Friday, November 8, 2019

buffy the vampire slayer: part sixteen

Finally, some serious Buffy/Riley growth. Riley is NOT my favorite, and I am sure I am going to complain about him EXTENSIVELY during season 5, but here, in the beginning, I will cut him some major slack. He joins The Initiative. He believes in their goals. He sees them as a necessary (totally not evil) organization to protect the public. He lets them turn him into a super soldier so he can fight the supernatural forces of the world - which before now have been largely unexplored by any government.  All of this I completely get. Then Buffy comes along. Buffy, who he falls in love with. Buffy, who is unsure she can find happiness with Captain America's younger, less impressive brother. Buffy, with her super human strength that completely surpasses him and his friends. Buffy, who is unsure she can handle another boyfriend in her line of work. But she gives it a go. Then professor Walsh tries to kill Buffy, turning Riley's world even further upside down. Riley is a mess this season. He keeps getting hit with something new. Every time he thinks he is on top of things a new upset comes his way. Yet he goes through it all because he loves Buffy and wants to share in her life. So, here and now, I have to give Riley some serious props. Buffy and her friends flip his world upside down so many times he no longer knows what is up or down. Yet he stands by her through it all, even when he makes the wrong choices.

Meanwhile, Willow and Tara are coming closer. Willow even turned to Tara for help with a demon finding spell (only for Tara to sabotage it for reasons that won't come out until next season). Yet despite their budding romance, the group seems to be fraying at the edges. Giles and Xander are still floundering. Willow feels unwanted by Buffy. Buffy is wrapped up in Riley and the Initiative. The only person who seems to be doing fine is Spike - and by fine I mean he is still his evil, selfish self. He is bummed he can no longer attack humans, and he refuses to leave town until he can figure out a way to get cured, but he has discovered he can fight demons, which he embraces fully. Things further fray when Riley finds out that Buffy personally knows Spike (aka Hostile 17) and has been lying to him about it.

My favorite episode is "The I in Team." I never really liked Walsh and it was nice to see her lose Riley and get murdered my Adam in the same episode. Plus, the Initiative always struck me as shady so it was nice to be proven right.

The episodes:

Doomed - Season 4, Episode 11

Synopsis - Buffy and Riley try to figure out their relationship while Buffy tries to stop an apocalypse. Spike discovers he isn't as helpless as he previously thought.

A New Man - Season 4, Episode 12

Synopsis - Ethan Rayne returns to town to find information on The Initiative. While there he curses Giles, turning him into a demon, and Spike is the only one who realizes the truth.

The I in Team - Season 4, Episode 13

Synopsis - Professor Walsh decides Buffy is a threat and tries to kill her - only the plan doesn't work and turns Riley against her. She takes solace in 314, who finally wakes up.

Goodbye Iowa - Season 4, Episode 14

Synopsis - Reeling from Walsh's betrayal and death, Riley doesn't know who or what to believe. Meanwhile Buffy is trying to figure out how to find what she believes is an Initiative demon on the loose. Their paths converge and the truth of Walsh and 314 comes out.

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