Wednesday, January 30, 2019

the last hope: part four

The cold weather has come, and Jayfeather tries to do his rounds, but he finds both Cinderheart and Leafpool tending to the cats in the camp. Annoyed that there are more medicine cats then sick cats, he returns to his den. Mothwing arrives, insisting she needs to speak with Jayfeather. Firestar is hesitant to let Jayfeather leave, but Mothwing overrules him. Realizing this must be very important Jayfeather apologizes to Firestar and follows Mothwing out of the camp. At the WindClan border they are met by a patrol led by Crowfeather. He, along with some of his clanmates, want Jayfeather gone. Mothwing tells the WindClan cats that to attack Jayfeather they will have to fight her. Angry, the cats let Jayfeather travel through. She takes Jayfeather to a single reed that has been burning for three days. To her it is a trick of the marshes, but she knows to Jayfeather it is a sign. Jayfeather tells her it means he can speak to Flametail now and races home to do so.

Jayfeather wakes in StarClan to find that leaf fall has come. Spottedleaf comes to him and explains that as the Dark Forest rises StarClan falls. He tells her he received the sign from StarClan but she insists no sign has been sent. Jayfeather argues that he did receive a sign and that he must see Flametail at once. Spottedleaf agrees to escort him, since StarClan is still divided. They make their way to a patch of marsh in the StarClan ShadowClan territory and Jayfeather starts to sink. Spottedleaf leaves to find something to help Jayfeather out of the marsh. Flametail arrives, but refuses to help him. He feels his own death was Jayfeather's fault so now Jayfeather too can die. Jayfeather realizes that this is Flametail's destiny, to unite the clans after his death, and believes Flametail to be the fourth cat. Spottedleaf arrives, and between the two of them they convince Flametail to tell the truth and save the clans. The three of them race off together, seeking out the medicine cats and gathering them together. Flametail tells the truth to the medicine cats and the four of them agree to meet at the Moonpool the following night. As the clan cats fade away, back to their own dens, Spottedleaf tells Jayfeather that Flametail is not the fourth cat.

Lionblaze is walking around the camp when Jayfeather seeks him out to tell him the medicine cats have united again. Brambleclaw arrives with the news that WindClan has set up a permanent watch on the border. He feels they should do the same and Firestar agrees. Graystripe is given that task. Dovewing whispers to Lionblaze that Onestar is furious. They found strange cats scents all over their territory and ThunderClan scent was mixed in with it. Jayfeather realizes that if something doesn't happen soon the clans will tear each other apart for the Dark Forest. The three cats seek out Ivypool, telling her they need to know everything now. She admits to the night time visits to clan territories and also tells them of Beetlewhisker's death. Upset, she also confesses some cats seem to be loyal to the Dark Forest and not their clans. Lionblaze wants those names but Ivypool doesn't want to give them, hoping that those clan cats will realize the errors of their ways. Jayfeather backs Ivypool up on this. Lionblaze takes Ivypool to see Firestar, feeling that how everything must be out in the open. As they tell Firestar and Brambleclaw everything Leafpool and Squirrelflight arrive. Firestar tells Lionblaze to tell the cats about the prophecy but Lionblaze refuses. Brambleclaw asks everyone to come with him so they can leave Firestar and Ivypool alone. As they leave Jayfeather comes over and Lionblaze tells him to get Hollyleaf too. They leave the camp and everything comes spilling out about the prophecy. Brambleclaw is upset that this too has been kept from him. Despite the cats arguing Lionblaze tells Brambleclaw he is proud to be his son, and Brambleclaw admits his love for his kits.

Jayfeather waits for the other cats by the Moonpool. When they arrive they ask him why he didn't wait at the stream and he admits he was worried they wouldn't come. He tells them that the Dark Forest is rising, that they are scoping out their lands, and that they are recruiting cats from within the clans. He then tells them that he is going to unite StarClan with their help. In StarClan the cats go their separate ways. Jayfeather finds Whitestorm, Goosefeather, and Sunstar almost immediately. He tells them to follow him, then starts collecting other cats as they run through the territory. All the clans assemble and Jayfeather starts to speak. As he does the fourth cat is mentioned by Bluestar and Jayfeather is forced to admit he doesn't know who it is. But Bluestar speaks up, telling him he had the answer all along. Jayfeather realizes it us Firestar and enters Firestar's dream to collect him. He tells Firestar he is the fourth cat and brings him to StarClan. Then, everyone goes to the Dark Forest to see what they are up against. In the sight of what they are facing, StarClan unites. The medicine cats wake up and resolve to next unite their leaders. Unsure of who to trust they decide to bring just their leaders to the island to try and convince them of the danger.

Dovewing wakes up to the news that Brightheart's kits have been born. Jayfeather returns from the Moonpool and immediately seeks out Firestar. She is told to find Lionblaze and join them. They do so and find out that they are traveling to the island that night to meet the other leaders. When they reach the island the other leaders are hostile at first, refusing to believe the Dark Forest threat. They are equally disbelieving of the powers of the three or that clan cats have joined the Dark Forest. Dovewing is asked to use her powers to spy on the Dark Forest. She is unsure if she can but tries. She manages to hear them and starts repeating what she overhears. The leaders are shocked and start to believe the ThunderClan cats. Everyone demands to know who the clan cats that would betray them are, but Dovewing won't give up the names feeling they still might choose the right side in the end. It is decided that each clan will send three cats to each other clan to help fight. This way they are ensuring everyone's survival and not the survival of just one clan. The warriors must obey the leader of the territory they are in. The meeting breaks up and Dovewing spots Tigerheart. She sneaks over to see him. She is dismayed that he is more worried about their relationship then he is about the upcoming battle. Seeing Tigerheart for the first time, Dovewing breaks up with him.

Finally, everything is falling into place! StarClan and the clans are united once again! And, Dovewing is done with Tigerheart. About time. I just hope she didn't permanently screw things up with Bumblestripe. But, if she doesn't want to be with him that is fine too. I just hope she can patch things up one way or the other. And maybe, just maybe, Firestar's family will begin to heal now. I'm not saying that Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight will get back together (though that would be nice) and their kits will go back to feeling like they are their parents, but it would be nice to see all the open hostility laid to rest. Lastly, Firestar being the fourth was so obvious I don't know how I didn't see it. But I have a feeling this battle will kill him - but that he will kill Tigerstar first.

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