Bluestar and Spottedleaf meet with ancient cats from the tribe, as well as Midnight and Rock. They know the end is coming. Everyone is upset that StarClan is divided, though they feel there is nothing they can do. They wonder who the fourth cat is, and resolve to fight the final battle alongside the clans.
Ivypool is training Birchfall and Redwillow when she smells blood. She demands they stop, arguing she doesn't want any injuries. Hawkfrost overhears and is furious with her. To regain esteem in his eyes she attacks Redwillow, but she deliberately makes it look worse then it is. She is relieved to see Hawkfrost approves her attack. Applefur comes along, telling Hawkfrost that Blossomfall and Hollowflight wish to fight Dark Forest warriors. Ivypool is horrified, though she cannot show it. She asks Hawkfrost if there are any Dark Forest warriors nearby, praying that the answer will be no. Hawkfrost tells her that there is, but that he wishes the cats to learn the other clans moves - because one day they might have to fight beside their new clanmates. Tigerstar comes along, telling the cats that one day the four clans will fight as one. As everyone eats up his words, Ivypool wonders how many will fight for the clans, and how many against. Applefur talks of standing with ThunderClan the next time Sol tries to cause problems. Ivypool knows that some of the cats think this is strengthening their ties to their clans when it is actually driving them apart. Tigerstar dismisses everyone so the senior warriors can have a meeting. Ivypool asks to go, but she is told that until she is dead she is not a senior warrior. She pretends to leave, but doubles back to spy on the meeting. After it breaks up she tries to creep forward to see the battle plan but Dovewing chooses that moment to wake her up. Upset, Ivypool leaves camp. She thinks of her new skills and is confident in using them against the Dark Forest warriors. But suddenly she sees a vision of Dark Forest warriors pouring out over the land and she realizes that there nothing they can do against that.
Jayfeather feels frustrated since it is the night of the medicine cat gathering and he has been forbidden to go. Firestar tries to comfort him but Jayfeather is uninterested in his words. He storms out of camp where Yellowfang appears to him, telling him he needs to inform Lionblaze and Dovewing about the fourth cat. After she leaves Leafpool comes to him, upset that he has been banned. She tells him he has to go to the Moonpool and make Flametail tell the truth about his death to Littlecloud.
At the Moonpool, Brambleberry, a RiverClan medicine cat, visits Jayfeather. She tells him that StarClan needs to be united and be must do it. After she leaves Jayfeather finds himself in the Dark Forest with Brokenstar whispering to him the clans doom. Jayfeather can hear clan cats that he knows training. He tries to run but is frozen in place. When he wakes up Mothwing is there. She us upset over the division amongst the medicine cats. Jayfeather decides to confide the upcoming fight between the clans and the Dark Forest to her - along with the truth that the Dark Forest, of which Hawkfrost is a part of, is trying to convert cats to their side. She admits she has noticed some cats acting strange, and is upset with Jayfeather knows which cats she is thinking of. She agrees to help Jayfeather, causing him to wonder if she is the fourth.
Lionblaze and Cinderheart are put in charge of a hunting patrol. Upset with their current situations, the two cats are short tempered with each other. They take Mousewhisker and Blossomfall with them. As Lionblaze watches the other two cats he sees a closeness there, and wonders if Blossomfall will have kits with Mousewhisker. But when Blossomfall hurts an injury from the Dark Forest - and Mousewhisker knows where it came from - Lionblaze is horrified to realize their closeness is for a different reason. Lionblaze and Hollyleaf go out together. Jayfeather and Dovewing arrive and Jayfeather bluntly tells Hollyleaf she needs to go. She is hurt, but understanding. Jayfeather tells them about a fourth cat being added to the prophecy. Jayfeather is convinced it is Mothwing, Lionblaze is convinced it is Hollyleaf, and Dovewing is convinced it is Ivypool.
I like the idea that Mothwing could be the chosen fourth, since she stands apart from StarClan. Also, Hollyleaf or Ivypool, since the prophecy left them behind. However. I doubt it is any of them. I am inclined to think the fourth must be from ThunderClan since the other three were, but a fourth from outside ThunderClan could unite the clans.
Mothwing going to the Moonpool is a big deal, to me. She does not believe in StarClan so to actually make the journey when she knew no one else would says a lot to me. She holds her duties very sacred, even though she has no belief in her warrior ancestors. And she took the news of Hawkfrost's betrayal very well. I almost wish she was the fourth.
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