Wednesday, November 20, 2019

a forest divided: part four

Thunder is worried about Quiet Rain and tries to bring her back to his camp to see Cloud Spots but she refuses. He tells them be will be back, he just needs to let his cats know where he is going. He finds Milkweed hunting near the camp and tells her what is going on. He goes back to the mountain cats and takes them by way of River Ripple's land so he can avoid Clear Sky, using the argument that the moor is easier to cross. They meet River Ripple who tells Sun Shadow that his father was a fine cat. Sun Shadow realizes his father is dead and Thunder is forced to tell him what happened. River Ripple realizes Thunder is deliberately leaving out certain information and keeps silent. He helps Thunder lead them on. It comes out that Thunder is Clear Sky's son and Quiet Rain asks after Bright Stream, assuming she must be Thunder's mother. But Thunder is forced to tell her that Bright Stream died long ago and that Storm is his mother - and then that even Storm is dead. The four cats cross the Thunderpath and search out Tall Shadow's camp. Thunder wonders how Tall Shadow will break the news of the rift between Quiet Rain's sons.

They reach Tall Shadow's camp and at first the reunion is happy but then Tall Shadow admits that Gray Wing is missing and bad been for days. Pebble Heart quickly intervenes by treating Quiet Rain. River Ripple leaves and Thunder tries to follow but Tall Shadow asks him to stay. Jagged Peak arrives but that doesn't help things since Quiet Rain feels that his kits are rude and she is devastated to find him lame. Tall Shadow asks Thunder to find his uncle. 

Gray Wing is happy with Wind Runner's group. He feels he should return home but finds excuses to keep delaying. Thunder arrives looking for Gray Wing and finds him. He tells him how he found Quiet Rain and Sun Shadow and brought them to Tall Shadow. Gray Wing leaves with him. On the privacy of the moor Gray Wing asks why not take them to Clear Sky. Thunder admits to the falling out between him and his father. On the way to Tall Shadow's camp Gray Wing gets caught in a Twoleg trap and becomes injured. They realizethe smell of blood will draw other animals but they cannot figure out how to free him. Fern arrives and is able to help. Thunder is suspicious of her but Gray Wing is welcoming. She tells him that Slash has been redirected but it won't last for forever. They reach the camp but instead of finding comfort in Gray Wing, Quiet Rain only becomes more upset as he is freshly injured. 

Thunder sits with Gray Wing and Fern, wondering if he should leave. Fern too wonders if she should go but Gray Wing convinces her to stay. Tall Shadow is not happy that Gray Wing had invited an outsider to their camp but when Fern offers to leave Tall Shadow insists she can stay. Thunder wonders if he should mention Slash but decides that is Fern and Gray Wing's business. Jagged Peak is hostile towards Fern, but Holly is welcoming. When Jagged Peak makes a comment about strays Thunder finds himself speaking up in Fern's defense. Quiet Rain wishes to see Clear Sky so Gray Wing asks Thunder to go get his father. Thunder doesn't want to as he hasn't spoken to his father since their fight. He and Gray Wing argue over this but Thunder agrees to go. He leaves the camp and stops by his own to check in and give everyone an update. He finds Leaf and Milkweed getting along great. Lighting Tail goes with him to Clear Sky's camp. Everyone wakes up when he arrives and he discovers Clear Sky and Star Flower are expecting kits. He tells Clear Sky about Quiet Rain. Star Flower wishes to go with him but he insists she stay behind because of her condition. Thunder rudely tells her she isn't family. Acorn Fur calls him out on his rudeness but Thunder doesn't care because he is hurt that Clear Sky clearly cares more for these kits then he ever did for him. They reach Tall Shadow's camp. Clear Sky speaks to his mother while Gray Wing apologizes to Thunder for his earlier harshness. Star Flower arrives, much to everyone's shock. Clear Sky leaves Pebble Heart's den to collect his brothers as Quiet Rain wishes to speak with them all at once.

I don't remember Quiet Rain being this difficult of a cat. I get she arrived and found nothing like she expected but still. She is awfully sharp. A bit like MouseFur but lacking something that MouseFur had.

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