Tuesday, November 19, 2019

a forest divided: part three

Thunder over sleeps, which causes he and his father to get into a fight when he finally wakes up. Clear Sky refuses to let him go on any of the hunting patrols - or even to leave the camp. Thunder repeatedly tries to convince but only succeeds in irritating himself and his father. Clear Sky insists Thunder has to stay in the camp so he can go patrol the borders alone. Suspicious, Thunder agrees. He asks Lightning Tail to watch the camp so he can follow his father but his friend insists on going with him. They leave Leaf in charge and follow Clear Sky. They discover he is meeting with Star Flower in secret. Thunder feels a mixture of emotions ranging from betrayal to shock. Lightning Tail assures him that Clear Sky cannot possibly be falling for a trick of Star Flower's and they leave.

Thunder angrily waits for his father to return to camp. When he does he confronts Clear Sky about his rules for the cats hunting. They get into an argument because Thunder wants to send out more patrols over the whole of their territory but Clear Sky feels he needs no cats advice -and that he rules absolutely. This leads to an even bigger argument when Thunder admits to spying on his father. He tells him he is just worried that Star Flower will manipulate Clear Sky too and begs him not to see her anymore. Clear Sky says he will think on Thunder's advice and tells him to go hunt, since that will make him happy. Thunder runs into Star Flower who confronts him about following her. Thunder tells her he was following Clear Sky and warns Star Flower to stay away from him. Star Flower responds she didn't realize Thunder still had feelings for her and tells him they can never be together. Thunder insults her then gathers Owl Eyes to go hunting. Leaf asks to go as well and Thunder let's him. As they hunt Leaf starts to talk about how unhappy he is with Clear Sky. Ever since the battle he feels Clear Sky is being soft. He is especially upset that Milkweed and her kits were taken in since he feels they are dead weight. After they hunt Thunder happily returns to camp with prey only for Lightning Tail to tell him Clear Sky left with Star Flower. Thunder realizes this is the real his father sent him hunting. Furious, he settles down to wait for Clear Sky's return. 

Clear Sky races through the forest with Star Flower. They go to snakerocks and talk. Star Flower wishes to be with him and feels that Thunder will get over it. Clear Sky wishes this is true and justifies being with Star Flower by telling himself his son wouldn't wish him to be lonely. They return to camp to find everyone fighting. Leaf is furious that Milkweed and her kits ate his catch. Blossom defends them saying they are starving while Leaf is not and that everyone is sharing the prey they caught. This leads to a new argument over how everyone should be hunting and contributing to the camp (like Milkweed, who Clear Sky will not allow to hunt). Clear Sky tries to put his foot down by pointing out he is the leader, he decides who hunts, who leaves camp when, and how much hunting should be done. He tells Leaf if he is so unhappy he should leave, because only cats who wish to be there belong there. Thunder speaks up, saying he agrees with Clear Sky so he is going. Clear Sky is shocked, as this is not what he meant. He asks Thunder why and Thunder responds that he cannot stay and watch cats starve. This leads to an argument between father and son with Thunder accusing Clear Sky of being so determined to be right that he would refuse to admit it if he were wrong. Leaf speaks up, saying he is leaving with Thunder. Lightning Tail, Owl Eyes, Cloud Spots, and Pink Eyes also announce they are leaving. Clear Sky cannot believe this is happening and asks Thunder to speak with him in private. As they talk Thunder explains that he cannot live with a cat who has no respect for his ideas and he cannot watch his father be with Star Flower. Clear Sky accuses him of acting like a spoiled kit but Thunder counters that Clear Sky refuses to listen to anyone but himself. Clear Sky retorts that if Star Flower had picked Thunder he wouldn't leave. Thunder responds that Star Flower would never have chosen him because he is not enough like One Eye. Thunder and his cats leave while Clear Sky is reeling from Thunder's accusation. Star Flower comforts him, telling him it is best that Thunder goes so only loyal cats are left behind. 

Thunder leaves camp with the cats he is now responsible for. Lightning Tail asks why he didn't tell him he was planning on leaving. Thunder responds it was a quick decision. Owl Eyes says he hears someone following them but Thunder brushes him off. Leaf goes to check it out when everyone else hears it too. Pink Eyes strains and becomes panicked, sending Thunder after Leaf. Thunder finds Leaf and Milkweed arguing. He allows Milkweed and her kits to join them, much to Leaf's annoyance. They find a sheltered ravine to sleep in and settle down for the night.Day later Thunder is out hunting for his group when he runs into a strange cat. The cat comes from the mountains and has a companionwho is sick. Thunder goes with the cat and meets Quiet Rain. He gives her his prey. As they talk he discovers the other cat is Sun Shadow and they are looking for Gray Wing, Clear Sky, Jagged Peak, and Moon Shadow. The thinks on Clear Sky and decides not to go there. Instead he tells them he knows Tall Shadow, Gray Wing, and Jagged Peak. He tells them that they live in the pines and he will take them there.

I knew this would happen. I mean, there is the obvious ThunderClan/SkyClan situation, but Thunder and Clear Sky just clash to much. Clear Sky is a control freak whereas Thunder is willing to lead with others. The forest needed to divide and there needed to be five groups. And now it is that way.

I just hope Clear Sky isn't being a fool over Star Flower since it just cost him his son.

I also bet Thunder will not find Gray Wing in the pines since his heart (in more way then one) lies on the moor.

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