Brambleclaw is out on patrol with Spiderleg and Rainwhisker when he sees Mistyfoot rushing across ShadowClan territory. She sees Brambleclaw and runs toward him, calling out. She says she needs to see Firestar right away. Brambleclaw takes her right away. Mistyfoot tells Firestar there is trouble and he sends Brambleclaw to get Dustpelt and Brackenfur. When all the cats are assembled Mistyfoot tells Firestar how Hawkfrost has been meeting in secret with Mudclaw. She knew Hawkfrost was sneaking off but she assumed it was to see Brambleclaw. After investigating the island she realized the two cats met there frequently. That morning Hawkfrost offered to take the dawn patrol and with him he brought the cats most loyal to himself. They never returned and Mistyfoot tracked their scent into ShadowClan territory. Mistyfoot believes Hawkfrost is part of a plot to attack WindClan. Brackenfur realizes that with Onewhisker about to receive his nine lives Mudfur has no choice but to attack this night. Firestar asks her why she did not go to Leopardstar with this information and Mistyfoot responds that Leopardstar would just believe Mistyfoot to be making trouble for Hawkfrost - and she does not care what happens in WindClan anyway. Firestar calls a meeting to tell the cats that he is taking some warriors and Mistyfoot to WindClan to make sure everything is okay. He places Cloudtail and Brightheart in charge of the camp and sends a patrol to watch the ShadowClan border. Cinderpelt speaks up with Leafpool's prophecy. Brambleclaw is afriad to look at Squirrelflight fearing he will see contempt in her eyes, but when he does look he sees only pity.
Firestar's group reaches WindClan territory but they see no signs of an attack. Mistyfoot begs him to push forward but he tells her they must turn back before WindClan suspects them of attacking. Brambleclaw scents Hawkfrost and they hear fighting start. They race to the camp to see cats from WindClan, RiverClan, and ShadowClan attacking unsuspecting WindClan cats. A storm breaks out. They join the fight and are losing. Brambleclaw keeps trying to make it to Onewhisker to help him but there are too many enemy cats. Suddenly Squirrelflight with the rest of the patrol are there to help them and the tides turn. Brambleclaw feels the spark between him and Squirrelflight again as they fight together. Mudclaw takes off, followed by Hawkfrost and the enemy cats scatter. Brambleclaw sends Crowfeather off towards the fleeing ShadowClan cats as he chases after Mudclaw and Hawkfrost - wondering what he will do if he catches up to Hawkfrost.
Leafpool is above the camp on watch for intruders when two ShadowClan cats suddenly appear and knock into her before she can call out. The two ShadowClan cats tumble over the edge to their death. Leadpool clutches to the rock, desperately trying not to fall down to hers as well. Crowfeather arrives and looks at Leafpool in horror. He sees Feathertail's death all over again and after freezing for a moment saves Leafpool. Leafpool feels electricity between them, and tries to lighten things by commenting she must be the last cat he wishes to save. He responds that he loves her and sees her in his dreams - and that he is angry at himself for loving another cat so soon after Feathertail. Leafpool responds that he can't live her since she is a medicine cat, but privately she admits she is in love with him too. Cloudtail and Brightheart arrive and Crowfeather leaves.
Brambleclaw chases after the cats not knowing who he is chasing or who is following him. He reaches Mudclaw and they fight. He is losing until Hawkfrost saves him. Brambleclaw asks him why, when he helped Mudclaw attack the camp. Hawkfrost responds that just because he thought Onewhisker would not make a good leader did not mean that he would let Mudclaw kill his brother. He admits that when Mudclas came to him for help he believed he was doing the right thing - especially since Mudclaw promised to leave RiverClan in peace. Mudclaw retorts that Hawkfrost came to him, wanting to be his deputy and looking for Mudclaw's help in eventually taking over RiverClan. Both insist the other cat is a liar and Hawkfrost insists he only wants to follow the warrior code. Mudclaw takes off, Hawkfrost after him, and Brambleclaw realizes Squirrelflight was there and heard everything. She believes Mudclaw's version of events while Brambleclaw believes Hawkfrost's. Mudclaw and Hawkfrost fight on the island. Lightening hits a tree, which falls over on to Mudclaw, killing him. Hawkfrost brings his body back and throws himself on Onewhisker's mercy. He said he thought Mudclaw was the rightful leader but he now believes StarClan sent a sign in killing Mudclaw. Onewhisker turns to Firestar for help but Firestar shakes his head no. Onewhisker says he cannot fault Hawkfrost for his actions when he himself didn't believe he was supposed to be leader of WindClan. He forgives Hawkfrost and accepts his fate as clan leader. Brackenfur and Mistyfoot realize the fallen tree is now a bridge and the clans can now use the island for their Gatherings. Brambleclaw turns to Squirrelflight but she walks away. Brambleclaw is upset and wonders why she refuses to see anything but the worst in himself and his half brother.
So I am going to come right out and say I believe Mudclaw's version of events is true. I really feel that Hawkfrost is manipulating Brambleclaw - and that Brambleclaw is so afraid of Tigerstar's legacy that he is desperate to believe he and Hawkfrost are not evil. I also think things will ultimately come down to being between Brambleclaw and Hawkfrost - the prophecy says that "blood will spill blood." At first I thought that just meant blood would be spilled but the more I think on it I believe it means siblings will spill each other's blood.
As for Leafpool and Crowfeather, it looks like they are in love but I don't know what that means for their future - and that is Leafpool's exact thought too. At least Crowfeather's hostility is explained. It must be hard to fall in love with another cat while mourning the loss of his previous love. I have to say, while he picks nice cats why can't he pick one in his own clan?
I must say, I really enjoyed this book compared to the previous three and am really looking forward to the next two.
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