Monday, December 17, 2018

fading echoes: part two

Unable to sleep, Dovepaw and Ivypaw sneak out of camp. Ivypaw asks what they should do and Dovepaw suggests going to WindClan. When she implies that Ivypaw might be too scared, Ivypaw automatically agrees. Dovepaw doesn't tell her sister since Ivypaw doesn't know about her powers, but she knows Sedgewhisker was hurt and she wants to check on her. The two cats successfully make it to the WindClan camp, and much to Ivypaw's shock Dovepaw wakes up Sedgewhisker. But Sedgewhisker is not happy to see the ThunderClan cats. Dovepaw is upset and tries to explain to Sedgewhisker that she just wanted to make sure the other cat was okay after hearing about the dogs, but Sedgewhisker accuses her of spying on WindClan. Weaselfur comes over to see what is going on and catches Sedgewhisker talking to the apprentices. He calls out an alarm and Dovepaw has to watch as everyone wakes up and finds them there. Most of the cats are hostile, but Whitetail is sympathetic. She reminds Dovepaw that the journey is over, and their loyalities must lie with their own clans now. Understanding what has happened, Onestar doesn't make too big of a fuss and tells Breezepelt and Heathertail to take the cats home. Breezepelt is hostile, but while Heathertail is angry she does point out that they are just apprentices. The cats take them back to ThunderClan territory and then insist on bringing them back to camp. Dovepaw and Ivypaw realize that means telling Firestar and that they are going to be in huge trouble. As they approach the camp Rosepetal, who is on guard, asks what is going on. The WindClan cats respond that they are returning the apprentices and demand to speak to Firestar.

Jayfeather wakes up realizing that Firestar is awake and WindClan is in the camp. He leaves his den to see what is going on and watches as his clan wakes up and enters the clearing. Breezepelt and Heathertail tell Firestar what happened and Firestar assures them that he will deal with it. They leave, with Breezepelt calling over his shoulder to leave WindClan alone. Firestar asks the apprentices for their side of the story. Ivypaw tries to claim they were just exploring but Firestar doesn't buy it. Dovepaw admits to hearing a dog and Jayfeather realized what happened. Firestar tells them they are both in trouble and sends Ivypaw to her den so he can talk more with Dovepaw, Lionblaze,and Jayfeather. Firestar questions her about the dogs but doesn't give her a chance to answer. He then asks Jayfeather about dreaming about dogs but Jayfeather feels Firestar will see through his lie so he admits he didn't have a dream. When Firestar asks Lionblaze about scenting the dog Lionblaze is evasive in his answer, talking about the wind. Frustrated, Firestar finally says he will just have to ask them outright. He comments on Jayfeather's ability to enter dream, Lionblaze's inability to become wounded, and Dovepaw's ability to know what is happening far away. Jayfeather realizes Firestar knows they are the three.

Firestar starts to tell them the prophecy, but Jayfeather interrupts finishing it for him. Firestar is shocked to find out they know it. As they talk about what all of this means Jayfeather is tempted to look into Firestar's mind, but he doesn't feeling that everyone needs to hear what Firestar knows. Only Firestar doesn't know any more then they do - and seems willing to leave everything in the hands of StarClan, much to Jayfeather's frustration. Firestar heads back to his den, telling the cats that they have his full support. Lionblaze and Dovepaw head back to camp but Jayfeather stays up to think. He goes to the lake and asks Rock to speak to him but the ancient cat doesn't. He then wanders around and finds himself by the ShadowClan border. Suddenly a cat attacks him, knocking him over the border into ShadowClan. It is Tigerheart, and as soon as he realizes it was a medicine cat he attacked he apologized. Jayfeather tries to get from him what he is doing out at night alone, but Tigerheart is evasive and defensive. Jayfeather tells him he should go to bed, and much to his surprise Tigerheart agrees. As he leaves Jayfeather feels he can scent someone else but he can't place it. He also feels as if someone is watching him but he brushes it off.

Ivypaw comes into the den, waking up Dovepaw. She is angry that she had to go on dawn patrol in the rain while Dovepaw got to sleep in. She also accuses Dovepaw of getting special treatment. She says she sees Firestar watching her all the time, and now Brambleclaw too. Dovepaw wonders if Firestar told his deputy about the prophecy. She tries to soothe Ivypaw by pointing out they are probably watching her to make sure she behaves and Blossompaw points out that everyone has to do dawn patrol at times but Ivypaw isn't interested. Dovepaw starts to groom her sister but then Lionblaze arrives to take her away and Ivypaw gets mad that Dovepaw is leaving before finishing. Lionblaze and Dovepaw join a patrol that is going to the ShadowClan border. When they get there they find ShadowClan scent on their side. Dovepaw recognizes the scent as belonging to Tigerheart. When a ShadowClan patrol comes along they question the cats, but they deny crossing. When ThunderClan insists someone come over and look Tigerheart volunteers, deliberately rubbing his scent on the spot and claiming he can smell nothing. Realizing what he has done, Dovepaw discreetly asks him. Tigerheart is shocked and upset, promises Dovepaw he wasn't doing anything wrong, and tells her he will explain everything at the next Gathering. The cats head home and report to Firestar, but since they believe it is just a single cat Firestar doesn't want to cause a fight over it so he decides to let it slide for now. Jayfeather comes over to ask Lionblaze and Dovepaw if they know who it is that is crossing the border. Jayfeather admits to running into Tigerheart a few nights ago. As they talk Dovepaw feels guilty for keeping Tigerheart's secret.

Dovepaw gets to go to the Gathering, much to Ivypaw's disappointment since she has to stay home. At the Gathering Petalfur greets her warmly but when Petalfur calls out to the WindClan cats they ignore them. Petalfur is hurt but tells Dovepaw to ignore them. Dovepaw tries to find Tigerheart but she can't catch him and the Gathering starts. Mistystar tells everyone of Leopardstar's death. Onestar does not tell everyone about Dovepaw and Ivypaw, but he does comment on boarders. Blackstar and Firestar exchange some words over their border and the leaders end their speeches. Dovepaw finally finds Tigerheart but all he tells her is their clan isn't planning an invasion and begs her for her silence and trust since he cannot say more. Dovepaw agrees then realizes how close they are sitting together and moves back. Her clanmates call her to go. Arguing is starting over the borders again and Firestar has them leave.

Of course Dovepaw did something dumb. And, even worse, two whole clans found out about it! At least Onestar didn't out her at the Gathering. But his endless hostility towards Firestar... He was made clan leader instead of Mudfur because in the end his leader wanted peace. So much for that dream...

And at least Firestar finally knows about them - and apparently has known for a while. But they still aren't confiding in Firestar enough in my opinion. They haven't told him about the Dark Forest, the training of cats, Breezepelt, the attempted murder of Poppyfrost, etc. And has Firestar confided in Brambleclaw? He should. His deputy and medicine cat should both know what is going on. And speaking of Brambleclaw, Brambleclaw was trained by Tigerstar - and suspects Lionblaze of being trained as well. Yet no one is saying anything to each other. It is like the Dark Forest is a big secret everyone knows about but no one talks to each other about - and do not necessarily realize other cats know about. It almost makes no sense.

Lastly, I am more convinced then ever that Tigerstar and Hawkfrost were talking about Ivypaw. She is so hostile towards her sister. And I really don't see the special treatment she is going on about. Dovepaw does spend a lot of time with Lionblaze - but he is her mentor and that is not necessarily unusual. And the amount of time she spends with Jayfeather is odd, but again, not overly odd. I really do feel like she is reading into things too much. Don't get me wrong, she is correct that there is something going on. But I still feel her hostility is an overreaction on her part. I wonder if we will see Hawkfrost visit Ivypaw - especially since he doesn't seem to be visiting Dovepaw.

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