Tuesday, December 18, 2018

fading echoes: part three

Ivypaw dreams of hunting, and Hawkfrost comes to her, giving her advice. They train together for a bit but then Ivypaw hears someone calling her. As she leaves Hawkfrost gives her his name and she responds with hers. Cinderheart wakes Ivypaw. It is the day of the assessment of Blossompaw, Briarpaw, and Bumblepaw. Firestar wants to try a new way of doing things and wants the cats to do their assessments in pairs with other mentors assessing them. Ivypaw is being paired with Blossompaw, who isn't very nice about it. Since it is a hunting assessment she would rather have Dovepaw, who is great at hunting. Ivypaw is upset with Blossompaw's attitude. She hears a voice in her ear reminding her that she is every bit as good as her sister, and that comforts her. She responds that she will do the best she can and that is it Blossompaw's assessment, not her's. Hazeltail compliments her for her response. The cats split up with Blossompaw, Ivypaw, Dustpelt, and Thornclaw heading to the abandoned twoleg nest. Blossompaw mocks Ivypaw for having a hard time keeping up with her, then tells her not to get in her way. Ivypaw is upset, wondering why everyone is so crazy about her sister and feels she is worthless. Since Blossompaw took off Ivypaw hunts on her own and catches a huge squirrel. Dustpelt and Thornclaw compliment her on her catch. Blossompaw shows up, upset that they chased away the prey she was hunting. She gets mad at Ivypaw when it is pointed out that they are supposed to be hunting in pairs, but Dustpelt counters that if Blossompaw doesn't tell Ivypaw how to help her she can't be mad. Blossompaw catches a blackbird, and it was such a horrible catch that Ivypaw sneers at it, feeling it wouldn't meet Hawkfrost's standards. She then wonders if Hawkfrost is from StarClan. She gets excited since her sister has never been visited by StarClan. Much to Blossompaw's disappointment, Thornclaw puts an end to the assessment. They head back to camp and Blossompaw tells Ivypaw that if she fails the assessment it is all Ivypaw's fault. Seeing Dovepaw, Ivypaw takes her outside of camp to tell her of her dream. Worried that Dovepaw won't believe her, she tries to tell her about a StarClan cat visiting her but Brightheart interrupts, sending them back to camp. In the apprentice den she tries again but Lionblaze pulls Dovepaw away. Alone, Ivypaw is bitter about how Dovepaw is treated. Blossompaw, Briarpaw, and Bumblepaw come into the den, happy they passed, but Ivypaw isn't interested. She decides to go to sleep to see if she can meet Hawkfrost again. She wants him to train her until she is better then her sister.

Lionblaze, Jayfeather, and Dovepaw are in Firestar's den giving a report that nothing new is going on when Dovepaw suddenly cries out that a tree is going to fall into the camp. Lionblaze races out, screaming to everyone to evacuate the camp. Firestar follows, giving the same order and giving out assignments to the cats who are right there. Dustpelt reports that the nursery is clear, Jayfeather that the medicine den is clear, and Lionblaze that the warrior's den is clear. Firestar gets everyone out of the camp but Lionblaze realizes that Brightheart has not reported in from the elder's den. On his way there he finds Dovepaw and Ivypaw. Dovepaw feels she cannot leave until she knows which tree is falling and Ivypaw is confused by her sisters actions. He sends them on their way then goes into the elder's den, finding Mousefur refusing to leave her dry moss to go run around in the rain. Brightheart is frustrated but unsheathing his claws, Lionblaze tells her to get out. Shocked, Mousefur complies. They get out of the camp and Dovepaw identifies the falling tree. Firestar is trying to herd the cats away when Lionblaze overhears Mousefur insisting she has to go back for a mouse. Longtail offers to do it for her and Briarpaw races after him. Lionblaze runs after them screaming that the tree is about to fall but he is too late and it lands partly on the elder's den. Firestar and Dovepaw join him but the tree slides and falls even more, preventing them from rescuing the cats. The rest of the clan comes in and Firestar with Brambleclaw quickly start giving orders so they can try to rescue the trapped cats. Dustpelt is in charge of propping the tree up and Squirrelflight with finding logs to use. Everyone picks their cats and gets to work. Jayfeather is placed in charge of treating any cats who need it and Daisy is placed in charge of the elders and kits. Mousefur is devastated and blames herself for Longtail's possible death. Jayfeather needs his herbs so Rosepetal is placed in charge of that. Whitewing is placed in charge of everyone else, and Dovepaw, who is blaming herself, is placed in her care. Everyone quickly gets to work and soon a path is cleared. Lionblaze finds Longtail's broken body and brings it out while Dustpelt searches for Briarpaw. He finds her and Lionblaze and Graystripe join him. Briarpaw is pinned and Graystripe tries to pull her out but it doesn't work and hurts her. Lionblaze stops him, telling him he will kill her. Lionblaze pushes against the branch to move it. He succeeds, much to Dustpelt's shock, and Graystripe is able to free his daughter. The tunnel they made is about to collapse so Graystripe grabs his daughter and runs. Lionblaze tells Dustpelt to run as well before he lets go. Dustpelt does so Lionblaze lets go and manages to get out right before the tunnel collapses. The clan returns, Mousefur mourns Longtail, and Jayfeather tries to help Briarpaw. He snaps at Leafpool asking if she will help or not. Leafpool does and Briarlaw wakes up but she cannot feel her back legs. Firestar starts giving everyone tasks to clean up the camp and he tells Lionblaze to rest. As Lionblaze looks at the crippled apprentice he wonders if Briarpaw will be upset he saved her life.

Jayfeather is unsure what is wrong with Briarpaw's back legs and Millie is frustrated with his lack of knowledge. Leafpool suggests to him to go see Littlecloud since he once had a similar case. He gets permission from Firestar, who tells him to take Squirrelflight with him - much to Jayfeather's annoyance. He checks in on Mousefur first. Purdy is getting her to talk about Longtail to make her feel better and for once Jayfeather feels grateful for the elder. He places Brightheart in charge of the medicine den and leaves. Squirrelflight catches up to him and they travel. She tries to talk to Jayfeather but he is uninterested. She finally loses her patience with him and snaps that he isn't the only cat who is hurting. They run into a ShadowClan patrol who accuses them of invading and using the excuse of needing to see Littlecloud as a distraction, but they take the cats to their camp. Surprised by their request to see Littlecloud, Blackstar takes them to his den without complaint. They tell Blackstar what happened. He is surprised they only lost one cat, and feels sympathy for the loss of Longtail. Littlecloud tells them of treating Wildfur, how his back bone was broken, and how he ultimately died. He gives them herbs and suggestions and the cats leave. Back at camp Jayfeather tests Littlecloud's theory by biting down Briarpaw's back until she can no longer feel it. He breaks the news to her that she will never be able to use her back legs again. Millie is distraught, especially when she finds out Briarpaw might die from this. Squirrelflight comforts Millie and Graystripe so Jayfeather can talk to and tend his patient in peace.

Dovepaw watches as Briarpaw receives the warrior name Briarlight. She is happy for her clanmate, but she is also exhausted. It has been a quarter moon and everyone is tired from all the extra work. Plus, Dovepaw has been having had dreams about the tree falling and trapping Ivypaw. Cats are sent to gather moss for the new elder's den. Dovepaw and Ivypaw are amongst the cats chosen, and when Dovepaw tries to playfully bet with Ivypaw that she can collect the most moss Ivypaw brushes her off. Dovepaw is hurt as they go to collect moss and Ivypaw acts like she isn't even there. Dovepaw wonders if she is imagining Ivypaw's coldness, or if Ivypaw jas somehow figured out about her powers and is blaming her for the tree falling. Lionblaze seeks out Dovepaw as she is collecting feathers. He tells her that ShadowClan has been scented inside the border again and asks her if she knows anything new. Dovepaw is upset with him, telling him she would have told him if she did. Secretly, she figures it is Tigerheart and since they are friends she can trust him. Ivypaw pops up unexpectedly and Lionblaze angrily leaves. Ivypaw tries to find out what is going on by pointedly asking her sister why Lionblaze would think she knows what is going on with ShadowClan, but Dovepaw is evasive making Ivypaw mad. She accuses her of keeping secrets, and says if Dovepaw is going to keep secrets then so is she. Dovepaw feels guilty as she remembers Ivypaw tried to tell her about her StarClan dream. Dovepaw tries to ask about it but Ivypaw blows her off, claiming Dovepaw is just jealous that she might be more special. She leaves with Dovepaw upset that she never realized Ivypaw was feeling this way. Back at camp Ivypaw ignores Dovepaw when she tries to speak to her. Dovepaw seeks out Jayfeather, asking for permission to tell Ivypaw the truth but Jayfeather tells her no. Dovepaw points out that he was able to confide in his siblings but Jayfeather tells her not at first. Talk turns to Hollyleaf but Jayfeather is evasive in his answers. Dovepaw watches Ivypaw, realizing her secret might cost her her best friend.

Ivypaw dreams, training with Hawkfrost. He teaches her a new move and Ivypaw says she cannot wait to show Dovepaw. But as she and Hawkfrost talk Ivypaw changes her mind. She is upset with how special Dovepaw seems to think she is, and since she knows Dovepaw is keeping secrets she feels she deserves to have secrets too. Hawkfrost encourages her in these thoughts and they go back to training. Ivypaw wakes up, stiff from her training with Hawkfrost. She sees Dovepaw next to her and longs to tell her, but shoves that feeling away. She is determined to become an even better warrior than Lionblaze. Cinderheart collects her, telling her that they are trying new training exercises. She and the other cats split into two teams and try to take the others territory. The teams are led by Cinderheart and Dustpelt, with Ivypaw on Dustpelt's team. As they face off against each other Ivypaw uses her new moves. She sees Leafpool watching her and assumes the cat is impressed. Cinderheart's team wins but everyone wants to know where Ivypaw learned to fight like that. Ivypaw is evasive in her answers, saying it was just instinct and she cannot do it again. She is worried by how suspicious Leafpool seems. They face off a second time and Ivypaw brings Bumblestripe down. He seems to give up and the two cats talk about Briarlight as the rest of the cats continue on with the mock battle. Dustpelt's side wins and everyone heads back to camp. Bumblestripe thanks Ivypaw and then runs ahead with his sister. Ivypaw feels left out but then Leafpool joins her, pressing her for more information about her techniques. Not wanting to answer her, Ivypaw runs ahead.

I knew Hawkfrost was going to go after Ivypaw! And judging from Ivypaw's hostility towards her sister, he is doing a very good job. I wonder why Leafpool is so suspicious, though. Don't get me wrong, Ivypaw was using battle moves she shouldn't know but Leafpool is a medicine cat, not a warrior - at least, not a very good one. It should have been Dustpelt who was suspicious.

I do wonder why Tigerstar hasn't gone after Dovepaw. I understand Breezepelt and Ivypaw - both are jealous and hostile and Tigerstar is clearly exploiting that - but he went after Jayfeather and Lionblaze as well. But never Hollyleaf. Was it because she wasn't one of the three? Does Tigerstar believe in the prophecy even though he claims not to? Was he trying to sway the two prophecy cats to his side? Was it something else? Did he figure he never had a chance with Hollyleaf since she was so devoted to the warrior code? He is clearly exploiting Breezepelt and Ivypaw's jealousies. Jayfeather, too, had anger issues. Lionblaze never had anger issues - until AFTER he started training with Tigerstar. Brambleclaw was the same way. Both he and Lionblaze just wanted to be the best warrior ever and justified getting help from an evil cat because they wanted to do good.

I have so many questions. Like just how far gone is Ivypaw? I believe Tigerstar's ultimate goal is to turn these cats against their clans. Could Ivypaw do that? Turn against her clan? Her sister? Not now, but how much longer til she has turned? Is Tigerheart trying to turn Dovepaw? He seems to be almost flirting with her - at least, Dovepaw feels that way. She feels confused whenever she thinks of him. Is he genuinely friends with her? Does he want something more? Is he trying to turn her? Has he turned evil? Or, is he just like Lionblaze and Brambleclaw? Breezepelt clearly has turned, but Tigerheart seems to at least care for Dovepaw. And has Heathertail been turned? She was so full of hatred towards Lionblaze once. But, she seems to dislike Breezepelt so maybe not?

Like I said, I have a lot of questions...

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