, but worries about feeding them all. He hears Ashfur compliment Lionpaw over the prey he had caught, but Ashfur sounds off. Jaypaw can't read Ashfur but knows something is wrong there. He also knows that Lionpaw and Ashfur are not as close as they should be. As a border patrol is organized the apprentices and their mentors come back. As the mentors talk to Firestar about the assessment Berrypaw worries that Firestar will give him a name involving his missing tail. This causes Jaypaw to worry that Leafpool will give him a name based on his blindness. Firestar names the three cats warriors but as the clan cheers Jaypaw's mind goes back to the ancient cats and where they went.

Lionpaw is out on patrol with Ashfur and Berrynose. Ashfur and Berrynose walk ahead, whispering to each other. Between the loss of Heatherpaw and Berrynose's new attitude problem now that he has been made a warrior, Lionpaw is upset. After one comment too many from Berrypaw, Lionpaw finally snaps at Berrypaw that he is not his mentor. Later, while training, Tigerstar whispers hints to him so he can be an even better warrior, causing him to win his fights. Back at camp Ashfur has him work on the elder's den. Exhausted, Lionpaw gets to work. Icekit and Foxkit ask the elders for a story about Tigerstar. Longtail tells them that Tigerstar was a great warrior and that he wanted to he just like him. The kits are shocked since Tigerstar was evil. Longtail points out that he didn't know that at first. As he tells the kits about Tigerstar's treachery Lionpaw feels worried, since Tigerstar is training him in secret. But Longtail finishes his story by saying it was ultimately Tigerstar's ambition that killed him and if he had waited the power would have come to him eventually. Lionpaw feels better at this and leaves the elder's den.

Hollypaw brings food to Daisy. She goes to bring food to the elders too but Honeypaw stops her, having just fed them. Honeypaw admits to having feelings for Berrynose and Hollypaw is shocked since Berrynose has been acting like such a jerk. All of this leads to Hollypaw questioning whether or not she wants kits or can even have them. With the dream of becoming clan leader one day she is worried about her future. She decides to speak to Squirrelflight about being a warrior and a mother. At first Squirrelflight seems uneasy with Hollypaw's questions but then she relaxes and tells Hollypaw not to worry so about the future. Hollypaw feels frustrated since she feels Squirrelflight didn't really answer her questions. Later Firestar names mentors for Foxpaw and Icepaw. When Sandstorm gets named Hollypaw is relieved to realize she can have kits and be a good warrior - just like Sandstorm. Birchfall loudly complains about not being given an apprentice and Sandstorm puts him in his place. However, he and Berrynose go off together and Hollypaw wonders what has gotten into Birchfall lately. Hollypaw gets picked to go on patrol with Firestar and she is excited. They head towards the ShadowClan border where they see Berrynose and Birchfall in ShadowClan territory fighting with some warriors. Firestar puts a stop to the fighting, demanding to know what is going on. Russetfur tells Firestar that they caught Berrynose and Birchfall hunting in their territory. Berrynose insists they did not know they crossed the border but Firestar points out to him that it is clearly marked. Hollypaw realizes that Berrynose is furious that his clan leader isn't backing him up. Birchfall is very apologetic but Berrynose is angry. Blackstar arrives and at first he is angry with the ThunderClan cats, but then he confides in Firestar that he is not sure the new forest is for them. Hollypaw watches as Firestar and Blackstar act more like old friends then rivals. The clans part ways with Birchfall and Berrynose sent back to the camp to wait for Firestar and his judgment.

Hollypaw watches as Berrynose and Birchfall do apprentice duties as punishment. She goes off into the woods and runs into Jaypaw, who is trying to get into the collapsed tunnels. She tells him there is nothing down there but he confides in her that there are ancient cats who speak to him. He tells her that since the tunnels collapsed they have been silent and he is trying to find them. She doesn't quite understand his obsession but she agrees to keep his secret about the ancient cats. Later at warrior training, Brook tells the apprentices about life in the Tribe and Hollypaw finds herself wishing to visit there.

Okay, so any doubt in regards to my feelings on Ashfur now seem wrong. I have gone back and forth, one day believing in his guilt, the next his innocence. I am now completely convinced he is guilty. Some new warriors act as if they are better then the apprentices but usually it dies down and the older warriors protect the apprentices. Ashfur seems to be goading Berrynose until Lionpaw finally says something to him. I am completely convinced (without any real proof) that Ashfur is either influencing Berrynose's behavior or encouraging his bad behavior. And Berrynose is working on Birchfall! I cannot believe the two of them invaded ShadowClan like that! Birchfall at least seems to have come to his senses. He seemed to genuinely regret his behavior. Berrynose I am worried for because he is only angrier.
-And that was an interesting moment between Blackstar and Firestar. The two cats always clash so. It was nice to see the unguarded friendship side of their relationship. However, it was odd that Blackstar kicked up no real fuss about Berrynose and Birchfall. But I am going to chalk that up to the momentary bromance between him and Firestar.
-One final small note. One, I think it is foolish how Lionpaw is justifying his relationship with Tigerstar. Longtail's story (very honest Longtail, good for you!) did not undo Tigerstar's bad deeds even if it did focus on some of the good. Plus, Lionpaw always seems so angry. He really doesn't need a dead insane mentor on top of that.

Friday, October 19, 2018

dark river: part five

Lionpaw, Ashfur, Stormfur, and Brook return from a hunting patrol. Ashfur tells Lionpaw that he did a good job. Stormfur comments that something is wrong. He hears Jaypaw tell Leafpool that he is going to collect herbs. Leafpool tells him to bring someone with him. Instead of objecting, he suggests bringing Hollypaw. Hazelpaw tells Lionpaw the news of the upcoming battle between WindClan and RiverClan. Lionpaw realizes the missing kits might be in the tunnels, but he doesn't know how to tell anyone. He is ordered to help the camp prepare for an upcoming battle, in case WindClan attacks them as well. He worries that looking for the kits is the wrong thing. He hears Tigerstar whispering to him to forget about the kits and help his clan. He decides that helping the kits is helping his clan and heads off to look for them. He finds Jaypaw and Hollypaw and tells them he thinks he knows where the kits are. ThunderClan warriors show up and he hides from them, afraid that they will send him back to camp. Jaypaw covers for him by telling the warriors he is not sure where Lionpaw is, and tells the warriors he and Hollypaw will be back to camp soon. After they leave Lionpaw comes out of hiding and admits that he has been secretly meeting Heatherpaw in tunnels that run under their land. He says he has stopped meeting her but Hollypaw is furious. Jaypaw calms her down by pointing out what is done is done. After some pressure from Jaypaw, Hollypaw admits RiverClan's problem. The three decide to search the tunnels themselves to find the kits and hopefully avert a battle. Lionpaw takes them to the tunnel where they run into Heatherpaw and Breezepaw. Breezepaw is hostile and Lionpaw and Heatherpaw feigned ignorance of the other knowing about the tunnels. Jaypaw worries about the coming rain, much to Lionpaw's annoyance. They decide to look for the kits together.

Jaypaw offers to go first in the tunnels. Breezepaw angrily points out that Jaypaw is blind. Hollypaw snaps back, asking if Breezepaw can see perfectly in the dark. Jaypaw leads the way but when he feels someone press against him he angrily reminds Breezepaw that he is leading. Everyone assures him Breezepaw is behind him. Fallen Leaves speaks to him, telling him that since Jaypaw walked with him like a brother he will take Jaypaw to the kits. Deciding to trust Fallen Leaves, Jaypaw lets himself be led to the kits. They find the kits stuck behind a boulder and get them out. Jaypaw worries they won't have time to leave before the tunnels flood, though he doesn't say this to the other cats. Fallen Leaves leads him back to the main cave but the river is flooded and they cannot cross it and some of the tunnels have caved in. Everyone panics, wondering what to do. Jaypaw sees Rock with his stick, and their lines drawn on it. Then he watches as Rock crosses their lines out, realizing Rock means they live. Jaypaw decides the river must flow out of the cave into the lake and convinces everyone to jump into it and let the current take them away.

Hollypaw and the cats wash out into the lake and swim to the shore. Jaypaw says they should take the kits to Leafpool before doing anything else. At first Breezepaw seems to disagree, then he changes his mind since the ThunderClan camp is closer. Before they can head there Jaypaw hears the sounds of a battle. Realizing that WindClan and ThunderClan are about to fight they decide to take the kits to the border instead. Hollypaw sees Jaypaw talking to the stick - he tells her he is not coming to the border. Hollypaw and Breezepaw reach the border first, telling Firestar and Onestar that they have found the kits. The rest of the cats follow. Lionpaw is about to confess the location of the tunnels when Hollypaw interrupts, claiming they found the kits on ThunderClan's shore. She feels since the tunnels have caved in there is no reason for Lionpaw to get into trouble. All the other cats, including the kits, back up her lie. Onestar admits that he did not attack RiverClan, just demanded the return of the kits. He also says he will trust RiverClan to move off of the island by the next Gathering. Firestar tells Hollypaw she was right but Hollypaw responds it was never about being right. The WindClan cats leave, but Heatherpaw stays behind to say goodbye to Lionpaw. Firestar watches them closely as she acts close to Lionpaw, but Lionpaw does not return her affection. Hurt, Heatherpaw leaves. As she does Hollypaw realizes she can no longer be friends with Willowpaw, because without the warrior code they are nothing.

It has been a day since the battle. Lionpaw has not been training because Ashfur wants him to rest and recover - but he is tired of resting. He goes for a walk to the tunnels, sad over the lose of Heatherpaw. Tigerstar and Hawkfrost come to him to tell him how proud they are of him. Liopaw tells them he feels so empty inside. Tigerstar tells him that friendship worthless, and that he has learned an important lesson. Tigerstar says he will teach him more, and that one day Lionpaw will be so powerful he will have no need for friends, and that he will never regret his choice.

I am glad a battle was averted on both fronts. Onestar did listen to what Leafpool was trying to tell him. Hopefully next Gathering RiverClan really will be off of the island.

I am amused that Tigerstar and Hawkfrost are proud of Lionpaw, considering he did the exact opposite of what they wanted him to do. But, maybe their pride came from him rejecting Heatherpaw? Publicly, even. Tigerstar was right, though. Lionpaw did learn an important lesson about friendships outside of his clan. But, his words, yet again, make me feel bad for Darkstripe. Tigerstar does not have friends. His blood is important to him, but not his friends. I wish Darkstripe could have seen that. Now, instead, he is doomed to forever walk alone in a shadowy world, rejected by Tigerstar because he never meant anything to him in the first place.

I feel bad for Hollypaw since she now feels she has to end her friendship with Willowpaw, but really she does. Running off to RiverClan was beyond foolish. I understand the argument of helping the other clans (and actually support it) but they do not live in a world with no borders - because they do not want to live in such a world. And the one time Tigerstar tried it, it was a bloodbath. The actions of Firestar have both built friendships (like in Leopardstar's case) and destroyed them (like in Onestar's case). Everyone has to want change for it to happen - and not everyone wants that.

As for Jaypaw, I cannot imagine this is it for the stick and the warrior cats of old. It might be, but if it was he would have gone to the border with everyone else, not stayed with the stick.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

dark river: part four

Poppypaw and Mousepaw ask Jaypaw of he had seen Hollypaw. Word quickly spreads through the camp that she is missing. Fear and panic spread through the camp as cats start accusing WindClan of kidnapping her. Jaypaw is irritated at how quickly everyone is panicking. Only Brook seems to be staying calm. Firestar arrives and quickly calms everyone down but Jaypaw can feel guilt coming from him. He heads back to the den and senses Leafpool's distress. He asks her what is wrong and she admits that Hollypaw spoke to Firestar then herself. Jaypaw quickly surmises that Hollypaw's fears were dismissed and Leafpool worries that Hollypaw might have tried going to WindClan to speak to Onestar. Leafpool insists Jaypaw dream and find Hollypaw. He becomes angry since normally she tells him not to use his powers. Jaypaw refuses to dream, causing him and Leafpool to argue. He leaves the camp and runs to the stick. He dreams of Fallen Leaves speaking to Rock. He takes Fallen Leaves' journey through the tunnels with him. He experiences the rain coming, the tunnels flooding, and drowning beside Fallen Leaves. When he wakes up he understands the lines on the sticks, and how they represent cats who survived and cats who died.

Lionpaw meets with Heatherpaw. He tells her how Hollypaw is missing but realizes he cannot admit to her that Hollypaw crossed into WindClan land. The fact that he cannot fully confide in her hurts him. He asks Heatherpaw if she has seen Hollypaw and Heatherpaw denies it. He realizes WindClan does not have his sister but he has no way of telling his clan this. The cats play and he shows her the new move Tigerstar taught him. Heatherpaw tells Lionpaw that she could never battle against him and Lionpaw realizes she probably wants him to make the same pledge back - and that he cannot. Dawn approaches, the cats wake up and part ways. As he heads home Hawkfrost comes to Lionpaw and calls him a traitor for showing fighting moves to Heatherpaw. They fight over Heatherpaw and Hawkfrost points out to him that the tunnels can be used to attack WindClan - or worse, WindClan could one day use the tunnels to attack ThunderClan. Hawkfrost leaves him, telling him his clan will either see him as a traitor or banish him for keeping the tunnels a secret. Upset, Lionpaw heads back to camp questioning his friendship with Heatherpaw. As he reaches the camp cats burst through the tunnel. Hazelpaw tells him that WindClan chased a squirrel into their territory and killed it. The two clans are about to fight. Ashfur asks where he has been and Lionpaw lies, saying he was having a hard time sleeping so he went out early. They arrive at the border and fight. During the fight Lionpaw gets distracted when he thinks he sees Heatherpaw. He is relieved to see it was someone else, but his distraction gets him attacked. The ThunderClan warriors quickly chase the WindClan cats off and head back to camp to report and have their wounds tended to. He asks Jaypaw if he has spoken to StarClan about Hollypaw yet, but Jaypaw has not. Ashfur sends Lionpaw off to bed to rest. When he gets up he goes to meet Heatherpaw. He tells her that they cannot meet anymore. Angry and hurt, Heatherpaw leaves.

Hollypaw wishes to go home. Willowpaw assures her that it should only be another quarter moon but Hollypaw knows that she is already in too much trouble. Squirrelflight arrives, asking for Hollypaw back. Leopardstar agrees, but only after she gets a promise of secrecy from Hollypaw. As they head home Squirrelflight tells Hollypaw she understands the want to help friends in other clans, but she cannot do what she did again. She tells Hollypaw that she was arrogant to try and solve the problem on her own, and that she broke the warrior code and caused her clan undue stress. She also tells Hollypaw that there was a battle with WindClan that she should have been present at. Hollypaw is both upset and angry, feeling that just because she is an apprentice she is being dismissed. When they get back to camp Hollypaw is sent to speak to Firestar. She tells him he must not fight WindClan, but unable to break her promise to Leopardstar she cannot say why. Firestar dismisses her words since she cannot offer anything to back them up and gives her her punishment, caring for the elders. As she cleans their den she speaks to Mousefur and Longtail. Her words about an upcoming battle with no proof make Mousefur pause, and Hollypaw hopes that she has gotten through to someone. Leafpool let's Cinderpaw leave the medicine cat den to play carefully for a bit with Hollypaw. Cinderpaw admits that she has been playing with Jaypaw and Hollypaw is surprised, since Jaypaw is usually so serious. Cinderpaw admits that she thinks Jaypaw does not like her but Hollypaw assures her that is not so.

Jaypaw and Leafpool settle down to sleep when Firestar arrives to speak to them. He wants them to go to WindClan the next day and speak to Onestar. Firestar wants to know if RiverClan has actually invaded their land or not. After speaking to Mousefur he wants to avoid an unnecessary battle and he feels that only medicine cats can safely cross the border right now. The next day Brambleclaw and Dustpelt escort the medicine cats to the border and wait for a WindClan patrol. Tornear, Owlwhisker, Nightcloud, and Harepaw see them and come over. Jaypaw feels jealous come from Leafpool when Nightcloud is mentioned. Tornear and Nightcloud agree to escort the medicine cats to their camp, leaving behind Owlwhisker and Harepaw to guard the border, mirroring Brambleclaw and Dustpelt. At the camp they have to wait for Onewhisker to be found. Leafpool tries to talk to Crowfeather. Jaypaw senses jealousy from Nightcloud, a mixture of emotions from Leafpool, but nothing from Crowfeather. Onestar arrives and the cats argue, Leafpool cleverly provoking them with her carefully placed words. Leafpool starts to get through to their leader, and Jaypaw can sense that Onestar is considering her words, when it is discovered that three kits are missing and RiverClan might have just stolen a rabbit. Jaypaw feels Heatherpaw's emotions and knows she is hiding something. He feels a blackness under her emotions that chills him. Onestar sends the ThunderClan cats away, no longer interested in peace since he feels RiverClan has stolen the kits and prey.

I am willing to bet the WindClan kits are in the tunnels - and that Heatherpaw suspects this. But I'm worried about what the darkness Jaypaw senses could be. Hopefully it is just fear of the kits in the secret tunnel - and not something worse since she is still hurting over Lionpaw. I am glad Jaypaw solved the mystery of the stick - and I feel awful for Fallen Leaves - but I imagine there is more to this story or else why even mention it? Of course, if the kits are in the tunnels and it starts to rain... maybe that is why this story was included. Either way, I foresee the tunnels about to be exposed to both clans.

I am glad that Lionpaw has broken things off with Heatherpaw - but I am upset it has taken Hawkfrost to do it. I do agree with Hawkfrost's arguments, but Lionpaw is definitely under their influence now and that is troubling. They have already reached out to Jaypaw - who almost reluctantly rejected them. I imagine Hollypaw is not too far behind. And, as for Hollypaw, she got her wish. Talks did happen - and they almost worked too.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

dark river: part three

Jaypaw goes about his chores after Hollypaw leaves. Cinderpaw admits to Jaypaw that she had a dream about him where he could see. Realizing she is remembering him enter her dream he asks what else she remembers but the rest of the dream is vague to her. He decides to test her by giving her the wrong herbs for healing her broken leg. Leafpool catches him and is upset. She doesn't believe Jaypaw when he tells her he got the herbs mixed up so he admits what he was trying to do. Leafpool tells him Cinderpaw's memories are in the paws of StarClan and to leave it be - but Jaypaw feels that just because their warrior ancestors are dead that doesn't automatically make them smart. Later, Cinderpaw asks Jaypaw to play with her. As they play she asks him about being blind. He tells her to him it is normal and it only upsets him when he is treated differently because of it. Leafpool comes back to the den and catches them playing. She is furious with Jaypaw. She angrily insists to him that Cinderpaw must become a warrior this time. He counters why would it be so bad to take a different path - and points out that he has had to. Leafpool tells him he is blind and Jaypaw becomes upset, feeling that Leafpool feels he is a lost cause. He leaves the den and Leafpool follows him, telling him they need to collect herbs. He tries to look into her mind to see how she feels after their fight but her thoughts are guarded. Leafpool tries to talk to him about medicine cat duties and Jaypaw allows himself to become drawn in. She tests him on some herbs, much to his annoyance since he already knows the answers. Hearing prey he catches it and throws it at Leafpool's feet, asking her if she now believes he doesn't need his eyes to see. He expects Leafpool to be angry with him but instead is shocked at the strong caring emotion coming off of her. He realizes they are near the stick and he pulls it out. Leafpool asks him why he is so interested in it and he responds that it is important. A sudden rain storm breaks out and they have to run back to camp, leaving the stick on the ground. After the storm passes Jaypaw decides to go back and find the stick. He catches Lionpaw sneaking back into camp and knows he is lying about where he was. He asks Lionpaw for help and he agrees - and Jaypaw realizes Lionpaw feels to guilty to refuse. He takes him to where the stick was, but much to Jaypaw's panic they cannot find it. Suddenly Jaypaw hears the stick calling to him from out in the water. He swims out and tries to drag it back to shore but it is too heavy. Lionpaw helps him and Jaypaw stores the stick safely away again while hearing voices thanking him.

Lionpaw is out hunting with Ashfur, but he is so tired he keeps making mistakes. At first Ashfur is angry with him and keeps criticizing his mistakes, but as they continue Ashfur refuses to say anything, sitting in silent disappointment. When they get back to camp Ashfur has prey but Lionpaw has none. Brambleclaw comments on this and Lionpaw worries what his mentor will say but Ashfur covers for him. Lionpaw admits to himself that he has been screwing up for days and wonders why no one seems to care about him and his training. He asks Ashfur what they are doing next but Ashfur tells him to eat and rest and then leaves him. Too tired to eat Lionpaw heads to his den, wondering if Ashfur has given up on him. Later he, Ashfur, Brambleclaw, and Berrypaw go to train battle moves together. Lionpaw does awful, causing him and Ashfur to get into a fight. Brambleclaw tells Lionpaw that a real warrior would not blame other cats for his mistakes, then takes Berrypaw away so Ashfur can talk to Lionpaw alone. Lionpaw apologizes but Ashfur tells him it is like Lionpaw no longer hears anything he says. He warns Lionpaw that at this rate Icekit and Foxkit will be warriors before him. Ashfur has him practice moves while he goes to help Brambleclaw train Berrypaw. Tigerstar shows up and helps Lionpaw with his moves, even giving him advice on how to do them better. Ashfur is pleased with his progress but Brambleclaw seems disturbed by Lionpaw's addition to the moves. Lionpaw worries that his father recognizes Tigerstar's help but Brambleclaw says nothing. The cats head back and Lionpaw quickly thanks Tigerstar for his help.

Hollypaw is upset as her clan prepares for a battle. She feels that if they could just find out what is happening with RiverClan maybe help could be offered. She turns to both Firestar and Leafpool bit both turn her away, with Leafpool even telling her it is no longer appropriate for her to be so close to Willowpaw. Feeling like no one is listening she sneaks away to RiverClan land to find out what is going on. She sneaks onto the island and finds Willowpaw. Mothwing catches them talking and tells Willowpaw to show Hollypaw the truth.

Willowpaw shows her their old camp, and explains that Twoleg kits keep attacking it, so they are fortifying it to drive them away. She promises they will be off the island by the next Gathering. As Willowpaw brings her to the border a RiverClan patrol comes along and a dog attacks. Swept up with the patrol they wind up on WindClan land where another patrol finds them. Heated words are exchanged but the RiverClan cats are allowed to leave without a fight. After they leave it is realized Hollypaw is with them. They take her to Leopardstar who at first is amused. But when she finds out Hollypaw has seen their old camp and knows the full extent of their problems she decrees that Hollypaw cannot leave yet, insisting it is unsafe after the recent altercation with WindClan. Hollypaw realizes the real reason Leopardstar will not let her leave is she knows too much. As she settles in the medicine den she realizes just how much trouble she is actually in.

Jaypaw's obsession with the stick must have a reason. Clearly these cats version of StarClan is talking to him, but why? I wonder, since the stick is so large, maybe these cats were bigger? However the entrance into the tunnels is only in a fox den, so maybe not.

Lionpaw really needs to stop seeing Heatherpaw. It is starting to hurt him and his clan, since he is unable to perform his duties. Everytime I start to think Ashfur is a traitor he does something that changes my mind. I think he is genuinely upset with Lionpaw, but if he was a traitor wouldn't he rejoice in Brambleclaw's son failing? I just don't know. But talking to Tigerstar is a bad idea, and Brambleclaw clearly realized that Lionpaw was using Tigerstar's fighting moves. Does he suspect his father of speaking to his children? All I know is I want to know who the traitor is, already! Of course, maybe there is no traitor... Hawkfrost certainly could have been lying.

As for Hollypaw, she is in huge trouble. But, she does have information that could avert needless battles so hopefully she can do that. But Leafpool is right - Hollypaw is too close to Willowpaw. And Hollypaw is right in insisting it is a different closeness then Lionpaw shares with Heatherpaw. Hollypaw is not in love and Willowpaw is a medicine cat, so the rules are slightly different here, but I do think Leafpoolnis right that Hollypaw needs to let go of the closeness of her friendship. Time and again we have seen that end in heartbreak.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

dark river: part two

Lionpaw sneaks back into the apprentice's den and Hollypaw sees him. He tells her he was just out for a moment but he feels resentful. He dreams of a fox and wakes up in a worse mood. When it is time to get up he eats with Jaypaw. Then Ashfur calls to him, telling him that they will be training with Brackenfur and Hollypaw that day. Hollypaw has to miss breakfast and Lionpaw feels pleased at her hunger. When they get to the training grounds their mentors grill them on the strengths and weaknesses of the rival clans. Lionpaw feels flustered when he cannot think of a weakness for WindClan. Hollypaw teases him, saying he feels WindClan has no weaknesses. Lionpaw angrily insists that is not true. They are supposed to have mock battles practicing fighting moves the other clans use, as well as defenses against them, but Lionpaw lets his anger get away from him and actually hurts Hollypaw. Angry, Brambleclaw stops him. Lionpaw apologizes to Hollypaw. Brambleclaw asks Ashfur to train Berrypaw so he can take Lionpaw hunting. Lionpaw apologizes to his father, telling him that Hollypaw was bugging him all morning. Brambleclaw asks him what is worrying him. Unable to confess about Heatherpaw, Lionpaw instead tells his father that Hollypaw does not trust him to be a loyal warrior. Brambleclaw talks to him of being Tigerstar's son and how he always has to prove his loyalty twice as hard. He says everyone is so focused on the bad in Tigerstar they forget the good. Lionpaw insists that every cat in the clan respects him but Brambleclaw tells him there might be one cat who does not. Brambleclaw regrets confiding this fear and tells Lionpaw that he must work twice as hard to show Hollypaw he deserves her trust, but secretly Lionpaw feels he should not have to prove anything. That night Lionpaw wakes to stones falling into the camp. He goes out to investigate and finds Heatherpaw looking for him. She brings him to an old fox den that opens up to a cave with a river in it. At first Lionpaw wants to tell his clan but she tells him he cannot. Instead, she feels she has found a place for them to secretly meet and Lionpaw eagerly agrees. Lionpaw wakes up, realizing he has dozed off in the cave. He races home, hunting on the way so no one will comment on his absence. He feels guilty for lying, but tries to tell himself he is doing no harm because he is loyal to his clan.

Hollypaw and Cinderpaw wake up and start doing chores. As they are cleaning the elder's den Cinderpaw talks about how she hopes to never see a badger again. Hollypaw points out she has never even seen one once. Cinderpaw comments she must have been dreaming but Hollypaw catches Leafpool looking at her oddly. Firestar calls a meeting so he can formally name Millie as a warrior. But Millie shocks everyone when she says she wishes to keep her own name. Graystripe stands by her, as does Daisy and Brook. The cats seem torn over this. Some believe that loyalty is what matters most. Others fear how clans like ShadowClan will react when they already feel that ThunderClan isn't pure enough. Much to Hollypaw's dismay, Firestar decrees that Millie can keep her name. Squirrelflight tries to soothe Hollypaw but she is still upset. Brackenfur calls her over, telling her that she, Cinderpaw, and Mousepaw are going to be assessed. The apprentices split up to hunt. When they are done they all meet up again and Mousepaw declares he is going to climb the Sky Oak. The three cats head that way and Hollypaw wonders if it is really a good idea. Mousepaw goes anyway and Brackenfur comes out of the woods to stop him. Spiderleg insists it is fine but even he gets nervous the higher Mousepaw climbs. Mousepaw becomes stuck and Cloudtail offers to get him. Cinderpaw insists she should and Brackenfur let's her even though he does not want to. Cinderpaw catches Mousepaw as he is about to fall but then falls herself.

Jaypaw is helping Birchfall with a thorn in his foot when he smells Hollypaw's fear. She bursts into camp and tells Jaypaw what happened. He can feel Leafpool's horror, and the feeling that this has happened before. Jaypaw tries to ask her what they need but Leafpool seems to be in shock. She snaps out of it and gives Jaypaw his orders. They race to the Sky Oak. When they reach it Leafpool realizes Cinderpaw's leg is broken and Jaypaw again feels something is wrong with his mentor. They tie her leg up quickly and Leafpool has the warriors carry Cinderpaw back to camp. Jaypaw puzzles why his mentor feels so strongly about this. As Jaypaw and Leafpool work on an unconscious Cinderpaw, Leafpool snaps at Jaypaw. She apologizes and leaves to talk to Sorreltail and Brackenfur. Alone, he enters Cinderpaw's mind. Cinderpaw shows him the old ThunderClan camp and tells him about the cats who used to live there. She tells him to tell Leafpool she is fine, and that she is proud of the medicine cat she has become. He is shocked to realize she is Cinderpelt. He wakes up and Leafpool asks him if Cinderpaw will get better. He tells her yes, then that Cinderpaw has already lived. Leafpool asks if she is Cinderpelt and Jaypaw says yes. Leafpool admits to him that Cinderpelt never wanted to be a medicine cat and Jaypaw realizes je is not the only one to have this life forced on him. She also tells Jaypaw that they should not tell Cinderpaw the truth.

Lionpaw and Heatherpaw are playing in the tunnels when they both realize they need to sneak back home. As Lionpaw heads home the spirits of Tigerstar and Hawkfrost come to speak to him. Lionpaw is unsure what to do but Spiderleg patrolling in the area sends the two cats away. Lionpaw heads home, unsure of why they came to him. Back at camp Hollypaw catches him coming into the apprentice's den so he lies and says he is getting ready for the dawn patrol. Lionpaw is exhausted all during the patrol. They head to the WindClan border and watch as two apprentices are chasing a squirrel. They talk uneasily about it and the apprentices head towards the border. Dustpelt purposely startles the apprentices when they get too close, causing the warriors with them to get angry. Back at camp Dustpelt reports this to Firestar, but Firestar says he cannot tell WindClan what to hunt. Hollypaw and Jaypaw are upset with Firestar's recent inaction and Hollypaw asks Lionpaw for his opinion. Lionpaw feels torn, since he doesn't want to attack WindClan. He hears a voice tell him not to be afraid of what he desires. Following the voice he admits he does not want to attack WindClan.

Hollypaw and her clanmates head to the Gathering. Everyone is jumpy and tense. WindClan hunting squirrels has everyone talking of prey stealing and a possible battle. She isn't convinced that things have to end that way. She is also desperate to talk to Willowpaw and find out what is going on with RiverClan. ThunderClan and WindClan reach the tree bridge at the same time. Some ThunderClan cats angrily hiss at the WindClan cats, calling them thieves, but Onestar stops his warriors to let ThunderClan cross first. Firestar thanks him and they cross. Hollypaw smells RiverClan and is relieved they are present but it quickly becomes apparent that things are not okay with RiverClan. There are far too many elders on the island and even some kits are there. Hollypaw tries to talk to Willowpaw, but Willowpaw begs her not to talk right now. ShadowClan arrives and Leopardstar admits that her clan is currently living on the island. She won't disclose why, but she assures everyone that they will be gone by the next Gathering. Panic spreads through the clans as cats fear that RiverClan will still be there next full moon, or worse, start invading other territories. Firestar calms everyone down by pointing out that they can worry about this next full moon. When no one else has anything worth reporting Firestar suggests they all leave RiverClan in peace. Hollypaw makes plans with Willowpaw to speak to her later. The next morning, much to Hollypaw's dismay, the camp is preparing for upcoming battles. She doesn't understand everyone's assumption that fighting is inevitable. She feels that if they would just help RiverClan then things could go back to normal.

So, first of all, Tigerstar and Hawkfrost are now reaching out to Lionpaw as well. This does not bode well. I would have thought Lionpaw and Hollypaw had enough sense to stay away from him but Lionpaw is in a bad place right now since he is clearly in love with Heatherpaw. And, if that was Tigerstar whispering to Lionpaw then he is already following Tigerstar's advice. Plus, it is amusing that Tigerstar, who hates half clan cats, would tell Lionpaw to pursue what he wants. But, Tigerstar does see his own blood as pure - and his vendetta against half clan cats was probably motivated by personal reasons to hurt Firestar and Graystripe. But Lionpaw is in a bad spot. He knows what he is doing is wrong but he won't stop himself. And because of this he is torn up by guilt and anger. I had definitely pegged Jaypaw, with his anger and resentment, as being the cat most likely to be susceptible to Tigerstar's influence. But, Jaypaw was disturbed he couldn't read Tigerstar so to maybe there is that.
I am glad Leafpool got the proof she so desperately needed about Cinderpaw - though really, it was over kill.

And I image Hollypaw is right and a battle is avoidable. The problem is, emotions have been running high for a while now. Between Onestar's determination to put space between himself and Firestar as well as Leopardstar's pride and Blackstar's ambition things are not looking well.

Monday, October 15, 2018

dark river: part one

Fallen Leaves is escorted to a cave by his kin. Only chosen cats are allowed to go here, and there is a sense of ominousness as some cats fear his failure and others fear the possibility of rain. He walks in darkness finding an underground river and an old cat - blind, bald, claws twisted - sitting on a high ledge. This cat, named Rock, makes a mark on a stick and sends Fallen Leaves on his way with his blessing. Fallen Leaves must pick a tunnel. Vowing he won't die, he does. Rock suddenly asks if it is raining and Fallen Leaves tells him no. He walks into his chosen tunnel, determined to emerge a sharpclaw.

Lionpaw, Hollypaw, and Jaypaw play that they are defending their camp from ShadowClan warriors. Squirrelflight makes them stop, reminding them the Gathering is that night. This will be Jaypaw's first Gathering, and Lionpaw is annoyed he isn't more excited. Hollypaw worries what will happen if Millie comes, but everyone silences her fears. The cats leave. Hollypaw tries to talk to Lionpaw, but all he can think of is Heatherpaw. They cross the tree bridge - Jaypaw doing fine - and find everyone is there but RiverClan. Jaypaw smells RiverClan, but something smells off. Lionpaw cannot scent a difference. Whitetail, a WindClan warrior, affectionately greets Millie as "kittypet" making Hollypaw realize that maybe things really have smoothed over. But Tornear and Russetfur are not so pleased with the signs of friendship between the two cats. Jaypaw accuses Lionpaw of being disappointed. He denies it but Hollypaw accuses him of wanting to see Heatherpaw. He defends his friendship with the WindClan cat, pointing out that Hollypaw wishes to see Willowpaw, but Hollypaw insists it is not the same. Heatherpaw arrives and is happy to see Jaypaw. Lionpaw feels jealous but Jaypaw quickly snaps at a flustered Heatherpaw and Leafpool calls him away. RiverClan arrives and Lionpaw realizes Jaypaw is right - something is wrong. Willowpaw comes over to greet Hollypaw, telling her she cannot stay and talk. Hollypaw tries to find out what is going on but Crowfeather comes over and breaks up their gathering and the leaders call to everyone. Blackstar speaks of Tawnypelt having kits. She named one of them Tigerkit, much to everyone's shock. Lionpaw wonders at having kin in another clan and Hollypaw looks worried. The Gathering breaks up and Leafpool mentions that she noticed Tawnypelt was pregnant at the last one. Squirrelflight asks why she said nothing and, overhearing, Rowanclaw says it was because it is none of her business. He pointedly says that Tawnypelt now has three healthy clanborn kits. Squirrelflight points out that it only matters if they are loyal to their clan. Breezepaw interrupts and says Rowanclaw is only speaking the truth. Crowfeather, while looking right at Leafpool, reminds his son that ThunderClan celebrates mixed blood. Hurt, Leafpool turns away. ThunderClan goes to leave but Heatherpaw chases Lionpaw down. She tells him to forget what her clan said, and that she wishes to meet with him the next night in secret. Feeling guilty that he might be betraying his clan, Lionpaw agrees.

Hollypaw dreams of Willowpaw. She is trying to ask her what is wrong but she cannot seem to catch her. She wakes up and finds Lionpaw soaking wet. It is raining outside, but their den is dry. After sharing breakfast with Cinderpaw, they go about their duties. Brackenfur takes Hollypaw hunting. She tries to ask what will happen if she ever has to fight Tawnypelt's kits in battle, wondering if her blood connection is more important then clan loyalty, but to Brackenfur the answer is simple and he silences her. Hollypaw makes it back to camp to find Lionpaw still asleep. He is short with her and she wonders what is wrong with him. She seeks out Jaypaw, wondering if he knows what is going on but he is uninterested in Lionpaw's problems. She tries instead to talk about Willowpaw, pointing out that Willowpaw is probably worried Jaypaw doesn't like her. He irritably responds he doesn't have to like every cat he meets. She points out RiverClan's odd behavior at the Gathering and he agrees to try and find something out the next time they meet at the Moonpool. Brackenfur and Cloudtail take her and Cinderpaw training. While out Cinderpaw makes observations about fox scents that she shouldn't know. Hollypaw notices that sometimes Cinderpaw knows things she should not. Later, Hollypaw wakes up to find Lionpaw missing again. Poppypaw seems suspicious but Cinderpaw helps her cover up his absence. Hollypaw sneaks off to find Lionpaw and Cinderpaw follows her. They find Lionpaw and Heatherpaw playing together. Hollypaw confronts her brother and they fight. He accuses her of spying. Heatherpaw leaves and Hollypaw tells him if he does not stop seeing Heatherpaw she will have to tell Brambleclaw. He accuses her of thinking him disloyal. She denies it, but tells him he cannot be loyal to his clan when he heart belongs to another. Angry, he races home without her and Cinderpaw.

The medicine cats walk to the Moonpool. Jaypaw walks alone, with Willowpaw and Kestrelpaw behind him. He keeps slowing down so they can catch up but as soon as he does Willowpaw slows down and Kestrelpaw matches her pace. Jaypaw tries to delve into Mothwing's mind but as always it is blank. He tries to look in Willowpaw's but it is as if he mind is wrapped in brambles. They reach the Moonpool and Jaypaw hears the wind welcome them - but none of the other cats hear it. The Moonpool has flooded so they sleep in different spots then usual. Jaypaw enters Willowpaw's chaotic dream. They are swimming in the water, Willowpaw with her mouth full of herbs. Jaypaw is scrambling to stay afloat. They are on shore and Mudfur tells her to abandon her herbs. She must go before her clan is destroyed. Before Jaypaw can find out any more Yellowfang finds him and prevents him from spying more. As they talk Jaypaw realizes she cannot stop him from entering other cats dreams. She tells him that before he uses his powers he should find out why he has them. The cats wake up. Jaypaw admits to Leafpool that he dreamed of RiverClan. A frantic Willowpaw wakes up and tells Mothwing they must leave immediately. Back at camp Leafpool realizes that Jaypaw was spying on Willowpaw's dreams. She is upset but says they must give this news to Firestar. They report to him but since Jaypaw has no real information Firestar feels there is nothing to do - RiverClan's problem is RiverClan's. He also says he has not forgotten that Jaypaw wanted to attack WindClan. Jaypaw insists he said nothing about attacking RiverClan, just helping, but secretly he figures this way RiverClan will owe them a favor. Leafpool is upset but feels there is nothing she can do about Fireheart's decision, but Firestar is refusing to help, saying he is tired of the other clans being mad at him for interfering. They leave his den. Hollypaw asks Jaypaw if he found anything out. He tells her that he doesn't know what is wrong but there is a problem with RiverClan. She is upset when he also tells her that Firestar intends to do nothing about it. He debates telling her about the prophecy involving them but decides against it for now.

The next day Leafpool and Jaypaw go to collect herbs. While they are out Jaypaw finds a stick with odd marks on it. He wants to bring the stick home but Leafpool tells him he cannot carry it and the herbs so he hides the stick so the water will not wash it away. He feels it is wrong to leave the stick and cannot understand why.

So I was wondering if these cats from the prologue were in the past or the present, but now I feel it must be the past. The stick Jaypaw found is clearly Rock's stick. I wonder who these tribal or clan cats were and where they are now. And, why was it such an issue that it was going to rain when Fallen Leaves was entering the caves? Did he survive his ordeal or did he die?

But, onto what is probably more important for the present, what is going on in RiverClan? While I do understand Firestar's refusal to help it is so unlike him. And Lionpaw is asking for trouble falling in love with a WindClan cat. Then there are Crowfeather's comments at the Gathering, which were completely unasked for - especially considering he has fallen desperately in love with two different cats outside his clan. We shall have to see...

Friday, October 12, 2018

the sight: part six

Jaypaw tells Lionpaw and Hollypaw that he is going to bed early, but really he is tired of hearing Lionpaw talk about the fight. Jaypaw wants to help his clan too, but he doesn't see healing their wounds as real enough - only fighting is. At the den Leafpool speaks of gathering herbs by the next full moon. Jaypaw thinks they should gather them earlier because he can smell a frost coming, but he doesn't say this to Leafpool, feeling that she will just blow him off like Firestar did with the news of the dog attack. In the morning frost covers everything and Leafpool worries about their herb supply. Jaypaw's anxiety disappears to be replaced with irritation when Longtail shows up, speaking of Mousefur wheezing. Jaypaw is annoyed that he has to keep treating Mousefur - and she is using up their supplies. He brings some herbs to her and  notices that she is shivering yet feels hot. As he leaves he realizes Mousefur accepted his help too easily. He races to Leafpool to tell her that Mousefur has greencough. They have no catmint so Leafpool asks Cloudtail to take Jaypaw to get some. Cinderpaw goes too and the cats race off, Jaypaw feeling guilty that he hadn't been listening all the times Longtail tried to tell him there was something wrong with Mousefur. They find the catmint but it is dead, so Jaypaw digs down deeper to find some. He is lucky but isn't sure it is enough and they head back. Leafpool gives the catmint to Mousefur, but Daisy arrives to say Ferncloud is sick. Mousefur admits she went to visit the kits. She refuses the catmint, saying Ferncloud's kits needs it more then she, but the kits are fine. Mousefur and Ferncloud are moved to the medicine den and more sick cats follow. Jaypaw is upset that StarClan has no problem interfering in his dreams, but they didn't warn him about the greencough. The dawn patrol returns and Jaypaw asks after fresh-kill, hoping to feed the clan well so they don't all get sick, but Hollypaw tells him it is too cold and all the prey are deep underground.

Poppypaw is incredibly sick and Jaypaw is worried for her. Leafpool sends him outside for some fresh air and he hears Firestar and Brambleclaw dividing up chores for the cats. He senses dread coming from Firestar and realizes his leader is terrified for his clan. When the hunting party comes back they have almost no food. Jaypaw goes to bring some to the medicine den but stops when he smells WindClan. Weaselfur has brought Kestrelpaw to ask Leafpool for catmint. Leafpool admits she has none, but says Mothwing might be able to spare some. She doesn't seem to want to ask Mothwing but Jaypaw convinces her by pointing out cats might die and how would Mothwing feel knowing she could have helped. He feels a memory in Leafpool that causes her to recoil and she agrees to go. Jaypaw, knowing that Leafpool can travel faster without him, offers to stay behind. Leafpool tells him if he needs help to ask Brightheart and then she leaves with the WindClan cats and some of their own warriors. Jaypaw goes back to their den to help the cats and Brightheart shows up to help him. He can sense no anger from her and she helps as he tries to get Poppypaw's fever down. Jaypaw wakes up, realizing dozed off. He checks on the cats to find that Poppypaw has almost stopped breathing. Desperate, he closes his eyes and slows his breathing to hers. He finds himself next to Poppypaw in StarClan's hunting grounds. He tries to get her to leave but as Poppypaw explores she suddenly realizes where she is. Spottedleaf shows up and tells Jaypaw that he was brave to follow Poppypaw, and she tells Poppypaw it is not her time yet. Jaypaw wakes up to Brightheart who was worried that he too had fallen ill. Poppypaw wakes up, and asks Jaypaw about what happened but he insists to her it was just a dream. Leafpool returns with catmint and news that all the clans are sick - and some cats feel that this is more then just bad luck. Jaypaw reaches out and can feel all the cats of the clans panicking, wondering if this is where StarClan actually wants them and wondering what they will do if the sickness spreads.

Hollypaw wakes up to Newleaf. Now that prey will be coming out she wishes to go hunting but she is forced to stay in camp to conserve her strength since she is going to the Gathering that night. Jaypaw has to stay behind because Mousefur and Poppypaw are still sick, but Hollypaw and Lionpaw head out with the other cats. They excitedly head for the island but when they get there everyone is very quiet and subdued. When the leaders speak they talk of the sickness sweeping through their camps. An argument breaks out between the clans. Some cats feel that maybe they should leave and find a new home, that the sickness was a sign from StarClan and Leopardstar voices these thoughts. The medicine cats insist they have received no sign stating that. Blackstar hints that the sicknesses were brought on by taking in too many cats from outside the clans. Firestar argues back that life us full of ups and downs and that StarClan would never give them an easy life because a life with hardships is what makes them warriors. Onestar sides with Firestar, accusing Blackstar of only wanting blessings and the spoiled life of a kittypet from StarClan. During these arguments both Squirrelflight and Ashfur speak up in defense of their clan, their choices, and their way of life. Squirrelflight puts forward the idea to hold a Gathering during the day where the apprentices from the clans can compete against each other. As she speaks the clouds that had started to cover the moon sweep away, making cats believe that StarClan supports her words. Firestar offers ThunderClan land for this gathering, so long as everyone brings their own prey. Everyone gets swept up in the excitement of the idea, but Hollypaw is worried. She knows that this has only smoothed things over for now, but the next time something bad happens ThunderClan could very well get the blame again. Lionpaw is excited about the gathering and cannot wait to tell Jaypaw, but Hollypaw worries how their blind brother can compete and points out that maybe medicine cats will not be able to join in.

All the cats are getting ready for the daytime Gathering and Jaypaw is upset. Leafpool tries to tell Jaypaw that she needs his help but he counters that Firestar doesn't want a blind cat embarrassing the clan. Leafpool insists that is not true and that it is because Jaypaw hasn't had enough training yet thanks to the outbreak of greencough. Jaypaw doesn't believe her since Hollypaw received battle training from Leafpool and he suspects Leafpool feels it would be a waste of time to train him. The clans arrive and ThunderClan goes off to join them. Leafpool invites Jaypaw to join her but he turns her down, choosing to stay in camp. She does not push him. Suddenly he feels like he is choking on dirt and he knows that Lionpaw is in danger. He leaves the camp and tries to find his brother. He scents him and Breezepaw and races towards them. He hears them cry out for help and desperately tries to find them. He finds the ground they sank into and cries for help while he digs them out. Crowfeather arrives and helps and soon other cats come. Leafpool arrives and helps him care for the cats. Crowfeather thanks Leafpool and she tells him she would give anything to save his son's life, much to Nightcloud's annoyance. Nightcloud stays with the two apprentices in Leafpool's den. Hollypaw praises Jaypaw, much to his embarrassment. Crowfeather had acted the same way, telling Jaypaw that he acted like a warrior - but Jaypaw does not feel that way. He feels that if it wasn't for his blindness he could have warned his brother and prevented it from happening. He admits to Hollypaw that he had a vision and saw Lionpaw. She realizes he means he actually saw Jaypaw and he regrets confiding in her. She keeps his secret and tells him that he will be a great medicine cat. The cats head back to the Gathering and Leafpool offers to stay with the apprentices, making Jaypaw go. As the leaders name who won each contest Firestar names Jaypaw for saving Lionpaw and Breezepaw. As everyone cheers for him he begins to wonder if he could be a hero after all, but when Firestar speaks of how they are all true warriors Jaypaw despairs, feeling that it doesn't matter if he is a hero because he will never be a warrior. Jaypaw goes back to the den and Leafpool brings him dinner. She smells wary of him and Jaypaw feels he must be mistaken. He dreams of Firestar talking to an old cat. He listens in as the cat tells Firestar of a prophecy, of kin of his kin who will hold the power of the stars in their hands. He feels dread as he realizes the prophecy is about himself, Hollypaw, and Lionpaw. But as he thinks on it he realizes Leafpool is right to be wary of him because he and his siblings will be powerful enough to command StarClan.

So I am not going to speak of Blackstar and his prejudice again. Instead, Jaypaw being able to find Poppypaw and bring her back from the brink of death was freaky. I don't blame him for wanting to hide this information from everyone. I also wonder how he wound up in Firestar's dream since he wasn't trying to go there. Was this StarClan's way of trying to tell him the prophecy? His response to the information was disappointing but not unexpected. In his desperation to see he would think of power first.

All in all I really enjoyed this book. I do feel that it is more of Jaypaw's story then anyone else's - but that is also because so far his character is the most complex. And I do agree with Hollypaw - ShadowClan is not going to drop the mixed blood debate anytime soon.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

the sight: part five

Hollypaw is shocked at Jaypaw's declaration. Firestar asks Leafpool if she is ready to take on a new apprentice so soon. Leafpool responds that she would be honored to train Jaypaw and Hollypaw feels as if Leafpool is hiding something. Jaypaw is upset at hurting Brightheart but insists he must become a medicine cat. Hollypaw feels as though this is not Jaypaw's choice. But something that is being forced upon him. Hollypaw realizes the other cats want her gone so she offers to get Brightheart. She tells Brightheart that Firestar wants her then rushes off before Brightheart can ask why. Everyone leaves Firestar's den and he tells Brackenfur that he is to be Hollypaw's new mentor. Brackenfur warns her she has some catching up to do and they head out to hunt. At first she misses her prey and is upset but the next time she catches it and is proud with herself.

Jaypaw is in the elder's den listening to Longtail and Mousefur argue. Longtail is trying to hint to Jaypaw that he is worried for Mousefur since she went stop coughing and isn't eating but Jaypaw can find nothing wrong with her. He leaves her with some herbs. Even though it has been a week he feels like nothing has changed from when he was Brightheart's apprentice and he is tired of handing out herbs. Leafpool arrives to find out how things are going. Jaypaw has a bad attitude about helping Mousefur so Leafpool sends him back to her den where they get into a fight over how he acts. He tells Leafpool she should be happy since he is a medicine cat just like she wanted but she responds she isn't happy and Jaypaw can feel this. That night all the medicine cats travel to the Moonpool. As Jaypaw waits for Leafpool by the camp entrance he senses Brightheart. He is upset he let her down and he knows how upset she is to lose him as an apprentice - so upset she wouldn't even let him explain. Leafpool catches him unaware and tells him that Brightheart needs time and that some cats have a harder time seeing past their weaknesses to see their strength. Jaypaw suspects she is also talking about him but refuses to acknowledge it. They meet up with the RiverClan and ShadowClan medicine cats and Jaypaw is shocked by how friendly Leafpool is with them. Willowpaw asks him where Hollypaw is and Jaypaw is rude to her. Littlecloud asks him how he likes being a medicine cat apprentice. He feels anxiety coming from Leafpool. Knowing she is worried he will say he hates it he lies and says he likes it. When Leafpool tells Littlecloud that Jaypaw has already memorized all the herbs Littlecloud is impressed. Barkface reaches them and the cats head to the Moonpool. Mothwing has Willowpaw go with Jaypaw to give him help and answer any questions. Jaypaw resents this since he already knows the way. As they walk she tries to talk to him. Before he can answer she grabs him and pulls him away. Jaypaw attacks her in return. Willowpaw says she was trying to save him from a rabbit hole. Jaypaw responds that he knew the rabbit hole was there and didn't need any help. Much to his anger, Leafpool makes him apologize. Willowpaw is upset and says she hopes Jaypaw falls in the next hole. Jaypaw listens in on the cats conversation and is paying so much attention to it he forgets to pay attention to his surroundings. He slips on the ice. Willowpaw lunges forward to help him but stops herself. As they reach the slope to go to the Moonpool Jaypaw can feel her anxiety for him but she never offers to help and Jaypaw's respect for her grows. As the cats sleep Jaypaw wonders if Willowpaw's dreams look the same as his. Suddenly he find himself in her dreams. She is speaking to Mudfur and Jaypaw wonders why Mudfur does not speak to Mothwing himself. He tries to find Mothwing's dream but struggles. Finally he does find it only to realize she is not with StarClan but instead is having a normal dream.

Jaypaw goes back to StarClan and finds Yellowfang waiting for him. She tells Jaypaw that while he does have a great gift he must use it wisely. He wants to know who dictates when and where he can use his gift. Yellowfang responds that he does, but not every gift is intended for every situation. Jaypaw is annoyed with her interference and Yellowfang decides to leave. Before she can go, Jaypaw asks her about Mothwing's dreams. Yellowfang tells him to figure it out for himself and leaves. He finds Barkface talking to Tallstar. Tallstar is warning him about an upcoming dog attack. Spottedleaf arrives and tells him this is not his dream and he was not given his gift so he could spy on other clans. Jaypaw asks why he was given his gift then but Leafpool wakes him before the other cat can answer. He asks Leafpool what she dreamed of but she tells him medicine cats do not discuss their dreams unless their is a reason to. Jaypaw decides that must mean he has to tell Firestar about the dog attack. As they leave Mothwing talks to him. He tries to sneakily ask her about sharing with StarClan but she changes the subject. She gives him advice on how to heal Stormfur's shoulder. After the other cats leave he tries to sneakily get information about Mothwing out of Leafpool, but she too evades his questions. He realizes she knows more then she is saying. Back at camp he excitedly tells Firestar about the dog attack, declaring that they can take some of WindClan's territory and become powerful. Firestar is wary and Sandstorm tries to ask him if maybe he misunderstood StarClan's message. He angrily tells them that they were not there and leaves, wondering what the point is of being a medicine cat if no one will listen to you.

Lionpaw wakes up to Whitewing crying out about a dog attack. At first everyone thinks they are coming to the ThunderClan camp, but Whitewing quickly explains it is WindClan who is under attack and that Thornclaw and Cloudtail have gone to investigate. Jaypaw triumphantly asks Firestar if he believes him now and Firestar retorts that this isn't about being right - cats could die. The clan debates back and forth but ultimately decide to help WindClan. Brambleclaw assembles some cats and Whitewing leads him to the fight. They arrive and Brambleclaw wants Ashfur and Lionpaw to lead the dogs into an ambush but Ashfur refuses. The two warriors stare at each other but Ashfur explains his reasoning and Brambleclaw accepts it. They join the fight with WindClan and drive the dogs off. Brambleclaw asks Crowfeather if they can come back to the camo with him to make sure things are okay and Crowfeather allows it. Back at the camp Onestar thanks ThunderClan for their help but not everyone is happy that ThunderClan came along. The cats head home and Lionpaw finds himself thinking of Heatherpaw.

I don't think I really have anything to say other then Jaypaw really is an unhappy cat. I understand him not wanting Willowpaw's help but he really does not seem to understand respecting other cats personal mental spaces and he is so bitter towards everyone.

As for Ashfur, his refusal to follow Brambleclaw's order did make sense, but Brambleclaw was clearly questioning just why Ashfur really refused.