Saturday, January 12, 2019

sign of the moon: part five

Jayfeather is upset with Rock's proclamation. He argues he wants to stay with Half Moon, but Rock is adamant he must return. He tells Jayfeather that he and Half Moon have different destinies - his to be one of the Three, Half Moon's to be the first Stoneteller. Jayfeather returns to the cave where everyone is happy and hopeful since their bird attack worked. He tells Half Moon he must speak with her. He takes her into the pointed stone cave and tells her of her destiny but she becomes angry and leaves. She goes to race outside but Shy Fawn goes into labor. Half Moon helps Jayfeather deliver the kits, one of whom is Lion's Roar - his brother Lionblaze. He looks over and sees his sister, Dove's Wing, and thinks on how she has the same name in both lives and how the Three exist even now. Half Moon and Jayfeather make up. He speaks the words naming her Stoneteller and leaves.

Lionblaze is out with some cats practicing night tracking. At the abandoned Twoleg nest they spilt into two groups. Brackenfur leads one with Thornclaw, Bumblestripe, and Birchfall. Sorreltail leads the other with Lionblaze, Berrynose, and Ivypool. As Lionblaze listens to Ivypool give good advice he wonders if the Dark Forest ways are becoming integrated with ThunderClan ways, or will Ivypool be in trouble for sharing the Dark Forest's secrets. Sorreltail's group quickly wins. Lionblaze tells Ivypool that she did good, and comments on her Dark Forest training helping her out. She insists she would never use that training against her clanmates and Lionblaze assures her he knows this. She admits to feeling guilt when she uses her Dark Forest training. He tells her that any source of training can be good. He asks her if any other cats from ThunderClan are in the Dark Forest. Ivypool hesitates then tells him that they keep the cats separated. After she leaves Lionblaze realizes she didn't say there were not any ThunderClan cats, meaning more ThunderClan cats might be receiving training.

Dovewing and Foxleap are still out on patrol when they see the other group of cats fighting an eagle. Dovewing wishes to help. At first the Tribe cats refuse, but then they decide it is the right thing to do. Everyone is given very specific duties but when it looks like the tribe cats might not win Foxleap jumos onto the eagle with them and becomes stuck. Swoop saves Foxleap but becomes captured herself. The cats are unable to save her, the eagle flies off, and Dovewing senses when she dies. Splash angrily blames Foxleap for the death of Swoop and is uninterested in the intruders thanks. Back at the cave she announces to everyone what happened, laying the blame on Foxleap. Crag reports to Stoneteller who also blames Foxleap as well as all the clan cats because if they never came then Swoop would still be alive. Squirrelflight assures Stoneteller that they will leave as soon as they can. Jayfeather tells the cats that he will do what he came to do so they can leave.

Jayfeather turns to Stoneteller and tells him he must choose a successor. Stoneteller says it is too late, that their ancestors no longer watch over them. He leaves the main cavern as his tribe starts to panic. The Tribe of Endless Hunting comes to Jayfeather. Cloud with Storm in Belly tells him it is time for Stoneteller to join them and that Jayfeather must once again name a Stoneteller. He sees Half Moon amongst the ranks of the ancestors. Cloud tells him that the end of the stars is drawing near and that three must become four. Jayfeather tells her he doesn't understand and before she, along with the rest of the Tribe of Endless Hunting, fades away she tells him that the fourth is with him already and he will not have to search far. His vision over, Jayfeather seeks out Stoneteller. Stoneteller is dying and finds peace in the discovery that his ancestors never abandoned the tribe. He leaves the dead cat to break the news to the tribe. They are devastated and ask if Stoneteller named an heir. Jayfeather tells them yes and leads them outside. There he names Crag the new Stoneteller amd speaks the words that he spoke long ago for Half Moon. The tribe cats move forward to greet the new Stoneteller. Half Moon comes to Jayfeather and tells him he chose well and she will wait for him for forever. Squirrelflight asks him if they can go home now and he says yes.

So, first of all, I'm a bit bummed that only ThunderClan got a POV this book. The last book broke the norm so I was hoping that Willowshine or Kestrelflight would get a voice this one. We did, however, get to see the Tribe. But it is odd that Flametail got his own POV last book just to be killed off.

Secondly, is the fourth cat Ivypool? That would be the logical choice, especially as she is already spying for Jayfeather. And, Cloud did say that the fourth cat was already with them. Likewise it could be Hollyleaf - if she is alive, especially since they always assumed she was one of the Three. But, it could just as easily be Blossomfall, who is also with the Dark Forest, or any other cat. Nothing says the cat is even in ThunderClan. But, my money is on either Ivypool or Hollyleaf.

And, for a totally random question, where is Sol? After being so obsessed with the Three and bringing StarClan down why isn't he here now? Maybe because he knows he cannot sow any more discord?

Lastly, I am glad Stoneteller refound his faith. And I understand Ivypool lying to Lionblaze about Blossomfall, but I hope that doesn't blow up in her face later. I hope she is able to save her clanmate.

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