Monday, December 31, 2018

night whispers: part six

Ivypaw returns to camp. Dovepaw tries to talk to her but all her sister wants to do is sleep. As she listens to her angry clanmates talk about the herbs they had to give away she feels guilty, knowing it is all her fault. Squirrelflight reminds her they are going to the Gathering and Dovepaw wonders if Tigerheart will be there. Lionblaze asks her what Ivypaw was doing at the border in the middle of the night and she assures him it had nothing to do with the Dark Forest. As they approach the island Dovepaw realizes something is wrong. WindClan is just standing there, not entering. She reaches out and hears ShadowClan talking about how no one would dare break the truce. In RiverClan, Willowshine is refusing to go to the Gathering and Mosspelt talks of hiding the kits and elders. Dovepaw tells Jayfeather and Lionblaze that the cats know of the Dark Forest. Jayfeather tells her they don't know and she counters that something has them scared. He says he knows, that he can sense it, and that the medicine cats must have passed on StarClan's message. Dovepaw asks why don't they and the answer is they don't want to cause a panic within their own clan. When everyone reaches the island the ThunderClan cats are confused why everyone is refusing to mingle. The Gathering starts. Mistystar and Onestar both speak, then Blackstar. He mentions the herbs that saved Littlecloud but not where they came from. When it is Firestar's turn he calls Blackstar out and accuses him of holding Ivypaw hostage in exchange for the herbs. Everyone is shocked and words quickly escalate between Blackstar and Firestar. Everyone looks to the moon, wondering if this is the darkness, but it is still shining bright. Mistystar breaks up the meeting and Onestar quickly follows her. ShadowClan leaves next and Dovepaw races after Tigerheart to speak with him. Upset, she accuses him of telling about Jayfeather's herb patch. He tells her he had to in order to save Littlecloud. She tells him Sandstorm might die now but he insists he had to place his clan first. Dovepaw asks even over her and he says no, but she tells him she doesn't believe him.

Ivypaw wakes up in the Dark Forest. Hawkfrost isn't there so she walks around. She overhears Tigerstar and Tigerheart talking and goes towards them, but as they talk she listens. She is upset to hear Tigerstar tell Tigerheart that his loyalty must be to the Dark Forest first. She is even more upset by the way he talks about ThunderClan. She realizes Tigerstar doesn't care about his birth clan and is just using her. Tigerstar tells Tigerheart that the final battle is coming, and it will be them against the four clans and their ancestors. Feeling stupid Ivypaw runs away. She tries to wake up but cannot. She runs into Mapleshade who tells her that Hawkfrost is busy and she is training her tonight. She lures Ivypaw out to the water and tries to drown her but Ivypaw gets away. She sneaks off and hears Dovepaw calling her. She wakes up and Dovepaw asks her for the truth about Tigerheart. Ivypaw admits that it is true and Dovepaw says that Tigerheart must never have loved her and was just using her. Ivypaw denies this and tells Dovepaw that Tigerstar tricked him just like he did to her. Dovepaw tells her not to say anything more until they get Lionblaze and Jayfeather. Confused why they have to get them she follows her sister and the four cats leave camp together. Ivypaw admits to the cats that she has been training in the Dark Forest and that Tigerstar is planning an attack on the clans. She vows never to return but Jayfeather points out to her that she might not have a choice. He also tells her that she needs to spy on the Dark Forest for them. Ivypaw doesn't wish to, wanting to just go back to being a regular apprentice. Lionblaze tells her it is a good plan but her choice. The brothers leave the sisters to talk it over. Dovepaw realizes she now has to tell her sister the truth and tells Ivypaw to go do something where Dovepaw cannot see or hear her. Confused, Ivypaw leaves, digs out a hole, then fills it in. When she returns Dovepaw told her what she did. She tells Ivypaw of the prophecy and how she can see and hear things far away. At first Ivypaw does not believe her but Dovepaw starts giving her more and more examples. Upset, Ivypaw blames her sister for everything. She tells her that if Dovepaw had just been honest with her she would never have gone to the Dark Forest. The sisters fight but make up. Dovepaw tells Ivypaw that she got her wish - she is now special too. Ivypaw admits that she wishes she was not and agrees to spy in the Dark Forest.

Done with his duties, Flametail goes out on the frozen lake with his friends. They play a game where they knock a stone around. Pinepaw shoots the stone out towards the center of the lake and Flametail races after it. The ice breaks and he goes under. It is dark and he cannot find his way out. He realizes he is drowning, just like in his vision. Suddenly Jayfeather is there trying to save him. Then a third cat, with bulging eyes, appears. Flametail wonders if this is a cat from StarClan that he has never meet. The third cat speaks, telling Jayfeather to let Flametail go, that it is his time and not Jayfeather's. Jayfeather lets go of Flametail and he sinks.

Ivypaw is out hunting for her clan. She hears cats playing on the frozen lake and wishes to join them, but feels she cannot until she repays her clan for the herbs they traded for her. She goes back to camp and sees Jayfeather is wet and Leafpool is fussing over him. Firestar calls a clan meeting, announces that Flametail had drowned and Jayfeather tried, unsuccessfully, to save him. That night she and Dovepaw settle into their nests. She wakes in the Dark Forest and finds Tigerstar. He asks after Tigerheart and she tells him of Flametail's death. Much to Ivypaw's dismay, Tigerstar's only response is that is one less cat. He takes her to a meeting where she looks around in shock at all the cats. When she comments on how many Tigerstar tells her it is enough to rival StarClan. Feeling uneasy she gladly sits with Hollowpaw, Antpelt, and Breezepelt since they are the only other clan cats she sees. Tigerstar gives a speech about attacking the clans and destroying the warrior code. She us horrified to see the clan cats with her are excited. Darkstripe taunts her, asking if she is ready or if she wants to run home. Brokenstar comes over and tells Ivypaw that he has a special mission for her. She hopes it is like an assessment and follows him. He leads her to a clearing where he has her practice some moves. Then Flametail arrives. He is confused and asks Ivypaw if she too fell through the ice. Brokenstar orders Ivypaw to kill Flametail. Ivypaw is horrified then is relieved to realize Flametail is already dead. She tells Brokenstar she cannot kill someone who is already dead. But Brokenstar tells her she can and that it is unimaginably painful when a cat loses the last echo of their life. Ivypaw refuses, causing Brokenstar to question her loyalty. She realizes if she doesn't do it then she will not leave the Dark Forest alive and no one will be able to warn the cats about what is coming. In her mind she asks StarClan to forgive her but before she can attack him Tigerheart attacks her to save his brother. She tries to catch Tigerheart's eye so she can explain but he doesn't look at her, only at Tigerstar and Brokenstar as he stands between them and his brother. Tigerstar tells Brokenstar he doesn't care about a medicine cat whose only use is to mix herbs, and that Ivypaw is loyal to the Dark Forest.

When it comes down to Tigerheart and Dovepaw I am feeling a bit torn. At first I felt Tigerheart was lying to Dovepaw abour his feelings for her, then I decided he was telling her the truth. Now, however, she feels betrayed and thinks Tigerheart was using her. But Ivypaw seems to think Tigerheart really does love her sister. So maybe he is redeemable after all. And he was eating up everything Tigerstar said to him when Ivypaw was spying on them, but he was willing to fight Tigerstar, Brokenstar, and Ivypaw to save his dead brother.

I was shocked by Flametail's death, but at least I know for sure now that he was always good. But the Dark Forest must have more then Ivypaw, Breezepelt, Tigerheart, Antpelt, and Hollowpaw. So I wonder who else they have swayed.

At least things are starting to come out in the open now. And maybe Tigerheart, if he can forgive Ivypaw for almost murdering his brother, can join the ThunderClan cats who know the truth and are trying to figure out how to stop it.

Sunday, December 30, 2018

night whispers: part five

Lionblaze is working on the elder's den when Brambleclaw finds him and asks him to lead a hunting patrol. He tells him to take Leafpool, Cinderheart, and Dovepaw and go by the WindClan border. He tells him not to go looking for trouble but make sure WindClan isn't crossing the border. Lionblaze is irritated because he is still mad at Leafpool and is avoiding Cinderheart. The four cats head towards the border and split up. Lionblaze sees Breezepelt and Crowfeather approaching and hides. Breezepelt chases a piece of prey over the border and Lionblaze kills it. Breezepelt demands it back but Lionblaze points out it is on his land now. He taunts Breezepelt, telling him to come get it if he really wants it. Breezepelt crosses the border and attacks Lionblaze. Lionblaze easily fights back but Leafpool catches them and breaks up the fight. She asks Crowfeather how can he watch his sons fight. Nightcloud approaches now and spits out that only Breezepelt is Crowfeather's son. Leafpool places herself between the two cats and Breezepelt attacks her. Lionblaze is shocked but before he can act Crowfeather drags his son off of her. Crowfeather hisses at Leafpool that she chose her clan. She responds that that doesn't mean she didn't love him. He answers that is wasn't enough, though. Nightcloud then grabs Crowfeather and demands he get away from Leafpool. Crowfeather and Nightcloud argue and Breezepelt places himself between them, telling Crowfeather to leave Nightcloud alone. Lionblaze feels sick, wondering how he can fight his brother while acknowledging as he watches the arguing cats that they are not his family. He realizes the fight was about blood and never about the prey. He looks at Leafpool, silently blaming her for the fight yet also feeling sorry for her. WindClan leaves, telling ThunderClan to keep the thrush. Lionblaze suddenly wonders if it is fair to fight other cats. Cinderheart voices the same concerns. He sends Dovepaw away to hunt and Leafpool away to Jayfeather. Alone with Cinderheart he tells her he has no choice since he was born this way. Back at camp Sandstorm is sick, which causes a fight between Jayfeather and Leafpool on how to treat her. Firestar puts an end to the fight, siding with Jayfeather for now. He then asks Lionblaze about how hunting went. Unable to admit to his leader that he taunted Breezepelt which resulted in a fight he admits there was a dispute over prey but nothing else. Sandstorm points out that by the border this happens from time to time and the matter is dropped.

Jayfeather makes his rounds around the camp. More cats are sick now. Rosepetal brings him some yarrow she found outside the camp. She assumed Jayfeather left it out there, forgetting about it. He goes to the area it was found but cannot scent any cat there. As he tries to solve the mystery, Thornclaw and Spiderleg bring Mothwing to him. Sensing she wants to talk alone he brings her to the lake. She tells him of Willowshine's vision and asks him if it is true. Yellowfang comes to Jayfeather, whispering to him that he better not tell Mothwing anything. He is unable to do anything with Yellowfang right there but she realizes he knows more then he is letting on. They get into a fight over StarClan and Jayfeather walks away. She offers him some herbs for the white cough in his camp but he refuses her offer. She tells him if he changes his mind to come to her but he tells her he won't. Disappointed, Mothwing leaves. Jayfeather asks Yellowfang if she is happy now but the old medicine cat has left him. When he gets back to camp Cherrykit is sick. Everyone starts panicking and Dovepaw tells Jayfeather that Littlecloud had green cough. Jayfeather calms everyone down and leaves. Leafpool asks him what he is going to do about Littlecloud. He tells her nothing. Leafpool is upset but Jayfeather tells her he barely has any herbs for their own clan he cannot afford to give any away to ShadowClan - and he cannot pick any more because if he does the plants may die. Leafpool is upset but he feels he cannot tell her of his dream from StarClan. Instead, fearing that Leafpool may pick the herbs, he goes to Brambleclaw and asks him to post a guard by his herbs.  He reminds Brambleclaw of Ivypaw's dream about ShadowClan wanting their herbs. Even though Jayfeather knows the dream is a lie he feels that right now it is helpful. Brambleclaw agrees. Jayfeather walks away upset. The Dark Forest is rising in strength, StarClan is frightened, and he does not trust his own clanmates.

Dovepaw and Tigerheart meet. Talk turns to Littlecloud being sick. Dovepaw mentions Jayfeather's herb patch and Tigerheart is surprised to hear of it. Dovepaw, in turn, is shocked, since she thought they fought the battle over it. Tigerheart has no clue what she is talking about, telling her that Firestar just demanded the land back. Tigerheart gets even more upset when he finds out that Leafpool asked Jayfeather to give ShadowClan some of the herbs but he refused. Dovepaw offers to steal some but he says no. She then tries to distract Tigerheart by trying to do a backflip. Ivypaw catches them, leading to a fight between the three cats. Ivypaw accuses Dovepaw of betraying the clan. Dovepaw counters that Ivypaw betrays them every time she goes to the Dark Forest. Ivypaw tells Tigerheart to tell Dovepaw the truth, since she doesn't believe her. As they argue a ShadowClan patrol approaches. Tigerheart hides Dovepaw and tells the patrol he found Ivypaw trespassing. She tells them she crossed the border accidentally while hunting. The cats insist on taking her back to their camp for Blackstar to deal with. Dovepaw feels awful as she watches her sister taken prisoner. She goes back to camp and returns to her nest. When it is time to wake up she pretends that she cannot find Ivypaw anywhere. Everyone starts to panic and search parties are organized. Since she knows where Ivypaw is but cannot say she races to Jayfeather, telling him only that Ivypaw is at the ShadowClan camp. He takes her to Firestar to tell him. Firestar then makes an announcement that he suspects that is where she is, and asks Brambleclaw to lead a patrol there to find out if it is true. Dovepaw joins the patrol and they wait by the border. A ShadowClan patrol led by Rowanclaw comes along. He admits to having Ivypaw but says they will only return her in exchange for catmint. Brambleclaw brings this news back to the camp which causes a panic. If their catmint is given away there may not be enough for Sandstorm and Cherrykit if they need it. Jayfeather leaves to pick the herbs and Firestar tells everyone they must first deal with the cats who are in the most danger - Ivypaw and Littlecloud. Dovepaw feels awful, knowing that all of this is her fault.

Ivypaw is surprised to find out that ShadowClan is just like ThunderClan. She even notices they look alike - though she is annoyed that they raise their kits on stories of how sneaky ThunderClan is when she feels it is ShadowClan that is sneaky. She finds out from Tawnypelt that she is going to be traded for herbs. She also finds out that ShadowClan didn't know about the herb patch. At first she starts to wonder if Tigerstar lied to her but she is quickly distracted by the news that Tigerheart found out about the herbs. She realizes Dovepaw must have told him and gets angry at her for betraying the clan. While there Flametail has a vision of darkness coming, of the greatest fight of their lives. Blackstar talks of getting ready but Tigerheart looks at her as if to say they are already ready. Ivypaw doesn't feel ready, though, she feels scared. If a fight is coming she wants to go home and fight for Firestar.

So, once again, Ivypaw is an idiot. She finds out Tigerstar lied about ShadowClan and the battle and instead of thinking on that she instead gets angry at Dovepaw. Don't get me wrong, what Dovepaw did was wrong, but talk about ignoring an obvious truth that is staring you in the face! And Dovepaw should not have told Tigerheart, but likewise Tigerheart should not have used Dovepaw or Ivypaw like that. I wonder if this will kill Dovepaw's relationship with him. I am glad that Littlecloud might be saved - especially since Jayfeather is not comfortable following StarClan's orders completely on this - but it should not have gone down like this. And StarClan still will not tell everyone who the enemy is - leaving ShadowClan to speculate all the other clans are going to turn against them! Really, they need to be united not divided.

And that fight between Breezepelt and Lionblaze! Lionblaze was right. Once the prey crosses a border that is that. But that whole situation was ugly. At least Crowfeather stopped Breezepelt from attacking Leafpool, but that made things worse. That WindClan family is falling apart - if they were ever unified - and it is having a serious impact on the clans even though they don't know it. After all, it has driven Breezepelt to the Dark Forest.

As for the yarrow, I was worried that the squirrel was going to have death berries in it or something - that is was a trap left by a ShadowClan warrior who was furious over the battle. But, no one died and now there is yarrow. Only Jayfeather cannot scent a cat. Which means who is giving ThunderClan food and herbs? Part of me wants to believe it is Hollyleaf, but she is dead. And if it was her Jayfeather would instantly recognize her scent - after all he did when he found a clump of her fur in the medicine den. Plus, Jayfeather said he couldn't smell anything. So who - or what - is leaving these gifts?

On a final note I am surprised Mothwing reached out to Jayfeather. But, then again, Jayfeather is the only cat she can trust outside of her clan with her secret. I do wish Yellowfang had not arrived because I think Jayfeather wanted to tell her something. Maybe not everything, but at least of the Dark Forest. And he couldn't so all clans are still in the dark.

Saturday, December 29, 2018

night whispers: part four

Briarlight is refusing to eat. Sensing what is wrong, Jayfeather sends Millie away. He accuses Briarlight of starving herself because she cannot hunt any longer. She confesses to Jayfeather that she feels so worthless. He gives her chores to do to help him out around the medicine den, cheering her up. As he is checking his herb store Yellowfang comes to him. He asks what she is doing there since they will meet at the Moonpool that night. She tells him that Lionblaze fighting the fox alone was a sign. He says it is a sign that Lionblaze is an idiot but she tells him no. She points out that yesterday four different patrols returned to the camp at the same time and together they could not drive away the fox. Only Lionblaze alone could. Therefore when they stand against the Dark Forest, ThunderClan must stand alone. Together the four clans will fall, like the four patrols failed. But ThunderClan alone can beat them and survive. Jayfeather argues with her but she counters that the three belong to ThunderClan alone, so therefore only ThunderClan will survive. Jayfeather meets up with Willowshine and Kestrelflight. ShadowClan never comes so they leave without Littlecloud and Flametail. Everyone dreams. Jayfeather doesn't bother talking to his own ancestors since he already saw Yellowfang. Instead he enters Kestrelflight then Willowshine's dreams. They are both told of a danger coming and how their clans must stand alone. Yellowfang comes to him again, asking if he believes her now. When they wake the two cats race off. Jayfeather tries to warn them about the Dark Forest but StarClan stops him. They send him a vision of StarClan freezing and then breaking. Only Rock remains unharmed.

In the den Ivypaw is alone. She knows her sister is sneaking out at night to practice being a better warrior since Ivypaw is so much better - but she also knows it won't work. She dreams of fighting ShadowClan and saving the warriors of her clans. Suddenly Thistleclaw attacks her for still sleeping. She gets him off of herself and Hawkfrost compliments her. She asks why Thistleclaw doesn't have an apprentice of his own. Thistleclaw mutters that he used to have an apprentice but she didn't pass the final assessment. Something in his tone tells Ivypaw that failing the final assessment does not mean more training so you can try again. Hawkfrost has the cats fight in the water. It feels oily and sluggish on Ivypaw's fur and she doesn't like it. She is paired with Darkstripe, who she doesn't like. Darkstripe cheats, and tries to drown Ivypaw. Hollowpaw saves her and the two knock Darkstripe down into the water. After training Tigerstar praises Ivypaw. He also asks her if she knows where Tigerheart is. Ivypaw looks for Tigerheart every time she comes to the forest but doesn't admit this to Tigerstar. She says she hasn't seen him. Tigerstar responds that Tigerheart has been coming later and later every night. Ivypaw offers to ask after him at the next Gathering but Tigerstar says he will track him down. Something in his tone tells Ivypaw that it is not okay to skip a practice. Ivypaw wakes up and finds Dovepaw has returned. Whitewing pops in to wake them up since they overslept and finds Ivypaw covered in blood. She freaks out, saying Jayfeather must be sent for immediately. Ivypaw tries to claim it was just a thorn in her nest but her mother won't hear of it. Cinderheart amd Jayfeather arrive. Ivypaw worries that Jayfeather will tell everyone the truth but he just warns her to be more careful and tells her the wounds are infected. Dovepaw provides a thorn for Ivypaw's nest and Cinderheart is baffled how it got there. Everyone leaves but Cinderheart stays, asking Ivypaw to confide in her. Ivypaw tells Cinderheart she has been training extra at night. Cinderheart thinks she means training alone in the woods and feels relieved. Ivypaw tells her that everyone acts like Dovepaw is already a warrior and how she is determined to be the best warrior in the clan. Cinderheart tells her she is proud of her, but asks her not to sneak out anymore at night. Feeling guilty, Ivypaw agrees.

Angry and upset, Dovepaw seeks Jayfeather out. In the medicine den Bumblestripe is telling Briarlight about all the blood from Ivypaw's cut and Jayfeather is telling Bumblestripe he is exaggerating. Seeing Dovepaw, Jayfeather leaves the den with her and tells her that she needs to make her sister stop coming back so wounded before she gives everything away. Dovepaw becomes even angrier, telling Jayfeather she is worried about her sister dying. Lionblaze comes over and calms them both down, pointing out to Dovepaw that if they ask Ivypaw to stop going to the Dark Forest she is not going to listen. Dovepaw realizes he is right. Jayfeather tells them that StarClan wants the clans to stand alone. He also tells them that he tried to warn the other medicine cats about the Dark Forest since he knows StarClan isn't, but he was given a vision of StarClan being destroyed and never got to pass on his message. Lionblaze becomes angry, since he feels this means he has to fight the Dark Forest alone. He voices the wish for a normal life, which surprises Dovepaw. Jayfeather continues on, telling Dovepaw that they need Ivypaw to spy on the Dark Forest for them. She becomes angry, feeling that they are just using her sister and don't care if she gets hurt or not. She runs off to go hunting. Ivypaw finds her, but they just get into another fight. Ivypaw accuses Dovepaw of being disloyal for sneaking out every night to see Tigerheart. Dovepaw accuses her of being disloyal for visiting the Dark Forest. Ivypaw counters that Tigerheart visits the Dark Forest too and is one of the best warriors there. Dovepaw refuses to believe her sister and tells her that if she tells anyone about her nightly visits with Tigerheart then she will tell everyone that Ivypaw is training with the Dark Forest. Upset, she runs away.

Flametail is out looking for herbs but he cannot find any. Tigerheart and his patrol come by and Flametail smells borage on them. They tell him where they were and he races off to collect it. It is not what he needs, but it is better then nothing. Back that the camp Littlecloud finally confronts him about his visit to the Moonpool. He knows Flametail didn't go and wants the truth. Flametail admits that he spent the night in the woods because his vision told him that he had to break ties with the other medicine cats. They get into a fight over Flametail's vision. It ends when Littlecloud starts coughing. Worried for his mentor, Flametail apologizes and helps him breathe again. The two cats make up, with Flametail promising never to lie again. Blackstar summons him. He has been having troubling dreams of darkness and death. Flametail tells him he has had no new visions. Rowanclaw sends him back out for herbs and sends Dawnpelt and Toadfoot with him. On the way back to camp Dawnpelt steps in a frozen puddle that breaks beneath her. Flametail has a vision of drowning, trapped beneath the ice. He pushes Dawnpelt out of the way. She is angry with him since she was never in any real danger. He wonders what this new vision means.

I am a bit surprised by StarClan's actions. I was hoping ShadowClan clan was just being upset and moody even though they said there were borders now. But apparently all the clans are divided. Plus they won't even tell their clanmates what the danger is that is coming. I understand the argument of not knowing who to trust, but all of them united have a better chance against the Dark Forest then alone. And Yellowfang's interpretation of Lionblaze taking on that fox alone was interesting.

And I can't help feeling that Ivypaw is a blind idiot. She was almost blinded in the Dark Forest, she has seen cats seriously hurt there, and now Darkstripe tried to drown her. Clearly these cats are not good cats. Yet she keeps returning.

Friday, December 28, 2018

night whispers: part three

Flametail returns to camp feeling guilty. He was so tired after his journey to the Moonpool that he fell asleep. He reports to Littlecloud immediately, telling him what their warrior ancestors said about war coming and all of ShadowClan - even the medicine cats - standing alone. Upset, Littlecloud tells him they must see Blackstar right away. Sensing it is important Blackstar summons Rowanclaw and the four cats go to his den. Flametail tells them of his dream but Littlecloud feels it is wrong to completely turn their backs on the other clans and feels the dream needs to be interpreted carefully. Blackstar sides with Littlecloud and Flametail is dismissed. Annoyed, he leaves. His father tells him to get some rest then realizes something is wrong. Flametail tells him that his vision was very clear and he is upset that Blackstar and Littlecloud did not listen to him. Rowanclaw tries to reassure him that everything is fine but Flametail insists that things have changed and ShadowClan must stand alone.

Dovepaw listens for Tigerheart. She is listening so intently to everything around the lake that she doesn't hear him coming and he startles her. He teases her, since she has the best hearing of any cat he knows. He takes her to an abandoned Twoleg nest north of their territories. He shows off jumping from beam to beam. Dovepaw hears one of them crack and jumps to save him, knocking them both off. Tigerheart thanks her for saving his life and she playfully responds. But then he pushes her, asking her if she cares more for him then as a friend and she admits she does. Tigerheart purrs and as they sit close she feels happy. They head back to their homes, determined to make their relationship work. Tigerheart asks when they will meet again and she says tomorrow. He is worried someone will catch her sneaking out but she tells him it is just Ivypaw that she shares a den with now. Tigerheart stiffens at the mention of Ivypaw and Dovepaw remembers the look she saw the two cats share. She asks him if he knows Ivypaw and he tells her he has seen her at Gatherings. When she presses for more Tigerheart teases her and says he has never taken Ivypaw to an abandoned Twoleg nest and risked his own life with a breaking log. Believing him, Dovepaw goes home.

Lionblaze is listening to Firestar and Brambleclaw assign duties. He thinks back to last night when he and Cinderheart went for a walk together, and he realized that she felt the same for him as he felt for her. He tells Dovepaw that they are hunting with Cinderheart and Ivypaw. What he doesn't tell her is that he wants to watch Ivypaw. The cats split up and he and Dovepaw find themselves by the foxes den. As Dovepaw hunts a blackbird she suddenly stops. She tells Lionblaze that the fox is in the camp. They race back, Cinderheart and Ivypaw catching up. They arrive right after Brambleclaw's patrol returns and everyone fights the fox, chasing it out. Dovepaw feels guilty, telling Lionblaze that she should have heard it sooner. Lionblaze assures her it is fine but Ivypaw overhears and gets angry at Dovepaw, feeling like Dovepaw is acting like she is special. No one is seriously injured and everyone settles down with Brightheart and Leafpool leaving to collect more herbs. Lionblaze asks Firestar for permission to hunt the fox alone, arguing that he won't get hurt. He offers the excuse of telling his clanmates that he accidentally stumbled across the fox and got lucky. Firestar agrees but tells him he must take Dovepaw with him in case he needs help.

Early the next morning Lionblaze collects Dovepaw and leaves. He tells her that he is driving the fox away alone and Firestar only wants her to come along in case he needs help. Dovepaw is upset, feeling that this is cheating. Since ordinary warriors can deal with foxes together there is no reason for Lionblaze to deal with it alone. Their fight quickly turns into one about Ivypaw. Jayfeather wants Ivypaw to continue visiting the Dark Forest, feeling they might learn some information. Dovepaw wants them to stop Ivypaw before she gets seriously hurt. They reach the fox den but it won't come out so Lionblaze crawls in. The fox attacks him and it is a rough fight, with Lionblaze actually fearing for once that he might become seriously injured. He manages to win and Dovepaw helps him drive the fox out of their land. Seriously winded, Dovepaw helps him back to camp. As they return to camp Cinderheart sees them approaching with Lionblaze covered in blood. She freaks out and runs ahead. Lionblaze cleans himself up and they enter camp. He assures everyone he is fine and the fox is gone. Graystripe helps Lionblaze go to the medicine den, telling him that Cinderheart made it sound like he was on his last legs. Jayfeather kicks Cinderheart out of his den so he can treat Lionblaze without her learning the truth. He is angry with Lionblaze for going after the fox alone. He puts ointment onto Lionblaze to make it look like he has an injury. They discuss Ivypaw but Jayfeather stands by his belief that she is in no real danger and the longer they wait the more information they can gather. Lionblaze leaves the den and finds Cinderheart waiting for him. She is shocked to find him uninjured. She is also upset that Lionblaze seems to throw himself into every fight, uncaring that he might get injured. She starts to freak out, telling him they can't be together if it is going to be like this. He pulls her aside and tells her of the prophecy and how he cannot be hurt. He hopes that this will quiet her fears but instead it has the opposite effect. She tells him that he has a destiny greater then her and they can no longer be together. Upset, she leaves him.

At least Littlecloud is no ready to turn his back on the other clans completely - and neither is Blackstar since he chose Littlecloud's interpretation over Flametail's when it was Flametail's vision. And Tigerheart really does seem to like Dovepaw - but it is still a bad idea.

And things seem as bad as ever between Dovepaw and Ivypaw. And now Lionblaze finally gets to be with the cat he loves and she leaves him! I feel bad for Lionblaze even if it does feel odd reading about Cinderpelt falling in love with a cat. But, neither she or Lionblaze know she is Cinderpelt.

Thursday, December 27, 2018

night whispers: part two

Jayfeather heads back to camp and goes about his duties. Brightheart and Bumblestripe bring him cobwebs and then go work on bedding for him. Briarlight does her exercises. Birchfall digs a prey hole. As he goes to check on Firestar, Dovepaw way lays him. She knows about Ivypaw and wants to talk. He tells her not here, not now, and for the moment maybe it is just best to watch Ivypaw. Dovepaw argues that Ivypaw is not the enemy but Jayfeather dismisses her to her chores. Cherrykit and Molekit bring in a squirrel for the prey hole that they found outside. They assume that a warrior dropped it but no warrior admits to killing it. Jayfeather checks on Firestar and hesitates, wondering if he should admit to the truth about Ivypaw. But the moment passes and Jayfeather remains silent, feeling the three can deal with it. Back outside Brambleclaw's patrol has returned with the news that ShadowClan refuses to acknowledge or mark the new border. Discussion breaks out and Lionblaze killing Russetfur comes up. Silence falls and Ivypaw returns to camp, asking what is going on. Jayfeather has a vision of the Dark Forest attacking their camp. Everyone falls to the shadowy warriors and blood is everywhere. Only Ivypaw remains unharmed. Spottedleaf appears and tells Jayfeather she is so sorry, but she cannot stop it.

Flametail races back to his camp, brimming with anger at Lionblaze and ThunderClan. In the camp everyone is saying goodbye to Russetfur before she is buried. Rowanclaw, Flametail's father, has been named deputy now. Blackstar calls a clan meeting to discuss the defeat and ways to win next time. They have no intention of letting ThunderClan keep the land so while they heal they plan their next battle moves. After they toss ideas around Blackstar calls a meeting with Littlecloud and Flametail. Upset that StarClan did not warn them of the battle, he wants Littlecloud to go share dreams with StarClan. Flametail offers to go in his place since Littlecloud is turning into an elder. He leaves for the Moonpool, asking Ivytail to please help Littlecloud while he is gone.

Ivypaw gets back to camp. She feels as if Jayfeather cam actually see her. She pushes aside concerns for Jayfeather, arguing that he will understand why she was visiting the Dark Forest once she becomes the greatest warrior. Cinderheart finds her, asking where she has been since Dovepaw has been back for a while. Unable to tell her mentor that she was sitting by the lake fuming she lies and says she was practicing her hunting moves. Cinderheart tells her to go work on the den with Dovepaw, but Ivypaw asks her for a different job instead. Sensing that the sisters are fighting again, Cinderheart tells her not to be so jealous of her sister, that she is just as good. She also tells her that she is proud of how she fought in the battle. Ivypaw thinks back to how Hawkfrost didn't waste time praising her, instead he worked with her on how to be even better. Ivypaw eats then helps with the den. As they work she tries to talk to Blossomfall about the fight, but she is uninterested. When Ivypaw asks her why no one wants to talk about it Blossomfall responds that they won and life moves on. Ivypaw feels as if they should still be practicing fighting moves because next time they might not win, and she states that is probably what ShadowClan is doing right now. Blossomfall responds that they are ThunderClan, not ShadowClan, and there is more to worry about then fighting. Ivypaw thinks to herself that it is no wonder Hawkfrost does not visit Blossomfall's dreams. In the den Ivypaw ignores Dovepaw and pretends to sleep. When she opens her eyes she is in the Dark Forest. She meets Antpelt then Tigerheart. Tigerheart seems tired and distracted, and asks if Dovepaw accompanied her. Annoyed, Ivypaw angrily informs Tigerheart that she was chosen, not Dovepaw, and races away upset that she can't escape her sister's shadow even here. She crashes into Mapleshade, who attacks her, but Hawkfrost puts a stop to it. He takes her to some other cats and Thistleclaw tells them what their training exercise will be. He has one cat, Shredtail  get on top of a rock, then tells the others to knock him down. At first Ivypaw has fun but as they train it gets more vicious. Thistleclaw attacks Antpelt when he knocks Ivypaw aside, since they are supposed to he working together. Ivypaw can smell Antpelt's blood but she deliberately does not look at him to see what his punishment was. And Shredtail almost blinds her when he swipes at her with his claws unsheathed. Sparrowfeather tries to pull Shredtail down with her teeth but Thistleclaw attacks her, accusing her of cheating. Ivypaw is shocked when Sparrowfeather does not move at first. When she finally gets up Thistleclaw makes her get on the rock instead.

Flametail reaches the Moonpool. As he lays down flames shoot up around him. Panicked, he goes to leave but StarClan appears. But as he talks to them he realizes that it is only ShadowClan in his vision. His warrior ancestors tell him that StarClan is divided, a terrible danger is coming, and he must trust no cat outside of his clan. They won't tell him what the danger is, and Raggedstar and Sagewhisker argue over that, but Sagewhisker feels the truth will paralyze the whole clan. Instead they tell him that ShadowClan must stand alone - even the medicine cats must leave their friendships and allegiances behind. They tell him a time of war is coming and they will stand with ShadowClan, but no one else will.

Dovepaw wakes up to find Ivypaw whimpering in her sleep next to her. Worried her sister is being hurt, she wakes her up. Ivypaw tries to hide her swollen eye from Dovepaw but is unsuccessful, leading to another fight between the sisters. They leave the den and Lionblaze tells her to join Brackenfur's hunting patrol. The cats separate with Dovepaw going her own way. As she hunts she scents ShadowClan. She finds Tigerheart, who claims he didn't realize he was on ThunderClan land. Dovepaw relaxes and tells him she is glad she doesn't have to fight him since fighting him in the battle was bad enough. She tries to recover after that blunder but Tigerheart responds that borders are more trouble then they are worth. She is unsure how to respond and scents a patrol coming. She tells Tigerheart to leave. He asks her to meet him there again, tonight, and she agrees. Lionblaze and some cats come by, hunting a fox. Dovepaw didn't realize it until they said something, but the area stinks of fox. Lionblaze sends her back to camp. When she gets there she finds Jayfeather and Millie arguing over Briarlight. Millie feels Jayfeather is pushing her tok hard, Jayfeather is refusing to give up on her. Millie rages, asking what the point is, accusing Jayfeather of dragging out her daughter's suffering. Jayfeather retorts that there should be joy in being alive. Leafpool tries to side with Jayfeather but that just makes him angry. Graystripe calms Millie down and the arguement breaks up. Dovepaw feels both guilty and happy since she is seeing Tigerheart that night.

So I guess I was wrong. Tigerheart might actually have real feelings for Dovepaw after all. I cannot believe she is agreeing to meet with him, though. This is the oldest story ever and always ends in heartbreak. Bluestar. Graystripe and Silverstream. Crowfeather and Feathertail. Leafpool and Crowfeather. Lionblaze and Heathertail. And now Dovepaw is making the same mistake.

On a more important note, I cannot believe StarClan is divided. I understand the anger at Russetfur's death but now the Dark Forest has exactly what they want - the clans standing against each other. I cannot imagine ShadowClan alone broke away, especially now with the comment that there are now borders in StarClan. Each clan standing alone makes it easier for the Dark Forest to take over. I understand not knowing who to trust, but wouldn't it be better to find out who you can trust and work from there? I worried about Flametail, but he is so loyal to his clan I don't think he is involved in the Dark Forest - at least, not yet. Start with who you know is loyal - and unloyal - and work from there. I think Tigerheart is loyal, I think he is just as swayed by Tigerstar's lies as Ivypaw is. But eventually they are going to have to choose where their loyalities lie...

And speaking of Ivypaw, how could she be okay with the vicious training she is receiving?!? She couldn't bring herself to look at Antpelt, was worried Sparrowfeather was seriously injured, and was almost blinded! How can she keep justifying this?

Final note. It was nice to see a point of view outside of ThunderClan. I know we did when the cats traveled - I remember both Stonefur and Feathertail getting a POV. I cannot remember if anyone else did or not. But that was because they were all journeying together. It is nice to see a POV outside of ThunderClan in normal day to day life - even if it is just because (I suspect) the clans are divided. I wonder if we will see WindClan and RiverClan POVs as well? Maybe from Kestrelflight and Willowshine? To see how the other medicine cats are dealing with things as well? Since I am sure their revelations are not too far off...

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

night whispers: part one

Shadewhisker and Fernshade are furious with Yellowfang. They feel she could have prevented the battle, and Russetfur's death. Bluestar intervenes, arguing that they needed to know if the Dark Forest could influence events. Soon they are joined with cats from RiverClan and WindClan. They realize that even clan leaders can be under the sway of the Dark Forest and argue over what to do. Bluestar feels that the clans need to unite against this threat. Fernshade asks why the Dark Forest doesn't just attack them, but Lionheart feels that the Dark Forest knows it will hurt StarClan more to go after the cats who are still alive. Fernshade leaves to collect Russetfur and Yellowfang asks her to tell Russetfur she is sorry.

The battle ends and Dovepaw looks around in horror. Everywhere cats are injured. Russetfur is dead. Firestar is losing a life. Bumblestripe surveys the battlefield and comments that he guess they showed ShadowClan. Hazeltail retorts that what they showed was how much blood could be spilled in a pointless battle. Dovepaw sees Lionblaze. He has blood on him but she knows he isn't injured. She wonders what is the point of these powers if Lionblaze couldn't save Firestar. Brambleclaw comforts Lionblaze, telling him it wasn't his fault that Russetfur died. Dovepaw rushes to Lionblaze, blaming herself for the battle. She feels she should have known ShadowClan was going to invade, she should have used her powers to spy on cats like Jayfeather and Lionblaze asked her to. She wonders if StarClan sent the dream to Ivypaw because Dovepaw was refusing to spy on the other clans. The weary cats head home.

Jayfeather tends to the more seriously wounded while Leafpool checks the other cats in the clearing. Lionblaze comes in and Jayfeather asks after Dovepaw. Lionblaze tells Jayfeather she is fine, just quiet. Jayfeather thinks on how she returned from the battle in shock - while Ivypaw returned pleased with herself. Jayfeather had tried to enter her mind and see the dream, but nothing was there. He can't understand how Ivypaw could have forgotten such a vivid dream. He asks Lionblaze if the fight was worth it. Lionblaze says yes, but his answer is stiff. Lionblaze leaves and Leafpool comes in. Jayfeather asks her about his patients but Leafpool is unsure in her answers, frustrating Jayfeather. He sends her to check on Firestar and settles down to sleep. He puzzles over Ivypaw's dream - and his growing belief that she lied about it. Resolving to talk to Lionblaze about it in the morning he drifts off - and wakes up in the Dark Forest. At first he wonders if Tigerstar is trying to recruit him again then dismisses the idea. But then he hears Ivypaw talking to another cat and realizes it is Tigerheart. As Jayfeather listens Hawkfrost arrives, followed by others. As Jayfeather watches on he hears Breezepelt, Brokenstar, and many others. He listens as they talk and train. He realizes that the Dark Forest is in every clan, recruiting cats from every clan, getting them to break the warrior code.

Unable to sleep, Lionblaze leaves the den. Hearing him Cinderheart follows. A small stone falls into the clearing and Lionblaze worries that something might be wrong. He asks Hazeltail and Graystripe - on guard at the entrance - but they have seen and heard nothing. Cinderheart suggests they check it out. He tries to tell her he will do it alone but she won't hear it and leaves, causing him to follow her. Up in the forest they see nothing. Cinderheart tries to talk to Lionblaze about Russetfur. At first Lionblaze doesn't want to talk, but then it all comes rushing out. She tries to tell him that Russetfur might have taken all of Firestar's lives, but it doesn't make him feel better. He tells her a true warrior doesn't have to kill to win a battle. She quietly tells him that maybe times are changing, that the battle was too vicious, and that it is like something worse is going to happen. He asks her if she has had a dream, and she says no, just a feeling and that Russetfur shouldn't have tried to kill Firestar. An owl swoops between them, spooking them. Cinderheart races off and Lionblaze follows. They race each other, stopping now and again. At one point Lionblaze stops, seeing the tunnel that collapsed on Hollyleaf. Cinderheart asks him what is wrong, but he doesn't tell her. Instead he suggests they check the new border and report back to Firestar. She agrees, saying he had her worried. Pleased that she was worried for him he asks her why. She responds that he is a good friend. He hopes they are more then friends but he cannot bring himself to say it. At the border Cinderheart admits she wishes Firestar had never asked for the land back. They see Flametail, who taunts Lionblaze for killing Russetfur. He tells Lionblaze he is glad they are not kin since Lionblaze is just a murderer. They head back to camp and Jayfeather tells Lionblaze he needs to talk to him immediately about Ivypaw.

Dovepaw wakes up, hearing Jayfeather and Lionblaze talking about Ivypaw. Feeling that since the conversation is about her sister and she should be a part of it she tries to listen in but first Berrynose then Ivypaw interfere. Ivypaw tries to talk to her about the battle, going on about how exciting it was, but Dovepaw doesn't feel that way. She points out that Firestar lost a life. Ivypaw concedes that both that and Russetfur dying was sad, but she still felt the battle was exciting. Dovepaw responds she would rather use her skills to defend her clan. Ivypaw argues that they were because of her dream. Not responding, Dovepaw leaves her and tries to listen in again only she gets caught up in the morning meeting and is assigned hunting practice and duty with Ivypaw, Cinderheart, and Berrynose (since Lionblaze isn't there). As they practice Dovepaw keeps trying to sense Jayfeather and Lionblaze to listen in on their conversation. She keeps getting called out by Cinderheart and Berrynose for not paying attention but it doesn't stop her. Finally she overhears that Ivypaw is being trained by the Dark Forest - that cats from all clans are being recruited. She refuses to believe that any ThunderClan cat could fall for their lies. Dovepaw thinks Jayfeather must be mistaken since Ivypaw doesn't have any special powers. She suggests to Berrynose that she and Ivypaw leave and try hunting. Berrynose and Cinderheart agree. As they race away Dovepaw suddenly tells her sister to stop. She demands to know if it is true. At first Ivypaw denies it but she admits it when Dovepaw tells her that Jayfeather saw her. This leads to a huge fight between the sisters, with Dovepaw accusing Ivypaw of being stupid and Ivypaw accusing Dovepaw of being jealous. Ivypaw also insists that Tigerstar is no longer evil, that he regrets what he has done in the past, that he has always been loyal to his birth clan, and that ThunderClan mistreated him. Dovepaw cannot believe her ears as Ivypaw races away from her.

So, a few things struck me. One, is Lionblaze lied to Jayfeather and told him he thought the fight was worth it. And it was clear that he was lying too by the stiffness of his answer. Another thing that stood out to me is Cinderheart's comment that maybe things are changing. She still has a medicine cat's perceptions even though she isn't one in this lifetime. And she is right, there IS a darkness going on and that fight was far more viscous then it should have been. (Side note: when is Lionblaze going to tell Cinderheart he is in love with her?)

Then there is StarClan. I am disturbed by the fight between Yellowfang, Shadewhisker, and Fernshade. Don't get me wrong, I understand the ShadowClan cats argument completely. Yellowfang could have stopped the fight - and I was wondering why she didn't. But, while I don't agree with the outcome of the fight, I do understand Yellowfang's logic that she needed to know if the Dark Forest could touch the clans the way StarClan can. I understand ShadowClan's grief, but Russetfur should never have been in that fight in the first place - and she should never have tried to kill Firestar. There is blame on both sides, and ShadowClan refusing to accept that blame disturbs me.

Lastly, could Dovepaw have been any stupider? Her thoughts alone on her sister show why she was chosen. She thought the Dark Forest couldn't want anything to do with Ivypaw, because Ivypaw is not special. Then she accuses Ivypaw of behaving stupidly - which is not going to endear Ivypaw to her. And in the argument Ivypaw even says she is sick of the clan treating her like Dovepaw's dumb sister - basically proving Dovepaw's thought on why the Dark Forest chose her - and showing that Ivypaw has some serious confidence issues going on which the Dark Forest is preying on. And all of this goes over Dovepaw's head. I am curious to see what happens next.

Sunday, December 23, 2018

thunderstar's echo: part two

Thunderstar and Lightning Tail run from the dogs, but the four of them herd them together and trap them between them. Thunderstar tells Lightning Tail to run towards the trees while he runs in the opposite direction. It works and Lightning Tail breaks free and the dogs chase Thunderstar. He doubles back and races to the trees, but the dogs catch him. They bite into him as he struggles to break free. Then Lightning Tail is there, fighting the dogs. They break free and race into the woods, leaving the dogs behind. Exhausted, they lie down to rest. Thunderstar wonders if they are dying but Lightning Tail reminds him that he has received nine lives from StarClan. Thunderstar remembers that Moth Flight brought Windstar to the Moonstone so Windstar could be given nine lives. After that the other leaders went. Thunderstar knows that Windstar died and came back, but he didn't see it and isn't sure it is true. Blackness claims him. He wakes up to find himself and Lightning Tail fine in a safe clearing. Thunderstar feels they need to get back to their clan immediately. Gray Wing arrives and Lightning Tail realizes they are dead. After talking for a bit, Thunderstar says good bye to his friend and wakes up. He sits vigil by Lightning Tail's body.

The next morning, Thunderstar hides Lightning Tail's body then goes back to the fence. Deciding that stone and brambles don't work he looks around. He sees a large boulder and is able to dislodge it by digging away the dirt in the front. It rolls down the hill but hits something and goes off course, getting stuck. Unable to move it again, Thunderstar needs a new plan. He hopes that if the twolegs realize the fence is broken there they will fix it. Gathering his courage, he sneaks into the camp. Making sure the twolegs are paying attention he yowls to rouse the dogs and then races through the hole. The dogs give chase and he runs away. Eventually he realizes the dogs are not following him and he looks back. The twolegs have a hold on the dogs are a fixing the fence. Happy that his plan worked he goes back to Lighting Tail and buries him, sad that his friend is dead but relieved that the dogs will not bother them again.

Thunderstar quietly enters the camp. He nods a greeting to Leaf but says nothing. Everyone is asleep so he goes to his den. Violet Dawn is there sleeping, and he curls up with her but he is unable to sleep. He disturbs her and she wakes up. He tells her of Lighting Tail's death, and his own. Her cries of grief wake up the clan. Thunderstar goes out to address everyone. He is worried they will blame him for Lightning Tail's death, but instead they speak of their fond memories of him. Days later everyone is still grieving. Violet Dawn tells Thunderstar he needs to put a stop to it by naming a new deputy. She suggests Owl Eyes since he was acting deputy while they were away and he did such a good job. Thunderstar isn't ready to name a new deputy yet, but he understands he needs one. Before he can speak the words, however, Violet Dawn realizes the kits are coming.

Cloud Spots and Shivering Rose herd Violet Dawn into the nursery. Thunderstar sits outside and finds himself confessing his fears of being an awful father to Owl Eyes. Owl Eyes is amused, and tells Thunderstar that compared to loving and taking care of an entire clan, loving and taking care of kits should be easy. Violet Dawn has four kits, and as Thunderstar looks at them he realizes how silly all of his fears were. Loving them is the easiest thing.

The clans meet at Fourtrees. Thunderstar asks to go first and everyone starts talking about his kits. He tells everyone that he and Violet Dawn had four, and everyone expresses happiness. Skystar speaks warmly, saying how happy he is to have more kin. Thunderstar is surprised at his father's words and feels happy - he also acknowledges privately that he still seeks his father's approval. He then speaks of Lighting Tail's death, and everyone mourns him. He speaks of sitting vigil by Lightning Tail's body. Riverstar says it is a good idea to honor the dead and Shadowstar puts forward the suggestion that maybe this should be a practice they all adopt. The leaders ask if he has chosen a new deputy. He looks out over the other deputies and then at his own clan. He knows he needs to pick a new deputy but he misses Lightning Tail. He names Owl Eyes his new deputy. His clan cheers and Owl Eyes looks on in shock. Later he apologizes to Owl Eyes for springing it on him and asks him to be his deputy. Owl Eyes agrees and tells Thunderstar he would be happy to serve his clan. Thunderstar goes to lie down with Violet Dawn and their kits. He tells her he named Owl Eyes, which makes her happy. She tells him he needs to name the remaining two kits since she has already named two. He does so. As a thunder and lightning storm breaks out he reflects on how he misses Lightning Tail, but he is happy and one day he will see his friend again.

So Lightning Tail dying was sad, and I am glad Thunderstar solved the dog problem as well as his fatherly fears, but I really don't understand the point of this story. I feel like I am missing something - probably something obvious. But I don't know what I am supposed to be looking for or what meaning I am supposed to be taking away. In the end Thunderstar found peace with his best friend's death and was able to name a new deputy - and learn that life goes on - but I still feel I must be missing something. It is a nice, but sad, message and meaning, but is that all? Or is there something more?

Like... the birth of traditions? Apparently no one has ever sat vigil by a fallen comrade before. I was wondering why Thunderstar didn't bring Lightning Tail's body back to camp so everyone could sit vigil. Now I know why - because that was never done before. Or receiving nine lives. Thunderstar knew that Windstar supposedly died and came back - but he didn't actually KNOW because it had never been done before. He wasn't sure that he actually believed he would come back, but he did. This story seems to be a succession of firsts. Sitting vigil, receiving nine lives, calling those who can catch their own prey - all of these things are a given in clan life but they had to start somewhere and they seemed to have started with Thunderstar's story. I wonder if there will ever be a book series that falls between this story line and Firestar's. One that explains why medicine cats no longer have kits and introduces the new way to name everyone. I got a glimpse into the beginning of the clans, but I would like a deeper peek. But first, I have to read Thunderstar's story.

Saturday, December 22, 2018

thunderstar's echo: part one

Thunderstar is out with his deputy Lighting Tail and warrior Owl Eyes and their apprentices Apple Blossom and Snail Shell, respectively. The apprentices are showing off their hunting moves and doing very well. Apple Blossom spots a RiverClan cat across the border and calls out a friendly greeting. Thunderstar is happy. It wasn't that long ago that the clans were fighting, but then they united against the rogue Slash and now peace has been in the forest for many moons. The apprentices want to take a break and rest, so the older warriors tease them with stories of their own heroics when they were their age. As they talk Thunderstar feels grateful to have Lightning Tail for his deputy. Back at camp petty disputes are breaking out. Thunderstar wishes that just because there is no need to fight outside the camp, the cats didn't feel the need to fight inside the camp. Without something to focus on every small thing seems to blow up into a big fight. His adopted daughter, Blue Whisker, does not help. Blue Whisker was given to him by Moth Flight, the WindClan medicine cat. She had kits and gave one to each clan to tie them further together. He loves Blue Whisker as his daughter, but sometimes she seems to enjoy stirring up trouble. He puts an end to the argument between Shivering Rose, Thistle, and Clover as well as another argument between Leaf and Pink Eyes. He goes to his den, wishing to curl up with his mate Violet Dawn, but she isn't there. He finds her in the medicine den with Cloud Spots, the medicine cat, and feels like he is interrupting. Cloud Spots leaves and Violet Dawn tells him she is expecting kits. Thunderstar is overjoyed. That night he cannot sleep so he leaves his den. Lightning Tail is on guard so they talk. Thunderstar admits to being scared that he won't be able to protect his kits. Lightning Tail tells him he cannot protect them from everything and assures him that the whole clan will be there to protect them as well. Then Thunderstar confesses his fear that he won't be a good father. His own father, Skystar, wanted nothing to do with him. Lightning Tail tells him that while Skystar was his father, Gray Wing raised him and cared for him - and he is nothing like Skystar. Lightning Tail's words comfort Thunderstar.

Thunderstar is with Violet Dawn and Milkweed. He is worried the queens - as well as the rest of the clan - are not getting enough to eat. It has been raining for days so all the prey are hiding and the scent trails are washed away. A hunting patrol comes back but they have only caught one mouse and one vole. Milkweed's kits share one while she and Violet Dawn share the other. Feeling frustrated, Thunderstar declares he is taking out another hunting patrol and picks his cats. His clan objects, feeling there is no prey so there is no point in going out. Upset, Thunderstar starts to respond but Lightning Tail cuts in. He talks about what wonderful hunters they are and how the clan cares for each other. His speech rouses the cats and his patrol, along with Lightning Tail, head out into the woods. They have good luck since Apple Blossom accidentally disturbed a mouse nest and Thunderstar finds a large bird. They head back to camp with all their prey. It is not enough for everyone to eat until they are full, but it is enough for everyone to have some. As Violet Dawn heads towards the prey Milkweed stops her, scenting dog. As Thunderstar goes to sniff he hears them barking.

The cats scramble up the trees. Thunderstar looks around to make sure everyone is safe. He sees Violet Dawn, Owl Eyes, and Snail Shell trying to help Clover, who has a sprained ankle. Knowing the dogs will be here any moment Thunderstar decides he has to act quickly. He races at the dogs, hoping to distract them. Two of them chase off after him and he climbs up a tree to escape them. He looks back and sees the three cats standing between Clover and the remaining dog. Violet Dawn goes for the dog's eyes, giving all four of them a chance to escape up a tree. Rain comes, drenching everyone, but the dogs don't leave until nightfall. Thunderstar determines it is safe and tells his clan to come down. The next day the rain has finally stopped and everyone has recovered from the dog attack, but Thunderstar still worries. He decides that peace between the clans has made his clan too complacent, and he is worried the dogs might return. Speaking with Lightning Tail and Violet Dawn, he decides they need to look for the dogs to make sure they are safe. It is also decided that patrols will be stepped up and that the other clans must be warned. Lightning Tail will pick cats to warn the clans but Thunderstar wishes to warn SkyClan himself.

Thunderstar goes to SkyClan territory and runs into Dew Petal and Honey Pelt. Dew Petal is Skystar's daughter and greets him as her brother, asking if she can visit Violet Dawn's kits since they are kin. Honey Pelt is Blue Whisker's brother, and adopted son of Skystar, and eagerly asks after his sister. Thunderstar feels both happy and sad seeing his kin. He is glad that Skystar has finally learned how to he a father but he is upset that he never got that experience. They take him to Skystar and the two leaders talk. Thunderstar tells him of the dogs and realizes that Skystar already knew about them. Skystar tells Thunderstar that they only caught whiffs and he never thought the neighboring clan was in any danger but Thunderstar doesn't believe him. Skystar talks about the odd scent the dogs had and offers to help track them. He disagrees with Thunderstar's idea of attacking them but wants to help in any other way he can. They track the scent through ThunderClan land and across the thunderpath. They follow it to a place where a bunch of twoleg monsters are broken and dead, and realize this is the scent the dogs carried and that this must be their home.

Thunderstar decides he wants a better look at the dogs and their home. He, Lightning Tail, and Violet Dawn discuss plans between themselves. Lightning Tail and Violet Dawn both want hin to join Thunderstar, Thunderstar wants him to stay home. In the end Violet Dawn and Lightning Tail win. Thunderstar calls a clan meeting, but as the sleepy kits try to join he amends it to a meeting for anyone old enough to catch their own prey. He tells of the plan for him and Lightning Tail to go away for a few days to see about the dog problem. He places Violet Dawn in charge with Owl Eyes as her deputy. The next day the two cats leave. Following the trail they come across a rogue nest that was attacked by the dogs. They find a dead cat, which makes Lightning Tail furious because she was abandoned to the dogs. Thunderstar says they should bury her so they do. Eventually they reach the Twoleg place and watch the dogs. There are four now and they are badly mistreated by their twolegs, which makes Thunderstar feel bad for them. The twolegs take them in and the cats look for how the dogs escaped the strong fence. They find a part of the fence that is pulled away from the ground, big enough for the dogs to escape through. Thunderstar wants to try blocking the hole with rocks but as they work it becomes apparent that it won't work. Then he decides to weave brambles into the fence. Lightning Tail likes the idea since the brambles are strong and will poke the dogs and the two cats get to it. But as they work the dogs are let out again. The biggest one sees them and makes eye contact with Thunderstar, causing him to yell at Lightning Tail to run.

So I wasn't quite sure what to expect coming into this. I don't know these characters and have no clue of the story line since I haven't read the prequel books yet. I thought about saving the story until I do but then decided against it since I don't know when I will be buying (and reading) those books. It could be a year from now, after all.

So far this is a good story, though nothing is really happening. Clan life seems to be a bit different. The clans are more friendly. And, Moth Flight, a medicine cat, had kits! And this is okay! And she gave one to each clan to tie them further together! And this is okay! And Thunderstar is actually from SkyClan! And this is okay! This is very different from the Warriors world I am used to. Yellowfang had to hide her kit. Leafpool lost her position as medicine cat because she had kits. Jayfeather and Lionblaze are scorned for being half clan. Yet, it appears, everyone probably has some half clan blood in them. (Leaving aside ShadowClan is half rogue, which everyone conveniently forgets when they are mad at ThunderClan.) And, I get the impression, that the clans are newly formed. Also, the names are different. The leaders have the word "star" added, but there is no "paw" or "kit." And Lightning Tail is not Lightningtail. There seems to be no naming ceremonies. And from the feel of it, when Thunderstar called his clan this was the first time he added the part about everyone who could catch their own prey. And, they have no elder's den. No one is actually an elder, even though they are old. They are still considered warriors. I know I am ignoring the story line itself, but that is because I really don't understand what is happening (beyond there are dogs terrorizing them) and am more focused on the discrepancies.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

fading echoes: part five

Ivypaw wakes up and races off to see Firestar, blowing off Cinderheart in the process. But once in Firestar's den she feels suddenly self conscious, wishing she had thought out what she wanted to say. Giving her time to gather her thoughts, Firestar goes back to his conversation with Brambleclaw and Graystripe about the ShadowClan border. Seeing an opening, Ivypaw takes it. Scared they won't believe her, she tells them she had a dream of ShadowClan invading. In it the stream runs with blood and the ShadowClan cats speak of taking more land since Firestar gave them land already. When she is done the three cats discuss whether or not ShadowClan might invade. She is told not to tell anyone, even Dovepaw, about her dream. She leaves excited that they believed her, and eager to tell Tigerstar.

Briarlight has caught the cough that Littlecloud warned Jayfeather of. He isn't sure what to do to help her. Dustpelt comes to collect him, telling him that Firestar has called a meeting a discuss something. Briarlight assures Jayfeather she will be fine so he leaves. At the meeting Firestar tells everyone of Ivypaw's dream, and how he thinks it is a sign from StarClan. Jayfeather admits he hasn't had any dreams about ShadowClan lately. As the warriors talk things over they decide they should attack first. Firestar says before they do he wants to give Blackstar a chance to do the right thing and give them back their land. He tells Brambleclaw and Jayfeather to come with him. Jayfeather wants to tell Lionblaze what is going on but Firestar tells him there is no time. They meet with Blackstar who is furious with Firestar's demands. Firestar warns him that at dawn the next day they will be reclaiming their land and leaves. Jayfeather hopes that Ivypaw's dream was correct.

Ivypaw waits for ShadowClan to come. Beside her Dovepaw is trembling. Ivypaw wishes Dovepaw were not there. She feels that since Dovepaw has not received extra training she cannot possibly survive the battle, and despite the condition of their relationship they are still litter mates. Blackstar arrives and the battle begins. The sisters become separated and Ivypaw fights like a warrior. Blossomfall is impressed, commenting that Cinderheart must be a great mentor. Ivypaw goes off to look for her sister since she figures she must need help.

The battle erupts and Dovepaw feels overwhelmed. Her senses are working overtime trying to keep all the noises straight and she is having a hard time fighting on the slippery grass. Ivypaw finally reaches Dovepaw and Dovepaw is shocked by the moves Ivypaw is using, since they look like killing moves. Some cats regroup and Thornclaw passes on the news of Brambleclaw's plan. He wants the cats to invade ShadowClan. Dovepaw points out that it will only make the ShadowClan cats fight harder, but the counter argument is it is a terrain the ThunderClan cats are used to fighting on and it is a risk they have to take. The ThunderClan cats run into ShadowClan land, much to the shock of the enemy warriors. They race up the trees to hide as ShadowClan follows them in, then drop down on them from above. Dovepaw lands clumsy, but is able to recover from it. She sees Tigerheart attacking Toadstep and feels torn. She knows she should help her clanmate, but Tigerheart is her friend. As she hesitates Foxleap comes to the rescue, much to her relief. She watches her sister fight and is impressed by how good she is. Then, she sees Tigerheart about to attack her sister and calls out a warning that is lost in all the noise, but she sees something shocking instead. Tigerheart does not attack Ivypaw, instead they nod at each other and jump back into the fight, attacking other cats. Dovepaw feels a mixture of emotions, mostly jealousy. She didn't like the way Tigerheart looked at her sister and fears his friendship with her is actually just because he has feelings for Ivypaw. She wonders if this is why Ivypaw has been so distant. She tells herself to get back to the fight but then she sees Lionblaze. Russetfur has Firestar down and Lionblaze is trying to get her off. He succeeds, but blood is pouring from Firestar's throat.

Lionblaze is deep in the fight when he gets the feeling that maybe this is wrong, maybe this fight isn't supposed to be happening. He shakes the feeling off, feeling that since it was Ivypaw who had the dream, and Ivypaw os Dovepaw's sister, this is correct. He sees Russetfur attacking Firestar and pulls her off. But then Owlclaw cries out that Russetfur is dead and Lionblaze is shocked, since he didn't actually attack her. Brambleclaw declares the fight over and that ThunderClan won. Blackstar is furious, but agrees, saying the land was never worth the blood spilled. Then Sorreltail cries out that Firestar is losing a life. Lionblaze looks around in shock. One senior warrior is dead, a leader is losing his life, warriors and apprentices are hurt. leaf bare is around the corner, and now both clans are weak. Lionblaze realizes StarClan would have never wanted this fight and with a sinking feeling wonders if the dream came from the Dark Forest. As he looks at the damage over a piece of grass that is worthless to both clans he knows this battle should never have happened.

I cannot believe Ivypaw told Firestar that ShadowClan was going attack - I mean, I know she doesn't know it is a lie, but the news was from Tigerstar of all cats! Everyone grows up listening to stories of him being a murderer! And she believed him! Even ShadowClan want nothing to do with him. At first I was upset that Firestar took her word, but then the more I thought about it it made sense. He would think she was telling the truth since prophecy and special powers run strong in his family. But I am glad Lionblaze realized, even if it was too late, that the prophecy came from the Dark Forest. He is right in that StarClan would never want a fight that would end in the death of Firestar and Russetfur. Jayfeather, too, wondered if the prophecy was true. I wonder why he didn't speak to StarClan - or why StarClan didn't speak to him? And since Lionblaze knows the prophecy was a lie does he now suspect Ivypaw? And the descriptions of Ivypaw in the fight were creepy! Dovepaw was going on about her killing blows and blood stained teeth. But she didn't piece together that her sister is with the Dark Forest, even though Tigerheart is. But maybe she doesn't realize Tigerheart is? Jayfeather and Lionblaze have been keeping things from her since she is so upset. I went back and looked, they talked of Tigerheart being in league with Tigerstar, but that conversation Dovepaw wasn't there for. And when they tried to talk about Dark Forest cats in the clans she ran off, accusing them of suspecting everyone. And what was with her freezing so much during the fight? She fought awful. She was so overwhelmed. I wonder why that was? And Ivypaw's attitude towards her sister during the fight was odd too. Ivypaw's belief that her sister is incapable of fighting because she hasn't received extra training? Most cats don't. So really, Dovepaw was on the same level as everyone else. It is Ivypaw who is a step above. And Ivypaw clearly knows other cats are training in the Dark Forest too, since she and Tigerheart did not attack each other. Which makes me wonder where her loyalties really lie. Hawkfrost called them a clan, and Ivypaw thought he meant ThunderClan, and he didn't correct her. But now Tigerheart is part of this clan? Which means she now knows it is not ThunderClan, but a blending of clans, and she is okay with this? To refuse to attack an enemy warrior on the field is a big deal. This means her loyalty is to Dark Forest first, and ThunderClan second. This is disturbing. 

What is also worrying is Dovepaw's torn loyalties over Tigerheart. I really need to know if he is playing with her - which I now suspect he is. At first I genuinely thought he cared for her, but his first loyalty too must be to Dark Forest, not ShadowClan, since he refused to attack Ivypaw. Which means if his first loyalty is to Dark Forest, and they are sowing seeds of discontent, then it makes more sense to play with Dovepaw's emotions then to love her - especially since in Spottedleaf's story love was seen as almost a weakness. I just feel that if Tigerheart is truly loyal to Dark Forest then there would be no room for loving Dovepaw, but there would be plenty of room for playing with an apprentice who has special powers. I wonder just how many plots Tigerstar has going on. Did he have Tigerheart entering ThunderClan territory to stage the fake prophecy? Does Tigerheart know this? Was Tigerheart in on the invasion? Or is Tigerstar just using him too? It seems to me he is maneuvering the clans to right where he wants them - weak, and at each other's throats. At least Lionblaze knows this, but will he tell Jayfeather? And will they tell Firestar? And will Firestar believe them? And will they suspect Ivypaw? And who else in ThunderClan is training in the Dark Forest? Thornclaw, Spiderleg (who I don't think we have really seen in this book series), and Berrynose are all hot headed - Blossomfall a bit too, but she thought Ivypaw's moves were because of Cinderheart and Dustpelt is far to loyal to Firestar - but that doesn't automatically make them part of the Dark Forest. But I cannot believe it is just one cat from ThunderClan. And with cats in every clan (because I am sure some RiverClan cats are too) reporting to Tigerstar, as well as Tigerstar's (and his Dark Forest allies) ability to enter the real world or anyone's dreams, there is no secret to be kept from him.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

fading echoes: part four

Jayfeather and Lionblaze meet in secret to discuss Tigerstar and the Dark Forest. They try to reason out Tigerstar's motives, but all they can think of is his hatred for Firestar. They start thinking about Breezepelt and Tigerheart, and how they are training in the Dark Forest, and how Lionblaze once trained there. They reason out that with Breezepelt that Tigerstar is exploiting a weakness, and with Tigerheart and Lionblaze it was an exploitation of kinship. They figure it is Tigerheart who is crossing the border, though they don't know why, and start to worry that there are other cats - and they don't know who or in which clan. They try to think of who in RiverClan Tigerstar might approach, but then they remember Hawkfrost is in the Dark Forest too, and he might be approaching cats as well. Jayfeather resolves to find out more that night at the Moonpool. Later on Sorreltail gets Jayfeather and tells him Littlecloud is there for him. She is surprised he came to the camp, but Jayfeather points out that he probably wants to see the damage. He greets Littlecloud, who asks after Briarpaw. Jayfeather tells him she is doing well and her name is Briarlight now. Together with Flametail they head for the Moonpool. Jayfeather thinks of walking in Flametail's mind to see if he knows anything about Tigerheart. He then feels panic as he realizes Flametail is Tigerstar's kin too, which means Tigerstar could potentially have medicine cats on his side. They reach Kestrelflight, Mothwing, and Willowshine. Jayfeather greets Mothwing but she is cool to him, making him wonder if she fears he will betray her secret. He knows he won't but she might not realize that. Littlecloud tries to ask after Leafpool but Jayfeather is upset and short in his answers. Littlecloud responds that everyone makes mistakes, but sometimes the echoes last forever. They dream, and Yellowfang finds Jayfeather. As they talk Yellowfang tells him that some of StarClan is worried. Jayfeather starts to tell her of Tigerstar and Hawkfrost training cats in their dreams, of how they don't know who to trust - even when it comes down to medicine cats - and how Breezepelt attacked him by the Moonpool. The more he talks to more worried Yellowfang becomes. He asks her what to do and she responds they must go to the Dark Forest.

Jayfeather and Yellowfang head towards the Dark Forest and Jayfeather is shocked to see a ghost of Firestar walking around. Yellowfang tells him that Firestar isn't actually here, that when he loses a life one appears here. She tells him Firestar has lost five lives and with each one he loses his cat becomes more and more solid. But Firestar cannot see or speak to them since he is still alive. Spottedleaf finds them and insists on joining them and the three cats sneak in. Jayfeather becomes separated and races on ahead. Terrified, he is overtaken by a cat but it is just Yellowfang. She warns him they must stay together. Jayfeather smells a male cat and Yellowfang suddenly insists they go back. Brokenstar appears and starts to question why they are there. Jayfeather sees into Yellowfang's memories and realizes she is Brokenstar's mother - and that she killed him. He is upset that Yellowfang too broke her medicine cat vows. Shocked, Jayfeather confronts her and Yellowfang responds that mistakes happen, causing Jayfeather to wonder if the same is true of him and his siblings. Sensing he is upset, though not fully why, Spottedleaf assures Jayfeather that he and his siblings were wanted and are loved. But Jayfeather feels that Yellowfang is no better then Leafpool. Yellowfang and Spottedleaf accuse Brokenstar of training the clan cats but Brokenstar feigns innocence. He tells the StarClan cats that they are welcome to look around, but then they must let the Dark Forest cats look around StarClan. The offer is refused and Brokenstar kicks them out. As they leave Spottedleaf ducks into a bush. She tells Yellowfang to leave while she and Jayfeather look around. They spot Darkstripe and Hawkfrost training Dark Forest cats, using moves that kill. Jayfeather is horrified as they attack one cat, showing battle moves to use. He says such moves are not in the warrior code and Spottedleaf responds that these cats live outside the warrior code. Tigerstar finds them, telling them he knows Brokenstar kicked them out. When they confront him about training clan cats he points out that no clan cats are here. When they ask him why they are training he responds they don't want to lose their skills. Unable to get any answers, and unwanted, Jayfeather and Spottedleaf finally leave.

Lionblaze cannot sleep, wondering what Jayfeather is learning at the Moonpool. Cinderheart is awake too, and sensing his restlessness she suggests they take a walk. They leave the camp together and Cinderheart broaches the subject of Dovepaw and Ivypaw. She points out that ever since Dovepaw got to go on the journey Ivypaw has been jealous and competitive. Lionblaze counters that competitiveness is natural. Cinderheart asks him if it is true that Dovepaw had a dream about the beavers but Lionblaze just says that is what she claimed. Cinderheart asks him to have Dovepaw be a bit more considerate but Lionblaze counters that competition can be good. Changing the subject he suggests a run and the two cats take off, playfully trying to trick the other. Remembering Heathertail, Lionblaze asks her to stop. Cinderheart teases him by suggesting they climb trees and Lionblaze takes off again. He feels free and happy as he realizes Cinderheart is not Heathertail and there is nothing wrong with being with her. They reach the lake and Cinderheart jumps in and swims. Lionblaze teases her that she looks like a RiverClan cat and she responds that she is ThunderClan through and through. He says he is glad she is, but she mistakes his meaning, not realizing he is flirting with her. They head back to camp and their den. The next morning Lionblaze tries to talk to Cinderheart but she is all business. Feeling hurt, he is a bit short with Dovepaw when they go on a hunting patrol. They get into another fight about her powers, with her still feeling like every clan could benefit from them and him pointing out they wouldn't appreciate her interference. He points out that her powers saved them all from dying of thirst and that cheers her up. He asks about the patrol checking the ShadowClan border and she says everything is fine and there are no new scents. She suddenly stiffens but refuses to tell Lionblaze what is wrong. Jayfeather, Littlecloud, and Flametail come along. The ShadowClan cats leave and Jayfeather reports what he found in the Dark Forest to Lionblaze and Dovepaw. Dovepaw is shocked and feels that no ThunderClan cat could possibly train with Tigerstar. Lionblaze tells Dovepaw that she needs to spy on the other cats to find out who they cannot trust but she becomes angry, accusing Lionblaze of not trusting anyone, and runs away.

Dovepaw races off and finds herself near the ShadowClan border. Knowing she would never be able to explain her presence when she is supposed to be on the other side of the territory hunting, she decides to hide from the patrol. Backing up into a bush she accidentally falls into ShadowClan territory right where Tigerheart is. Tigerheart tells her it is okay, since they are friends and he trusts her, and they talk. She confides in him about visiting Sedgewhisker and how everyone was so mad at her. The way Tigerheart looks at her makes her feel self conscious. Talk turns to the journey and Tigerheart speaks of how brave Dovepaw was. Looking into his eyes, Dovepaw finds it hard to speak. A ShadowClan patrol comes along and Tigerheart gets her over the border. Dovepaw leaves, determined to keep her friendship with Tigerheart and determined not to let Jayfeather and Lionblaze wreck it.

Ivypaw is in the Dark Forest. At first she was scared, but then Hawkfrost found her and assured her it was okay. He tells her all the cats here are her clanmates and they get to training. As they train another cat comes along and at first Ivypaw mistakes him for Brambleclaw. But it is Tigerstar, which makes her uneasy. Tigerstar tells her how he tried to lead his clan but they unfairly turned against him and drove him out. He talks of how he had to beg ShadowClan for a home, but at heart he is a true ThunderClan cat. Hawkfrost has Ivypaw show Tigerstar some of her moves and Tigerstar declares her ready. When Ivypaw asks ready for what, Tigerstar tells her of a ShadowClan plan to invade their territory. He tells her the land that they want, that she must make Firestar believe her, and that they need to take back the territory Firestar gave Blackstar. Ivypaw decides they need to attack first. Tigerstar agrees, and tells her she must find a way to convince Firestar.

So much happened here! Jayfeather going to the Dark Forest. The dead cats in the Dark Forest training! Clearly they are planning an invasion. The realization that even medicine cats could be in league with the Dark Forest! I never thought of that!!! The inability to trust any cat. Jayfeather losing faith in Yellowfang. Tigerstar convincing Ivypaw to invade ShadowClan. Ivypaw trusting Tigerstar! How could she?!? Dovepaw's mixed feelings for Tigerheart. And does Tigerheart actually feel anything for Dovepaw or is he just manipulating her? Lionblaze falling in love with Cinderheart! I did not see that one coming! I was thinking he would never love again after Heathertail, especially with how obsessed he is with being a warrior. I am dying to read the last five chapters. They are very short, though, so do doubt any of my questions will be resolved.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

fading echoes: part three

Ivypaw dreams of hunting, and Hawkfrost comes to her, giving her advice. They train together for a bit but then Ivypaw hears someone calling her. As she leaves Hawkfrost gives her his name and she responds with hers. Cinderheart wakes Ivypaw. It is the day of the assessment of Blossompaw, Briarpaw, and Bumblepaw. Firestar wants to try a new way of doing things and wants the cats to do their assessments in pairs with other mentors assessing them. Ivypaw is being paired with Blossompaw, who isn't very nice about it. Since it is a hunting assessment she would rather have Dovepaw, who is great at hunting. Ivypaw is upset with Blossompaw's attitude. She hears a voice in her ear reminding her that she is every bit as good as her sister, and that comforts her. She responds that she will do the best she can and that is it Blossompaw's assessment, not her's. Hazeltail compliments her for her response. The cats split up with Blossompaw, Ivypaw, Dustpelt, and Thornclaw heading to the abandoned twoleg nest. Blossompaw mocks Ivypaw for having a hard time keeping up with her, then tells her not to get in her way. Ivypaw is upset, wondering why everyone is so crazy about her sister and feels she is worthless. Since Blossompaw took off Ivypaw hunts on her own and catches a huge squirrel. Dustpelt and Thornclaw compliment her on her catch. Blossompaw shows up, upset that they chased away the prey she was hunting. She gets mad at Ivypaw when it is pointed out that they are supposed to be hunting in pairs, but Dustpelt counters that if Blossompaw doesn't tell Ivypaw how to help her she can't be mad. Blossompaw catches a blackbird, and it was such a horrible catch that Ivypaw sneers at it, feeling it wouldn't meet Hawkfrost's standards. She then wonders if Hawkfrost is from StarClan. She gets excited since her sister has never been visited by StarClan. Much to Blossompaw's disappointment, Thornclaw puts an end to the assessment. They head back to camp and Blossompaw tells Ivypaw that if she fails the assessment it is all Ivypaw's fault. Seeing Dovepaw, Ivypaw takes her outside of camp to tell her of her dream. Worried that Dovepaw won't believe her, she tries to tell her about a StarClan cat visiting her but Brightheart interrupts, sending them back to camp. In the apprentice den she tries again but Lionblaze pulls Dovepaw away. Alone, Ivypaw is bitter about how Dovepaw is treated. Blossompaw, Briarpaw, and Bumblepaw come into the den, happy they passed, but Ivypaw isn't interested. She decides to go to sleep to see if she can meet Hawkfrost again. She wants him to train her until she is better then her sister.

Lionblaze, Jayfeather, and Dovepaw are in Firestar's den giving a report that nothing new is going on when Dovepaw suddenly cries out that a tree is going to fall into the camp. Lionblaze races out, screaming to everyone to evacuate the camp. Firestar follows, giving the same order and giving out assignments to the cats who are right there. Dustpelt reports that the nursery is clear, Jayfeather that the medicine den is clear, and Lionblaze that the warrior's den is clear. Firestar gets everyone out of the camp but Lionblaze realizes that Brightheart has not reported in from the elder's den. On his way there he finds Dovepaw and Ivypaw. Dovepaw feels she cannot leave until she knows which tree is falling and Ivypaw is confused by her sisters actions. He sends them on their way then goes into the elder's den, finding Mousefur refusing to leave her dry moss to go run around in the rain. Brightheart is frustrated but unsheathing his claws, Lionblaze tells her to get out. Shocked, Mousefur complies. They get out of the camp and Dovepaw identifies the falling tree. Firestar is trying to herd the cats away when Lionblaze overhears Mousefur insisting she has to go back for a mouse. Longtail offers to do it for her and Briarpaw races after him. Lionblaze runs after them screaming that the tree is about to fall but he is too late and it lands partly on the elder's den. Firestar and Dovepaw join him but the tree slides and falls even more, preventing them from rescuing the cats. The rest of the clan comes in and Firestar with Brambleclaw quickly start giving orders so they can try to rescue the trapped cats. Dustpelt is in charge of propping the tree up and Squirrelflight with finding logs to use. Everyone picks their cats and gets to work. Jayfeather is placed in charge of treating any cats who need it and Daisy is placed in charge of the elders and kits. Mousefur is devastated and blames herself for Longtail's possible death. Jayfeather needs his herbs so Rosepetal is placed in charge of that. Whitewing is placed in charge of everyone else, and Dovepaw, who is blaming herself, is placed in her care. Everyone quickly gets to work and soon a path is cleared. Lionblaze finds Longtail's broken body and brings it out while Dustpelt searches for Briarpaw. He finds her and Lionblaze and Graystripe join him. Briarpaw is pinned and Graystripe tries to pull her out but it doesn't work and hurts her. Lionblaze stops him, telling him he will kill her. Lionblaze pushes against the branch to move it. He succeeds, much to Dustpelt's shock, and Graystripe is able to free his daughter. The tunnel they made is about to collapse so Graystripe grabs his daughter and runs. Lionblaze tells Dustpelt to run as well before he lets go. Dustpelt does so Lionblaze lets go and manages to get out right before the tunnel collapses. The clan returns, Mousefur mourns Longtail, and Jayfeather tries to help Briarpaw. He snaps at Leafpool asking if she will help or not. Leafpool does and Briarlaw wakes up but she cannot feel her back legs. Firestar starts giving everyone tasks to clean up the camp and he tells Lionblaze to rest. As Lionblaze looks at the crippled apprentice he wonders if Briarpaw will be upset he saved her life.

Jayfeather is unsure what is wrong with Briarpaw's back legs and Millie is frustrated with his lack of knowledge. Leafpool suggests to him to go see Littlecloud since he once had a similar case. He gets permission from Firestar, who tells him to take Squirrelflight with him - much to Jayfeather's annoyance. He checks in on Mousefur first. Purdy is getting her to talk about Longtail to make her feel better and for once Jayfeather feels grateful for the elder. He places Brightheart in charge of the medicine den and leaves. Squirrelflight catches up to him and they travel. She tries to talk to Jayfeather but he is uninterested. She finally loses her patience with him and snaps that he isn't the only cat who is hurting. They run into a ShadowClan patrol who accuses them of invading and using the excuse of needing to see Littlecloud as a distraction, but they take the cats to their camp. Surprised by their request to see Littlecloud, Blackstar takes them to his den without complaint. They tell Blackstar what happened. He is surprised they only lost one cat, and feels sympathy for the loss of Longtail. Littlecloud tells them of treating Wildfur, how his back bone was broken, and how he ultimately died. He gives them herbs and suggestions and the cats leave. Back at camp Jayfeather tests Littlecloud's theory by biting down Briarpaw's back until she can no longer feel it. He breaks the news to her that she will never be able to use her back legs again. Millie is distraught, especially when she finds out Briarpaw might die from this. Squirrelflight comforts Millie and Graystripe so Jayfeather can talk to and tend his patient in peace.

Dovepaw watches as Briarpaw receives the warrior name Briarlight. She is happy for her clanmate, but she is also exhausted. It has been a quarter moon and everyone is tired from all the extra work. Plus, Dovepaw has been having had dreams about the tree falling and trapping Ivypaw. Cats are sent to gather moss for the new elder's den. Dovepaw and Ivypaw are amongst the cats chosen, and when Dovepaw tries to playfully bet with Ivypaw that she can collect the most moss Ivypaw brushes her off. Dovepaw is hurt as they go to collect moss and Ivypaw acts like she isn't even there. Dovepaw wonders if she is imagining Ivypaw's coldness, or if Ivypaw jas somehow figured out about her powers and is blaming her for the tree falling. Lionblaze seeks out Dovepaw as she is collecting feathers. He tells her that ShadowClan has been scented inside the border again and asks her if she knows anything new. Dovepaw is upset with him, telling him she would have told him if she did. Secretly, she figures it is Tigerheart and since they are friends she can trust him. Ivypaw pops up unexpectedly and Lionblaze angrily leaves. Ivypaw tries to find out what is going on by pointedly asking her sister why Lionblaze would think she knows what is going on with ShadowClan, but Dovepaw is evasive making Ivypaw mad. She accuses her of keeping secrets, and says if Dovepaw is going to keep secrets then so is she. Dovepaw feels guilty as she remembers Ivypaw tried to tell her about her StarClan dream. Dovepaw tries to ask about it but Ivypaw blows her off, claiming Dovepaw is just jealous that she might be more special. She leaves with Dovepaw upset that she never realized Ivypaw was feeling this way. Back at camp Ivypaw ignores Dovepaw when she tries to speak to her. Dovepaw seeks out Jayfeather, asking for permission to tell Ivypaw the truth but Jayfeather tells her no. Dovepaw points out that he was able to confide in his siblings but Jayfeather tells her not at first. Talk turns to Hollyleaf but Jayfeather is evasive in his answers. Dovepaw watches Ivypaw, realizing her secret might cost her her best friend.

Ivypaw dreams, training with Hawkfrost. He teaches her a new move and Ivypaw says she cannot wait to show Dovepaw. But as she and Hawkfrost talk Ivypaw changes her mind. She is upset with how special Dovepaw seems to think she is, and since she knows Dovepaw is keeping secrets she feels she deserves to have secrets too. Hawkfrost encourages her in these thoughts and they go back to training. Ivypaw wakes up, stiff from her training with Hawkfrost. She sees Dovepaw next to her and longs to tell her, but shoves that feeling away. She is determined to become an even better warrior than Lionblaze. Cinderheart collects her, telling her that they are trying new training exercises. She and the other cats split into two teams and try to take the others territory. The teams are led by Cinderheart and Dustpelt, with Ivypaw on Dustpelt's team. As they face off against each other Ivypaw uses her new moves. She sees Leafpool watching her and assumes the cat is impressed. Cinderheart's team wins but everyone wants to know where Ivypaw learned to fight like that. Ivypaw is evasive in her answers, saying it was just instinct and she cannot do it again. She is worried by how suspicious Leafpool seems. They face off a second time and Ivypaw brings Bumblestripe down. He seems to give up and the two cats talk about Briarlight as the rest of the cats continue on with the mock battle. Dustpelt's side wins and everyone heads back to camp. Bumblestripe thanks Ivypaw and then runs ahead with his sister. Ivypaw feels left out but then Leafpool joins her, pressing her for more information about her techniques. Not wanting to answer her, Ivypaw runs ahead.

I knew Hawkfrost was going to go after Ivypaw! And judging from Ivypaw's hostility towards her sister, he is doing a very good job. I wonder why Leafpool is so suspicious, though. Don't get me wrong, Ivypaw was using battle moves she shouldn't know but Leafpool is a medicine cat, not a warrior - at least, not a very good one. It should have been Dustpelt who was suspicious.

I do wonder why Tigerstar hasn't gone after Dovepaw. I understand Breezepelt and Ivypaw - both are jealous and hostile and Tigerstar is clearly exploiting that - but he went after Jayfeather and Lionblaze as well. But never Hollyleaf. Was it because she wasn't one of the three? Does Tigerstar believe in the prophecy even though he claims not to? Was he trying to sway the two prophecy cats to his side? Was it something else? Did he figure he never had a chance with Hollyleaf since she was so devoted to the warrior code? He is clearly exploiting Breezepelt and Ivypaw's jealousies. Jayfeather, too, had anger issues. Lionblaze never had anger issues - until AFTER he started training with Tigerstar. Brambleclaw was the same way. Both he and Lionblaze just wanted to be the best warrior ever and justified getting help from an evil cat because they wanted to do good.

I have so many questions. Like just how far gone is Ivypaw? I believe Tigerstar's ultimate goal is to turn these cats against their clans. Could Ivypaw do that? Turn against her clan? Her sister? Not now, but how much longer til she has turned? Is Tigerheart trying to turn Dovepaw? He seems to be almost flirting with her - at least, Dovepaw feels that way. She feels confused whenever she thinks of him. Is he genuinely friends with her? Does he want something more? Is he trying to turn her? Has he turned evil? Or, is he just like Lionblaze and Brambleclaw? Breezepelt clearly has turned, but Tigerheart seems to at least care for Dovepaw. And has Heathertail been turned? She was so full of hatred towards Lionblaze once. But, she seems to dislike Breezepelt so maybe not?

Like I said, I have a lot of questions...