Sunday, September 30, 2018

sunset: part one

Darkstripe travels alone in the world of shadows until he comes across Tigerstar. He is happy, fearing that he was alone in this dark world. He asks where StarClan is but Tigerstar tells him there is no StarClan here, only cats who walk alone. Darkstripe scents Brokenstar but Tigerstar tells him not to bother, the cats are not meant to find each other here. He tells Darkstripe of his plans to destroy Firestar through his sons Hawkfrost and Brambleclaw. Darkstripe offers to help but Tigerstar rejects his offer, saying he doesn't need anyone's help. He says Hawkfrost helped his sister become a medicine cat and will have no problem gaining power but Brambleclaw needs to lose his loyalty to Firestar. Tigerstar leaves Darkstripe wirb the vow not to rest until his sons have taken Firestar's remaining seven lives.

The ThunderClan cats start to clean up from the attack. Looking around at the devastation, Brambleclaw is determined to help Firestar rebuild their clan. Their friendship restored, Onestar offers to leave some warriors behind but Firestar declines the offer. Brambleclaw overhears Crowfeather break up with Leafpool for good. Overwhelmed, Leafpool asks Brightheart to help her with the wounded. Squirrelflight approaches Brambleclaw asking about Stormfur and Brook. Brambleclaw is abrupt in his answer then immediately regrets it, but Squirrelflight is not mad at him, their fight is over. Ashfur looks on at them and is not pleased - Squirrelflight does not notice. Firestar is shocked to see Stormfur and Brook, but instead of answering Firestar's questions Stormfur asks to be put to work. Daisy and Ferncloud return and Leafpool breaks the news of Cinderpelt's death.

The clan is devastated over Cinderpelt's death. Spiderleg and Whitepaw seek Brambleclaw out. They show him Sootfur, who they believe to be dead. Brambleclaw realizes they are looking to him to see what to do. He tells them to take Sootfur for vigil while he looks for Rainwhisker, his brother. He finds Rainwhisker and breaks the news to him. Rainwhisker insists on being the one to tell their sister, Sorreltail. Brambleclaw, Squirrelflight, and Rainwhisker head to the nursery. Rainwhisker breaks the news of their brothers death and Sorreltail shows off her new kits - Molekit, Honeykit, Poppykit, and Cinderkit named for Cinderpelt. Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw are shocked at how much Cinderkit resembles Cinderpelt. Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight take Cinderpelt's body from the nursery. Outside, Daisy is telling Cloudtail she is taking her kits and leaving. The kits don't want to leave and Cloudtail with Ferncloud convince her to stay. Midnight leaves, Stormfur and Brambleclaw start rebuilding the camp, Brook takes care of the elders, and Squirrelflight works on salvaging the food for everyone. When Squirrelflight brings him food Brambleclaw tries to apologize for everything but Squirrelflight feels everything is fine now. He asks her about Ashfur and she tells him not to worry. Leafpool tells Cinderpelt she is sorry she cannot sit vigil for her. She looks over Brambleclaw's wounds and he goes to sleep with the rest of the clan. Stormfur and Brook guard the camp.

Leafpool awakens next to Cinderpelt's body - upset that she fell asleep during the vigil, upset that she failed Cinderpelt, upset that she lost both Cinderpelt and Crowfeather. The elders take the cats away for burial. Leafpool watches Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw, close once again. She sees Ashfur is also watching them and is shaken by the look of fury in his eyes. She recalls her dream of Brambleclaw and Hawkfrost with Tigerstar and wonders if she should say anything to her sister. Brightheart and Whitepaw go to collect herbs for Leafpool and Leafpool goes back to tending to the wounded cats. Later, unable to sleep, Leafpool travels to the lake. As she stares at the surface she sees the stars turn into two paths. As she watches she realizes that the two paths are the paw prints of two cats. As they walk their paths merge together and Leafpool is unable to tell whose paw prints are whose. The cats are Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw, and Leafpool realizes that StarClan is telling her that the two cats paths are intertwined. Comforted, she falls asleep. As she sleeps Spottedleaf visits her. She asks how Spottedleaf could have let her leave her clan. Spottedleaf counters that Leafpool had to make her own choice. Leafpool grieves for Cinderpelt, and asks if she is angry with her and that it why she has not visited. Spottedleaf assures her that is not the case and tells her that Cinderpelt walks a different path for now. Leafpool wakes up and asks Cinderpelt to visit her one day and forgive her.

Brambleclaw wakes up and hears Squirrelflight and Ashfur arguing. Squirrelflight is saying that Ashfur is just a friend but Ashfur is insisting they should be together. He asks how Squirrelflight can trust Brambleclaw when Tigerstar is his father. Brambleclaw is upset, wondering when he will ever be judged for his own actions. Squirrelflight tells Ashfur that she will judge Brambleclaw by his own deeds, not his father's. Brambleclaw, Squirrelflight, Dustpelt, and Spiderleg head out on a dawn patrol. Spiderleg finds a fox trap that could seriously hurt an unsuspecting cat. Squirrelflight figures out how to spring it without any cat getting hurt and they decide Firestar must know about this immediately. As they walk back Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight talk about Hawkfrost without arguing. They are able to talk through things and resolve them. Squirrelflight says she still does not like Hawkfrost but she understands Brambleclaw wanting a relationship. Brambleclaw feels guilty about not telling Squirrelflight about his dreams. He insists that Hawkfrost will never mean as much to him as his clan - but privately he wonders if he ever had to choose just what he would do.

I feel bad for Darkstripe. Don't get me wrong, he was bad - but he was also deluded. He really thought he was going to get to hunt with StarClan. Now he is stuck in some shadowy purgatory realm alone for all of eternity. That is just sad. What is even more sad is that could have been Longtail and Dustpelt's fates too. Thank fully it wasn't. 

I am glad that Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight actually talked. They were able to discuss Hawfrost, and Brambleclaw's relationship with Hawkfrost, rationally. I do feel bad for Ashfur. He and Squirrelflight grew close and he was the cat she turned to with her problems with Brambleclaw. And now he just got dumped for the ex-boyfriend Squirrelflight wouldn't stop complaining about. What is so ironic is all the arguments Squirrelflight used against Brambleclaw, Ashfur defended him against. Now he turned around and used those exact same arguments against Brambleclaw to Squirrelflight and she is now defending him. It is like they have completely switched stances on this. As for Brambleclaw worrying about choosing between Hawkfrost and his clan - I never see that as a possibility. I think that Brambleclaw will always choose his clan - especially once Hawkfrost is revealed to be evil.

I do feel bad for Leafpool. Even though Cinderpelt's death could not have been avoided she will have to carry that guilt for quite a while. 

Saturday, September 29, 2018

twilight: part five

Leafpool and Crowfeather continue to journey away from the clans. Leafpool is upset, but she keeps trying to remind herself they made the right choice. She misses Squirrelflight and as they find a lake to drink from she misses the Moonpool too. As they settle down for the night she dreams of the prophecy, of blood spilling blood. In the darkness she hears an attack. She sees blunt claws slashing and small, malicious eyes. She wakes up and Midnight is there. Midnight assumes they are running away from the upcoming attack. Leafpool and Crowfeather have no idea what she is talking about. She says her kin are coming to attack the cats and exact revenge and that she herself is on her way to warn the clans. Leafpool wants to turn back but Crowfeather insists they cannot, assuring her that Midnight will get there in time. They try to go back to sleep but Leafpool dreams of Cinderpelt calling out to StarClan. She wakes up and tells him they must return.

Back at camp Squirrelflight is missing her sister. She checks in on Cinderpelt who is still upset. She overhears Brightheart tell Berrykit that she is not a medicine cat and wishes Leafpool was there to hear her. She hears Firestar order Brambleclaw to take a patrol by WindClan the next day and to keep an eye out for Leafpool. Neither Brambleclaw or Squirrelflight hold out any hope that he will find her. Squirrelflight goes to lie down but as she is about to doze off she hears an odd noise. Badgers flood the camp, attacking the cats. Brambleclaw seeks her out, asking for help getting Daisy, her kits, and Sorreltail out of the camp. Brightheart and Cloudtail show up to help but Sorreltail is going into labor. Cinderpelt is fetched and Brackenfur is left to guard the nursery. Squirrelflight decides to take the cats out the way Leafpool was sneaking out. As they make their way there they cross the elders den and try to bring the elders with them but they won't go since Longtail is blind. Squirrelflight instead suggests they hide in Firestar's den since it is on a ledge.

After getting Daisy and her kits safely out Brightheart and Cloudtail get into a fight over who will stay with them - both of them insisting the other cat should so they can go back to the fight. Squirrelflight tells them that they are both going back to the fight and Daisy will have to stay on her own. When they get back to camp they show Ferncloud and Birchpaw (who is badly injured) the way out and task them with guarding Daisy. They go back to the fight and Squirrelflight worries that this might be the last time she sees Brambleclaw. She goes to follow him Sootfur needs her help. A badge kills Sootfur before she can save him. She looks around, realizing they might lose when she hears a cat in the nursery calling out to StarClan.

Leafpool and Crowfeather reach clan land. Crowfeather insists on escorting Leafpool safely home before returning to his clan. They get there but it is too late, the attack is already underway. They dive into the attack when Leafpool hears a scream from the nursery. Fearing for Cinderpelt she races there. She and Crowfeather fight off the badger and leave Squirrelflight and Ashfur on guard. Cinderpelt is dying and she tells Leafpool that she knew this was her fate. Leafpool asks her how she could have let her going knowing that this was going to happen. Cinderpelt tells her because Leafpool had to choose the medicine cat path with all of her heart. Cinderpelt dies and Crowfeather tells Leafpool that she never would have been truly happy with him. Leafpool realizes he is right and is determined to do the best for her clan.

Midnight reaches the clan and Squirrelflight asks her what she is doing there. Midnight responds bringing help and suddenly WindClan is there. The two clans successfully drive the badgers out and Squirrelflight is relieved to see that Brambleclaw is safe. Everyone is shocked at Onestar's help but he has come to realize that the clans helping each other is not a bad thing. Crowfeather asks to return home and Onestar allows it. A shocked cry sounds out at the arrival of Stormfur and Brook.
So, obviously, I am glad Leafpool returned home. Crowfeather was right, Leafpool would have never been happy as anything other then a medicine cat.

It was also nice to see Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw working together without the constant fighting. Hopefully this fight will bring them back together. I pity Ashfur.

And Onestar seems to be over his hissy fits and wants to be friends with Firestar again.

I never saw Cinderpelt being the cat who was speaking to StarClan. Which, I suppose, is foolishness on my part. Clearly they would have been speaking to a medicine cat.

The return of Stormfur shocked me. I wonder what is up with that.

When Leafpool had her vision of the attack it did seem obvious to me that it was badgers (blunt claws, small eyes) but now I wonder what will happen in the next book with Hawkfrost? I imagine his story has to be resolved then. I was hoping for redemption, but I suppose both Brambleclaw and Hawkfrost can't be redeemed - and this is ThunderClan's story, not RiverClan's.

Friday, September 28, 2018

twilight: part four

At the Gathering Leafpool worries about both Crowfeather and Brambleclaw. As the leaders give their reports there is some grumbling about Firestar taking in Daisy and her kits but the real arguing starts when Onestar gets angry with both ShadowClan and RiverClan for recently accepting the help of ThunderClan. As the cats argue Leafpool sneaks off with Crowfeather. He hints that maybe they should run away together but Leafpool insists that is not the answer. She returns to Cinderpelt to find the medicine cats discussing their shared dream. She is upset as she now realizes Mothwing is not the only cat cut off from StarClan.

Squirrelflight hears Brightheart calling for Daisy - while she was out practicing fighting moves with Cloudtail her kits got into Cinderpelt's supplies making a huge mess. Looking to avoid a fight between Cloudtail and Brightheart, Squirrelflight offers to help clean up the mess. While doing so Ashfur comes around to ask her what she is doing. She tells him how the kits made the mess and he responds that clan born kits would have never done such a thing. Squirrelflight gets upset, feeling Ashfur sees kittypets as less. As the two exchange heated words Cinderpelt and Leafpool return. Leafpool is abrupt in her manner and offers to go collect more supplies. Squirrelflight realizes that Leafpool is feeling guilty and unhappy. She offers to help Leafpool collect more herbs and Ashfur leaves to go hunting. She wants to confide about her fight with Ashfur but feels she cannot since Leafpool is so clearly miserable. She tries to find out what is wrong with her sister but Leafpool brushes her off and then insists they split up to collect the herbs. That night Squirrelflight wakes up and sees Leafpool sneaking off. She follows her but loses her and settles down to wait. She catches Leafpool returning to camp but Leafpool is furious with her for following. The sisters fight and Squirrelflight asks her what is wrong but Leafpool won't confide in her. Knowing the something is wrong Squirrelflight resolves to say nothing to anyone since Leafpool is so upset. When they get back to camp Brambleclaw sees them return. He asks where Leafpool was but Squirrelflight covers for her. She blows him off by saying she is going hunting. He starts to say he is going hunting too but she does not invite him and implies they should hunt in other areas. As she leaves she thinks how once she would have confided her concerns for Leafpool in him.
Leafpool sneaks out to meet Crowfeather again. She is upset over the fight with her sister, upset that Crowfeather keeps asking her to run away with him, upset that she can't confide in Cinderpelt, and upset that Cinderpelt suspects the truth. She finds Crowfeather - but Cinderpelt finds the two of them. Crowfeather leaves as Cinderpelt and Leafpool argue it out. Harsh words are exchanged as Leafpool accuses Cinderpelt of not knowing her pain and Cinderpelt argues that Leafpool has no idea what she has sacrificed. Cinderpelt forbids Leafpool from seeing Crowfeather again but Leafpool refuses and runs away. She finds herself racing towards the Moonpool, and when she reaches there she drinks from the water and falls asleep. She dreams of Spottedleaf, who tells her to follow her heart. When she wakes she seeks out Crowfeather. She tells him she must follow her heart. He thinks that means she must be a medicine cat but instead she says she wants to run away with him. He insists they leave at once, and although she is brokenhearted is agrees.

The next morning Squirrelflight is out hunting with other warriors when Cinderpelt tracks her down. She tells her Leafpool is missing and never slept in the camp last night. Squirrelflight is upset and slips out that Leafpool always returns. Cinderpelt tells her that Leafpool and Crowfeather are in love, but Leafpool does not realize what she is actually giving up. Cinderpelt wants to go to Firestar but Squirrelflight asks her to wait so she can look for Leafpool herself. While looking along the WindClan border she runs into Brambleclaw and confesses everything. To her shock he offers to help her. When they can't find a trace of Leafpool on their side of the border they realize she must be in WindClan territory and enter it after her.

A patrol finds them demanding to know what they are doing there, but Brambleclaw insists they must speak to Onestar. Much to Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight's confusion the patrol says they can guess why they are there. When they reach the WindClan camp Onestar accuses them of stealing one of his warriors but as they talk both clans realize the two cats have run off together. Onestar allows Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight to look with some of his warriors. They follow the scent trail but lose them beyond WindClan's border. The cats are forced to admit defeat and go home. Squirrelflight despairs at never seeing her sister again and tells Brambleclaw she doesn't understand why all the cats who made the journey are leaving them. Back at the camp Brightheart is devastated that she might be the reason Leafpool left. Squirrelflight assures her it wasn't her fault even though she knows Brightheart was making Leafpool unhappy. Brambleclaw reports to Firestar and Cinderpelt is crushed that Leafpool really is gone. Squirrelflight wonders how much Leafpool must have loved Crowfeather to leave everything behind for him. She realizes that she herself would never do that for Ashfur, but she has no answer when it comes down to Brambleclaw.

Okay, finally, Squirrelflight is admitting to herself that it is Brambleclaw she loves, not Ashfur. So yay for that. But that is not the important thing here - I never dreamed Leafpool would run away! I feel like she is making a huge mistake. No matter how much she thinks she loves (or does love) Crowfeather this will never make her happy. She is a medicine cat through and through and no other path will make her happy. I understand completely the ache she feels when she sees other kits in love or with their kits - that must truly hurt so deep. And I think it is a silly rule that says medicine cats cannot have kits - though, I do understand the reasoning behind the rule. A medicine cat with kits would have divided loyalities - and would be in need of a medicine cat herself when most clans only have one. But leaving her sister, her clan, and her way of life will never make Leafpool happy and I think she is going to deeply regret this. The two choices before her now are returning home admitting her mistake or staying away to prove she was right - and both of those are going to hurt.

As for Cinderpelt, I have always wondered if she had feelings for Firestar, and there was a bit of jealousy on Sandstorm's part in the previous series. It would be understandable if Cinderpelt grew up to fall in love with her closest friend. She spoke to Leafpool of not knowing her own struggles and desires - the desire to be a warrior was certainly strong and it is not a far stretch for love for her closest friend either.

Now, back to Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw, I do hope that Squirrelflight taking a closer look at her feelings resolves this storyline soon.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

twilight: part three

Leafpool tries to concentrate on her duties but isn't doing so well. Mosspelt arrives, asking her to help Mothwing. Leafpool seeks out Cinderpelt who tells her she may go if Firestar gives his permission. Firestar does and Cinderpelt comments that ThunderClan is lucky to have two medicine cats - but she seems off as she says this. Brightheart offers to help Cinderpelt in Leafpool's absence. As Mosspelt leads Leafpool to RiverClan they pass through WindClan territory. A patrol sees them but gives them no problem. Crowfeather is there and asks Leafpool to meet him that night on the island. Leafpool agrees. At the RiverClan camp she helps Mothwing with the sick cats. They discover the source of the poison and Hawkfrost implies that it is Mistyfoot's fault the cats are sick - his argument being that since she is deputy she should have known about the poison. Leafpool is shocked both at Hawkfrost's unfair comments and that he would be so bold as to say them publicly for anyone to hear. Back at the camp the sick cats are all recovering, though one kit dies. Leafpool also meets Willowkit who enjoys helping Mothwing. After everything settled down for the night Leafpool realizes she forgot to meet with Crowfeather.

Ashfur and Squirrelflight go to take Birchpaw training, which causes yet another fight between Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw. Ashfur goes on alone to train Birchpaw and Squirrelflight heads off to clear her head. She sees Tawnypelt fighting with one of the kittypets they got into a fight with when they were first scouting the area. She helps Tawnypelt out and, after getting more information from her about how the kittypets are terrorizing her clan, offers to help. She goes back to Firestar who agrees to let some cats offer Blackstar help. Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight are among the cats picked - but Ashfur is not since he is supposed to be training - and they leave for ShadowClan.

They arrive at the ShadowClan camp and at first Blackstar is mad at Tawnypelt for turning to ThunderClan for help, but his warriors quickly speak up in her defense. The kittypets are terrorizing them and have already killed an apprentice. Some of the ShadowClan cats want to kill the kittypets but ThunderClan objects, pointing out how this will only anger the Twolegs. Blackstar sends some of his cats with the ThunderClan warriors and places Russetfur in charge of their group. The decision is made to use Tawnypelt as bait since she is already injured. The other cats hide and when the kittypets come out to attack Tawnypelt the clan cats corner them. The fight is over quickly with the clan cats winning and the kittypets agreeing to leave them alone. Squirrelflight goes up to Brambleclaw to tell him how he fought well but he is distant and cold. After reporting back to Blackstar the ThunderClan cats go home - with Squirrelflight upset that she and Brambleclaw can't seem to get along.

Leafpool finally leaves RiverClan for home. As she passes through WindClan territory she hopes to see Crowfeather but never does. She reports to Firestar and then excitedly hurries to Cinderpelt's den, but when she gets there she sees Brightheart acting like Cinderpelt's new apprentice. Upset, she goes off to eat where she finds Squirrelflight and Ashfur returning from hunting. She is upset by the closeness between the two cats, knowing she can never have anything like that with Crowfeather. That night Leafpool dreams of a shadowy world. She calls out to Spottedleaf but no one answers. Fearful that StarClan is punishing her for her love for Crowfeather she runs around trying to find anything. Seeing a sickly light ahead she follows it and comes across a clearing with Hawkfrost, Brambleclaw, and Tigerstar in it.

Leafpool listens on as Tigerstar gives his sons advice on how to become leaders. Hawkfrost's enthusiasm scares her. She runs away and wakes up to Brambleclaw standing over her. He tells her Firestar wants her for the Gathering that night. After Brambleclaw leaves she wonders if he chose to visit his father - and just what Tigerstar will make Brambleclaw do to become leader. As Leafpool goes about her duties she is upset by Brightheart helping. Cinderpelt asks her what is wrong and she responds that there are too many medicine cats. Cinderpelt sadly tells her that sometimes courage is needed to accept what StarClan sends, no matter how hard it is. Leafpool wonders if those words are meant for Brightheart - since Cloudtail is spending so much time with Daisy - or for herself, meaning that Brightheart is going to replace her. As Mousefur goes to Brightheart for help Leafpool is afriad that ThunderClan no longer needs her.

So, I can't help but wonder if Cinderpelt fears Leafpool leaving the life of a medicine cat - and that is why she made the comment about ThunderClan being lucky to have two medicine cats. And, later on, Leafpool echoes those thoughts when she realizes that Brightheart might be replacing her.

I do not think Leafpool going to the shadowy realm is a punishment - I think StarClan wants her to see it. Brambleclaw needs help so he does not follow down his father's dark path - a path that Hawkfrost has clearly decided to accept - and I think StarClan is trying to arm her with this knowledge. Which, about Hawkfrost, I feel like this is so wrong. He is turning into another Tigerclaw when he was so determined to be so different. However, Brambleclaw too is falling under the sway of trying to find the good in Tigerstar. But I really do think Brambleclaw sees this as a way to be a better warrior whereas Hawkfrost only sees his own ambition.

As for Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight - those two seem to be willing to fight over anything, no matter how trivial. I really wish they would stop and actually talk about things.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

twilight: part two

Squirrelflight and her clan head to the island for their first Gathering. Squirrelflight is excited and wants to explore. She sees Brambleclaw go off to talk to Hawkfrost and feels upset and lonely. Suddenly Ashfur is there, ready to explore the island with her. Ashfur tells Squirrelflight that Brambleclaw is a loyal ThunderClan cat - no matter who his brother is.  They attend the Gathering and listen to what the clans have to report, as well as the rules for traveling in other clans lands. Leopardstar claims the marshes where they held their last Gatherings as her own and with Firestar's support she gets them. As the cats break up to leave Blackstar makes a snide comment about ThunderClan still not having a deputy. Squirrelflight fears that Brambleclaw might want to be deputy - and might kill, just like his father, to become leader.

As the Gathering breaks up Leafpool tries to talk to Crowfeather but Cinderpelt stops her. Later she dreams of Feathertail. Feathertail says that Mothwing's dreams are closed to StarClan so she needs Leafpool to carry a message that Twolegs are going to bring danger to RiverClan. Leafpool can't figure out how to sneak off and warn Mothwing until Squirrelflight tells her about some cat mint she found. After getting permission from Cinderpelt to collect it she goes off to gather some and take it to Mothwing. She sneaks off to the RiverClan camp where she is welcomed for her gift. She tells Mothwing the truth of why she is there. Though Mothwing does not believe in StarClan she does trust Leafpool. Together they go looking for something that the Twolegs could have done that will bring danger to the clan but they find nothing. Mothwing insists Leafpool spend the night and she guiltily does.

Squirrelflight, Brambleclaw, Ashfur, and Sandstorm are out together. Squirrelflight accidently crosses into ShadowClan territory causing yet another fight between her and Brambleclaw. When Ashfur leaps to her defense Sandstorm is shocked that Squirrelflight would let another cat answer for her. Squirrelflight feels a mixture of emotions over Ashfur's behavior. The cats start to head back to camp and Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw argue even more - with Squirrelflight saying that Ashfur is the only cat she can trust. Brambleclaw is upset but Squirrelflight throws his friendship with Hawkfrost in his face. Ashfur interrupts their fight and the cats all head back. Back at camp Firestar names Ashfur as mentor to Brichpaw. Squirrelflight is happy for her friend but also notices Brambleclaw's disappointment. She wonders again if Brambleclaw could kill to achieve his goals and reminisces about her old friend who would have once accepted the loss of being picked for an apprentice and moved on.

Leafpool and Cinderpelt head to the Moonpool - it is time for the medicine cats to gather. Cinderpelt is upset with Leafpool for staying away overnight - Firestar had even sent out a search party to look for her. Cinderpelt suspects she also snuck off to see Crowfeather, causing Leafpool to be even more upset. At the Moonpool Leafpool meets up with Mothwing. Mothwing tells her that there still is no sign of the coming danger. The cats drink the water and dream. Leafpool dreams of a dark, windy place with the voices of cats crying in the distant. She races through the trees towards a light ahead but when she reaches it she awakens. When the other cats wake up they decide to discuss the dream. Leafpool is relieved but as they start talking of claws and jaws attacking Leafpool realizes she had a different dream. Leafpool despairs that she wasn't shown the same vision and fears it is because of her feeling for Crowfeather. She decides not to admit having a different dream. Leafpool and Mothwing leave together and Crowfeather waylay her, asking her to meet him soon. She agrees.

Squirrelflight goes out with a hunting patrol and they find Daisy (from the horse place) with her kits. Daisy ran away because she was afraid the Twolegs would take away her kits like they took away Floss's. They bring everyone back to camp. Cloudtail reports to Firestar while Squirrelflight seeks out Leafpool - but Leafpool is short tempered and Squirrelflight can't figure out the emotions she feels coming from her sister. Squirrelflight heads over to hear Cloudtail's report and hears Brambleclaw point out that the cats are kittypets and don't belong with the clan. Cloudtail gets upset and Firestar steps between the two warriors before the argument escalates. Firestar says the cats may stay as long as they like. Cloudtail goes off with Daisy to help her settle in. Brightheart is upset with how close Cloudtail seems to be with the new cat. She offers to help too but Daisy is horrified when she sees Brightheart's face and instead of helping Brightheart leaves.

First of all I am going to be very upset if Cloudtail decides he loves Daisy more then Brightheart. The concept of the cats having a single mate and marrying didn't really exist until Firestar/Sandstorm and Dustpelt/Fernpaw. Before that it wasn't always known who the father of the kits were and it was implied that cats did not have to mate for life. Now, cat marriage seems to be a thing and I will be upset if Cloudtail picks someone over Brightheart - after him being so desperately in love with her for so many novels.

But, I do hope Daisy will stay. The clan could use her kits. And as Firestar and Cloudtail have proved over and over being clan born isn't everything.

And, I will give Squirrelflight some credit here. I think she is completely wrong about Brambleclaw and is overreacting but she does have some valid points. Mainly, the old Brambleclaw would have accepted being passed over as a mentor and not been upset. I think she is way out of line with her fears that if Brambleclaw is made deputy he could kill Firestar. Brambleclaw cares very much for Firestar and when Firestar was his mentor the two cats were very close. He looks up to, respects, and admires Firestar - I don't think for one moment he would ever consider killing him for power. However, I am also sure that Tigerstar is going to wish for that and is grooming Brambleclaw to do that exact thing. But I think Brambleclaw is good and Squirrelflight is wrong. But, like I said, old Brambleclaw would have accepted being passed over for an apprentice - he would have also blamed it on his father, but he would have accepted it.

As for Leafpool, I feel she is a mess. Between Mothwing's secret and Crowfeather's love she is everywhere but where she should be. I foresee her doing something stupid - even more stupid then staying the night at RiverClan.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

twilight: part one

A young cat meets with StarClan. They tell the cat that the time to join StarClan is coming soon. The cat objects, but Bluestar tells the cat that even StarClan cannot prevent destiny, no matter how much they might wish it. The rest of StarClan assure the cat that they will always be remembered, and the cat accepts their fate.

Squirrelflight wakes up to Firestar calling a clan meeting. She meets up with Leafpool but when she sees Brambleclaw entering the camp she tenses up. She admits to Leafpool that she is upset that Brambleclaw believes Hawkfrost's version of events. Leafpool points out to her that there is no proof who was lying - and that Squirrelflight should not judge Brambleclaw by his father's - or his brother's - actions. Squirrelflight asks if she is being unfair, but Leafpool does not get to answer that question. Instead, as they talk, Ashfur comes over to sit beside her. She realizes that Brambleclaw was on his way over to sit with her but turned away, upset, when Ashfur sat down. She is unsure if she is relieved or disappointed. Firestar names a patrol to carry the dead ShadowClan warriors back to their camp. After those cats leave he says he will lead a patrol to WindClan to make sure that Onewhisker is now Onestar. Cinderpelt prevents him and he instead sends Brambleclaw. Spiderleg is annoyed, feeling that Brambleclaw is trying to be deputy. Ashfur points out to him that Brambleclaw is a good warrior, that wishing to be deputy is not a bad thing, and Graystripe is still not returned. Squirrelflight worries what Brambleclaw wishing to be deputy could mean. A decision is made that the cats need to train more and Brambleclaw offers to take over that duty, leading to words exchanged between him, Squirrelflight, and Ashfur (who was also going to volunteer). Firestar puts a stop to that fight but before the cats leave they get into another argument with Brambleclaw insisting Squirrelflight dislikes him because of his father and Squirrelflight insisting Hawkfrost is evil. The cats leave on their patrol with Squirrelflight trying to accept that things are over between her and Brambleclaw.

The tense atmosphere continues as they make their way toward WindClan. They see a patrol and find out that Onestar did receive his nine lives - but the WindClan cats are clearly hostile and don't want them there. Squirrelflight is confused and upset - WindClan has always been friends and now they are acting like ThunderClan has never helped them in the past. Brambleclaw takes his patrol away and tries to calm Squirrelflight down by pointing out that WindClan is probably trying to stand on their own now, but Squirrelflight is still upset. They scent a badger and watch it. It is a female with her kits and they decide to attack her to drive her off. Brambleclaw gets knocked down in the fight and Squirrelflight is afraid he is seriously hurt, but he is fine. They drive the badger off and return to camp.

Leafpool is trying to do her work but her thoughts are elsewhere, causing her to make mistakes. Cinderpelt asks her to confide in her but Leafpool insists everything is fine. But inside all she can think of is Crowfeather and how he loves her. She feels she cannot confide in Cinderpelt because that love is forbidden. Brambleclaw and his patrol come back and Leafpool is desperate to ask after Crowfeather but knows she cannot. Everyone has mixed feelings about Brambleclaw's report and, even though Leafpool feels it is a bad idea, Firestar resolves to visit Onestar as soon as he can. Leafpool dreams of Crowfeather and Cinderpelt wakes her to ask if she wanted something. Leafpool denies it, and offers to go collect herbs. She finds herself by the WindClan border searching for Crowfeather. Instead she hears Brackenfur and Whitepaw approaching so she hides to avoid them. After they pass she tries to exit the bush she was hiding in but Sorreltail finds her. Brackenfur comes back for Sorreltail, who is a bit tired, and Leafpool watches the two cats walk away. Her heart aches since she knows she will never have a love like that.

Squirrelflight and Ashfur are out collecting moss for the elders. They play and toss the moss at each other. Brambleclaw catches them, causing another fight between him and Squirrelflight. Squirrelflight asks him who died and made him deputy but immediately regrets it. Ashfur calms everyone down and after Brambleclaw leaves he reminds Squirrelflight that everyone is stressed out - including Brambleclaw. Squirrelflight angrily takes off and Ashfur chases after her. They wind up in unexplored territory and Squirrelflight startles a fox. They fight it and Brambleclaw shows up, having overheard them. But after chasing the fox off Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight get into another fight. Squirrelflight angrily tells him she doesn't know what she ever saw in him. The three cats follow the fox to the WindClan border and then go home. Back at camp Cinderpelt and Leafpool treat everyone's wounds. Leafpool tries to ask after Crowfeather without being too obvious but Squirrelflight is confused by her questions. Firestar decides to warn WindClan of the fox. Taking Squirrelflight, Brambleclaw, and Ashfur with him they travel to the WindClan camp. Onestar clearly does no care to see them and is indifferent to the news that they bring. Firestar is throughful but Squirrelflight is angry. The cats leave and Crowfeather tries to talk to Squirrelflight but both Onestar and Firestar put a stop to it.
So, first of all, I am wondering who the young cat is who StarClan is speaking to. At first I thought maybe it was Graystripe but then I rejected that idea. We haven't found out what happened to him yet so I can't imagine that is who it is. It seems to me it must be someone from ThunderClan - since that is who the stories follow - but I can't figure out who. I wonder if there will be more clues as the story progresses.

I am glad that Leafpool finally voiced that Squirrelflight is judging Brambleclaw by his father's - and even his brother's - actions. I was hoping this would cause them to make up but instead the gulf between them seems to be widening even more. Ashfur is clearly in love with Squirrelflight which is going to cause big problems since she is clearly in love with Brambleclaw - because if she wasn't then they wouldn't be fighting like this, instead they would have just parted ways. Ashfur is speaking up in Brambleclaw's defense - which is a smart thing to do when you are a rival - but since I think Squirrelflight will ultimately pick Brambleclaw that has the potential to make Ashfur bitter - especially if Squirrelflight does not make it clear to him soon that she is not in love with him.

Leafpool being in love with Crowfeather is a bad idea for so many reasons. Even if she wasn't a medicine cat he is from a different clan. The longer she drags this out for the more painful it will be when they part ways - which is the only end result I can see.

Monday, September 24, 2018

starlight: part five

Brambleclaw is out on patrol with Spiderleg and Rainwhisker when he sees Mistyfoot rushing across ShadowClan territory. She sees Brambleclaw and runs toward him, calling out. She says she needs to see Firestar right away. Brambleclaw takes her right away. Mistyfoot tells Firestar there is trouble and he sends Brambleclaw to get Dustpelt and Brackenfur. When all the cats are assembled Mistyfoot tells Firestar how Hawkfrost has been meeting in secret with Mudclaw. She knew Hawkfrost was sneaking off but she assumed it was to see Brambleclaw. After investigating the island she realized the two cats met there frequently. That morning Hawkfrost offered to take the dawn patrol and with him he brought the cats most loyal to himself. They never returned and Mistyfoot tracked their scent into ShadowClan territory. Mistyfoot believes Hawkfrost is part of a plot to attack WindClan. Brackenfur realizes that with Onewhisker about to receive his nine lives Mudfur has no choice but to attack this night. Firestar asks her why she did not go to Leopardstar with this information and Mistyfoot responds that Leopardstar would just believe Mistyfoot to be making trouble for Hawkfrost - and she does not care what happens in WindClan anyway. Firestar calls a meeting to tell the cats that he is taking some warriors and Mistyfoot to WindClan to make sure everything is okay. He places Cloudtail and Brightheart in charge of the camp and sends a patrol to watch the ShadowClan border. Cinderpelt speaks up with Leafpool's prophecy. Brambleclaw is afriad to look at Squirrelflight fearing he will see contempt in her eyes, but when he does look he sees only pity.

Firestar's group reaches WindClan territory but they see no signs of an attack. Mistyfoot begs him to push forward but he tells her they must turn back before WindClan suspects them of attacking. Brambleclaw scents Hawkfrost and they hear fighting start. They race to the camp to see cats from WindClan, RiverClan, and ShadowClan attacking unsuspecting WindClan cats. A storm breaks out. They join the fight and are losing. Brambleclaw keeps trying to make it to Onewhisker to help him but there are too many enemy cats. Suddenly Squirrelflight with the rest of the patrol are there to help them and the tides turn. Brambleclaw feels the spark between him and Squirrelflight again as they fight together. Mudclaw takes off, followed by Hawkfrost and the enemy cats scatter. Brambleclaw sends Crowfeather off towards the fleeing ShadowClan cats as he chases after Mudclaw and Hawkfrost - wondering what he will do if he catches up to Hawkfrost.

Leafpool is above the camp on watch for intruders when two ShadowClan cats suddenly appear and knock into her before she can call out. The two ShadowClan cats tumble over the edge to their death. Leadpool clutches to the rock, desperately trying not to fall down to hers as well. Crowfeather arrives and looks at Leafpool in horror. He sees Feathertail's death all over again and after freezing for a moment saves Leafpool. Leafpool feels electricity between them, and tries to lighten things by commenting she must be the last cat he wishes to save. He responds that he loves her and sees her in his dreams - and that he is angry at himself for loving another cat so soon after Feathertail. Leafpool responds that he can't live her since she is a medicine cat, but privately she admits she is in love with him too. Cloudtail and Brightheart arrive and Crowfeather leaves.

Brambleclaw chases after the cats not knowing who he is chasing or who is following him. He reaches Mudclaw and they fight. He is losing until Hawkfrost saves him. Brambleclaw asks him why, when he helped Mudclaw attack the camp. Hawkfrost responds that just because he thought Onewhisker would not make a good leader did not mean that he would let Mudclaw kill his brother. He admits that when Mudclas came to him for help he believed he was doing the right thing - especially since Mudclaw promised to leave RiverClan in peace. Mudclaw retorts that Hawkfrost came to him, wanting to be his deputy and looking for Mudclaw's help in eventually taking over RiverClan. Both insist the other cat is a liar and Hawkfrost insists he only wants to follow the warrior code. Mudclaw takes off, Hawkfrost after him, and Brambleclaw realizes Squirrelflight was there and heard everything. She believes Mudclaw's version of events while Brambleclaw believes Hawkfrost's. Mudclaw and Hawkfrost fight on the island. Lightening hits a tree, which falls over on to Mudclaw, killing him. Hawkfrost brings his body back and throws himself on Onewhisker's mercy. He said he thought Mudclaw was the rightful leader but he now believes StarClan sent a sign in killing Mudclaw. Onewhisker turns to Firestar for help but Firestar shakes his head no. Onewhisker says he cannot fault Hawkfrost for his actions when he himself didn't believe he was supposed to be leader of WindClan. He forgives Hawkfrost and accepts his fate as clan leader. Brackenfur and Mistyfoot realize the fallen tree is now a bridge and the clans can now use the island for their Gatherings. Brambleclaw turns to Squirrelflight but she walks away. Brambleclaw is upset and wonders why she refuses to see anything but the worst in himself and his half brother.

So I am going to come right out and say I believe Mudclaw's version of events is true. I really feel that Hawkfrost is manipulating Brambleclaw - and that Brambleclaw is so afraid of Tigerstar's legacy that he is desperate to believe he and Hawkfrost are not evil. I also think things will ultimately come down to being between Brambleclaw and Hawkfrost - the prophecy says that "blood will spill blood." At first I thought that just meant blood would be spilled but the more I think on it I believe it means siblings will spill each other's blood.

As for Leafpool and Crowfeather, it looks like they are in love but I don't know what that means for their future - and that is Leafpool's exact thought too. At least Crowfeather's hostility is explained. It must be hard to fall in love with another cat while mourning the loss of his previous love. I have to say, while he picks nice cats why can't he pick one in his own clan?

I must say, I really enjoyed this book compared to the previous three and am really looking forward to the next two.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

starlight: part four

The cats head out for the Gathering. Squirrelflight approachs Brambleclaw and tries to be friendly. Thinking of his dream, Brambleclaw tells her he didn't sleep well. Upset because she thinks he means he doesn't want to talk to her, she leaves him. Brambleclaw tries to call out to her but she ignores him. The cats cut through WindClan territory, meeting up with the rival clans warriors. They head to the Gathering together and as they pass the horse place by the field where they will gather they run into some loners who live there. At first both groups clash but they quickly realize they can live together in peace. The clans head on and meet with the others. It is an awkward meeting, as cats are unsure how warmly they should greet their friends now that they are no longer one clan. Brambleclaw runs into Hawkfrost and they talk. Hawkfrost points out how it is silly that the cats have to act like they are rivals now and Brambleclaw agrees. Talk turns to other topics, including Hawkfrost talking to Mudclaw about WindClan problems. As they talk Brambleclaw finds that he agrees with Hawkfrost on some things and he starts to privately question who would make a better leader - Onewhisker or Mudclaw? Hawkfrost tells Brambleclaw that Firestar should make him deputy, insisting that Graystripe is dead. Squirrelflight comes over looking for Brambleclaw and is upset to see him talking to Hawkfrost. She is rude to him and is clearly upset when she finds out they were talking about WindClan, and even more upset when Brambleclaw points out that there is nothing wrong with that. Mistyfoot calls Hawkfrost away, and as she does the badger he fought off is mentioned. Brambleclaw is shocked, since he heard about the badger from Hawkfrost in his dream, and realizes his dream must have been true. Squirrelflight is upset with Brambleclaw, demanding to know how he can talk to Hawkfrost and even take Hawkfrost's side. They get into another fight as Brambleclaw insists he was not taking anyone's side and just wants to get to know his brother better. Upset, Squirrelflight breaks up with him because she feels Hawkfrost is more important to Brambleclaw. Brambleclaw tries to tell her she is wrong but she walks away.

Leafpaw sits watching the cats, wishing to ask Crowfeather about Morningflower. Cinderpelt interrupts her thoughts to tell her that the medicine cats are going to meet after the Gathering. She also warns Leafpaw to be careful of her affections for Crowfeather. Leafpaw is shocked, insisting she would never feel anything for such a rude cat but Cinderpelt clearly does not believe her. Leafpaw can feel her sister is upset and goes over to her, asking what is wrong. Squirrelflight says that things are over between her and Brambleclaw because he won't listen to her about Hawkfrost. Leafpaw is upset and confused. She doesn't understand Squirrelflight's behavior and doesn't know how to help her fix a problem she has no experience with. Leafpaw tries to point out that it is normal for Brambleclaw to want to know his brother but Squirrelflight insists this isn't about blood, but trust. Suddenly the prophecy about blood echoes in her mind and she decides to ask Cinderpelt about it but the Gathering starts. The leaders discuss boundaries and Firestar gives the land back to Onewhisker. Leopardstar insists that where the Gathering is being held belongs to RiverClan and after some discussion agrees to let the clans use it for the next two moons - but she insists another place must be found. The Gathering breaks up and the medicine cats meet. They talk about looking for signs from StarClan and the need to find a new Moonstone. Mothwing suggests that maybe there isn't one and Barkface becomes upset with her, insisting there must be or the clans will have to move - and they will probably refuse to. As their meeting breaks up Mothwing confesses to Leafpaw that she does not believe in StarClan. Leafpaw is shocked - especially as Mothwing insists she can be a good medicine cat without her belief. Leafpaw speaks to her of signs and dreams but Mothwing feels it is all in everyone's head. Leafpaw asks her about the moth wing outside of Mudfur's den. Mothwing looks scared and starts to say something but Cinderpelt interrupts by calling Leafpaw away. Leafpaw leaves upset. Cinderpelt asks her what is wrong and Leafpaw insists she is fine - but Cinderpelt says she thinks Leafpaw is thinking of Crowfeather again. Leafpaw insists she is not but Cinderpelt does not believe her.

Over the next days Leafpaw looks everywhere for a sign from StarClan but none come. She and Cinderpelt start to make their den and one night while sleeping she dreams of Crowfeather. He is looking into a pool of stars, trying to find Feathertail. She tries to offer Crowfeather words of comfort but he is too upset. Spottedleaf comes and Leafpaw leaves with her. Spottedleaf takes off to show Leafpaw where she must go, but as she gives chase she loses her. When she wakes up she knows she must follow the path. She tries to leave camp but Sorreltail sees her. She explains how she must go and Sorreltail insists she is coming too. The two cats take off, following the path Leafpaw remembers from her dream. Eventually they reach the Moonpool, and Leafpaw sees all of StarClan waiting there for her. She speaks to Bluestar who tells her she must bring the cats here and to Feathertail (who walks with both StarClan and the Tribe of Endless Hunting) who asks her to pass a message on to Crowfeather to not be blind to the cats who are around him. Leafpaw notices that one cat is missing - Graystripe.

Brambleclaw is out on patrol with Dustpelt and Thornclaw. They find an abandoned twoleg nest that is full of prey. Back at camp be report to Firestar about it and then offers to go hunt. He asks Squirrelflight to go with him but she turns him down. Firestar tells him to go rest, saying he doesn't need one of his best warriors becoming sick with exhaustion. Thornclaw teases Brambleclaw about his quarrel with Squirrelflight but privately Brambleclaw thinks it is because every time Squirrelflight looks at him she sees Tigerstar. When he wakes up Leafpaw is telling Cinderpelt and Firestar about the Moonpool. Brambleclaw offers to go with Cinderpelt so she can report to ShadowClan and RiverClan. Leafpaw is going to go rest and then report to WindClan.

Leafpaw head out to WindClan after refusing an escort. Mudclaw finds her and is angry but when she says she is there to talk to Barkface he takes her to the camp. She reports to Barkface who tells Onewhisker the news. The next night the medicine cats will meet at the pool and the following night Barkface intends to take Onewhisker to receive his nine lives. Leafpaw notices that Onewhisker looks scared and is confused by his reaction. Onewhisker puts Barkface off, insisting it is not fair for the medicine cat to make the journey two days in a row so instead they will wait an extra night. Leafpaw watches as Mudclaw and Webfoot race off after this news. Crowfeather approaches her and Leafpaw passes on Feathertail's message but it doesn't comfort the warrior, it instead makes him angry as he insists he will never forget her. The medicine cats meet at the Moonpool and Leafpaw dreams of a lake full of blood. When she awakens she notices some of the other cats look upset too, and wonders if they too had the dream. Before they leave Cinderpelt makes Leafpaw a full medicine cat, naming her Leafpool. Leafpool is happy, but as the cats leave she feels as if she is wading through blood.
Ten bucks says Mothwing planted that moth wing. Somehow I am not surprised that she doesn't believe in StarClan - or that she would fake a sign in her favor. Every encounter with Mothwing I keep coming back to Leafpool's vision. Now I wonder if perhaps it does not mean Mothwing's death, but maybe her acceptance of StarClan. There is something wrong with her and her brother, I just wish I knew what, exactly.

I am glad that Leafpool has been made a full medicine cat but I worry for her future. Part of me was thinking that Cinderpelt was unfairly reading more into the situation with Crowfeather then there was, but now I am not so sure. Leafpool was in his dream and Feathertail sought her out and asked her to tell Crowfeather not to be blind to the cats around him - does those cats include Leafpool? And despite Leafpool and Crowfeather clashing she clearly feels something around him - and he must feel it too, for why else would he jump when they were taking care of Morningflower?

As for Mudclaw, I wonder if his running off is him trying to go to the Moonpool to try and get the nine lives before Onewhisker can?

Saturday, September 22, 2018

starlight: part three

Leafpaw dreams of the island bathed in a silver light. She feels as if the island is calling to her but she feels as if she cannot go since not all cats can swim like RiverClan. She feels content even though she cannot feel her warrior ancestors. But as she looks at the lake she sees it slowly turn red and hears Yellowfang's prophecy about blood running before there is peace. Leafpaw awakes to Sorreltail calling for Cinderpelt. Leafpaw and Cinderpelt follow her to Mousefur, who is sick. Leafpaw tells Cinderpelt about the tainted water that Mothwing was giving out to cats. Cinderpelt sends Sorreltail off to check on Goldenflower and Longtail. Sorreltail reports that Longtail is asleep and that Goldenflower had felt sick but it passed. The cats sleep with Sorreltail staying with Mousefur in case she needs anything. The next morning Cinderpelt reports to Firestar what happened and asks him for a warrior to help her and Leafpaw - she wants to collect herbs and pass some on to WindClan. Firestar hesitates but agrees, causing Leafpaw to wonder if he feels it is too soon to start helping other clans. They check on the elders before they leave and Longtail admits that he felt the water smelt funny but he drank it anyway because a medicine cat had given it to him. He tells the cats that he had a bellyache but it passed. As they get ready to leave Leafpaw watches as Brambleclaw tries to speak to Squirrelflight but Ashfur interrupts. She sees Brambleclaw's frustration and knows something is wrong between him and her sister.

Thornclaw goes with Leafpaw and Cinderpelt. They find and harvest some water mint. Cinderpelt says she is going to bring some back to camp and asks Thornclaw to escort Leafpaw to WindClan territory. As they go they run into a WindClan patrol and argue over where the boundary line is - both clans insist the other is in their territory. However, despite the disagreement, both clans seem more embarrassed over the dispute then angry. When the WindClan warriors find out that Leafpaw is there to bring herbs to help their sick cats the border dispute is forgotten. The WindClan cats escort Leafpaw to their camp while Thornclaw takes Cinderpelt home. They bring Leafpaw right to Morningflower but before Leafpaw can help her a cat angrily asks her what she is doing.

Brambleclaw, Brackenfur, and Dustpelt are out patrolling the when they run into a ShadowClan patrol. The ShadowClan cats insist that the ThunderClan cats are on their territory and the ThunderClan cats insist they are not. A fight is about to break out when Firestar appears, furious with both groups of warriors. He tells his cats that if this is ShadowClan territory then they must hunt elsewhere. Brambleclaw is shocked and upset that Firestar is siding with the ShadowClan cats. He doesn't understand why Firestar would just hand over territory to a rival clan. As they move away from ShadowClan territory Firestar sends all of the cats on different errands - sending Brambleclaw to gather moss for the elders. Brambleclaw is angry and points out that that is an apprentices task. Firestar counters that all of the apprentices are busy. Brambleclaw angrily goes off to collect moss, not understanding why Firestar does not trust him and is angry with him for defending their territory. As he comes back to camp Squirrelflight calls out to him but he walks past her without answering.

Leafpaw is shocked to find Crowfeather challenging her. She explains about how she came to help the sick cats and Whitetail backs her but Crowfeather is unhappy. He watches her carefully and when Morningflower gets sick he accuses her of making the cat worse. Onewhisker orders Crowfeather to stop and instead of accusing Leafpaw to help her. As Crowfeather and Leafpaw help the sick cat their fur brushes against each other and Leafpaw feels as if her fur is tingling. Crowfeather jumps, having felt it as well. Barkface returns and tells Leafpaw she may go. Leafpaw pays her respects to Onewhisker who tells her that ThunderClan can have the disputed territory. Mudclaw is furious, feeling that Onewhisker is giving land away to Firestar because they are friends. Onewhisker asks Crowfeather to escort Leafpaw back - a decision neither cat is happy about. Crowfeather delivers Leafpaw, informs Firestar about Onewhisker's decision, and leaves as cold as ever. Firestar, Brambleclaw, Leafpaw, and Squirrelflight talk about the border disputes with ShadowClan and WindClan, causing Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw to exchange more angry words. Firestar looks worried for Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight confides in her sister that she thinks Brambleclaw doesn't love her anymore. Leafpaw doesn't know what to say and suddenly realizes she will never know a love like that. As she watches Dustpelt and Ferncloud with Birchkit she feels even worse.

Brambleclaw dreams of the old ThunderClan camp undestroyed. Tigerstar is in the center of the clearing. Brambleclaw approaches him, asking if StarClan sent him. Tigerstar says he does not hunt with StarClan, and there is more out there that StarClan does not even know about. Hawkfrost appears. Tigerstar converses with his sons, happy to see them and to meet Hawkfrost for the first time. He leaves but tells them that he will see them again. Brambleclaw awakens confused. He and Dustpelt pull together a group of cats to go hunting. As they leave Birchkit follows, begging his father to let him go as well. Dustpelt refuses and Birchkit decides to show off his hunting skills by catching a bird, but it is close to the cliff. Brambleclaw and Dustpelt dive after him and Brambleclaw catches him as Birchkit starts to fall. The cats go on to hunt in the land WindClan gave them. Back at camp Firestar holds a ceremony to make Spiderpaw a warrior and names him Spiderleg. He also does a ceremony for Mousefur to become an elder. Brambleclaw had tried to sit with Squirrelflight but she was with other cats. Felling upset he sits with Cloudtail during the ceremonies. After the ceremonies Firestar asks Brambleclaw not to hunt in the newly given territory. Brambleclaw is angry since he was deliberately avoiding ShadowClan and feels he can do nothing right. Firestar assures him he did nothing wrong, he just does not want him hunting there for now. As he leaves he tells Brambleclaw to rest since he will be going to the Gathering that night. Brambleclaw is excited at the prospect of seeing Hawkfrost.

First of all, of course the cats got sick. And then when Leafpaw went to WindClan camp of course Crowfeather was hostile - he doesn't know how to act any other way. But it looks like Leafpaw and Crowfeather might have a connection after all - and it seems to be pretty much unwanted on both of their parts. And I do feel for Leafpaw, who is suddenly confronted by a lack of possible love in her life. She does not know how to comfort her sister (who is acting like an idiot and needs to open up to Brambleclaw) and she feels the ache of the loss of an imaginary mate and kits. And her mixed up feelings for Crowfeather cannot be helping.

And Brambleclaw is even more touchy then usual. Like I said, I get having to answer to another cat again might chafe him but really, he spent all of these chapters angry about one thing after another - and feeling like he was constantly being judged. But, I will say, his dream was odd. I really do think Tigerstar and Hawkfrost were there. And if it wasn't for Hawkfrost saying this was the first time he met Tigerstar I would have suspected that they have been meeting in his dreams for quite a while. But I wonder if Tigerstar saw Hawkfrost's ambition and decided to help? I have a feeling he is manipulating both cats - Brambleclaw especially. After saying Brambleclaw could die for refusing to join him I cannot believe he suddenly likes his son that looks up to Firestar. I have a feeling that it is Hawkfrost Tigerstar cares about - and Brambleclaw is a means to an end to get Hawkfrost into power by preying on his sudden fears and paranoia.

Friday, September 21, 2018

starlight: part two

After listening to Brambleclaw's report, Leafpaw goes looking for Squirrelflight. Suddenly she feels a stabbing pain and knows that something is wrong with her sister. She finds Squirrelflight speaking to a group of cats about the camp she found so she cannot speak to her now. Cinderpelt calls to all of the cats to discuss where to hold the next Gathering. Mothwing excitedly describes the island but her idea is quickly shot down by the other clans. Hawkfrost interrupts to say that perhaps the island would make a good camp for RiverClan leading to a public argument between him and Mistyfoot, much to Leopardstar's horror and embarrassment. Leopardstar tells Hawkfrost he can take a patrol to the island and they will discuss the camp later. Leafpaw is shocked to see Hawkfrost so openly challenge Mistyfoot. Cinderpelt quickly turns talk back to the Gathering. Firestar suggests coming back to where they are now until a better place can be found and the other cats agree. The one clan starts to break up and become one. Leafpaw sees Crowfeather arguing with a WindClan elder named Rushtail. Crowfeather is trying to get him to move to the WindClan side of the clearing, and he is refusing. Leafpaw offers to help but Crowfeather tells her he does not need the help of a ThunderClan cat. Squirrelflight overhears this and tells Crowfeather to be nicer to her sister. Crowfeather apologizes, and the ThunderClan cats move on, Leafpaw wishing she could heal his broken heart somehow.

Brambleclaw tries to sleep without Squirrelflight beside him. Barkface wakes him, asking for Firestar, and Brambleclaw realizes that Tallstar must be close to dying. Brambleclaw gets Firestar while Barkface goes to find Onewhisker. They reach Tallstar and Brambleclaw tries to leave but Tallstar stops him. He thanks Firestar for everything that he has done for WindClan and then tells Firestar that Brambleclaw would make a worthy deputy. Firestar says nothing and Brambleclaw realizes he would like to be deputy and then leader one day. Tallstar asks for Onewhisker and Brambleclaw goes to find him. He finds Onewhisker heading back to camp with damp moss for Tallstar to drink. He brings Onewhisker before Tallstar who appoints him his new deputy, saying that peace is what is needed and Mudclaw will not bring that. Onewhisker is horrified and Brambleclaw is worried since the correct ceremony was not followed. Tallstar dies. Barkface arrives and Onewhisker tries to back out of Tallstar's dying wish. Barkface is surprised to hear what Tallstar did but both he and Firestar tell Onewhisker he must do as his leader wishes. Firestar and Onewhisker go to speak before the clans but before they can tell the cats exactly what happened Mudclaw angrily interrupts.

Brambleclaw watches as Firestar and Onewhisker finish telling the cats what happened when Tallstar died. Brambleclaw backs their story up but an angry Mudclaw is not interested - he sees only a ThunderClan conspiracy. He accuses the cats of lying but Crowfeather speaks up saying Brambleclaw would not lie about this and greets Onewhisker as Onestar. Some cats take up his cry but others are silent. Mudclaw challenges him to a fight for clan leader but Barkface steps in, saying that was never their way and Tallstar's choice must be accepted. Onewhisker tries to leave Mudclaw as deputy but Mudclaw refuses so he appoints Ashfoot. The gathering breaks up and Onewhisker wonders if he should travel back to Highstones to receive his lives but both Firestar and Ashfoot feel that is a bad choice. Firestar comes over to speak with Brambleclaw. He tells him that until he knows Graystripe is dead he cannot appoint another cat in his place. Brambleclaw feels a mixture of guilt and frustration because he wants to be deputy, and yet he feels that Tigerstar's shadow looms over himself. He wishes he had someone to confide his feelings in but he is fighting with Squirrelflight and he cannot confide in Tawnypelt.

Leafpaw is worrying about Onewhisker and Mudclaw, but Cinderpelt tells her to let it go for now. She tells her to help the elders with Mothwing but before she can Hawkfrost returns and calls a meeting. Both Leafpaw and Sorreltail question if this is appropriate behavior on his part. They listen as Hawkfrost speaks of his wonderful the island is and how it will be a perfect camp. Squirrelflight is upset and Leafpaw asks her what is wrong. Squirrelflight admits she does not trust Hawkfrost and Leafpaw agrees. Mistyfoot tells Hawkfrost that she has already found a camp. Leopardstar agrees with Mistyfoot and Hawkfrost accepts his leaders answer. Leafpaw points out that Hawkfrost might only be trying to do what is best for his clan but Squirrelflight believes he is challenging Mistyfoot. Leafpaw points out that although they don't trust him he actually hasn't done anything yet. Leafpaw rests and Cinderpelt awakens her. She goes off to help Mothwing with gathering water for the elders when she realizes that Mothwing has been using water contaminated with crow food. Mothwing is upset - she didn't realize the water was tainted because she could only smell the mousebile on her own fur. Leafpaw worries for the cats who drank the water.

Squirrelflight collects Brambleclaw and brings him to Crowfeather and Tawnypelt so the four of them might say goodbye. It is time for the clans to go their separate ways. Before parting the leaders speak one last time about making rough boundaries that will be set at the next Gathering. Hawkfrost seeks out Brambleclaw to tell him goodbye. Brambleclaw senses that Hawkfrost wants to tell him more but a cat calls for him and he must go. Squirrelflight is upset that Brambleclaw was talking to Hawkfrost. Brambleclaw says he was only trying to he friendly but Squirrelflight counters with Hawkfrost's attempt to grab the island. Brambleclaw points out that only RiverClan can use the island anyway and Squirrelflight stalks off angrily. Brambleclaw doesn't understand why the one friendship that should have held together seems to be falling apart the fastest. The one clan officially becomes four and Firestar has Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight lead the way. The cats feel uneasy walking through strange territory and Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight are afriad they won't be able to find the new den before the sun goes down. But they do find it and take the clan there. The clan has mixed reactions to the den with Mousefur being the most vocal about disliking it. As Brambleclaw tries to help Ferncloud settle in he loses his temper and gets into a fight with Mousefur, who feels he should be helping her. He realizes that Firestar is watching as Brackenfur comes to his rescue, soothing Mousefur. Brambleclaw finds himself wondering if Brackenfur should be deputy instead but he fears the real reason he will never be deputy is because of Tigerstar. He tries to find Squirrelflight to sleep with her but she does not answer him when he calls so he curls up with Goldenflower and Longtail instead.

So I feel that this is the beginning of Hawkfrost's dark journey. Openly challenging Mistyfoot like that was shocking. It is also not what I thought he would do. He spoke of not making the same mistakes as Tigerstar but here he is, making them. Being openly ambitious and hungering for the spot of deputy. Granted, he isn't outright murdering anyone for the position like Tigerstar did but I feel that it is still the same mistake. Hawkfrost can justify his actions as being for his clan all he wants but that is also the same argument Tigerstar used to justify his actions. And while Hawkfrost might believe his intentions are pure nothing says that Tigerstar didn't believe the same.

I also feel torn over Brambleclaw and his desires. Part of me feels that the old Brambleclaw would have never aspired for deputy - he would have been happy with just being a trusted warrior - and I feel a bit betrayed by this development. However, in all fairness, Brambleclaw is now used to being the leader. It is understandable that suddenly having to answer to someone chafes. I also feel he is being overly paranoid about Tigerstar being his father, but considering how some of the cats treated him when he was a kit - and how his sister felt driven from the clan - that is not a wholly unreasonable way to feel. But I think his paranoia is making his problem with Squirrelflight worse - however I place some of the blame at her feet too. Hating Hawkfrost herself is no reason to basically forbid Brambleclaw from talking to him. I think the two of them need to be more honest with each other and then they would realize that most of their fears are unfounded but instead they seem to be pulling apart. And really, Squirrelflight really needs to be there with Brambleclaw if he is going to pursue a friendship with Hawkfrost. I do believe Hawkfrost is the bad guy here and Squirrelflight should not let Brambleclaw face that alone. And while Leafpaw does not trust Hawkfrost either she at least admits that she has no real proof to back her feelings.

Lastly, though, I do want to say that Mothwing as a medicine cat is a mess. Breaking the warrior code with Leafpaw back in the forest, freezing when Leafpaw had to save the drowning cat, her blunder over the Moonstone, and now giving cats sick water. She really can't seem to do much right.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

starlight: part one

Okay, this one is going to be a bit long since it covers the first 103 pages.

StarClan reaches the new land. Bluestar, Spottedleaf, and others discuss how the clans must find the new way of speaking to them - and how they must learn to live as four clans again. StarClan is also wary of a cat who seeks power, and this angers Crookedstar. Yellowfang sees a vision, and the water runs red with blood. She warns the cats that before there is peace in the new land, blood will spill blood.

After reaching the new land the clans send two cats - Mistyfoot and Russetfur - to scout out the area. The cats head towards the lake and Brambleclaw wishes to approach with his friends, knowing that this is the end of their journey and they must soon part ways. The four remaining cats move off together knowing that soon things will change. The next morning Tallstar is not doing well, causing his deputy, Mudclaw, to make some waves as he starts to take over. Firestar makes Squirrelpaw a warrior, giving her the name Squirrelflight, and the four cats - along with Mistyfoot for RiverClan - are sent to explore the surrounding area, finding good land for the clans. When the cats start to head out Brambleclaw starts issuing orders, then realizes that it is Mistyfoot's place to do so. The cats leave and Leafpaw chases after them to say goodbye.

Leafpaw watches them leave and feels envious of the closeness between them. She finds herself watching Crowfeather, feeling that he has an important path laid before him by StarClan. Cinderpelt interrupts her thoughts by asking if she wishes she could go with them. Instead of answering, Leafpaw sees an image of herself chasing after the group to walk side by side with Crowfeather. The idea shocks her, especially as she feels as if she can feel his fur touching her. She finally answers Cinderpelt by responding she has work here. The medicine cats all meet to discuss what to do. They speak of collecting herbs but talk quickly turns to what to do with no Moonstone. Mothwing blunders when she says it doesn't really matters and goes back to speaking of herbs. Leafpaw covers for her by pointing out they cannot worry about things they do not control, so they should work on what they can. Leafpaw and Mothwing are sent off to collect supplies. Mothwing sees an island that she is convinced will be perfect for Gatherings. Mothwing swims over and explores it and comes back to report it is perfect, but Cinderpelt and Littlecloud disagree, pointing out that not everyone can swim and the elders would never make it.

As Brambleclaw and the others explore the area the cats keep asking him for advice and orders instead of Mistyfoot. Mistyfoot tells Brambleclaw that the cats are obviously used to listening to him so he should continue leading them. They find territory for RiverClan, along with an area that is perfect for their camp. They come across a Thunderpath and some of the cats, including Brambleclaw, freeze - their minds filled with the images of monsters tearing up the forest. They continue exploring and find territory that would be good for ShadowClan, but they cannot find a camp. They catch the scent of other cats and Brambleclaw insists they check it out, leading to a fight with some very tough kittypets. Mistyfoot becomes angry at Brambleclaw for putting them in unnecessary danger and for everyone getting lost as they run away. Brambleclaw is embarrassed and upset with himself. They find a spot to sleep for the night and decide it might make a good camp for ShadowClan. Squirrelpaw points out that they never would have found it if it wasn't for Brambleclaw going after the kittypets, much to Mistyfoot's amusement.

The next day they head back to the lake and then move on. The weather is poor and they decide to rest someplace dry to get out of the rain. The cats find shelter and rest. After the rain passes they go back to exploring the area. Squirrelpaw accidentally falls off a cliff as she hunts a vole. She lands in an abandoned quarry and calls Brambleclaw down. She excitedly shows him the area and declares it a good camp for their clan. Brambleclaw is uncertain but he finally confesses to Squirrelpaw that he wants a camp just like their old one. The other cats join them and they move on. They hurry to get back to the main camp as they cut through the last territory. They decide it is good for WindClan but they don't have time to explore it. They see an area that looks good for the camp and Crowfeather goes off to check it on his own. He meets back up with the other cats, happy to have found a place, and they all return to their leaders. Back at the camp Firestar asks Mistyfoot for a report, but she tells him Brambleclaw should give it instead. Brambleclaw feels nervous as he jumps up to a stump to speak to everyone. He gives a brief description of what they had seen. He finishes by saying that the individual cats from the clan can give a more thorough report to their leaders. He jumps down and Hawkfrost comes over to speak with him. Brambleclaw expects hostility and is shocked to instead be thanked by Hawkfrost for finding a place for his clan. Hawkfrost also expresses sorrow that they must part before really getting to know each other. Brambleclaw finds himself thinking if he and Hawkfrost had grown up in the same clan they might have been best friends, like Firestar and Graystripe. Squirrelflight interrupts them, telling Brambleclaw that Firestar is waiting for him. After Hawkfrost leaves Squirrelflight asks him what he was doing talking to Hawkfrost when he can't be trusted. Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight get into a fight over Hawkfrost, Squirrelflight insisting he is not a good cat even though she can offer no proof. Brambleclaw accuses her of disliking and distrusting Hawkfrost because his father is Tigerstar. Squirrelflight angrily stalks away and Brambleclaw is left wondering if Squirrelflight even trusts himself.

So part of me feels like this story is moving very rapidly - but another part of me feels like that is just an illusion since the first third of the book takes place in the first four chapters and prologue!
But, a couple of things. I was surprised by this potential Leafpaw/Crowfeather development. Medicine cats cannot fall in love and have kits. And I don't think Leafpaw is in love with a cat she has barely even met, but I do believe she had almost a vision of her and him together - and I do wonder if that was just longing on her part or something from StarClan.

I am also surprised by Squirrelflight's reaction to Brambleclaw talking to Hawkfrost. Don't get me wrong, I think the cat is a problem, but so far his only crimes are acting like a jerk and being Tigerstar's son. Neither of those really add any weight to insisting Brambleclaw shouldn't talk to him. And, it is completely understandable that Brambleclaw wants to get to know his half brother. I feel that Squirrelflight is right and I'm not accusing her of overreacting, but rather of acting poorly. Also, why on earth would cold, arrogant Hawkfrost want to be friends with Brambleclaw suddenly? This seems very suspicious to me and I can't help but wonder if there is more to this then meets the eye.

Lastly, Mothwing's blunder was interesting. She basically came right out and said that talking to StarClan isn't important. This is very different from her first night at the Moonstone where she was so excited when she woke up. I wonder if this is because she was not fully trained, she has no warrior ancestors (since in the manga Tigerstar said he was not with StarClan), or something else. I hope this gets explained more fully as the book goes on. In the end I can't help but remember Leafpaw's vision of Mothwing at the Moonstone...

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

return to the clans

Sasha dreams of Tigerstar, but he never speaks to her. She raises her kits (Tadpole, Hawk, and Moth) in the woods, always fearing that Tigerstar might find them. But she doesn't want to leave either. She keeps her kits close to her and to their den. One day she runs into a ShadowClan patrol. Russetfur is in it and covers for Sasha by pretending not to know her. Later Russetfur comes to her den and asks if the kits are Tigerstar's. Sasha admits it and asks her not to tell him. Russetfur tells her Tigerstar is dead. Sasha has mixed feeling about the news.

One day her kits sneak out to Twoleg place looking for Ken. They know how much Sasha misses him and want to do something nice for her. While there they get trapped in an abandoned house. Sasha follows their scent, and with the help of another cat named Shnuky, who had seen the kits wandering around, finds them. While in the house an old pipe breaks and the house starts to flood. Sasha finds them and tries to save them but Tadpole drowns.

Broken, Sasha takes her kits back to their den. She dreams of Tigerstar again. And this time he speaks. She asks if Tadpole is with him. He says no, but he is safe. She runs into Pine one day who tells her all about the clan cats fighting BloodClan, and Sasha realizes he is describing Tigerstar's death. Realizing she needs help Pine takes her to a nearby farm to live with other cats, who he says are very nice. But once Pine leaves the other cats turn on Sasha and actually attack her kits. She attacks back in return and realizes they were really just all talk. She takes her kits away from and decides she needs to make a decision.

She tells her kits the good about Tigerstar and forbid them to ever tell another cat he is their father. Then she goes to RiverClan territory and waits for a patrol. She throws herself on their mercy and the clan takes her in, making her kits apprentices. Leopardstar offers repeatedly to make her a warrior but Sasha always tells her she is not ready. One day, between overhearing other apprentices pretending to kill Tigerstar and Leopardstar speaking of taking her to a Gathering, Sasha decides it is time to go. She takes her kits and tells them it is time to leave. They tell her they don't want to go and she realizes that so long as she is not around no one will know her children are Tigerstar's and they will be safe, so she leaves them.

I have to say this was by far the most depressing story ever. Between losing Ken, Tigerstar's treachery, living in constant fear of ShadowClan, losing Tadpole, and then giving her kits up Sasha's story is awful.

Yet, I can't help but feel all of this could have been avoided. Yes, hindsight is 20/20, but none of this needed to happen this way. She could have stayed with the captain, happy and cared for. She could have been more open with her kits about pretty much anything and everything. By keeping them in the dark about Ken, Tadpole died. And keeping them in the dark about Tigerstar after moving in with a clan was plain stupidity. She had to know they would find out the truth eventually. At least now I have my answer - Leopardstar never knew the truth about the kits, only Russetfur did.

And while I do understand some of Sasha's coldness now - it is pain - I don't understand all of it. And I don't understand Hawkfrost's comment to Mothwing about both of their parents only thinking of themselves. Everything Sasha did was to both try and protect her kits and give them the freedom of the world. However, maybe I am not being fair. Sasha's refusal to confide in her own kits could influence how Hawkfrost sees her.

One thing I am curious about is Sasha's dreams of Tigerstar - are they real? Tigerstar not walking with StarClan makes sense. Is Tadpole with StarClan now? Or is he somewhere else?

While this gives me a glimpse into her character - and Hawkfrost and Mothwing's - it mostly leaves me with more questions.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

escape from the forest

Sasha tells Tigerstar she is uninterested in his offer. Tigerstar is furious and they argue. As he leaves he tells her she is nothing. Sasha spends the next days unsure what to do. Missing Ken she decides it is time to find him. She tells Pine goodbye and leaves for Twoleg place. As she walks around the town she smells Ken. She finds his old clothes in a used clothing store, but he is not there. The Twoleg who runs the store chases her out. She runs into BloodClan and they escort her to the edge of town, warning her to never return. She realizes Ken's clothes were there but not Ken because he is dead.

She wanders around looking for food and shelter. She takes refuge on a boat that gives tours. The passengers are excited to see a cat but the captain is surprised and locks her up. He lets her go when they dock and Sasha is unsure where to go now. However, word of the captain owning a cat on his boat spreads and his business takes off. People like taking boat rides with Sasha so he adopts her. Sasha decides that the captain is lonely and nice, like Ken, and stays. She even inadvertently saves his business when a rival tour company tries to burn his livelihood down.

One day on the boat Sasha sees a sack in the water. Captain catches it and another cat is inside. He adopts that cat too, naming him Patch, and the three of them live happily together, but Sasha knows she has to leave soon because she is pregnant and she wants her kits to know the woods she loves so much. The water freezes and captain has to close business for the winter. He loads up his truck and Patch joins him. Sasha refuses to go and although they are sad, captain and Patch respect that. Sasha heads back to the woods.

I just want to say that so far this is the most depressing story ever. Sasha was happy with captain and Patch and I really feel that she should have just stayed instead of striking it out in the woods again. I am not sure I fully understand her motives. Yes, she is happy in the woods and feels free but it is also more complicated then that since there are the clan cats and she is now an enemy of Tigerstar. Unless she wants to raise the kits with him? But I cannot imagine that since she ran in horror from his vision. I understand the longing to return to the woods but I don't understand leaving the safety of the captain - especially since she is about to have kits.

Monday, September 17, 2018

into the woods

Sasha is a kittypet who happily lives with her twolegs. Her twolegs let her explore outside and she enjoys hunting for food. But one day Jean, the female twoleg, dies and Ken, the male twoleg, has to leave to go to a senior home. Sasha does not understand any of this, she just is scared because her twolegs are no longer there. Ken has arranged to give Sasha to someone else since he cannot take her with him but Sasha runs away and hides in the woods waiting for Ken's return.

She hunts for her own food and finds a den close to Ken's nest so she can watch for his return. She meets a rogue named Pine who tells her about the differences between kittypets, rogues, and clan cats. He also takes her collar off of her because she is no longer a kittypet. Sasha cannot bear to part with the collar in case Ken comes back so she keeps it in her den.

She goes exploring looking for the clan cats to see if they are real. Hidden out of sight she sees Tigerstar and some other clan cats. The next day she goes back and works up the courage to introduce herself. The ShadowClan cats are angry, but Tigerstar is not.

As the days go by Tigerstar and Sasha grow closer. He eventually finds out she was once a kittypet and furiously leaves her. She tries to figure out ways to make it up to him but cannot. One day while hunting two foxes attack her. Tigerstar saves her by attacking the foxes and she helps. She tries to show him her kittypet life but he is uninterested. He actually tells her she must only refer to herself as a rogue. He brings her to ShadowClan where she is welcomed. So many of the clan are former rogues that they see no problem with her status. While there ShadowClan meets a ThunderClan patrol. They call Tigerstar a traitor before going on their way. Sasha asks him what they meant and Tigerstar tells her a story about how he was unjustly kicked out of his clan and Firestar is determined to rule the forest.

Tigerstar invites her to live with the clan and she tells him she must think on it. Secretly she is wondering if Ken will return to her. Tigerstar says he wants an answer the following night. Sasha debates what to do - wait for Ken or join the safety of the clan since winter is coming. She is also falling in love with Tigerstar. She sees Tigerstar talking to some warriors. She listens in on their conversation and finds out that Tigerstar is actually the blood thirsty cat who wants to rule all of the woods. He has plans to takeover Leopardstar and RiverClan as well as destroy Firestar and ThunderClan. Sasha runs away horrified only to run into Tigerstar who wants an answer.

I have to say, this Sasha is very nice - not the cold cat of the novels. I wonder how she got there.
At first I was shocked that Tigerstar would even have anything to do with her but he just assumed she was a rogue and his clan is full of them. But knowing how he feels about "pure blood" I am still surprised. His hatred and anger over finding out she was once a kittypet is understandable - especially with how much he hates Firestar. But it is interesting to note that neither Sasha or Firestar changed his mind about kittypets. He still hates them even though they keep proving over and over that they have their worth in his world. He even insists Sasha must lie about her kittypet roots - which is absurd. 

I am curious what will happen next now that she knows the truth about Tigerstar.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

dawn: part six

The cats continue on their journey. Squirrelpaw is out hunting. Things are getting harder for the clans. Stormfur is trying to find the tribe cats. When she goes to attack a falcon another cat attacks her instead. It is Talon of the tribe. He is happy to see her but upset when he finds out that she and the clans are trying to cross the mountains this time of year. He insists that everyone must come to the cave. They reach the clans in time to see an eagle attack. They chase the eagle off. Stormfur comes running up to say he has scented the tribe only to find them already there. The tribe cats lead them to the waterfall.

Leafpaw is excited to learn about the similarities between the clans and the tribe. Stoneteller even shows her and Cinderpelt the Cave of the Pointed Stones. That night while Leafpaw sleeps Spottedleaf visits her. In the morning she tells Cinderpelt, who is glad that StarClan is speaking to them. The snow is bad so the cats need to stay for a bit. They help with the hunting and Leafpaw talks more with Stoneteller. That night Stoneteller holds a feast with the tribe and the clans in honor of Feathertail and her friends. Tallstar names Crowpaw a warrior and Crowpaw makes the request that his name be Crowfeather in honor of Feathertail. Tallstar agrees. Crowfeather sits vigil and as Leafpaw watches him she thinks she sees Feathertail and Silverstream.

Squirrelpaw and Stormfur go hunting before it is time to leave. While out Stormfur tells her that he is leaving RiverClan. He has lost his father and sister, he wants to be with Brook now. Squirrelpaw is upset. Brambleclaw asks her what is wrong and she tells him. As they talk she realizes that Brambleclaw mistakes her sorrow for heartbreak. She tells him that Stormfur is a friend and it is he she is in love with. The clans are ready to leave and Stormfur announces he is staying and Leopardstar lets him. The cats exit the mountains unsure where they are going next.

As they travel Leafpaw and Sorreltail talk about where they are. It is a good place to make a new home but they have not recieved a sign from StarClan yet. The cats are unsure what to do and Cinderpelt has Leafpaw confess to her dream - a dream of water with silverpelt reflected in it with Spottedleaf nearby. As the cats start to move along Leafpaw sees a vision of silverpelt reflected in water and knows they have found their new home.

I am surprised that Stormfur went with the tribe now - I figured it wouldn't happen until book six - but I am not surprised by his choice. This is where Feathertail is buried and Brook lives. Even if Graystripe were here, despite how close he is to his father I think he would have left.

I am glad the story of their journey is over with. I wonder now how things will play out. My guess still is Hawkfrost.

A final note - and I did mean to say this earlier but I forgot - I cannot believe that Firestar and Cloudtail left without saying goodbye to Princess. She was constantly in the shadows in the other books and here she never gets a voice or to say goodbye - or even to know what happened to her brother and son. I hope a goodbye happened off the page and just was not mentioned to us.

Friday, September 14, 2018

dawn: part five

The four clans finally meet in WindClan territory and begin their journey. A dog catches  scent of them and gives chase. The dog's Twoleg catches it and Squirrelpaw realizes they are officially off of clan territory.

Squirrelpaw and the others reach Ravenpaw's farm. Ravenpaw is grieved to learn of Graystripe's capture and the clans departure. He takes the cats to an old barn to hunt and rest. In the morning the queens and elders do not want to leave, arguing that the prey is rich here. Firestar and Leopardstar point out the dangers of staying so close to the Twolegs and their dogs. The cats of the prophecy also speak up, saying this is not where StarClan is leading them. There is grumbling, but the cats agree to leave. Ravenpaw escorts them as far as Highstones. The leaders and medicine cats go in for the last time to speak to StarClan. Leafpaw is left behind. Squirrelpaw goes with her friends to discuss where they should go next when a star falls across the sky. They realize this is the dying warrior and they must follow the star.

Leafpaw wakes up. Ravenpaw tells Firestar goodbye, and that he will look out for Graystripe. Cinderpelt confesses to Leafpaw that while StarClan spoke to her she could not hear them. The cats of the prophecy come bounding over, telling everyone that they saw the sign. They realize that the great rock Midnight spoke of was Highstones. As the cats travel the barriers between their clans slowly break down. They slowly go from four clans to one as they travel towards the mountains. Hawkfrost, however, still remains arrogant.

The cats travel through the mountains and Squirrelpaw is unsure if they are going to correct way. The journey is hard between the cold and the path they have to travel. Smokepaw, a ShadowClan apprentice, falls to his death when a rock becomes dislodged under him. Only Stormfur seems at home in the mountains. The clans cats learn of the dangers from the eagles when one attacks their camp - almost taking Birchkit - and even worse it starts to snow.

Nothing much is happening here. The cats continue on their journey. I do wonder if they will meet the tribe cats and how Stormfur will feel towards Brook now. He left upset over his betrayal and his sister's death. I feel like their journey must be coming to an end soon, which does imply there must be another story arc for the remaining three books. I do hope that between Cody and Ravenpaw that somehow Graystripe will find his way home.