Wednesday, September 12, 2018

dawn: part four

Firestar gives everyone their orders (deliberately leaving Tallstar away from the danger) and they rush in to save the cats. Squirrelpaw, Brambleclaw, and others gather kits and herd cats out as quickly as they can. Everyone saved, they leave as the monsters are tearing through. Tawnypelt realizes Tallpoppy and her kits are missing. The cats hear them crying out in terror and rush towards them. They work to get Tallpoppy and her kits to safety but a tree falls on Onewhisker. Firestar pushes him out of the way, the tree falling on him instead, taking one of his lives. Squirrelpaw, Brambleclaw, and Leafpaw find Firestar and wait for him to return from StarClan. Firestar awakens but a Twoleg comes. Squirrelpaw distracts the Twoleg so her clanmates can escape. She then doubles back to join them and all the cats escape.

They reach the other side of the Thunderpath and a rest is called for. Mistyfoot wants to take her warriors home but Firestar asks for her help in bringing ShadowClan to Sunningrocks. Blackstar wants to know why there and Firestar tells them that their camp has been destroyed. Leafpaw and Mothwing help Littlecloud. As Mistyfoot leaves she tells Firestar that Leopardstar said if the ShadowClan camp was destroyed they would leave. ShadowClan agrees to leave as well and Firestar plans for all cats to leave at dawn. Brambleclaw is unsure where the cats should go since they never recieved their sign from StarClan so he decides they should head toward Highstones for now and the sun-drown-place if no sign comes.

Cody tells Leafpaw she is leaving. Leafpaw is sad but cannot stop her. She asks Cody if she needs a warrior to take her but she says no, the woods are quiet enough now. She offers to keep a lookout for Graystripe. The ShadowClan cats keep separate from the ThunderClan cats. Leafpaw is frustrated but Cinderpelt points out to her that the lines that divide them run deep. Leafpaw tells her father that Cody has left. He understands her sorrow but points out that clan life is not for everyone and Cody never adapted to it. Cinderpelt mixes traveling herbs for everyone. She makes sure to mix enough for ShadowClan as well so she can offer the leftovers to Blackstar without dishonoring him. Leafpaw is distributing them but the elders refuse to take them, saying they will never make the journey and they want to die in the forest. Firestar overhears this and respects their wishes but refuses to leave Longtail behind. He tells Longtail he is too young, and all his senses but his eyes are still sharp. Stormfur arrives and says that RiverClan cannot leave, Mudfur is dying. Frostfur and Speckletail offer to stay with Mudfur since they are not making the journey anyway. Firestar brings his clan, along with Runningnose, to RiverClan while ShadowClan goes ahead to wait for them. Cinderpelt offers the extra traveling herbs and Blackstar accepts them. He also offers to take Longtail with him to the meeting place. The ThunderClan cats arrive at the RiverClan camp and Leopardstar is angry. Firestar offers Speckletail and Frostfur to stay behind but Leopardstar says there is no need.

Mudfur dies and the elders of both clans stay with him. The two clans meet up with the others and Sasha is there to ask her kits to leave with her. Mothwing considers her offer but Leafpaw is upset, appealing to Hawkfrost to stay. Firestar points out the choice is theirs and Sasha reveals that Tigerstar is their father. The RiverClan cats are stunned. Firestar argues they should stay because they clearly inherited Tigerstar's courage. Leopardstar stands with Firestar on this, saying that her clan needs them. Some of the cats are angry and Squirrelpaw speaks up on their behalf, saying that their parentage doesn't mean they are not loyal. The two cats decide to stay but there is some grumbling over the decision.

I am glad the clans are finally leaving. I feel like this decision has been in the making for three books and I am glad to finally see the end result. I am curious where the story will go from here, though. I cannot image it will take them three books to reach their new home - and I have a nagging feeling that Hawkfrost will play a large part in the next three books.

I am surprised that Leafpaw appealed to Hawkfrost to stay seeing how she feels about him, but I understand her wanting Mothwing to stay and Mothwing does defer to her brother a lot. Squirrelpaw also speaking up surprised me since I know how she feels.

I do wonder if Leopardstar knew the truth about the cats. Unfortunately her reaction was not given...

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