Thursday, November 21, 2019

a forest divided: part five

It all comes out about the division of territories, the battle, and the deaths. Quiet Rain is furious. She sends away Gray Wing and Jagged Peak. Alone with Clear Sky she disowns him. Clear Sky leaves and Star Flower comforts him.

Thunder wakes up in Tall Shadow's camp. He has sent Lightning Tail on home. He watches Jagged Peak's kits for a bit but Jagged Peak gets upset, feeling that they are playing dangerously and Thunder isn't stopping them. He debates asking Tall Shadow if he can hunt but then Pebble Heart needs him to help get some herbs down Quiet Rain. Thunder is able to get the prickly elder to take them by eating one himself. Thunder finds himself talking to Quiet Rain about his father, even defending him. Quiet Rain observes that he must love his father very much, which catches Thunder off guard. Thunder and Quiet Rain hear Clear Sky and Star Flower arguing outside Pebble Heart's den. Star Flower is telling him to go in there and be with his mother before it is too late; Clear Sky is arguing she doesn't want him. The two cats come in and as Thunder watches Quiet Rain with her son he realizes just where Clear Sky got his bad traits from. When Quiet Rain finds out that Star Flower is pregnant she remarks to Thunder that he will have siblings. This shocks him and he is sad to realize he will never really know them now that he lives in a different camp. Jagged Peak and Gray Wing also come in and the three brothers quickly start fighting. Star Flower breaks them up and Thunder realizes that he would never have been happy with her, but she might be exactly what Clear Sky needs. Outside the den Holly starts to panic as she cannot find her kits.

Everyone quickly splits up and offers to take different areas - even Fern helps. Gray Wing is left in the camp to watch over Pebble Heart and Quiet Rain. Clear Sky is shocked to see Thunder and Star Flower go off together to search. He himself searches an area of the pine trees and finds the kits up in a tree trapped by a crow. He saves them from the crow and gets them down.

As Gray Wing sits with Quiet Rain she wakes up. When she asks where everyone is he tells her everyone is out looking for Jagged Peak's kits. She is annoyed that Jagged Peak let them wander from the camp, but she also admits that he has done good for himself since he has a mate and kits. She asks Gray Wing why he does not have a mate and Gray Wing admits that Turtle Tail was his mate and he helped her raise her kits, but she died. Quiet Rain is happy to hear that he finally noticed Turtle Tail but she wishes for him to stop mourning her death. Clear Sky returns with the kits who are freezing. They cuddle with Quiet Rain to warm up, as she has a fever. 

Everyone seems to be waiting for Quiet Rain to die. As for Sun Shadow, he seems to be finding a place in Tall Shadow's group. Same with Fern. Gray Wing, however, needs to move on already.

I was surprised to see Thunder work with Star Flower so willingly. I am glad he realizes she is not the cat for him. Looks like Star Flower might not be playing any games. This is a good thing as I think everyone needs to heal and move forward. Her and Clear Sky being together still feels wrong to me, but if Thunder can find happiness and peace in the situation that is all that matters. 

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