Tuesday, January 22, 2019

the forgotten warrior: part six

Ivypool and Dovewing return from training. Ivypool sees Cinderheart - as well as her parents - try to adapt to the truth about herself. Cinderheart decides that maybe she should start sleeping in the medicine den. Jayfeather is unsure over her decision, but won't tell her what to do. Later Ivypool is out on a patrol by the ShadowClan border with Hollyleaf. Dawnpelt sees them and overreacts. Redwillow tells Dawnpelt to stop, that ThunderClan has done nothing wrong. He tries to share a look with Ivypool, much to Ivypool's horror. She cannot believe a ShadowClan warrior is siding with her over his clanmate. The ThunderClan patrol moves on, but Hollyleaf is upset with Ivypool, practically accusing her of having a relationship with Redwillow. Back at camp Ivypool expresses confusion to Dovewing over Hollyleaf's attitude, but Dovewing points out that Hollyleaf is half clan, so this is especially upsetting to her.

Lionblaze heads to the Gathering. As they walk he and Jayfeather talk. Suddenly an idea strikes him, that Sol might have been sent by the Dark Forest. He voices this idea to Jayfeather who responds that he wouldn't be surprised. At the Gathering, Lionblaze watches as Mothwing tries to talk to the other medicine cats but they barely respond. He also watches as the cats from other clans greet each other. He starts to read into glances and greetings and finds himself wondering who is with the Dark Forest cats. The leaders give their reports. When they are done Dawnpelt asks to speak. Blackstar gives her permission and she accuses Jayfeather of murder. At first everyone is upset with Dawnpelt's announcement, but then Tigerheart stands by his sister. Everyone starts to debate what to do and how to prove either Jayfeather's innocence or guilt. The clan leaders are upset, but feel that maybe Jayfeather should step down. He refuses to and a storm breaks out, causing the cats to run home. Lionblaze realizes the clans are turning on each other when they need to stand together.

The cats race home and Squirrelflight offers to help lead Jayfeather. He doesn't want her help, of all cats, but he accepts. When they reach the camp Briarlight asks after the Gathering but Jayfeather won't answer her and goes to bed. In his dreams he sees Yellowfang. She is upset with Cinderheart's decision to become a medicine cat instead of a warrior. Jayfeather has to defend himself against her anger and suspects she got in trouble for telling Jayfeather to tell Cinderheart the truth. Yellowfang tells him that Cinderheart must choose her own destiny. She also tells Jayfeather that no one in StarClan believes he killed Flametail - though Jayfeather is unsure how that helps him. When Jayfeather wakes he seeks out Cinderheart and tells her that she can pick her own destiny. Cinderheart is still upset, but at least she starts to question just what it is she wants to do.

Dovewing wakes up, hearing Sol telling the WindClan cats that now is the time to attack. She races off to Firestar, giving him the news. Warriors are quickly picked and divided into three groups led by Hollyleaf, Brambleclaw, and Brackenfur. The cats enter the tunnels, taking the fight to WindClan. WindClan is at a disadvantage since they have never fought in the tunnels before, and are quickly beaten. Dovewing is surprised at the level of hostility that the WindClan cats have for them. In the end it comes down to a fight between Hollyleaf and Sol. During the fight Sol admits his hatred of the clans and their warrior code. Apparently he tried to join a clan once and was turned away. Hollyleaf easily defeats Sol, but won't kill him. She tells him if he ever returns she will kill him. He says he cannot promise to stay away, since destroying the clans means everything to him. Dovewing is upset, but Hollyleaf feels they have to live by the warrior code or they are no better then Sol.

I can't believe everyone decided Jayfeather had to prove his innocence. I feel like everything is a mess. StarClan is divided, the medicine cats are divided, the clans are divided and at each other's throats, and now Jayfeather has been accused of murder. The clans need to unite against the Dark Forest, before any more warriors are drawn in. Though, I am willing to bet, most will refuse to turn against their own clan - but nothing says they will be sent to fight against their own clan. They will probably be sent to fight against the others. But still, I am willing to bet that most will refuse. And Sol was stopped - for now. Will he come back for the final fight? Part of me feels he will, another part doubts it. He clearly is not a trained fighter and we don't actually know he has ties to the Dark Forest, we just know that the Dark Forest is using his presence. Either way, things must come to a head in the next book since it is the last.

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