Wednesday, November 27, 2019

a forest divided: part seven

Slate and her brother, Cricket, are out hunting when they run into a fox. Slate realizes the fox is starving, just like them, and just might actually kill them. Slate gets badly wounded and Cricket freezes. As she creams his name he snaps out of it and attacks the fox. But Slate doesn't see anything else as she passes out from her injuries.

Slate wakes to find a strange cat checking on her. He is relieved to find her alive but when he breaks the news of her brother's death she wishes for death. He tells her he will get his mate and kits to watch over her while he gets help. The mate and kits arrive, but the mate is clearly hostile. She introduces herself as Wind Runner and as she and Slate talk Slate comes to realize Wind Runner is just worried for her kits. Gorse Fur returns with Cloud Spots. Cloud Spots tends to her wounds and then informs the moor cats that Slate has to go with them to their den to rest and recover. Wind Runner is clearly unhappy and wants Cloud Spots to take her to stay with his group. But Cloud Spots says she is too wounded and Wind Runner's camp is closer. Slate insists she is going off on her own but quickly realizes that isn't happening as she is too injured. Wind Runner allows her to stay - with the understanding it is only temporary.

Time has passed and Slate is healing well. She knows she will have to leave soon. Wind Runner and Gorse Fur's kits are sad about this but Slate says she will visit. She asks where their parents are and they tell her they are out looking for the fox. Gorse Fur and Wind Runner come back and ask Slate if she will watch their kits while they try to kill the fox. Slate feels this is an awful idea as the fox is exceptionally vicious - and if Wind Runner and Gorse Fur die they will be leaving behind their kits. Slate insists she go after the fox. It is decided that Slate and Wind Runner will go after the fox. Slate wants to avenge her brother's death and she figures she will die in the process and get to join her brother. The next day they go after the fox and defeat it. Slate's wound opens during the fight and she realizes she doesn't want to die after all. She wakes up back in Wind Runner's home with everyone - including Cloud Spots - watching over her. Wind Runner invites her into their group and Slate happily accepts.

Poor Slate. Losing her brother like that. At least she realized she didn't want to die and found a group who (eventually) welcomed her. And now she has Gray Wing. Though, Gray Wing wasn't in "Thunderstar's Echo"... He was spoken of in the past tense...

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