Friday, December 7, 2018

the fourth apprentice: part two

Dovepaw tries to sleep but someone keeps attacking her ear. She yells at Ivypaw to knock it off but she doesn't listen. Finally Dovepaw opens her eyes to see that it isn't Ivypaw, but an old cat with matted fur. Scared, Dovepaw tries to wake Ivypaw but she cannot. The strange cat tells Dovepaw to follow her. They walk past Toadstep, who is as still as stone, at the entrance. The cat (who sounds like Yellowfang) leads Dovepaw to the lake, showing it to her full. Dovepaw realizes she is asleep and the strange cat is from StarClan. Dovepaw asks for help with the lake but Yellowfang tells her that the warrior code does not promise an easy life. She warns Dovepaw that there is always debates and fighting, and that every generation blood is spilled. As she fades away she tells Dovepaw a new prophecy of strife followed by peace. Dovepaw wakes up but she cannot remember Yellowfang's words. She goes about her duties and later that day as the cats discuss the missing water she asks them if it is because of the brown animals who are blocking the stream. She doesn't understand everyone's confusion at her announcement - or their anger at her for making up stories. Upset she appeals to everyone to believe her but none of them do, including Ivypaw who accuses her of showing off. The cats angrily stalk away, leaving her with Lionblaze who tells her to follow him.

Lionblaze takes Dovepaw out of the camp and asks her what she can hear. She tells him of Berrynose stepping on a thistle by the WindClan border and hopping around on three feet. As they talk the patrol comes back with Berrynose limping. Lionblaze asks him what is wrong but Berrynose just sighs dramatically. Dustpelt tells Lionblaze that Berrynose stepped on a thistle and is acting like no one has ever stepped on one before. Lionblaze tells Dovepaw to wait and races back to the camp. He returns with Jayfeather, excitedly telling him that he thinks Dovepaw is the one. Dovepaw is upset that she might be different from other cats and Jayfeather and Lionblaze decide to test her. Lionblaze leaves and Jayfeather asks her if she can sense Lionblaze. She casts out her senses and finds him. When he returns Dovepaw told him what he was doing and Lionblaze confirms it is correct. They tell Dovepaw that she is part of the prophecy. Upset, she asks Lionblaze to tell her it isn't true.

Jayfeather and Lionblaze talk to a reluctant Dovepaw and Jayfeather os frustrated with her unwillingness to accept her path. As they talk to cats admit they don't know why they have these powers or if the prophecy even comes from StarClan. They end their meeting with Dovepaw being reassured that all she can do is continue her training and be ready. As they split up Dovepaw asks Jayfeather about her dream and he tells her that Yellowfang visited her.

With the Gathering tomorrow, Lionblaze decides to talk to Firestar about Dovepaw's belief that something could be blocking the stream. At first Firestar tries to talk to Lionblaze about forgiving Leafpool and Squirrelflight, but after he says his piece he listens to Lionblaze. Firestar doesn't believe in the animals that Dovepaw spoke of, but he does believe that something could be blocking the stream. He tells Lionblaze that he will mention this at the Gathering the next night. Lionblaze leaves Firestar's den and finds Dovepaw and Jayfeather waiting for him. Dovepaw asks him about his meeting with Firestar and he is disturbed to realize she could hear everything but she tells him she did not listen because that would have been eavesdropping. He tells them of Firestar's plan for the Gathering.

Lionblaze and his clan reach the Gathering. Tigerheart tries be friendly with Lionblaze, but upset that Tigerheart is no longer his kin he brushes the other cat off. He tells Cinderheart that he wishes Tigerheart would leave him alone. Cinderheart gently reminds him it is okay to have friends in other clans. Lionblaze feels like she doesn't understand, and wonders if Tigerstar visits them in their dreams too. RiverClan arrives. Seeing Leopardstar at the head of the group, Dovepaw tells Lionblaze that Leopardstar is the sick cat. Mistyfoot helps Leopardstar to the tree while Lionblaze and Cinderheart talk amongst themselves about her condition. Firestar speaks of sending a patrol out to find the water. Blackstar and Onestar quickly agree to join it, but Leopardstar accuses Firestar of trying to steal their fish and forbids RiverClan from joining. Mistyfoot speaks to Leopardstar and then announces that RiverClan will join the patrol. Her clan is upset, feeling that Mistyfoot has made Leopardstar look weak. Firestar announces that two cats from each clan will go.

So I am glad that Dovepaw's power is slightly different. She deals more with the physical while Jayfeather deals more with the mental. When she spoke of Berrynose hurting his paw she couldn't sense his pain - like Jayfeather can - she just knew what he was saying and doing.

Mistyfoot did make Leopardstar look weak, but Leopardstar was doing that just fine on her own. She clearly is sick like Dovepaw says. I have a feeling she is probably going to lose another life.

I also feel like Lionblaze is being foolish with Tigerheart and I hope he makes it right. I know they are no longer kin but they grew up thinking they were and being close because of it. He should not shine that closeness because he is angry at Squirrelflight. And, speaking of Squirrelflight, when on earth are Lionblaze and Jayfeather going to forgive her and Leafpool? I'm not saying they have to be one big happy family, but I do feel they need to move past this.

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