Monday, December 10, 2018

the fourth apprentice: part five

Lionblaze and Toadfoot devise a plan of attack. Then the cats settle down to sleep so they are rested for that night. When they wake up Lionblaze takes half to one side of the damn while Toadfoot takes the other half to the other side of the dam. The plan is to pull out as many logs as possible and fight the beavers if they have to. But things don't work the way they plan. The logs are too slick, and so are the beavers when they attack. In the end they are forced to call a retreat. Rippletail is cornered by a beaver. Lionblaze tries to reach him in time but the beaver gives Rippletail a deep cut. The cats escape with Rippletail but there is nothing they can do for him and he dies.

Jayfeather confronts Poppyfrost at the Moonpool. She misses her sister deeply and feels that Berrynose doesn't love her. As Jayfeather tries to talk to her Breezepelt arrives, offering to send Poppyfrost to StarClan if she wishes. Jayfeather and Breezepelt argue. Breezepelt tells Jayfeather he has no clue what it is to live with a hostile clan who is constantly whispering about him. Jayfeather counters that he does know what it feels like since all the lies and stories were about him. Breezepelt waivers but then resolves himself. Seeing no other choice, Jayfeather attacks Breezepelt. They fight, with Poppyfrost begging Breezepelt not to kill a medicine cat, but Breezepelt does not care. Jayfeather tells Poppyfrost to run but she doesn't. Suddenly another cat joins Breezepelt. Jayfeather realizes the cat is not from one of the four clans but feels he should recognize the scent. He also knows the cats are toying with him. Suddenly Honeyfern is there to help Jayfeather. Between them they get rid of Breezepelt and his helper. StarClan appears and Jayfeather does not look too closely - both out of fear that his sister will be in their ranks, and out of fear that she won't. Jayfeather thanks Honeyfern for her help. She in turn thanks him for saving her sister. She tells Jayfeather that Berrynose does love Poppyfrost, he is just terrified of losing her too. She leaves and Yellowfang appears to Jayfeather. She tells him she knows who was helping Breezepelt, but she refuses to give him a name right now. Instead she tells him that StarClan will fight beside them when the time comes, but their enemy is so hungry they have a strength that cannot be measured. She then warns Jayfeather that the forces of the Dark Forest are rising, and a power greater then StarClan is needed to defeat them.

Dovepaw watches as Lionblaze and Toadfoot bury Rippletail. The cats debate what to do now. Petalfur feels they can still dismantle the dam. Tigerheart has the idea of moving around the fallen logs as practice. The cats get to work but it is still too hard. Woody even arrives and offers to help, feeling guilty for not stopping the cats from attacking the beavers. Dovepaw realizes that this isn't going to work and Lionblaze suggests the idea to go ask the kittypets for help. Lionblaze and Dovepaw seek out the kittypets, who agree to help them.

Lionblaze and the others come back to find the cats are constructing their own dam to figure out how best to dismantle one. Petalfur also has the idea of entering the dam and dismantling it from the inside. Everyone quickly goes to work. The beavers are lured away, the rest of the cats attack the dam from inside and out, and just as it seems the beavers are coming back to stop them the dam explodes, sweeping some of the cats away.

Breezepelt! Again! I cannot believe he was actually going to kill a medicine cat - even if that medicine cat was Jayfeather! Or that he was going to kill Poppyfrost!!! Clearly the warrior helping him was a Dark Forest cat, though since it wasn't Tigerstar or Hawkfrost I don't know who it was. Maybe Darkstripe? We know he too is in the Dark Forest. As is Brokentail. Jayfeather felt that he should know who the cat was, so maybe Darkstripe? I just hope it wasn't Ashfur. I know he was insane in the end but it wasn't a lust for power or blood that drove him insane, just a broken heart. But if Breezepelt is accepting help from the Dark Forest that is bad. And if the Dark Forest is actually attacking cats in the real world that too is bad. StarClan always influenced the clans, but never physically intervened, and I assumed the Dark Forest was the same. But to physically attack Jayfeather is a whole new ballgame - and I assume that is why Honeyfern actually appeared in the real world as well. Maybe Dark Forest breaking a rule gave StarClan a right to break the same one? And is this the reason why Jayfeather and Lionblaze have their powers? I cannot wait to find out what happens next!!!

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