Tuesday, December 11, 2018

the fourth apprentice: part six

Jayfeather wakes up to a worried Poppyfrost. She is grateful to Jayfeather for saving her life. She never saw the mystery cat or Honeyfern. She is shocked that Breezepelt would actually try to kill a medicine cat. Jayfeather tells her that Honeyfern came to him and told him she is happy for Poppyfrost and that Berrynose loves her. Poppyfrost is happy, but does not believe the part about Berrynose. She helps Jayfeather go back to camp, resting along the way. As they travel Jayfeather wonders why Breezepelt would try to kill Poppyfrost when his fight wasn't with her. When they get back to camp Berrynose is relieved to find Poppyfrost. Poppyfrost is happy but confused with Berrynose's behavior. Jayfeather goes to leave camp to talk to Rock but Cinderheart stops him when she sees his wound. Cinderheart treats it and Jayfeather leaves. Rock comes to Jayfeather, but Jayfeather is unhappy with his answers. He finds out that Rock knew all along that he was half clan but never told him because of the prophecy. Rock also tells Jayfeather that he knows what is happening in the Dark Forest but he won't stop it because this is a fight that needs to happen. Upset with Rock's answers, and feeling betrayed, Jayfeather breaks the stick as a storm breaks out.

Dovepaw grabs on to a branch as the water sweeps her away. Seeing Tigerheart drowning she goes after him. Petalfur helps her and together they save him. They reach the safety of the shore and everyone groups together. As Whitetail thanks StarClan, Dovepaw finds herself thinking that StarClan didn't help or save them - they did it all on their own - and she wonders if Lionblaze is thinking the same thing.

Dovepaw and the cats head home. They meet a ShadowClan patrol that insists they come back to their camp. Blackstar greets everyone as heroes and invites them to the fresh kill pile. Lionblaze whispers to Dovepaw about Blackstar's welcoming behavior and how it is a drastic change. The lake is already starting to fill up and everyone is excited. But the other three clans decline and insist they must go home. As the ThunderClan cats approach their camp everyone pours out to greet them. Ivypaw is there, worried that her sister is upset with her, but Dovepaw assures her that everything is fine between them. Lionblaze pulls Dovepaw aside so they can report to Firestar. He also calls out to Jayfeather to join them and Dovepaw is shocked by how old and tired Jayfeather looks. After everyone is told what happened Ivypaw asks Dovepaw to go with her to the lake. Looking at it they feel it looks fuller. Dovepaw steps on something and hurts her paw. Though she doesn't know it, it is Jayfeather's broken stick.

Jayfeather is in the nursery with Poppyfrost who is about to have her kits. He already kicked Berrynose out for annoying him and getting in the way. Lionblaze arrives, asking if he can help, and Jayfeather asks him to deal with Berrynose. Poppyfrost has her kits and Jayfeather senses a cat enter the nursery. Assuming it is Berrynose he turns to talk to him but instead finds Tigerstar, Hawkfrost, and another cat. The third cat has a crooked tail and smells like the cat who attacked him at the Moonpool. Jayfeather stares at them in shock. Lionblaze pokes his head in, asking if Berrynose can come in yet. Seeing the look on Jayfeather's face, he turns in that direction and sees the cats. Lionblaze hisses at them that they cannot have these kits. Jayfeather is shocked that Lionblaze can see them too. Daisy, unable to see the other cats, interrupts Jayfeather and Lionblaze by asking Lionblaze to go get Berrynose. Berrynose enters and immediately begins fussing over Poppyfrost. Jayfeather and Lionblaze leave. Lionblaze asks him who the third cat was. Jayfeather admits he doesn't know his name, but tells Lionblaze that he attacked him at the Moonpool alongside Breezepelt. Lionblaze is shocked. He confesses to Jayfeather that he used to train with Tigerstar and he suspects Tigerheart is now too. Jayfeather realizes that the Dark Forest has also recruited Breezepelt, and that a fight is coming between StarClan and the Dark Forest. The two cats realize the fight is going to spill over into the real world. Lionblaze warns him that the cats from the Dark Forest can injure them, and tells Jayfeather that a fight is coming.

Okay, a couple of things. One, Dovepaw's thoughts on StarClan not helping them. She is right. StarClan had nothing to do with it. They never spoke to any cat about the drought, they never offered any advice, they never said anything when the cats left on their journey. They were completely silent through the whole thing. Why?

Did Jayfeather tell Firestar about what happened? Firestar needs to know that Breezepelt tried to kill him and Poppyfrost - and that the Dark Forest is breaking out. I understand this is a problem from him, Lionblaze, and Dovepaw but he needs to tell his clan leader that they are all in danger. Especially since the Dark Forest has in interest in limiting this fight to the three cats of the prophecy. They were going to murder Poppyfrost, who is completely innocent!

I am glad that Lionblaze confessed to Jayfeather about his training sessions with Tigerstar. I do find it interesting, still, that Tigerstar never went after Hollyleaf. But he is obviously going after other cats, not just the ones tied to the prophecy. I wonder how many cats, other then Breezepelt, he has recruited? And to show up in the nursery after Poppyfrost's kits are born! With Brokenstar! Again, Firestar needs to know this. But this does explain why there is a prophecy. If the Dark Forest is coming into the real world, then cats will need to be born to fight that fight.

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