Tuesday, September 18, 2018

escape from the forest

Sasha tells Tigerstar she is uninterested in his offer. Tigerstar is furious and they argue. As he leaves he tells her she is nothing. Sasha spends the next days unsure what to do. Missing Ken she decides it is time to find him. She tells Pine goodbye and leaves for Twoleg place. As she walks around the town she smells Ken. She finds his old clothes in a used clothing store, but he is not there. The Twoleg who runs the store chases her out. She runs into BloodClan and they escort her to the edge of town, warning her to never return. She realizes Ken's clothes were there but not Ken because he is dead.

She wanders around looking for food and shelter. She takes refuge on a boat that gives tours. The passengers are excited to see a cat but the captain is surprised and locks her up. He lets her go when they dock and Sasha is unsure where to go now. However, word of the captain owning a cat on his boat spreads and his business takes off. People like taking boat rides with Sasha so he adopts her. Sasha decides that the captain is lonely and nice, like Ken, and stays. She even inadvertently saves his business when a rival tour company tries to burn his livelihood down.

One day on the boat Sasha sees a sack in the water. Captain catches it and another cat is inside. He adopts that cat too, naming him Patch, and the three of them live happily together, but Sasha knows she has to leave soon because she is pregnant and she wants her kits to know the woods she loves so much. The water freezes and captain has to close business for the winter. He loads up his truck and Patch joins him. Sasha refuses to go and although they are sad, captain and Patch respect that. Sasha heads back to the woods.

I just want to say that so far this is the most depressing story ever. Sasha was happy with captain and Patch and I really feel that she should have just stayed instead of striking it out in the woods again. I am not sure I fully understand her motives. Yes, she is happy in the woods and feels free but it is also more complicated then that since there are the clan cats and she is now an enemy of Tigerstar. Unless she wants to raise the kits with him? But I cannot imagine that since she ran in horror from his vision. I understand the longing to return to the woods but I don't understand leaving the safety of the captain - especially since she is about to have kits.

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