Sunday, December 9, 2018

the fourth apprentice: part four

Dovepaw wakes up to find Lionblaze took her shift. She is upset with him, feeling that he is treating her like a kit. He reminds her that she was only just made an apprentice but she counters that she has had her powers since birth. Everyone wakes up and hunts. RiverClan says they will not take any of the fresh kill since they did not hunt but the other cats insist. They head off and when they find a pool of water the RiverClan cats catch a fish for everyone to share. Some cats like it, others do not. Toadfoot warns everyone of something ahead but refuses to say what. Curious, most of the cats look and see a dead deer. Dovepaw is upset that she didn't sense it and wonders what else she has missed. They see sheep nearby then scent and hear a dog. Whitetail tells everyone to run to the sheep since twolegs never let their dogs near sheep. Everyone races to the sheep, which become started by the dog. The twoleg eventually takes their dog away and the cats regroup. They cross a thunderpath then Dovepaw realizes they have lost the stream.

Lionblaze calms Dovepaw down and everyone starts looking for the stream. Some twoleg kits chase them and they wind up falling into the dry stream. They continue on and the WindClan cats scent rabbits. They head to the smell but three kittypets stop them. They try to explain that the rabbits belong to the twolegs and are not for eating but the clan cats don't want to hear it. The kittypets make it clear they will fight for the rabbits if they have to and the clan cats leave. They go off to a patch of trees to hunt and Snowdrop, one of the kittypets, follows them. She talks to Lionblaze and won't take a hint as he tries to get her to leave. Finally he gives up on hunting. Annoyed, the cats decide to take their fresh kill elsewhere. Snowdrop looks so sad at their leaving that Lionblaze goes back to offer her some of the fresh kill but, much to the amusement of the clan cats, she is horrified at the thought of eating fur and bones. They leave and find a place to stay for the night. Dovepaw excitedly tells Lionblaze that she can sense the animals blocking the stream.

Jayfeather wishes that Lionblaze was there so he could tell him about Breezepelt's hostility. Dustpelt comes by for more herbs for his back, and he thanks Jayfeather for his help. Cinderheart comes in next, speaking of her fears for Poppyfrost. She cannot explain exactly why she is worried, she just is. She feels part of Poppyfrost's problem is Honeyfern's death. Jayfeather sleeps and walks in Poppyfrost's dreams. He finds her in StarClan's land. He tries to take her home but Poppyfrost insists she can hear Honeyfern and must find her. Jayfeather wakes up and resolves to keep an eye on Poppyfrost. Jayfeather goes about his duties. He checks on the elders and is shocked by how old and frail Longtail sounds. Jayfeather realizes the young cat is getting older. While there Ferncloud comes in looking for Poppyfrost. She and Daisy cannot find her and they are worried. Jayfeather assures them that she probably went for a walk and goes back to his den. Daisy arrives, upset because Poppyfrost thinks Berrynose doesn't love her or want her kits, and that she fears he still loves Honeyfern. Jayfeather points out that some of Poppyfrost's fears are understandable, but that doesn't sooth Daisy. Jayfeather tells her that when Firestar comes back he will speak to him about looking for Poppyfrost. He checks for the snake again, and while he does it he realizes where Poppyfrost probably went. He leaves the camp and follows her scent along the path to the Moonpool. He is surprised to find Breezepelt's scent as well, following Poppyfrost.

Dovepaw tells Lionblaze what she can sense. The cats get ready to head out. The boundaries between their clans start to fade as Tigerheart and Sedgewhisker play fight. They reach the damn and everyone is shocked by it. They decide they just have to wreck it - and fight the animals who built it - anyway. There are twolegs nearby. Sedgewhisker goes off to check it out and Petalfur follows. One of the twolegs picks up Petalfur, much to everyone's horror. But the twoleg doesn't hurt her, just pets her and gives her some food which she brings back to the other cats to share. As they eat and talk another cat named Woody shows up. He tells then the animals who built the damn are called beavers. The clan cats resolve to fight them and Woody tells them they are crazy. The RiverClan cats are excited to see so much water and go swimming in it but the other cats see beavers enter the water after them. They call out a warning to their friends, who race out of the water. They realize things might not be as easy as they hoped.

So, I will admit, I am finding the journey story line a bit boring which is why I'm not really talking about it. I do wonder how easy - or hard - it will be to solve their problem now that they are there.

Now onto Jayfeather, Poppyfrost, and Breezepelt! I understand Poppyfrost's feelings, but I think they are unfounded. Berrynose is clearly worried and overprotective of her. I think he is scared that he will lose her too. I think he just isn't communicating this very well. And Poppyfrost probably does feel guilty hooking up with Berrynose considering he was her sister's mate. Jayfeather is probably my favorite but he is exasperating sometimes. Something is clearly wrong with Poppyfrost but his attitude is he doesn't have an herb to fix her so there is nothing he can do. And as for Breezepelt, I have a bad feeling about him following Poppyfrost to the Moonpool...

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