Tuesday, September 25, 2018

twilight: part one

A young cat meets with StarClan. They tell the cat that the time to join StarClan is coming soon. The cat objects, but Bluestar tells the cat that even StarClan cannot prevent destiny, no matter how much they might wish it. The rest of StarClan assure the cat that they will always be remembered, and the cat accepts their fate.

Squirrelflight wakes up to Firestar calling a clan meeting. She meets up with Leafpool but when she sees Brambleclaw entering the camp she tenses up. She admits to Leafpool that she is upset that Brambleclaw believes Hawkfrost's version of events. Leafpool points out to her that there is no proof who was lying - and that Squirrelflight should not judge Brambleclaw by his father's - or his brother's - actions. Squirrelflight asks if she is being unfair, but Leafpool does not get to answer that question. Instead, as they talk, Ashfur comes over to sit beside her. She realizes that Brambleclaw was on his way over to sit with her but turned away, upset, when Ashfur sat down. She is unsure if she is relieved or disappointed. Firestar names a patrol to carry the dead ShadowClan warriors back to their camp. After those cats leave he says he will lead a patrol to WindClan to make sure that Onewhisker is now Onestar. Cinderpelt prevents him and he instead sends Brambleclaw. Spiderleg is annoyed, feeling that Brambleclaw is trying to be deputy. Ashfur points out to him that Brambleclaw is a good warrior, that wishing to be deputy is not a bad thing, and Graystripe is still not returned. Squirrelflight worries what Brambleclaw wishing to be deputy could mean. A decision is made that the cats need to train more and Brambleclaw offers to take over that duty, leading to words exchanged between him, Squirrelflight, and Ashfur (who was also going to volunteer). Firestar puts a stop to that fight but before the cats leave they get into another argument with Brambleclaw insisting Squirrelflight dislikes him because of his father and Squirrelflight insisting Hawkfrost is evil. The cats leave on their patrol with Squirrelflight trying to accept that things are over between her and Brambleclaw.

The tense atmosphere continues as they make their way toward WindClan. They see a patrol and find out that Onestar did receive his nine lives - but the WindClan cats are clearly hostile and don't want them there. Squirrelflight is confused and upset - WindClan has always been friends and now they are acting like ThunderClan has never helped them in the past. Brambleclaw takes his patrol away and tries to calm Squirrelflight down by pointing out that WindClan is probably trying to stand on their own now, but Squirrelflight is still upset. They scent a badger and watch it. It is a female with her kits and they decide to attack her to drive her off. Brambleclaw gets knocked down in the fight and Squirrelflight is afraid he is seriously hurt, but he is fine. They drive the badger off and return to camp.

Leafpool is trying to do her work but her thoughts are elsewhere, causing her to make mistakes. Cinderpelt asks her to confide in her but Leafpool insists everything is fine. But inside all she can think of is Crowfeather and how he loves her. She feels she cannot confide in Cinderpelt because that love is forbidden. Brambleclaw and his patrol come back and Leafpool is desperate to ask after Crowfeather but knows she cannot. Everyone has mixed feelings about Brambleclaw's report and, even though Leafpool feels it is a bad idea, Firestar resolves to visit Onestar as soon as he can. Leafpool dreams of Crowfeather and Cinderpelt wakes her to ask if she wanted something. Leafpool denies it, and offers to go collect herbs. She finds herself by the WindClan border searching for Crowfeather. Instead she hears Brackenfur and Whitepaw approaching so she hides to avoid them. After they pass she tries to exit the bush she was hiding in but Sorreltail finds her. Brackenfur comes back for Sorreltail, who is a bit tired, and Leafpool watches the two cats walk away. Her heart aches since she knows she will never have a love like that.

Squirrelflight and Ashfur are out collecting moss for the elders. They play and toss the moss at each other. Brambleclaw catches them, causing another fight between him and Squirrelflight. Squirrelflight asks him who died and made him deputy but immediately regrets it. Ashfur calms everyone down and after Brambleclaw leaves he reminds Squirrelflight that everyone is stressed out - including Brambleclaw. Squirrelflight angrily takes off and Ashfur chases after her. They wind up in unexplored territory and Squirrelflight startles a fox. They fight it and Brambleclaw shows up, having overheard them. But after chasing the fox off Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight get into another fight. Squirrelflight angrily tells him she doesn't know what she ever saw in him. The three cats follow the fox to the WindClan border and then go home. Back at camp Cinderpelt and Leafpool treat everyone's wounds. Leafpool tries to ask after Crowfeather without being too obvious but Squirrelflight is confused by her questions. Firestar decides to warn WindClan of the fox. Taking Squirrelflight, Brambleclaw, and Ashfur with him they travel to the WindClan camp. Onestar clearly does no care to see them and is indifferent to the news that they bring. Firestar is throughful but Squirrelflight is angry. The cats leave and Crowfeather tries to talk to Squirrelflight but both Onestar and Firestar put a stop to it.
So, first of all, I am wondering who the young cat is who StarClan is speaking to. At first I thought maybe it was Graystripe but then I rejected that idea. We haven't found out what happened to him yet so I can't imagine that is who it is. It seems to me it must be someone from ThunderClan - since that is who the stories follow - but I can't figure out who. I wonder if there will be more clues as the story progresses.

I am glad that Leafpool finally voiced that Squirrelflight is judging Brambleclaw by his father's - and even his brother's - actions. I was hoping this would cause them to make up but instead the gulf between them seems to be widening even more. Ashfur is clearly in love with Squirrelflight which is going to cause big problems since she is clearly in love with Brambleclaw - because if she wasn't then they wouldn't be fighting like this, instead they would have just parted ways. Ashfur is speaking up in Brambleclaw's defense - which is a smart thing to do when you are a rival - but since I think Squirrelflight will ultimately pick Brambleclaw that has the potential to make Ashfur bitter - especially if Squirrelflight does not make it clear to him soon that she is not in love with him.

Leafpool being in love with Crowfeather is a bad idea for so many reasons. Even if she wasn't a medicine cat he is from a different clan. The longer she drags this out for the more painful it will be when they part ways - which is the only end result I can see.

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