Wednesday, December 19, 2018

fading echoes: part four

Jayfeather and Lionblaze meet in secret to discuss Tigerstar and the Dark Forest. They try to reason out Tigerstar's motives, but all they can think of is his hatred for Firestar. They start thinking about Breezepelt and Tigerheart, and how they are training in the Dark Forest, and how Lionblaze once trained there. They reason out that with Breezepelt that Tigerstar is exploiting a weakness, and with Tigerheart and Lionblaze it was an exploitation of kinship. They figure it is Tigerheart who is crossing the border, though they don't know why, and start to worry that there are other cats - and they don't know who or in which clan. They try to think of who in RiverClan Tigerstar might approach, but then they remember Hawkfrost is in the Dark Forest too, and he might be approaching cats as well. Jayfeather resolves to find out more that night at the Moonpool. Later on Sorreltail gets Jayfeather and tells him Littlecloud is there for him. She is surprised he came to the camp, but Jayfeather points out that he probably wants to see the damage. He greets Littlecloud, who asks after Briarpaw. Jayfeather tells him she is doing well and her name is Briarlight now. Together with Flametail they head for the Moonpool. Jayfeather thinks of walking in Flametail's mind to see if he knows anything about Tigerheart. He then feels panic as he realizes Flametail is Tigerstar's kin too, which means Tigerstar could potentially have medicine cats on his side. They reach Kestrelflight, Mothwing, and Willowshine. Jayfeather greets Mothwing but she is cool to him, making him wonder if she fears he will betray her secret. He knows he won't but she might not realize that. Littlecloud tries to ask after Leafpool but Jayfeather is upset and short in his answers. Littlecloud responds that everyone makes mistakes, but sometimes the echoes last forever. They dream, and Yellowfang finds Jayfeather. As they talk Yellowfang tells him that some of StarClan is worried. Jayfeather starts to tell her of Tigerstar and Hawkfrost training cats in their dreams, of how they don't know who to trust - even when it comes down to medicine cats - and how Breezepelt attacked him by the Moonpool. The more he talks to more worried Yellowfang becomes. He asks her what to do and she responds they must go to the Dark Forest.

Jayfeather and Yellowfang head towards the Dark Forest and Jayfeather is shocked to see a ghost of Firestar walking around. Yellowfang tells him that Firestar isn't actually here, that when he loses a life one appears here. She tells him Firestar has lost five lives and with each one he loses his cat becomes more and more solid. But Firestar cannot see or speak to them since he is still alive. Spottedleaf finds them and insists on joining them and the three cats sneak in. Jayfeather becomes separated and races on ahead. Terrified, he is overtaken by a cat but it is just Yellowfang. She warns him they must stay together. Jayfeather smells a male cat and Yellowfang suddenly insists they go back. Brokenstar appears and starts to question why they are there. Jayfeather sees into Yellowfang's memories and realizes she is Brokenstar's mother - and that she killed him. He is upset that Yellowfang too broke her medicine cat vows. Shocked, Jayfeather confronts her and Yellowfang responds that mistakes happen, causing Jayfeather to wonder if the same is true of him and his siblings. Sensing he is upset, though not fully why, Spottedleaf assures Jayfeather that he and his siblings were wanted and are loved. But Jayfeather feels that Yellowfang is no better then Leafpool. Yellowfang and Spottedleaf accuse Brokenstar of training the clan cats but Brokenstar feigns innocence. He tells the StarClan cats that they are welcome to look around, but then they must let the Dark Forest cats look around StarClan. The offer is refused and Brokenstar kicks them out. As they leave Spottedleaf ducks into a bush. She tells Yellowfang to leave while she and Jayfeather look around. They spot Darkstripe and Hawkfrost training Dark Forest cats, using moves that kill. Jayfeather is horrified as they attack one cat, showing battle moves to use. He says such moves are not in the warrior code and Spottedleaf responds that these cats live outside the warrior code. Tigerstar finds them, telling them he knows Brokenstar kicked them out. When they confront him about training clan cats he points out that no clan cats are here. When they ask him why they are training he responds they don't want to lose their skills. Unable to get any answers, and unwanted, Jayfeather and Spottedleaf finally leave.

Lionblaze cannot sleep, wondering what Jayfeather is learning at the Moonpool. Cinderheart is awake too, and sensing his restlessness she suggests they take a walk. They leave the camp together and Cinderheart broaches the subject of Dovepaw and Ivypaw. She points out that ever since Dovepaw got to go on the journey Ivypaw has been jealous and competitive. Lionblaze counters that competitiveness is natural. Cinderheart asks him if it is true that Dovepaw had a dream about the beavers but Lionblaze just says that is what she claimed. Cinderheart asks him to have Dovepaw be a bit more considerate but Lionblaze counters that competition can be good. Changing the subject he suggests a run and the two cats take off, playfully trying to trick the other. Remembering Heathertail, Lionblaze asks her to stop. Cinderheart teases him by suggesting they climb trees and Lionblaze takes off again. He feels free and happy as he realizes Cinderheart is not Heathertail and there is nothing wrong with being with her. They reach the lake and Cinderheart jumps in and swims. Lionblaze teases her that she looks like a RiverClan cat and she responds that she is ThunderClan through and through. He says he is glad she is, but she mistakes his meaning, not realizing he is flirting with her. They head back to camp and their den. The next morning Lionblaze tries to talk to Cinderheart but she is all business. Feeling hurt, he is a bit short with Dovepaw when they go on a hunting patrol. They get into another fight about her powers, with her still feeling like every clan could benefit from them and him pointing out they wouldn't appreciate her interference. He points out that her powers saved them all from dying of thirst and that cheers her up. He asks about the patrol checking the ShadowClan border and she says everything is fine and there are no new scents. She suddenly stiffens but refuses to tell Lionblaze what is wrong. Jayfeather, Littlecloud, and Flametail come along. The ShadowClan cats leave and Jayfeather reports what he found in the Dark Forest to Lionblaze and Dovepaw. Dovepaw is shocked and feels that no ThunderClan cat could possibly train with Tigerstar. Lionblaze tells Dovepaw that she needs to spy on the other cats to find out who they cannot trust but she becomes angry, accusing Lionblaze of not trusting anyone, and runs away.

Dovepaw races off and finds herself near the ShadowClan border. Knowing she would never be able to explain her presence when she is supposed to be on the other side of the territory hunting, she decides to hide from the patrol. Backing up into a bush she accidentally falls into ShadowClan territory right where Tigerheart is. Tigerheart tells her it is okay, since they are friends and he trusts her, and they talk. She confides in him about visiting Sedgewhisker and how everyone was so mad at her. The way Tigerheart looks at her makes her feel self conscious. Talk turns to the journey and Tigerheart speaks of how brave Dovepaw was. Looking into his eyes, Dovepaw finds it hard to speak. A ShadowClan patrol comes along and Tigerheart gets her over the border. Dovepaw leaves, determined to keep her friendship with Tigerheart and determined not to let Jayfeather and Lionblaze wreck it.

Ivypaw is in the Dark Forest. At first she was scared, but then Hawkfrost found her and assured her it was okay. He tells her all the cats here are her clanmates and they get to training. As they train another cat comes along and at first Ivypaw mistakes him for Brambleclaw. But it is Tigerstar, which makes her uneasy. Tigerstar tells her how he tried to lead his clan but they unfairly turned against him and drove him out. He talks of how he had to beg ShadowClan for a home, but at heart he is a true ThunderClan cat. Hawkfrost has Ivypaw show Tigerstar some of her moves and Tigerstar declares her ready. When Ivypaw asks ready for what, Tigerstar tells her of a ShadowClan plan to invade their territory. He tells her the land that they want, that she must make Firestar believe her, and that they need to take back the territory Firestar gave Blackstar. Ivypaw decides they need to attack first. Tigerstar agrees, and tells her she must find a way to convince Firestar.

So much happened here! Jayfeather going to the Dark Forest. The dead cats in the Dark Forest training! Clearly they are planning an invasion. The realization that even medicine cats could be in league with the Dark Forest! I never thought of that!!! The inability to trust any cat. Jayfeather losing faith in Yellowfang. Tigerstar convincing Ivypaw to invade ShadowClan. Ivypaw trusting Tigerstar! How could she?!? Dovepaw's mixed feelings for Tigerheart. And does Tigerheart actually feel anything for Dovepaw or is he just manipulating her? Lionblaze falling in love with Cinderheart! I did not see that one coming! I was thinking he would never love again after Heathertail, especially with how obsessed he is with being a warrior. I am dying to read the last five chapters. They are very short, though, so do doubt any of my questions will be resolved.

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