Monday, January 28, 2019

the last hope: part two

Dovewing runs through the woods, her mind racing with thoughts of a fourth cat. She realizes she has almost crossed the border when she hears a ShadowClan patrol. Tigerheart is in it, and offers to stay behind. The cats move on and Tigerheart and Dovewing argue - Dovewing upset with Tigerheart for supporting his sister; Tigerheart implying that Ivypool is not as good as Dovewing thinks. He asks Dovewing to meet him again, and against her better judgement she agrees. She races away from the border, almost crashing into Firestar. Firestar seems distracted and asks Dovewing if she was listening. Dovewing becomes upset, feeling there is more to herself then her power, however Firestar doesn't notice this. He tells Dovewing that it is hard knowledge, knowing about the Dark Forest. He also tells Dovewing that he just needs her to do her part and he will take care of the rest.

Ivypool and Dovewing wake up and are given the task of training Molepaw and Cherrypaw. Dovewing is clearly distracted and tired, but Ivypool cannot get her sister to confide in her what is going on. Dovewing tells Ivypool about their being a fourth cat, and her belief that Ivypool is it, but Ivypool shoots her down, telling her that if any cat is the fourth cat it would be Hollyleaf. Back at camp the other ThunderClan Dark Forest warriors want to talk to Ivypool in private. She leaves camp with them and they explain to her that they are meeting up with some of the WindClan Dark Forest cats to practice their fighting moves in the daylight. They talk about needing to be able to defend the other clans if they need it. Ivypool is horrified at what they are saying. She knows they cannot meet up with the WindClan cats in secret and she cannot believe they still believe the Dark Forest lies. She agrees to join them but first leaves to tell Foxleap to grab a patrol, that she scented WindClan on their side of the border. Then she races ahead to meet up with her clanmates. She worries that Foxleap won't get there in time but he and his patrol do, arriving almost at the same time as the WindClan cats and preventing them from crossing the border. All the ThunderClan cats return to their camp, with Ivypool hoping that no one knows about her deception. Foxleap confronts her in private, telling her that there was no WindClan scent. She claims she must have been mistaken. Foxleap doesn't believe her, but keeps quiet.

Jayfeather travels to RiverClan to speak with Mothwing. On the way he meets Onestar. He and the leader speak for a bit, as Onestar admits he knows something bad must be coming. Jayfeather tries to warn Onestar to look closely at both his borders and his warriors, but Jayfeather's implication that not all his warriors might be loyal makes Onestar angry and ends their talk. When he reaches RiverClan land the cats do not want to let him in, but an argument is made that it is Mistystar's choice. They bring Jayfeather to their camp where Mistystar allows him to speak with Mothwing in private. As they she offers to speak to the other medicine cats, but then Mistystar comes along to kick him out. She is apologetic, but she says she must respect her warrior's wishes. Jayfeather travels home but while on WindClan land some Dark Forest cats attack him. WindClan cats arrive and assume that Jayfeather got off course and tangled with a thorn bush. They escort him home, where he finds Firestar upset with him for disobeying his orders. As he goes to his den to rest Brightheart comes in, excited and worried with the news that she is carrying kits. Jayfeather loses his patience and snaps at her for getting pregnant so close to leaf bare. Upset, Brightheart leaves.

Lionblaze is unable to sleep and is disturbing everyone else, so Cinderheart offers to take a walk with him. He is hopeful that this is a sign that they can be together, but Cinderheart squashes that hope by telling him they have to follow their destinies. Upset, Lionblaze goes to the lake to think and falls asleep. In the morning he wakes up and joins the border patrol heading for ShadowClan. While there ShadowClan accuses them of crossing the border. Lionblaze recognizes Dovewing's scent and wonders what she was doing. Seeing his chance he picks a fight with the patrol and lets himself get wounded. He hopes this will show Cinderheart that they can choose their own destinies but it has the opposite effect. Instead, Cinderheart becomes upset with him. He goes to Jayfeather's den to get patched up. Firestar comes in and yells at him, causing the two of them to get into a fight. Lionblaze insists he should be allowed to choose his own destiny. Upset, Firestar agrees. Lionblaze asks Jayfeather if he is going to tell at him too, but Jayfeather is sympathetic.

Dovewing is practicing tree climbing with Bumblestripe. As he tells her what to do, critiquing her, she starts getting annoyed with him. She can't help thinking of Tigerheart and wonders what she ever saw in Bumblestripe. As she works on her climbing skills she hears ShadowClan crossing the border, led by Blackstar. She alerts Brambleclaw and the cats head back to camp. There, Blackstar and Firestar exchange words over Lionblaze crossing the border and provoking a fight. Firestar asks Blackstar to leave. Some of the cats decide to go hunting - and make sure the ShadowClan warriors are gone - and Dovewing goes with them in the hopes of seeing Tigerheart. She gets her wish as Tigerheart hung back to ask her to meet with him that night and she agrees. As she and Tigerheart spend the night together she hears angry voices in ThunderClan territory. She pushes her concerns away and feels her clan can deal without her help for one night. She also hints to Tigerheart that he can join ThunderClan and they can have kits - but Tigerheart hurts her feelings by telling her that is not important right now.

I cannot believe Dovewing has gone back to meeting with Tigerheart! I was hoping she was moving on with Bumblestripe but now I'm worried she is going to destroy that - especially with the way she is treating him. And clearly Tigerheart doesn't want to change clans for her. When he was Tigerpaw all he wanted to do was go home. He is a loyal ShadowClan cat. He wouldn't dream of leaving his clan. And likewise Dovewing wouldn't dream of leaving ThunderClan. She is really setting herself up for a lot of hurt, here. As much as I think the borders are silly, it is their way of life. She sees how other cats feel about Jayfeather and Lionblaze being half clan - and how Leafpool and Crowfeather are treated. She has to know this will never work.

As for Ivypool, she needs to be careful. Foxleap didn't believe her but he kept her lie a secret - probably because he couldn't prove she lied and also because she was right. But how much longer are the Dark Forest warriors going to keep lying to the clan cats for? The attack has to be coming any moment now.

And at least Jayfeather has one cat outside the clans on his side. Lionblaze, however, seems to have made things worse with Cinderheart. And why was Firestar so distracted when Dovewing almost ran into him? His comment about taking care of the rest - I wonder if this is his last life.

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