As Jayfeather lives in the past he realizes he has to convince the cats to stay, but he is unsure how to. Some of the cats are angry with him for convincing them to leave, while others stand up for Jayfeather arguing that no one made them vote to leave. Jayfeather goes on a hunting patrol with Half Moon, Stone Song, and Chasing Clouds but things go wrong when an eagle attacks, badly wounding Chasing Clouds, followed by an avalanche that buries all of them.
Ivypool listens as Brambleclaw gives out the assignments for the day. When Blossomfall emerges from the warrior's den she can tell that she has been training in the Dark Forest. Ivypool herself hasn't gone for a few days because she has been too exhausted. Hazeltail sees Blossomfall and insists she isn't well. Blossomfall brushes her off but Hazeltail appeals to Millie. However Millie dismissively looks at Blossomfall and insists she is fine - which upsets Blossomfall, though she says nothing. Ivypool is wondering how to talk to Blossomfall when the opportunity presents itself. Bumblestripe wants to go on the border patrol instead of the hunting patrol so Ivypool offers to switch with him so she can go hunting with Blossomfall. Ivypool and Blossomfall are paired together. Ivypool keeps trying to get her clanmate to open up but Blossomfall keeps shutting her down. Ivypool becomes frustrated, wondering how she can warn her clanmate away when she won't talk at all. She also wonders if she should warn Blossomfall about the upcoming war but is afraid that will expose herself as a spy. They find the hole that Icecloud fell into and Blossomfall convinces Ivypool they should explore. The branch they use to get down breaks and they become trapped. Blossomfall is excited to explore but Ivypool becomes more and more uneasy - especially when she finds proof that cats are living there.
Jayfeather digs himself out of the snow. He and Stone Song find everyone else and they head back to the cave empty handed. This causes the cats to become even more upset and determined to leave. Jayfeather realizes he must pass on the Tribe's way of living and hunting to these cats. He puts forward the idea of some cats hunting while others keep a look out for eagles. Things calm down and he and Half Moon start to explore the rooms off of the main cavern. They find the room of Pointed Stones and Half Moon excitedly looks around. They then leave and settle down to sleep. When everyone wakes up the cats discuss Jayfeather's suggestions about the eagles and hunting. Some cats are picked to go with him to try the ideas out. They are successful. As they head back to the cave, Rock appears, telling Jayfeather that he cannot stay and must leave.
Ivypool and Blossomfall look for a way out but they cannot find one. While exploring one of the tunnels some rocks fall on Blossomfall, hurting her. She confesses to Ivypool that she hates how Millie no longer cares for her and is jealous of Briarlight. She feels this makes her a bad cat so she deserves to go to the Dark Forest. Ivypool is shocked and insists this is not true. Suddenly a cat finds them. He doesn't want to help them leave since it means he will be alone again but he gives them directions out. However, when they follow the directions they get lost again and wind up where they started. Another cat comes, but this one stays to the shadows so Ivypool is unable to identify it. This cat leads them to the exit and then disappears. Ivypool tells Blossomfall that they cannot tell their clanmates the truth of where they have been so they agree to say they got lost. When they get back to camp everyone is suspicious of their flimsy excuse - especially considering Blossomfall's state - but Whitewing fusses over Ivypool so much that everyone lets it go. Whitewing calls out to Millie that Blossomfall is back and hurt but Millie immediately attacks Blossomfall. She yells at her for being so careless and not catching any prey, telling her that Briarlight would never have behaved like that. Everyone is shocked by Millie's attack and try to defend Blossomfall but Millie will not hear it. Ivypool feels awful, especially after the way her own mother greeted her. Privately she does feel as if Millie acts like she only has one kit now. She tries to tell Blossomfall that Millie didn't really mean what she said, but Blossomfall says it doesn't matter since the Dark Forest appreciates her.
So, the big thing here is Blossomfall. No wonder she is going to the Dark Forest. She is driven by jealousy and guilt over her sister, just like Ivypaw was. Only, worse for Blossomfall, her own mother doesn't seem to care about her anymore. Throwing Briarlight's supposed behavior in Blossomfall's face was really low. And any chance that Ivypool might have had talking Blossomfall out of returning to the Dark Forest disappeared with that uncalled for verbal attack.
Now, clearly the first cat they met in the tunnels was Fallen Leaves. But was the second cat, the one who stuck to the shadows, Hollyleaf? After all, Lionblaze and Jayfeather could not find her body.
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