Friday, September 14, 2018

dawn: part five

The four clans finally meet in WindClan territory and begin their journey. A dog catches  scent of them and gives chase. The dog's Twoleg catches it and Squirrelpaw realizes they are officially off of clan territory.

Squirrelpaw and the others reach Ravenpaw's farm. Ravenpaw is grieved to learn of Graystripe's capture and the clans departure. He takes the cats to an old barn to hunt and rest. In the morning the queens and elders do not want to leave, arguing that the prey is rich here. Firestar and Leopardstar point out the dangers of staying so close to the Twolegs and their dogs. The cats of the prophecy also speak up, saying this is not where StarClan is leading them. There is grumbling, but the cats agree to leave. Ravenpaw escorts them as far as Highstones. The leaders and medicine cats go in for the last time to speak to StarClan. Leafpaw is left behind. Squirrelpaw goes with her friends to discuss where they should go next when a star falls across the sky. They realize this is the dying warrior and they must follow the star.

Leafpaw wakes up. Ravenpaw tells Firestar goodbye, and that he will look out for Graystripe. Cinderpelt confesses to Leafpaw that while StarClan spoke to her she could not hear them. The cats of the prophecy come bounding over, telling everyone that they saw the sign. They realize that the great rock Midnight spoke of was Highstones. As the cats travel the barriers between their clans slowly break down. They slowly go from four clans to one as they travel towards the mountains. Hawkfrost, however, still remains arrogant.

The cats travel through the mountains and Squirrelpaw is unsure if they are going to correct way. The journey is hard between the cold and the path they have to travel. Smokepaw, a ShadowClan apprentice, falls to his death when a rock becomes dislodged under him. Only Stormfur seems at home in the mountains. The clans cats learn of the dangers from the eagles when one attacks their camp - almost taking Birchkit - and even worse it starts to snow.

Nothing much is happening here. The cats continue on their journey. I do wonder if they will meet the tribe cats and how Stormfur will feel towards Brook now. He left upset over his betrayal and his sister's death. I feel like their journey must be coming to an end soon, which does imply there must be another story arc for the remaining three books. I do hope that between Cody and Ravenpaw that somehow Graystripe will find his way home.

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