Saturday, September 22, 2018

starlight: part three

Leafpaw dreams of the island bathed in a silver light. She feels as if the island is calling to her but she feels as if she cannot go since not all cats can swim like RiverClan. She feels content even though she cannot feel her warrior ancestors. But as she looks at the lake she sees it slowly turn red and hears Yellowfang's prophecy about blood running before there is peace. Leafpaw awakes to Sorreltail calling for Cinderpelt. Leafpaw and Cinderpelt follow her to Mousefur, who is sick. Leafpaw tells Cinderpelt about the tainted water that Mothwing was giving out to cats. Cinderpelt sends Sorreltail off to check on Goldenflower and Longtail. Sorreltail reports that Longtail is asleep and that Goldenflower had felt sick but it passed. The cats sleep with Sorreltail staying with Mousefur in case she needs anything. The next morning Cinderpelt reports to Firestar what happened and asks him for a warrior to help her and Leafpaw - she wants to collect herbs and pass some on to WindClan. Firestar hesitates but agrees, causing Leafpaw to wonder if he feels it is too soon to start helping other clans. They check on the elders before they leave and Longtail admits that he felt the water smelt funny but he drank it anyway because a medicine cat had given it to him. He tells the cats that he had a bellyache but it passed. As they get ready to leave Leafpaw watches as Brambleclaw tries to speak to Squirrelflight but Ashfur interrupts. She sees Brambleclaw's frustration and knows something is wrong between him and her sister.

Thornclaw goes with Leafpaw and Cinderpelt. They find and harvest some water mint. Cinderpelt says she is going to bring some back to camp and asks Thornclaw to escort Leafpaw to WindClan territory. As they go they run into a WindClan patrol and argue over where the boundary line is - both clans insist the other is in their territory. However, despite the disagreement, both clans seem more embarrassed over the dispute then angry. When the WindClan warriors find out that Leafpaw is there to bring herbs to help their sick cats the border dispute is forgotten. The WindClan cats escort Leafpaw to their camp while Thornclaw takes Cinderpelt home. They bring Leafpaw right to Morningflower but before Leafpaw can help her a cat angrily asks her what she is doing.

Brambleclaw, Brackenfur, and Dustpelt are out patrolling the when they run into a ShadowClan patrol. The ShadowClan cats insist that the ThunderClan cats are on their territory and the ThunderClan cats insist they are not. A fight is about to break out when Firestar appears, furious with both groups of warriors. He tells his cats that if this is ShadowClan territory then they must hunt elsewhere. Brambleclaw is shocked and upset that Firestar is siding with the ShadowClan cats. He doesn't understand why Firestar would just hand over territory to a rival clan. As they move away from ShadowClan territory Firestar sends all of the cats on different errands - sending Brambleclaw to gather moss for the elders. Brambleclaw is angry and points out that that is an apprentices task. Firestar counters that all of the apprentices are busy. Brambleclaw angrily goes off to collect moss, not understanding why Firestar does not trust him and is angry with him for defending their territory. As he comes back to camp Squirrelflight calls out to him but he walks past her without answering.

Leafpaw is shocked to find Crowfeather challenging her. She explains about how she came to help the sick cats and Whitetail backs her but Crowfeather is unhappy. He watches her carefully and when Morningflower gets sick he accuses her of making the cat worse. Onewhisker orders Crowfeather to stop and instead of accusing Leafpaw to help her. As Crowfeather and Leafpaw help the sick cat their fur brushes against each other and Leafpaw feels as if her fur is tingling. Crowfeather jumps, having felt it as well. Barkface returns and tells Leafpaw she may go. Leafpaw pays her respects to Onewhisker who tells her that ThunderClan can have the disputed territory. Mudclaw is furious, feeling that Onewhisker is giving land away to Firestar because they are friends. Onewhisker asks Crowfeather to escort Leafpaw back - a decision neither cat is happy about. Crowfeather delivers Leafpaw, informs Firestar about Onewhisker's decision, and leaves as cold as ever. Firestar, Brambleclaw, Leafpaw, and Squirrelflight talk about the border disputes with ShadowClan and WindClan, causing Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw to exchange more angry words. Firestar looks worried for Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight confides in her sister that she thinks Brambleclaw doesn't love her anymore. Leafpaw doesn't know what to say and suddenly realizes she will never know a love like that. As she watches Dustpelt and Ferncloud with Birchkit she feels even worse.

Brambleclaw dreams of the old ThunderClan camp undestroyed. Tigerstar is in the center of the clearing. Brambleclaw approaches him, asking if StarClan sent him. Tigerstar says he does not hunt with StarClan, and there is more out there that StarClan does not even know about. Hawkfrost appears. Tigerstar converses with his sons, happy to see them and to meet Hawkfrost for the first time. He leaves but tells them that he will see them again. Brambleclaw awakens confused. He and Dustpelt pull together a group of cats to go hunting. As they leave Birchkit follows, begging his father to let him go as well. Dustpelt refuses and Birchkit decides to show off his hunting skills by catching a bird, but it is close to the cliff. Brambleclaw and Dustpelt dive after him and Brambleclaw catches him as Birchkit starts to fall. The cats go on to hunt in the land WindClan gave them. Back at camp Firestar holds a ceremony to make Spiderpaw a warrior and names him Spiderleg. He also does a ceremony for Mousefur to become an elder. Brambleclaw had tried to sit with Squirrelflight but she was with other cats. Felling upset he sits with Cloudtail during the ceremonies. After the ceremonies Firestar asks Brambleclaw not to hunt in the newly given territory. Brambleclaw is angry since he was deliberately avoiding ShadowClan and feels he can do nothing right. Firestar assures him he did nothing wrong, he just does not want him hunting there for now. As he leaves he tells Brambleclaw to rest since he will be going to the Gathering that night. Brambleclaw is excited at the prospect of seeing Hawkfrost.

First of all, of course the cats got sick. And then when Leafpaw went to WindClan camp of course Crowfeather was hostile - he doesn't know how to act any other way. But it looks like Leafpaw and Crowfeather might have a connection after all - and it seems to be pretty much unwanted on both of their parts. And I do feel for Leafpaw, who is suddenly confronted by a lack of possible love in her life. She does not know how to comfort her sister (who is acting like an idiot and needs to open up to Brambleclaw) and she feels the ache of the loss of an imaginary mate and kits. And her mixed up feelings for Crowfeather cannot be helping.

And Brambleclaw is even more touchy then usual. Like I said, I get having to answer to another cat again might chafe him but really, he spent all of these chapters angry about one thing after another - and feeling like he was constantly being judged. But, I will say, his dream was odd. I really do think Tigerstar and Hawkfrost were there. And if it wasn't for Hawkfrost saying this was the first time he met Tigerstar I would have suspected that they have been meeting in his dreams for quite a while. But I wonder if Tigerstar saw Hawkfrost's ambition and decided to help? I have a feeling he is manipulating both cats - Brambleclaw especially. After saying Brambleclaw could die for refusing to join him I cannot believe he suddenly likes his son that looks up to Firestar. I have a feeling that it is Hawkfrost Tigerstar cares about - and Brambleclaw is a means to an end to get Hawkfrost into power by preying on his sudden fears and paranoia.

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