Friday, November 29, 2019

path of stars: part one

Gray Wing dreams of Turtle Tail, who tells him she is happy he found Slate. She tells Gray Wing of how loved he is, and how he will be loved even after- but here she breaks off. Gray Wing asks her what she means but instead of getting an answer he wakes up to find himself happy and beside Slate.

Clear Sky returns to his camp to find that Quick Water has already broken the news of Star Flower - only she has made it sound like Star Flower left willingly. Clear Sky tells them that she was kidnapped and won't be returned unless they share their prey. Everyone has differing feelings on whether or not Star Flower should be rescued but some cats agree to go with Clear Sky and speak with the other leaders.

Thunder and his cats are going about their lives. He is worrying about what would happen if he were to die. Would the group stay together? Would they join other groups? Would they become rogues? Clear Sky's arrival interrupts his thoughts. He comes with the news of Star Flower's abduction and the demand for prey. At first Thunder wants to help his father get Star Flower back - without sacrificing prey - but his camp mates are dead set against helping. And Thunder is forced to privately admit that Clear Sky has never helped him. In the end he turn Clear Sky down. Clear Sky is angry that Thunder won't help him and claims it is because Star Flower chose him over Thunder. Clear Sky and his cats go to speak with the other leaders. 

Gray Wing is out with a hunting patrol that includes Moth Flight. Everyone is frustrated by how oblivious Moth Flight is, especially when Gray Wing chases a rabbit right past her. Then, to make things worse, Moth Flight is more worried about Gray Wing's breathing then the rabbit that just got away. Slate convinces Gray Wing to go back to the camp and rest. When they reach there they find Clear Sky with Tall Shadow. Slate fetches Wind Runner while Clear Sky tells Gray Wing of Star Flower's abduction. However, when Wind Runner gets back to camp she has no interest in helping Clear Sky. Gray Wing convinces her to attend the meeting. Clear Sky and Tall Shadow leave to speak with River Ripple. They do tell Gray Wing that Thunder has refused to help. Gray Wing tells Clear Sky he will speak with Thunder. The visiting cats leave and Gray Wing tells Wind Runner he has a plan.

The time of the meeting comes and Clear Sky is worried how it will go - and whether or not Thunder will arrive. He gets there and is happy to find his son, but also feels resentful that Gray Wing was able to convince him where he was not. But he does admit to himself that Gray Wing is Thunder's father. The meeting happens but Slash didn't bring Star Flower and everyone refuses to share their prey. Clear Sky panics, begging Slash for his mates return and promising all the prey he can catch. But Slash is uninterested and leaves. Clear Sky is devastated that his friends wouldn't save Star Flower, but they tell him he is overreacting and tell him to come with them.

So, Gray Wing is going to die. This is so devastating. Probably right after he has kits with Slash because that would be so typical. 

While I do feel for Clear Sky, and I do believe Star Flower is loyal to him, I am glad to see that she is still working on gaining everyone's trust - even cats in her own group. I'm sure she will get there one day and I do feel bad for Clear Sky that not everyone believes Star Flower was taken against her wishes but really after the way she behaved...

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