Tuesday, November 5, 2019

the brightest night: part six

Burn is furious with the dragonets for disrupting her plans, and mocks them when they say the battle is over. However, Blister and Blaze arrive and she figures she can salvage the situation by killing her sisters. Blister and Burn exchange words while Blaze stays off to the side with Glaicer. The dragonets insist on a peaceful resolution or everyone will choose the new queen but Burn and Blister are uninterested. Blister makes a comment about sending a peace offering already. A box had arrived that Smolder kept in the tower with Sunny and Scarlet. Burn sends for the box, telling Blister that she already figured out it contained a dragonbite viper. She opens it, catching the dragonbite before it can bite her. That is when Blister points out that there are two snakes in the box. The second one strikes Burn, killing her. In a panic, everyone takes to the sky. Sunny and Fatespeaker try to help Starflight up but they don't make it in time. Sunny realizes one of them is going to die. Then Clay slams into them, saving them from the viper by getting bit himself.

The dragonets race to Clay, who is dying. Thorn comforts Sunny. Peril arrives and burns out the infected skin, barely saving Clay's life. She then kills the viper before it can hurt anyone else. Blister is disappointed that more of her enemies didn't die but she figures she can at least kill Blaze.

Blaze asks Glaicer to fight for her, but the IceWing queen realizes she can't. As Blister and Blaze fight the dragonets wonder how to fix the situation. Smolder joins them with Flower, and the dragonets question him about other possible heirs. The idea gets put forward that maybe someone else should be queen like how Glory is of the NightWings. Everyone wishes there was something that could name a queen. Flower gets Sunny's attention and brings her to the memorial for queen Oasis and starts digging. Glory and Tsunami come over to help and they find the missing treasure - along with the Eye of Onyx.

Tsunami and Glory tell Sunny that she could be queen. She considers it but decides she wouldn't be a very good one. Blister and Blaze stop fighting and watch to see what Sunny will do. She gives the Eye of Onyx to her mother and names her the new queen of the SandWings. As she passes it over she sees lighting and feels a jolt. Blister is furious. She admits that she stole the treasure, that she lied about waking up Burn so her mother would die, that she arranged the war so that her sisters would die so she wouldn't have to fight them for the throne. She feels the Eye - and throne - belong to her. Thorn tells her she will fight her for the throne but Blister says she doesn't have to. She takes the Eye so she can be queen but its magic turns against her, killing her. The SandWings, led by Blaze, approach Thorn and bow to her, accepting her as their new queen. The queens from the other tribes are relieved the war is over.

A month has passed, the war is over, and the dragonets are still together. They are at the Jade Mountain, along with Fatespeaker, making plans to open a school for dragonets of any tribe. Sunny has told Starflight the truth about her feelings for him and he and Fatespeaker are together now. So are Glory and Deathbringer. Sunny wonders if they will have children and if a half RainWing/half NightWing will sit on the throne. They wonder at Scarlet and Peril's locations. They know they are no longer together and wonder when Scarlet will show up for revenge. They also wonder about telling everyone the truth about the prophecy. In the end they decide to tell everyone that the NightWings lost their powers when they lost their island and that there are no more prophecies.

Okay, well clearly there will be another prophecy now! You can't say there are no more then expect that to happen. Hopefully this time it will be a real prophecy, though.

Well, they did it. They found their peaceful solution that involved none of the queens. And, two of them are now dead so they don't have to worry about then popping back up to make trouble! I hope Thorn goes easy on Smolder. I wonder if Flower can understand the dragons? How else would she know Sunny was looking for the treasure and then lead her to the very thing she needed?

I am curious about the Eye of Onyx. I wonder if that will ever be touched upon again? And about Scarlet's location. And, about the new prophecy...

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