Sunday, September 23, 2018

starlight: part four

The cats head out for the Gathering. Squirrelflight approachs Brambleclaw and tries to be friendly. Thinking of his dream, Brambleclaw tells her he didn't sleep well. Upset because she thinks he means he doesn't want to talk to her, she leaves him. Brambleclaw tries to call out to her but she ignores him. The cats cut through WindClan territory, meeting up with the rival clans warriors. They head to the Gathering together and as they pass the horse place by the field where they will gather they run into some loners who live there. At first both groups clash but they quickly realize they can live together in peace. The clans head on and meet with the others. It is an awkward meeting, as cats are unsure how warmly they should greet their friends now that they are no longer one clan. Brambleclaw runs into Hawkfrost and they talk. Hawkfrost points out how it is silly that the cats have to act like they are rivals now and Brambleclaw agrees. Talk turns to other topics, including Hawkfrost talking to Mudclaw about WindClan problems. As they talk Brambleclaw finds that he agrees with Hawkfrost on some things and he starts to privately question who would make a better leader - Onewhisker or Mudclaw? Hawkfrost tells Brambleclaw that Firestar should make him deputy, insisting that Graystripe is dead. Squirrelflight comes over looking for Brambleclaw and is upset to see him talking to Hawkfrost. She is rude to him and is clearly upset when she finds out they were talking about WindClan, and even more upset when Brambleclaw points out that there is nothing wrong with that. Mistyfoot calls Hawkfrost away, and as she does the badger he fought off is mentioned. Brambleclaw is shocked, since he heard about the badger from Hawkfrost in his dream, and realizes his dream must have been true. Squirrelflight is upset with Brambleclaw, demanding to know how he can talk to Hawkfrost and even take Hawkfrost's side. They get into another fight as Brambleclaw insists he was not taking anyone's side and just wants to get to know his brother better. Upset, Squirrelflight breaks up with him because she feels Hawkfrost is more important to Brambleclaw. Brambleclaw tries to tell her she is wrong but she walks away.

Leafpaw sits watching the cats, wishing to ask Crowfeather about Morningflower. Cinderpelt interrupts her thoughts to tell her that the medicine cats are going to meet after the Gathering. She also warns Leafpaw to be careful of her affections for Crowfeather. Leafpaw is shocked, insisting she would never feel anything for such a rude cat but Cinderpelt clearly does not believe her. Leafpaw can feel her sister is upset and goes over to her, asking what is wrong. Squirrelflight says that things are over between her and Brambleclaw because he won't listen to her about Hawkfrost. Leafpaw is upset and confused. She doesn't understand Squirrelflight's behavior and doesn't know how to help her fix a problem she has no experience with. Leafpaw tries to point out that it is normal for Brambleclaw to want to know his brother but Squirrelflight insists this isn't about blood, but trust. Suddenly the prophecy about blood echoes in her mind and she decides to ask Cinderpelt about it but the Gathering starts. The leaders discuss boundaries and Firestar gives the land back to Onewhisker. Leopardstar insists that where the Gathering is being held belongs to RiverClan and after some discussion agrees to let the clans use it for the next two moons - but she insists another place must be found. The Gathering breaks up and the medicine cats meet. They talk about looking for signs from StarClan and the need to find a new Moonstone. Mothwing suggests that maybe there isn't one and Barkface becomes upset with her, insisting there must be or the clans will have to move - and they will probably refuse to. As their meeting breaks up Mothwing confesses to Leafpaw that she does not believe in StarClan. Leafpaw is shocked - especially as Mothwing insists she can be a good medicine cat without her belief. Leafpaw speaks to her of signs and dreams but Mothwing feels it is all in everyone's head. Leafpaw asks her about the moth wing outside of Mudfur's den. Mothwing looks scared and starts to say something but Cinderpelt interrupts by calling Leafpaw away. Leafpaw leaves upset. Cinderpelt asks her what is wrong and Leafpaw insists she is fine - but Cinderpelt says she thinks Leafpaw is thinking of Crowfeather again. Leafpaw insists she is not but Cinderpelt does not believe her.

Over the next days Leafpaw looks everywhere for a sign from StarClan but none come. She and Cinderpelt start to make their den and one night while sleeping she dreams of Crowfeather. He is looking into a pool of stars, trying to find Feathertail. She tries to offer Crowfeather words of comfort but he is too upset. Spottedleaf comes and Leafpaw leaves with her. Spottedleaf takes off to show Leafpaw where she must go, but as she gives chase she loses her. When she wakes up she knows she must follow the path. She tries to leave camp but Sorreltail sees her. She explains how she must go and Sorreltail insists she is coming too. The two cats take off, following the path Leafpaw remembers from her dream. Eventually they reach the Moonpool, and Leafpaw sees all of StarClan waiting there for her. She speaks to Bluestar who tells her she must bring the cats here and to Feathertail (who walks with both StarClan and the Tribe of Endless Hunting) who asks her to pass a message on to Crowfeather to not be blind to the cats who are around him. Leafpaw notices that one cat is missing - Graystripe.

Brambleclaw is out on patrol with Dustpelt and Thornclaw. They find an abandoned twoleg nest that is full of prey. Back at camp be report to Firestar about it and then offers to go hunt. He asks Squirrelflight to go with him but she turns him down. Firestar tells him to go rest, saying he doesn't need one of his best warriors becoming sick with exhaustion. Thornclaw teases Brambleclaw about his quarrel with Squirrelflight but privately Brambleclaw thinks it is because every time Squirrelflight looks at him she sees Tigerstar. When he wakes up Leafpaw is telling Cinderpelt and Firestar about the Moonpool. Brambleclaw offers to go with Cinderpelt so she can report to ShadowClan and RiverClan. Leafpaw is going to go rest and then report to WindClan.

Leafpaw head out to WindClan after refusing an escort. Mudclaw finds her and is angry but when she says she is there to talk to Barkface he takes her to the camp. She reports to Barkface who tells Onewhisker the news. The next night the medicine cats will meet at the pool and the following night Barkface intends to take Onewhisker to receive his nine lives. Leafpaw notices that Onewhisker looks scared and is confused by his reaction. Onewhisker puts Barkface off, insisting it is not fair for the medicine cat to make the journey two days in a row so instead they will wait an extra night. Leafpaw watches as Mudclaw and Webfoot race off after this news. Crowfeather approaches her and Leafpaw passes on Feathertail's message but it doesn't comfort the warrior, it instead makes him angry as he insists he will never forget her. The medicine cats meet at the Moonpool and Leafpaw dreams of a lake full of blood. When she awakens she notices some of the other cats look upset too, and wonders if they too had the dream. Before they leave Cinderpelt makes Leafpaw a full medicine cat, naming her Leafpool. Leafpool is happy, but as the cats leave she feels as if she is wading through blood.
Ten bucks says Mothwing planted that moth wing. Somehow I am not surprised that she doesn't believe in StarClan - or that she would fake a sign in her favor. Every encounter with Mothwing I keep coming back to Leafpool's vision. Now I wonder if perhaps it does not mean Mothwing's death, but maybe her acceptance of StarClan. There is something wrong with her and her brother, I just wish I knew what, exactly.

I am glad that Leafpool has been made a full medicine cat but I worry for her future. Part of me was thinking that Cinderpelt was unfairly reading more into the situation with Crowfeather then there was, but now I am not so sure. Leafpool was in his dream and Feathertail sought her out and asked her to tell Crowfeather not to be blind to the cats around him - does those cats include Leafpool? And despite Leafpool and Crowfeather clashing she clearly feels something around him - and he must feel it too, for why else would he jump when they were taking care of Morningflower?

As for Mudclaw, I wonder if his running off is him trying to go to the Moonpool to try and get the nine lives before Onewhisker can?

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