Saturday, December 8, 2018

the fourth apprentice: part three

The next day Firestar announces who will go on the mission for their clan. He picks Lionblaze and Dovepaw. Everyone is pretty disappointed that an apprentice is picked but Squirrelflight and Graystripe shut everyone down pretty quick. When some cats try to question Dovepaw why she gets to go Jayfeather steps in and protects her from their questions. Seeing a chance to escape as Brightheart approaches, Dovepaw takes it. Brightheart offers to collect the traveling herbs but Jayfeather cannot remember them. He refuses to ask Leafpool for help and between them he and Brightheart remember what they are. As Brightheart walks away, Jayfeather is swept into Leafpool's memories of Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight leaving to go find Midnight. As the memory ends he realizes Leafpool shared it, along with her sorrow and fears for her sister, purposely to show Jayfeather she knows what he is feeling with Lionblaze leaving. Jayfeather shakes off her emotions, feeling it isn't the same since she and Squirrelflight were not part of a prophecy, unlike he and Lionblaze. He checks the rocks for snakes again, with Purdy offering his help. Jayfeather impatiently listens to Purdy drone on as he does his task, then thanks Purdy and leaves.

Dovepaw waits with Lionblaze and Brambleclaw for the other cats to arrive. She casts her senses out and finds RiverClan. She listens as Mothwing tells Mistyfoot that Leopardstar is going to lose another life. After ShadowClan comes, and expresses annoyance over an apprentice joining them, Lionblaze accidentally slips that Dovepaw had a dream about the stream being blocked. The rest of the cats arrive and after some initial squabbling their journey starts.

Much to Lionblaze's annoyance, Toadfoot insists on leading the patrol. As they follow the stream twolegs are spotted up ahead. Dovepaw climbs up the embankment to look at them and is spotted. The kits chase the cats and chaos breaks out as they all try to run for cover. They eventually break away from the twolegs and regroup. Toadfoot, who blames Dovepaw, is upset and implies that maybe they shouldn't go forward but the rest of the cats are determined not to let the setback stop them. Lionblaze takes the lead and they head off.

Lionblaze leads and after a bit Toadfoot tells him they should rest and points out the struggling RiverClan cats. Lionblaze doesn't like Toadfoot's attitude but he agrees. WindClan wants to hunt too but Toadfoot doesn't want them hunting in ShadowClan territory. Again Lionblaze does not want to agree with Toadfoot but he does, telling WindClan that they will get a chance to hunt later. Toadfoot and Tigerheart head to their territory while Lionblaze and Dovepaw hunt in their own. Dovepaw only catches a tiny mouse and is upset over it and Whitetail from WindClan comforts her. The ShadowClan cats return with their prey. Tigerheart caught a huge pigeon and even though Lionblaze is upset with their small offerings, he joins in Tigerheart's pride and joy. He realizes Cinderheart is correct, that it is okay to have friends in other clans, and hopes that things are okay between himself and Tigerheart now. But he also worries that Tigerstar might be visiting Tigerheart. They continue traveling and Dovepaw senses dogs up ahead. No one else can smell them but everyone accepts Lionblaze's word. The RiverClan and WindClan cats don't know how to climb trees and insist they cannot and that they will take their chances on the ground. Lionblaze won't let them and assigns each ThunderClan and ShadowClan cat another cat to help. Theu manage to make it into the trees right before the dogs arrive. Sedgewhisker almost falls. Lionblaze reaches for her and Toadfoot jumps over from his tree to help. Between the two cats they rescue her. After the dogs leave they decide to camp for the night and tend to Sedgewhisker, who hurt her shoulder. Rippletail knows a little about herbs so he helps her. Lionblaze takes the first watch and realizes that Dovepaw is not sleeping. She feels she has to stay awake to sense everything going on. Lionblaze assures her this is not the case and she settles down to sleep.

Jayfeather goes about his chores worrying about his brother and Dovepaw. He listens to Ivypaw complain about being left behind. He avoids Purdy and his stories. He listens in as Brambleclaw returns and reports to Firestar. He senses that Dustpelt is hurting and makes him take herbs. He feels Leafpool's pride in him but he doesn't want it. He leaves the camp and heads to the lake. He listens as Russetfur and Graymist argue over the lake. He hears Poppyfrost arrive and Berrynose freak out because she is out of the nursery. Jayfeather feels Poppyfrost is upset with how Berrynose is acting. He tries to assure her that Berrynose is just worried about her but she doesn't feel that way. He hears an argument breakout between Breezepelt, Icecloud, and Berrynose. Breezepelt is accusing them of trespassing on WindClan land. Jayfeather tries to diffuse the fight but Breezepelt verbally attacks him, calling him half clan, saying that his mother betrayed Crowfeather, telling Jayfeather that he doesn't even deserve to be a medicine cat, and that he will never forgive him. Jayfeather is shocked at the hatred coming from Breezepelt. Berrynose wants to attack Breezepelt for his words but Jayfeather tells him no. Ashfoot comes over, asking what is going on, and Jayfeather tells her it is just a misunderstanding. She advises ThunderClan to return to their territory. The cats leave, shocked at Breezepelt's behavior and words. Jayfeather hears the ancient cats call out his previous name, Jay's Wing, and warn him that storm clouds on a dark breeze are coming.

Oh my goodness, Breezepelt!!! I understand him being upset - after all, Jayfeather and Lionblaze are upset too, but not his open hostility and blame towards Jayfeather! And his hatred of Leafpool, blaming her for everything! His father is just as guilty as Leafpool! Also, none of this is Jayfeather's fault! I am worried by his open hatred. It disturbs me and I can't think why. I suppose because it is so strong and so misplaced. And because Jayfeather is a medicine cat, standing almost outside the clans. I don't know. Breezepelt's outburst really bothered me. And I wonder if the ancient cats warning ties into why they have their special powers? After all, the warning was clearly about Breezepelt since it referred to a "dark breeze."

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