Sunday, January 6, 2019

100 books: final notes & stats

So, the 100 books challenge is over with. On that note I would like to share a compilation of all the statistics from the past year because (a) I like to obsess over things that don't really matter, therefore making more wok for me and (b) because it is pretty freaking neat.

First, the basic stats that everyone who reads my blog (which is no one, if we are being honest) already knows:

Total Books Read: 315

Broken Down By Person
Little Legs: 9.25
Lone Wolf: 75.75
Vampire Kitten: 102.75
Wandering Falcon: 127.25

Now, more interesting stats:

Graphic Novels
Little Legs: 5.75
Wandering Falcon: 37.75
Lone Wolf: 38.25
Vampire Kitten: 84.25
Total Graphic Novels: 166

Chapter Books
Little Legs: 3.50
Vampire Kitten: 29.50
Lone Wolf: 34.50
Wandering Falcon: 78.50
Total Chapter Books: 146

Choose Your Own Adventure Books
Little Legs: 0
Vampire Kitten: 0
Wandering Falcon: 0
Lone Wolf: 3
Total Choose Your Own Adventure Books: 3

Graphic novels beat chapter books by a small margin. Lone Wolf read almost the same number of graphic novels and chapter books. Vampire Kitten almost beat me for total books read. And, most impressively, I think, everyone's combined total of graphic novels did not beat Vampire Kitten and everyone's combined total of chapter books did not beat my total!

I did not count short stories separate from chapter books. I think I might next year. I need to think on that one. I was going to count them separately but then couldn't decide if a collection of myths fell under short stories or not. Likewise I was unsure what to do with books that were non fiction or research. So I lumped everything that didn't fit under the headings "Graphic Novel" or "Choose Your Own Adventure" as "Chapter Books." Like I said, I need to think on this for next year. 

So, awards!

Most Books Read: Wandering Falcon with 127.25

Most Graphic Novels: Vampire Kitten with 84.25

Most Chapter Books: Wandering Falcon with 78.50

Most Books Read Together: Little Legs and Wandering Falcon with 9.25 (or 18.50 depending on how you want to count it)

Most Choose Your Own Adventure Books: Lone Wolf with 3

We are currently discussing 2019's awards (we already have our reading goals) so once we have that figured out there will be a post on that too!

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