Thursday, January 31, 2019

the last hope: part five

Lionblaze and the rest of the cats return to camp. Firestar announces the threat from the Dark Forest and everyone is in shock. Lionblaze watches as Mousewhisker whispers something to Birchfall and Birchfall looks at him in disgust. Lionblaze wonders what was said. Ivypool steps forward, offering to train everyone in Dark Forest tactics. She admits to spying on the Dark Forest cats - much to Mousewhisker's shock - and Firestar backs her up, saying that he sent her there. Everybody is assigned tasks and Lionblaze teaches Daisy how to help Brightheart defend the kits. As he teaches the she cats, Midnight's words about choice echo in his mind. He leaves them to find Cinderheart. He tells her that while they have a destiny to follow, they also have a choice. Cinderheart is unsure, feeling whatever choice she makes must respect Cinderpelt, but Lionblaze points out to her that Cinderpelt is giving Cinderheart the choice. Cinderheart chooses to be a warrior and love Lionblaze. After she makes her choice the spirit of Cinderpelt leaves her body and thanks her.

Jayfeather is going about his duties with everyone else when he hears Cloudtail ask how they are supposed to kill warriors that are already dead. Jayfeather tells him that cats in StarClan fade eventually, so it must be the same with the Dark Forest. He senses Ivypool stiffen and delves into her mind, where he sees her kill Antpelt. Jayfeather realizes the Dark Forest warriors can die but doesn't betray Ivypool's memory. Brambleclaw calls them together to discuss who the Dark Forest warriors are in their camp. Ivypool does not want to betray them but Brambleclaw assures her that they will not be punished. She admits to Birchfall, Blossomfall, and Mousewhisker's training and Brambleclaw orders them found. Jayfeather goes back to his den and Leafpool comes, asking if there is any way she can help. She talks of taking wet moss to injured cats when Jayfeather cuts her off. He tells her that would be a waste of her skills and she will help by being a medicine cat. She reminds him that StarClan no longer sees her as a medicine cat but he tells her he does not care. As they work together she asks him if he has forgiven her and he tells her there is nothing to forgive. Cloudtail arrives, unable to find ThunderClan's Dark Forest warriors. Jayfeather asks Dovewing to find them and she does - in the Dark Forest. She insists Ivypool must go after them but Jayfeather tells her they are on their own now.

Dovewing finds her sister trying to dream herself into the Dark Forest. Dovewing listens in and hears Brokenstar and Tigerstar announcing the attack on the clans. She sees that some of the clan cats are horrified but some cats are also cheering. Mousewhisker tries to leave but Icewing stops him, assuring him that it will be okay if they pretend. Ivypool's absence is noted but passed over as the cats start to leave. Dovewing pulls out and wakes Ivypool up, telling her that there is no time, the war has begun. Dovewing bursts into the clearing with the announcement that the Dark Forest is coming as ShadowClan arrives. Everyone is given their assignments and Brambleclaw asks Squirrelflight to fight beside him.

Dovewing gets tangled and Cloudtail helps her. She notices the warrior is upset, then remembers he does not believe in StarClan. She gets untangled then Darkstripe arrives. He taunts Cloudtail for being a kittypet and believing in the warrior code. Dovewing and Cloudtail fight Darkstripe and Sparrowfeather. Another cat comes and tells the Dark Forest warriors to leave them to bleed to death, that it is now time to attack the camp. Alone, Dovewing helps Cloudtail up so they can go help their clanmates. The camp is under attack and they help drive the Dark Forest warriors away, but Dovewing can hear another group coming their way. Stoatpaw arrives with the news that Blackstar is losing a life - ShadowClan needs help. Firestar send Lionblaze, Graystripe, and the ShadowClan patrol to go help as Dovewing worries about the next attack.

At first I was wondering if Mousewhisker was asking which side they were fighting on - and Birchfall was saying ThunderClan, of course - but then in the Dark Forest Mousewhisker was clearly scared and uneasy. Yet I cannot for one moment picture Birchfall betraying the clan.

I am glad that Cinderheart and Lionblaze worked everything out. Now I just hope Dovewing and Bumblestripe do too. And, the battle has started. This is the end. I wonder if Cloudtail will believe in StarClan now?

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

the last hope: part four

The cold weather has come, and Jayfeather tries to do his rounds, but he finds both Cinderheart and Leafpool tending to the cats in the camp. Annoyed that there are more medicine cats then sick cats, he returns to his den. Mothwing arrives, insisting she needs to speak with Jayfeather. Firestar is hesitant to let Jayfeather leave, but Mothwing overrules him. Realizing this must be very important Jayfeather apologizes to Firestar and follows Mothwing out of the camp. At the WindClan border they are met by a patrol led by Crowfeather. He, along with some of his clanmates, want Jayfeather gone. Mothwing tells the WindClan cats that to attack Jayfeather they will have to fight her. Angry, the cats let Jayfeather travel through. She takes Jayfeather to a single reed that has been burning for three days. To her it is a trick of the marshes, but she knows to Jayfeather it is a sign. Jayfeather tells her it means he can speak to Flametail now and races home to do so.

Jayfeather wakes in StarClan to find that leaf fall has come. Spottedleaf comes to him and explains that as the Dark Forest rises StarClan falls. He tells her he received the sign from StarClan but she insists no sign has been sent. Jayfeather argues that he did receive a sign and that he must see Flametail at once. Spottedleaf agrees to escort him, since StarClan is still divided. They make their way to a patch of marsh in the StarClan ShadowClan territory and Jayfeather starts to sink. Spottedleaf leaves to find something to help Jayfeather out of the marsh. Flametail arrives, but refuses to help him. He feels his own death was Jayfeather's fault so now Jayfeather too can die. Jayfeather realizes that this is Flametail's destiny, to unite the clans after his death, and believes Flametail to be the fourth cat. Spottedleaf arrives, and between the two of them they convince Flametail to tell the truth and save the clans. The three of them race off together, seeking out the medicine cats and gathering them together. Flametail tells the truth to the medicine cats and the four of them agree to meet at the Moonpool the following night. As the clan cats fade away, back to their own dens, Spottedleaf tells Jayfeather that Flametail is not the fourth cat.

Lionblaze is walking around the camp when Jayfeather seeks him out to tell him the medicine cats have united again. Brambleclaw arrives with the news that WindClan has set up a permanent watch on the border. He feels they should do the same and Firestar agrees. Graystripe is given that task. Dovewing whispers to Lionblaze that Onestar is furious. They found strange cats scents all over their territory and ThunderClan scent was mixed in with it. Jayfeather realizes that if something doesn't happen soon the clans will tear each other apart for the Dark Forest. The three cats seek out Ivypool, telling her they need to know everything now. She admits to the night time visits to clan territories and also tells them of Beetlewhisker's death. Upset, she also confesses some cats seem to be loyal to the Dark Forest and not their clans. Lionblaze wants those names but Ivypool doesn't want to give them, hoping that those clan cats will realize the errors of their ways. Jayfeather backs Ivypool up on this. Lionblaze takes Ivypool to see Firestar, feeling that how everything must be out in the open. As they tell Firestar and Brambleclaw everything Leafpool and Squirrelflight arrive. Firestar tells Lionblaze to tell the cats about the prophecy but Lionblaze refuses. Brambleclaw asks everyone to come with him so they can leave Firestar and Ivypool alone. As they leave Jayfeather comes over and Lionblaze tells him to get Hollyleaf too. They leave the camp and everything comes spilling out about the prophecy. Brambleclaw is upset that this too has been kept from him. Despite the cats arguing Lionblaze tells Brambleclaw he is proud to be his son, and Brambleclaw admits his love for his kits.

Jayfeather waits for the other cats by the Moonpool. When they arrive they ask him why he didn't wait at the stream and he admits he was worried they wouldn't come. He tells them that the Dark Forest is rising, that they are scoping out their lands, and that they are recruiting cats from within the clans. He then tells them that he is going to unite StarClan with their help. In StarClan the cats go their separate ways. Jayfeather finds Whitestorm, Goosefeather, and Sunstar almost immediately. He tells them to follow him, then starts collecting other cats as they run through the territory. All the clans assemble and Jayfeather starts to speak. As he does the fourth cat is mentioned by Bluestar and Jayfeather is forced to admit he doesn't know who it is. But Bluestar speaks up, telling him he had the answer all along. Jayfeather realizes it us Firestar and enters Firestar's dream to collect him. He tells Firestar he is the fourth cat and brings him to StarClan. Then, everyone goes to the Dark Forest to see what they are up against. In the sight of what they are facing, StarClan unites. The medicine cats wake up and resolve to next unite their leaders. Unsure of who to trust they decide to bring just their leaders to the island to try and convince them of the danger.

Dovewing wakes up to the news that Brightheart's kits have been born. Jayfeather returns from the Moonpool and immediately seeks out Firestar. She is told to find Lionblaze and join them. They do so and find out that they are traveling to the island that night to meet the other leaders. When they reach the island the other leaders are hostile at first, refusing to believe the Dark Forest threat. They are equally disbelieving of the powers of the three or that clan cats have joined the Dark Forest. Dovewing is asked to use her powers to spy on the Dark Forest. She is unsure if she can but tries. She manages to hear them and starts repeating what she overhears. The leaders are shocked and start to believe the ThunderClan cats. Everyone demands to know who the clan cats that would betray them are, but Dovewing won't give up the names feeling they still might choose the right side in the end. It is decided that each clan will send three cats to each other clan to help fight. This way they are ensuring everyone's survival and not the survival of just one clan. The warriors must obey the leader of the territory they are in. The meeting breaks up and Dovewing spots Tigerheart. She sneaks over to see him. She is dismayed that he is more worried about their relationship then he is about the upcoming battle. Seeing Tigerheart for the first time, Dovewing breaks up with him.

Finally, everything is falling into place! StarClan and the clans are united once again! And, Dovewing is done with Tigerheart. About time. I just hope she didn't permanently screw things up with Bumblestripe. But, if she doesn't want to be with him that is fine too. I just hope she can patch things up one way or the other. And maybe, just maybe, Firestar's family will begin to heal now. I'm not saying that Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight will get back together (though that would be nice) and their kits will go back to feeling like they are their parents, but it would be nice to see all the open hostility laid to rest. Lastly, Firestar being the fourth was so obvious I don't know how I didn't see it. But I have a feeling this battle will kill him - but that he will kill Tigerstar first.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

the last hope: part three

Ivypool is in the Dark Forest listening to Tigerstar speak. He is talking of leading patrols into clan territory so they can learn the layout of each land. Blossomfall is excited, feeling this will help her when it comes down to fighting for other clans and Ivypool wonders how she can be so stupid. Tigerstar names ThunderClan land as the first they will explore and names all cats from other clans to explore it. Ivypool asks after the apprentices she is training, hoping Tigerstar will refuse so the others can see that this is actually an invasion, but Tigerstar agrees, telling Ivypool she will lead the patrol. As they head out Redwillow and Hollowflight tell Ivypool how they wish they were real Dark Forest warriors. She asks them about being the best in their clans, but they feel the Dark Forest is superior and that only the strong should survive. She asks if that means their weak clanmates should die and Redwillow looks alarmed at the idea, making Ivypool feel as if Redwillow revealed too much. Tigerstar stops the group and has Blossomfall start to explain ThunderClan's landscape and fighting tactics. Ivypool is upset that Blossomfall is just giving all their secrets away and is relieved to see that Birchfall is just as upset as she is. Tigerstar and Mapleshade sense Birchfall's reluctance, which forces him to reveal even more secrets in an attempt to prove his loyalty. Suddenly they hear cats approaching. Ivypool wishes to go back to the Dark Forest but Tigerstar wants to fight back. Ivypool warns him that Firestar will start night time patrols if cats are caught on the land - and everyone else voices that they are there to learn the land, not fight - so Tigerstar allows everyone to leave. However, he does attack Ivypool for questioning his order. Birchfall is upset, and distracts Tigerstar so he will go easier on Ivypool. The Dark Forest cats ask what it was like there and Darkstripe mockingly asks if they saw the stars. Ivypool fears for her clanmates who have no idea what is coming.

Jayfeather listens as Firestar, Brambleclaw, Graystripe, and Sandstorm discuss the voices and scents in their territory from the previous night. They argue whether it was rogues or the other clans - and the possibility that the other clans have united against them. Jayfeather can feel the despair in Firestar. Jayfeather goes to his nest. As he tries to sleep images and voices from the Dark Forest fill his mind. He tries to list the herbs and their uses to drive them away. He finds himself in ThunderClan by a tunnel leading down. Lionblaze and Dovewing are there too. They enter the tunnel to the cave where they find Rock, Midnight, and the ancient cats. Rock tells them that this is the fault of the clans for not letting their ancestors die. He also says this is happening because the three have been born. Everyone is angry at them for not having found the fourth cat yet and for not accepting their destinies. Before leaving Rock tells them they must succeed or all the dead cats will die again.

Lionblaze, Jayfeather, and Dovewing meet to discuss the new prophecy. Dovewing no longer feels that Ivypool is the fourth cat, and Jayfeather no longer feels that Mothwing is either, so Lionblaze assumes it must be Hollyleaf. The idea is put forth by Dovewing that it could be Breezepelt but it is just as quickly rejected by Jayfeather since Breezepelt is not related to Firestar. Lionblaze leaves, impatient to find out if it is Hollyleaf. He goes back to camp where he tells Cinderheart he made a mistake - meaning he made a mistake in denying his destiny to try and be with her. His words hurt Cinderheart but she accepts them and tells him they have to do what is best for the clan. He then seeks out Hollyleaf to assess her without her knowledge. However, after asking her to do a bunch if things Hollyleaf tells him she is onto him. He blurts out that he thinks she is the fourth cat but she quickly rejects his idea.

Everyone is getting ready to go to the Gathering. Jayfeather is being left behind. Dovewing is short with Bumblestripe, causing them to finally get into a fight. Rosepetal tells Dovewing that she is being unnecessarily mean and that she better apologize. Feeling guilty, Dovewing goes to but Bumblestripe tells her he is done with her being mean to him. At the Gathering the leaders give their reports. Mistystar admits they have been scenting strange scents in their territory. The other leaders admit they too have found odd scents - generally in places perfect for an ambush. When Firestar suggests sharing any information found out about the rogues the other leaders shut down, insisting they only take care of their clan, and the Gathering breaks up. Dovewing is able to sneak off and see Tigerheart quick but Bumblestripe catches her. She lies and says they were discussing the strange scents but Bumblestripe doesn't care. She leaves and on the way home starts to feel overwhelmed by the prophecy and her relationship with Tigerheart. As it rains she hides her tears.

Ivypool is at a meeting in the Dark Forest. Beetlewhisker is late, having been at the Gathering, and Tigerstar tells him he cannot be in two clans at once. Mapleshade starts telling the cats she is proud of them, but that some are too hesitant to deliver the killing blow. Applefur speaks up, saying warriors don't kill. Mapleshade responds that if Applefur was happy then she wouldn't have sought out the Dark Forest. Ivypool wishes Applefur would stop talking before she is punished. Brokenstar starts speaking of victory over their enemies. Ivypool asks who their enemies and Mapleshade starts to hint that their enemies are their clanmates. Beetlewhisker speaks up, causing an argument of ideals between him and the Dark Forest cats, with the Dark Forest feeling it should be survival of the fittest and Beetlewhisker speaking of protecting clanmates who cannot protect themselves. Beetlewhisker thanks the Dark Forest cats for all the training they have given him, but he insists he is loyal to his clan and is leaving now. Ivypool watches as Brokenstar moves in on him, Beetlewhisker unaware of the danger he is in. Applefur realizes, however, and begs Beetlewhisker to stay. Beetlewhisker insists on leaving, however, and Brokenstar kills him. Applefur is horrified and Ivypool presses against her, trying to reassure her. Ivypool also hopes that now all the clan cats in the Dark Forest will realize the truth and stay away. Applefur is asked if she too is having second thoughts but she insists she is not. Breezepelt is asked and he responds that he is loyal to the Dark Forest, that they are his clan. Ivypool realizes he sympathizes with the Dark Forest cats. She cannot believe he actually is loyal. They are told to tell no one about Beetlewhisker's death, and that if they spread lies about the Dark Forest then they too will be killed.

Okay, I need to take a moment to complain about Rock and that dream scene. He tells the three that this is their fault for being born - and not that they were born to stop this uprising - and also tells them that this is their fault for not letting their dead cats die - and then promptly begs the three to save all the dead cats from dying again. I don't think I have ever sworn on my blog before, but WHAT. THE. FUCK. That was poor writing all around. Yes, prophecies can be a double edged sword. If the three were never born the Dark Forest couldn't rise - yet, also, the three couldn't be born unless the Dark Forest rose. It goes both ways. That was low to blame them for being born. Talk about a shitty pep talk. Then to blame them for not letting their ancestors die and to turn around and beg them to save their ancestors? Talk about mixed messages all around. That was lousy writing.

On to more important stuff. Finally, the Dark Forest is revealed as evil. It sure did take long enough. It was bad enough that Antpelt was killed (though, by that point in time he was evil) but now Beetlewhisker too. I hope he finds his way to StarClan. In the end he was a loyal clan cat. But hopefully now the clan cats will either rise up against the Dark Forest or refuse to fight on their side. And I cannot say I am shocked by Breezepelt's loyalty to the Dark Forest. He always had too much hatred and anger inside.

And Dovewing, as always, is making a mistake with Tigerheart. And now, even worse, she seems to have destroyed her relationship with Bumblestripe over it.

As for the fourth cat, as much as it would have been nice for it to be Mothwing, Ivypool, or Hollyleaf since it cannot be all there I am glad it is none. I could not have picked between them. Well, maybe Mothwing - maybe. But, it does make me ask who the fourth cat is. I honestly have no idea.

Monday, January 28, 2019

the last hope: part two

Dovewing runs through the woods, her mind racing with thoughts of a fourth cat. She realizes she has almost crossed the border when she hears a ShadowClan patrol. Tigerheart is in it, and offers to stay behind. The cats move on and Tigerheart and Dovewing argue - Dovewing upset with Tigerheart for supporting his sister; Tigerheart implying that Ivypool is not as good as Dovewing thinks. He asks Dovewing to meet him again, and against her better judgement she agrees. She races away from the border, almost crashing into Firestar. Firestar seems distracted and asks Dovewing if she was listening. Dovewing becomes upset, feeling there is more to herself then her power, however Firestar doesn't notice this. He tells Dovewing that it is hard knowledge, knowing about the Dark Forest. He also tells Dovewing that he just needs her to do her part and he will take care of the rest.

Ivypool and Dovewing wake up and are given the task of training Molepaw and Cherrypaw. Dovewing is clearly distracted and tired, but Ivypool cannot get her sister to confide in her what is going on. Dovewing tells Ivypool about their being a fourth cat, and her belief that Ivypool is it, but Ivypool shoots her down, telling her that if any cat is the fourth cat it would be Hollyleaf. Back at camp the other ThunderClan Dark Forest warriors want to talk to Ivypool in private. She leaves camp with them and they explain to her that they are meeting up with some of the WindClan Dark Forest cats to practice their fighting moves in the daylight. They talk about needing to be able to defend the other clans if they need it. Ivypool is horrified at what they are saying. She knows they cannot meet up with the WindClan cats in secret and she cannot believe they still believe the Dark Forest lies. She agrees to join them but first leaves to tell Foxleap to grab a patrol, that she scented WindClan on their side of the border. Then she races ahead to meet up with her clanmates. She worries that Foxleap won't get there in time but he and his patrol do, arriving almost at the same time as the WindClan cats and preventing them from crossing the border. All the ThunderClan cats return to their camp, with Ivypool hoping that no one knows about her deception. Foxleap confronts her in private, telling her that there was no WindClan scent. She claims she must have been mistaken. Foxleap doesn't believe her, but keeps quiet.

Jayfeather travels to RiverClan to speak with Mothwing. On the way he meets Onestar. He and the leader speak for a bit, as Onestar admits he knows something bad must be coming. Jayfeather tries to warn Onestar to look closely at both his borders and his warriors, but Jayfeather's implication that not all his warriors might be loyal makes Onestar angry and ends their talk. When he reaches RiverClan land the cats do not want to let him in, but an argument is made that it is Mistystar's choice. They bring Jayfeather to their camp where Mistystar allows him to speak with Mothwing in private. As they she offers to speak to the other medicine cats, but then Mistystar comes along to kick him out. She is apologetic, but she says she must respect her warrior's wishes. Jayfeather travels home but while on WindClan land some Dark Forest cats attack him. WindClan cats arrive and assume that Jayfeather got off course and tangled with a thorn bush. They escort him home, where he finds Firestar upset with him for disobeying his orders. As he goes to his den to rest Brightheart comes in, excited and worried with the news that she is carrying kits. Jayfeather loses his patience and snaps at her for getting pregnant so close to leaf bare. Upset, Brightheart leaves.

Lionblaze is unable to sleep and is disturbing everyone else, so Cinderheart offers to take a walk with him. He is hopeful that this is a sign that they can be together, but Cinderheart squashes that hope by telling him they have to follow their destinies. Upset, Lionblaze goes to the lake to think and falls asleep. In the morning he wakes up and joins the border patrol heading for ShadowClan. While there ShadowClan accuses them of crossing the border. Lionblaze recognizes Dovewing's scent and wonders what she was doing. Seeing his chance he picks a fight with the patrol and lets himself get wounded. He hopes this will show Cinderheart that they can choose their own destinies but it has the opposite effect. Instead, Cinderheart becomes upset with him. He goes to Jayfeather's den to get patched up. Firestar comes in and yells at him, causing the two of them to get into a fight. Lionblaze insists he should be allowed to choose his own destiny. Upset, Firestar agrees. Lionblaze asks Jayfeather if he is going to tell at him too, but Jayfeather is sympathetic.

Dovewing is practicing tree climbing with Bumblestripe. As he tells her what to do, critiquing her, she starts getting annoyed with him. She can't help thinking of Tigerheart and wonders what she ever saw in Bumblestripe. As she works on her climbing skills she hears ShadowClan crossing the border, led by Blackstar. She alerts Brambleclaw and the cats head back to camp. There, Blackstar and Firestar exchange words over Lionblaze crossing the border and provoking a fight. Firestar asks Blackstar to leave. Some of the cats decide to go hunting - and make sure the ShadowClan warriors are gone - and Dovewing goes with them in the hopes of seeing Tigerheart. She gets her wish as Tigerheart hung back to ask her to meet with him that night and she agrees. As she and Tigerheart spend the night together she hears angry voices in ThunderClan territory. She pushes her concerns away and feels her clan can deal without her help for one night. She also hints to Tigerheart that he can join ThunderClan and they can have kits - but Tigerheart hurts her feelings by telling her that is not important right now.

I cannot believe Dovewing has gone back to meeting with Tigerheart! I was hoping she was moving on with Bumblestripe but now I'm worried she is going to destroy that - especially with the way she is treating him. And clearly Tigerheart doesn't want to change clans for her. When he was Tigerpaw all he wanted to do was go home. He is a loyal ShadowClan cat. He wouldn't dream of leaving his clan. And likewise Dovewing wouldn't dream of leaving ThunderClan. She is really setting herself up for a lot of hurt, here. As much as I think the borders are silly, it is their way of life. She sees how other cats feel about Jayfeather and Lionblaze being half clan - and how Leafpool and Crowfeather are treated. She has to know this will never work.

As for Ivypool, she needs to be careful. Foxleap didn't believe her but he kept her lie a secret - probably because he couldn't prove she lied and also because she was right. But how much longer are the Dark Forest warriors going to keep lying to the clan cats for? The attack has to be coming any moment now.

And at least Jayfeather has one cat outside the clans on his side. Lionblaze, however, seems to have made things worse with Cinderheart. And why was Firestar so distracted when Dovewing almost ran into him? His comment about taking care of the rest - I wonder if this is his last life.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

the last hope: part one

Bluestar and Spottedleaf meet with ancient cats from the tribe, as well as Midnight and Rock. They know the end is coming. Everyone is upset that StarClan is divided, though they feel there is nothing they can do. They wonder who the fourth cat is, and resolve to fight the final battle alongside the clans.

Ivypool is training Birchfall and Redwillow when she smells blood. She demands they stop, arguing she doesn't want any injuries. Hawkfrost overhears and is furious with her. To regain esteem in his eyes she attacks Redwillow, but she deliberately makes it look worse then it is. She is relieved to see Hawkfrost approves her attack. Applefur comes along, telling Hawkfrost that Blossomfall and Hollowflight wish to fight Dark Forest warriors. Ivypool is horrified, though she cannot show it. She asks Hawkfrost if there are any Dark Forest warriors nearby, praying that the answer will be no. Hawkfrost tells her that there is, but that he wishes the cats to learn the other clans moves - because one day they might have to fight beside their new clanmates. Tigerstar comes along, telling the cats that one day the four clans will fight as one. As everyone eats up his words, Ivypool wonders how many will fight for the clans, and how many against. Applefur talks of standing with ThunderClan the next time Sol tries to cause problems. Ivypool knows that some of the cats think this is strengthening their ties to their clans when it is actually driving them apart. Tigerstar dismisses everyone so the senior warriors can have a meeting. Ivypool asks to go, but she is told that until she is dead she is not a senior warrior. She pretends to leave, but doubles back to spy on the meeting. After it breaks up she tries to creep forward to see the battle plan but Dovewing chooses that moment to wake her up. Upset, Ivypool leaves camp. She thinks of her new skills and is confident in using them against the Dark Forest warriors. But suddenly she sees a vision of Dark Forest warriors pouring out over the land and she realizes that there nothing they can do against that.

Jayfeather feels frustrated since it is the night of the medicine cat gathering and he has been forbidden to go. Firestar tries to comfort him but Jayfeather is uninterested in his words. He storms out of camp where Yellowfang appears to him, telling him he needs to inform Lionblaze and Dovewing about the fourth cat. After she leaves Leafpool comes to him, upset that he has been banned. She tells him he has to go to the Moonpool and make Flametail tell the truth about his death to Littlecloud.

At the Moonpool, Brambleberry, a RiverClan medicine cat, visits Jayfeather. She tells him that StarClan needs to be united and be must do it. After she leaves Jayfeather finds himself in the Dark Forest with Brokenstar whispering to him the clans doom. Jayfeather can hear clan cats that he knows training. He tries to run but is frozen in place. When he wakes up Mothwing is there. She us upset over the division amongst the medicine cats. Jayfeather decides to confide the upcoming fight between the clans and the Dark Forest to her - along with the truth that the Dark Forest, of which Hawkfrost is a part of, is trying to convert cats to their side. She admits she has noticed some cats acting strange, and is upset with Jayfeather knows which cats she is thinking of. She agrees to help Jayfeather, causing him to wonder if she is the fourth.

Lionblaze and Cinderheart are put in charge of a hunting patrol. Upset with their current situations, the two cats are short tempered with each other. They take Mousewhisker and Blossomfall with them. As Lionblaze watches the other two cats he sees a closeness there, and wonders if Blossomfall will have kits with Mousewhisker. But when Blossomfall hurts an injury from the Dark Forest - and Mousewhisker knows where it came from - Lionblaze is horrified to realize their closeness is for a different reason. Lionblaze and Hollyleaf go out together. Jayfeather and Dovewing arrive and Jayfeather bluntly tells Hollyleaf she needs to go. She is hurt, but understanding. Jayfeather tells them about a fourth cat being added to the prophecy. Jayfeather is convinced it is Mothwing, Lionblaze is convinced it is Hollyleaf, and Dovewing is convinced it is Ivypool.

I like the idea that Mothwing could be the chosen fourth, since she stands apart from StarClan. Also, Hollyleaf or Ivypool, since the prophecy left them behind. However. I doubt it is any of them. I am inclined to think the fourth must be from ThunderClan since the other three were, but a fourth from outside ThunderClan could unite the clans.

Mothwing going to the Moonpool is a big deal, to me. She does not believe in StarClan so to actually make the journey when she knew no one else would says a lot to me. She holds her duties very sacred, even though she has no belief in her warrior ancestors. And she took the news of Hawkfrost's betrayal very well. I almost wish she was the fourth.

Friday, January 25, 2019

ravenpaw's farewell: part two

After waking up, trying to make peace, as well as teaching the young cats, Ravenpaw shows them some fighting moves. They continue on their journey and find an abandoned Twoleg nest. While exploring it a shadow falls across the doorway and Ravenpaw braces himself for a fight, but it is just Barley. He wants to greet Barley but holds himself back, remembering their bitter words. But Ravenpaw doesn't have to worry because Barley immediately apologizes. He admits his fear that Ravenpaw was leaving him for good. Ravenpaw assures him that he had nothing to worry about, that he was always coming back home. The best friends make up and Barley joins them on their journey. Bella and Riley are happy to see Barley, though Bella does say that Ravenpaw is bossy. Barley tells her she needs to listen to him if she wishes to be a clan cat.

Ravenpaw realizes they are approaching SkyClan territory so he tells the cats they must stop for now so they do not accidentally cross the border. Riley and Bella admit that they are afraid the clan will not accept them. Barley assures them that if that happens they will always have a home with him and Ravenpaw. They settle down for the night but are woken by Pasha and his gang of tough kittypets. Words are exchanged and Ravenpaw bashes Pasha on the head with his paw, warning him that they mean business when they say they want to be left alone. This angers Pasha, but his gang want to move on. Feeling that these cats are more talk then action, the friends settle down to sleep again.

In the morning they wait for a SkyClan patrol. The cats are hostile at first, but when Ravenpaw tells them that he is Firestar's friend they agree to get Leafstar. While Leafstar is honored by their request she tells Ravenpaw that there is no room in her clan for Bella and Riley. She asks him why not take the cats to ThunderClan and Ravenpaw tells her that the clans have left the forest. She expresses a hope that Firestar and Sandstorm are okay and Ravenpaw assures her that they are, that StarClan would have told him otherwise. Barley looks surprised by this and Ravenpaw feels guilty for keeping his faith in StarClan from his friend. The cats leave, upset that Bella and Riley cannot stay with the clan. Ravenpaw's stomach starts to bother him again. Concerned, Barley makes him rest. Ravenpaw sleeps until Riley and Bella wake him up. They can hear something coming from the direction of the SkyClan camp. Barley wakes up too and Ravenpaw says he will go to investigate but everyone insists on coming with him. They sneak right up to the border and look down on the camp below. Pasha, with his kittypet friends, are attacking the camp for fun. They leave and the cats overhear that this is the third night in a row they have attacked.

Everyone goes back to sleep and Ravenpaw dreams of Silverstream. Ravenpaw is in pain and makes a joke about getting old, but Silverstream's eyes betray the truth and Ravenpaw realizes he is dying. He asks Silverstream if he is going to make it home and she tells him no, but that he will die surrounded by those who love him. He worries for Barley but Silverstream aspires him that Barley knows he does not want to leave him. She then takes him to see Skywatcher and Cloudstar, formally of SkyClan and now of StarClan. They tell Ravenpaw not to give up, that there is a home for Riley and Bella if he can solve the kittypet problem. The next morning Ravenpaw tells the cats that they are staying. They wait at the border for another patrol. When it comes, it is hostile, but Echosong, the medicine cat, arrives and brings them to the camp to see Leafstar. Ravenpaw passes on his idea of moving the border further from the camp and lying in wait for the kittypets to show up that night. Leafstar likes his idea and calls a clan meeting to pass it on. During the meeting Ravenpaw is called on to speak beside Leafstar, but has such a bad pain in his stomach that he says his part from where he is sitting. The cats excitedly get to work and their daylight warriors (cats who are warriors during the day and kittypets at night) insist in fighting in the upcoming battle. Riley and Bella are given tasks to help prepare, and so to is Barley who is joining a hunting patrol. Ravenpaw wishes to join the patrol but Barley tells him to rest. Echosong takes Ravenpaw to their version of the Moonstone/Moonpool. She leaves him there and Bluestar, Whitestorm, and Lionheart appear to him. They try to give him his warrior name, but he says he wishes to remain Ravenpaw after having that name for so long. They invite him to join them in StarClan, but thinking of Barley he tells them he cannot for he wishes to be where his friend will go. They accept his answer and tell him that a visit to StarClan will always be welcome. Ravenpaw drifts off to sleep.

Ravenpaw wakes up and finds Barley, who begs him not to fight that night, but Ravenpaw insists he must. Everything goes as planned and when the kittypets arrive they are shocked to find the clan cats ready for them and eager to fight. One of the kittypets hits Ravenpaw in the stomach, causing him intense pain and knocking him out of the fight. Barley finds him after the fight is over but Ravenpaw refuses to let him fuss over him. Leafstar invites Riley and Bella to join the clan - which they excitedly agree to - and gives them mentors. Barley bring Ravenpaw to Echosong's den. At first when she approaches him Ravenpaw mistakes her for Silverstream, but then he realizes who she really is. Echosong asks Ravenpaw where he wishes to go and he tells her under the trees. Barley starts to object, feeling Ravenpaw belongs in her den, but Echosong tells Barley that it is too late, and all they can do is honor Ravenpaw's wishes. As he lies down Ravenpaw knows that Rileypaw and Bellapaw will be safe, but he worries for Barley. Barley curls up beside him, promising that he will never forget him. Ravenpaw, in turn, promises to find Barley. Leafstar arrives, and says they will sit vigil for Ravenpaw as he was a warrior. Ravenpaw finds himself outside of his body, all of his pain gone. He looks down at his friend and longs to stay with him but knows he cannot. He leaves, knowing that one day he and Barley will be reunited.

I am so relieved that Barley followed Ravenpaw! I was so worried they wouldn't make up until Ravenpaw was dying. And, StarClan never forgot about Ravenpaw. That was a nice touch too, offering to give him his warrior name. And I am glad he turned down StarClan's offer to join them. He belongs with Barley, wherever that is. I hope Barley isn't too lonely without Ravenpaw. Things never worked out with his brothers and while his sister lives nearby she is not interested in being a loner. But Barley is older then Ravenpaw. I am not wishing death on him but maybe they won't be separated for too long.

But yeah, this is definitely the most depressing "Warriors" story EVER.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

ravenpaw's farewell: part one

Ravenpaw dreams of races through the woods with Firepaw and Graypaw. They are happy and feel clan life is the best ever. It starts to rain and Ravenpaw wakes up to Barley telling him he is getting rained on. The cats get up, but Ravenpaw's stomach hurts. He doesn't say anything but he knows Barley can tell. He doesn't want to eat but he does so Barley won't worry. They leave the barn and head to what is left of the woods to run around. The landscape is so changed that Ravenpaw is unsure of where the clans lived, but as they race through the trees they find the ravine where ThunderClan used to camp.

Ravenpaw finds the entrance and shows Barley around. He tells him some of his happy memories with the clans. This, however, upsets Barley and he reminds Ravenpaw why he left. Ravenpaw assures his friend that he doesn't regret leaving the clans to live with Barley, he is just happy to finally be able to remember some good things to outweigh the bad. They explore more of the territory and run into some tough kittypets, led by Madric, who threaten to fight them. They run away, but the run winds Ravenpaw. They are saved by Barley's sister, Violet, who tells the kittypets that Barley and Ravenpaw are welcome. It is clear that they are not happy, but they leave. Violet then shows the two cats her new litter of kits. Ravenpaw is happy to meet them and they make him think of his clan he left behind. The kits are excited to meet the new cats and Violet promises them that one day she will take them to the farm.

Time passes and winter comes. Ravenpaw's stomach hurts him even more. He's also been having a hard time keeping his balance, but Barley cares for him when he hurts himself. He tells Barley that he is getting old, but Barley tells him he is silly since Barley is at least a few years older. One day Violet brings Bella and Riley, her last two kits, to visit. The rest have homes of their own now. Bella and Riley are obsessed with stories of the warrior cats who used to live in the woods. They hear stories from Smudge, Firestar's old friend from when he was Rusty, all the time and wish to join ThunderClan themselves. Barley shows Violet around while Ravenpaw shows Bella and Riley how to hunt. After killing a mouse he thanks StarClan for his food. He is surprised that he did it and even more surprised that he spoke the words aloud. The two young cats continue to talk about their desire to be warriors, much to their mothers dismay. They even ask Ravenpaw to teach them. Violet tells them to stop, that there are no warriors anymore and there is nothing wrong with being a kittypet. Ravenpaw is not sure he agrees but he keeps his thoughts to himself.

In the morning the cats leave, with the kits still wishing to be warriors trained by Ravenpaw. As they go Ravenpaw wonders if maybe they should be trained. As he tries to sleep he thinks of the clans and how far away they are - and how he doesn't even know how to reach them. Silverstream comes to him and tells him that the clans are too far away, but there is one clan nearby still. She tells Ravenpaw to take Riley and Bella to SkyClan. The next morning he tells Barley his plan, but Barley becomes upset. They fight with Barley refusing to support Ravenpaw's decision. When Ravenpaw speaks to Violet and her kits about it her kits are excited but she is upset. In the end, though, she agrees that while she wants to keep them safe as kittypets she knows it is their choice to make.

Ravenpaw and Barley argue more. Barley accuses Ravenpaw of doing this to try and become a warrior again. He refuses to go with the cats. Ravenpaw promises his friend that this isn't true, that he is coming back, but Barley doesn't believe him. Ravenpaw is upset that this is how they are parting. Barley leaves the barn, refusing to see the cats out. Ravenpaw, Riley, and Bella eat then head on their journey. They encounter a dog, experience sleeping in the outdoors, and the young cats realize just how scary it can be in the outside world. Ravenpaw tries to teach them some of the things he feels they should know, but he and Bella clash a bit - especially when he catches her taking food from a twoleg. As they journey he worries that maybe the cats aren't cut out to be warriors.

This has to be the saddest "Warriors" story I have ever read. Knowing that Ravenpaw is dying (after all, the back cover said it was his final days), seeing him sick, watching him and Barley fight - this is awful. I have a feeling he is going to bring Bella and Riley to SkyClan, but he won't be coming back home. I also have a feeling he will die a warrior, and not a loner. I am sure he and Barley will make up before the end, I just hope it isn't on Ravenpaw's deathbed.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

the forgotten warrior: part six

Ivypool and Dovewing return from training. Ivypool sees Cinderheart - as well as her parents - try to adapt to the truth about herself. Cinderheart decides that maybe she should start sleeping in the medicine den. Jayfeather is unsure over her decision, but won't tell her what to do. Later Ivypool is out on a patrol by the ShadowClan border with Hollyleaf. Dawnpelt sees them and overreacts. Redwillow tells Dawnpelt to stop, that ThunderClan has done nothing wrong. He tries to share a look with Ivypool, much to Ivypool's horror. She cannot believe a ShadowClan warrior is siding with her over his clanmate. The ThunderClan patrol moves on, but Hollyleaf is upset with Ivypool, practically accusing her of having a relationship with Redwillow. Back at camp Ivypool expresses confusion to Dovewing over Hollyleaf's attitude, but Dovewing points out that Hollyleaf is half clan, so this is especially upsetting to her.

Lionblaze heads to the Gathering. As they walk he and Jayfeather talk. Suddenly an idea strikes him, that Sol might have been sent by the Dark Forest. He voices this idea to Jayfeather who responds that he wouldn't be surprised. At the Gathering, Lionblaze watches as Mothwing tries to talk to the other medicine cats but they barely respond. He also watches as the cats from other clans greet each other. He starts to read into glances and greetings and finds himself wondering who is with the Dark Forest cats. The leaders give their reports. When they are done Dawnpelt asks to speak. Blackstar gives her permission and she accuses Jayfeather of murder. At first everyone is upset with Dawnpelt's announcement, but then Tigerheart stands by his sister. Everyone starts to debate what to do and how to prove either Jayfeather's innocence or guilt. The clan leaders are upset, but feel that maybe Jayfeather should step down. He refuses to and a storm breaks out, causing the cats to run home. Lionblaze realizes the clans are turning on each other when they need to stand together.

The cats race home and Squirrelflight offers to help lead Jayfeather. He doesn't want her help, of all cats, but he accepts. When they reach the camp Briarlight asks after the Gathering but Jayfeather won't answer her and goes to bed. In his dreams he sees Yellowfang. She is upset with Cinderheart's decision to become a medicine cat instead of a warrior. Jayfeather has to defend himself against her anger and suspects she got in trouble for telling Jayfeather to tell Cinderheart the truth. Yellowfang tells him that Cinderheart must choose her own destiny. She also tells Jayfeather that no one in StarClan believes he killed Flametail - though Jayfeather is unsure how that helps him. When Jayfeather wakes he seeks out Cinderheart and tells her that she can pick her own destiny. Cinderheart is still upset, but at least she starts to question just what it is she wants to do.

Dovewing wakes up, hearing Sol telling the WindClan cats that now is the time to attack. She races off to Firestar, giving him the news. Warriors are quickly picked and divided into three groups led by Hollyleaf, Brambleclaw, and Brackenfur. The cats enter the tunnels, taking the fight to WindClan. WindClan is at a disadvantage since they have never fought in the tunnels before, and are quickly beaten. Dovewing is surprised at the level of hostility that the WindClan cats have for them. In the end it comes down to a fight between Hollyleaf and Sol. During the fight Sol admits his hatred of the clans and their warrior code. Apparently he tried to join a clan once and was turned away. Hollyleaf easily defeats Sol, but won't kill him. She tells him if he ever returns she will kill him. He says he cannot promise to stay away, since destroying the clans means everything to him. Dovewing is upset, but Hollyleaf feels they have to live by the warrior code or they are no better then Sol.

I can't believe everyone decided Jayfeather had to prove his innocence. I feel like everything is a mess. StarClan is divided, the medicine cats are divided, the clans are divided and at each other's throats, and now Jayfeather has been accused of murder. The clans need to unite against the Dark Forest, before any more warriors are drawn in. Though, I am willing to bet, most will refuse to turn against their own clan - but nothing says they will be sent to fight against their own clan. They will probably be sent to fight against the others. But still, I am willing to bet that most will refuse. And Sol was stopped - for now. Will he come back for the final fight? Part of me feels he will, another part doubts it. He clearly is not a trained fighter and we don't actually know he has ties to the Dark Forest, we just know that the Dark Forest is using his presence. Either way, things must come to a head in the next book since it is the last.

Monday, January 21, 2019

the forgotten warrior: part five

Ivypool is in the Dark Forest. Brokenstar calls a meeting by calling for everyone who is old enough to kill their own enemies. The cats eagerly race forward. Ivypool listens as Brokenstar talks about the upcoming fight. Ivypool realizes he is speaking of attacking their clanmates, though he is careful in his wording. He doesn't actually say when this will happen, just that it will be soon. Ivypool cannot believe the cats are taken in by his words - especially Birchfall and Blossomfall. After the meeting breaks up Ivypool asks Hawkfrost how to be a warrior. He takes her to Brokenstar who orders her to fight Antpelt. Ivypool realizes what he means - only one cat can walk away from the fight. She kills Antpelt but Brokenstar still won't tell her anything, still questioning her loyalty. Breezepelt approaches Ivypool, upset with what she has done. He tells her she will pay.

Lionblaze is out on a hunting patrol with Cinderheart and some other cats. Cinderheart is clearly distracted and becomes annoyed with Lionblaze for trying to figure out why. When they get back to camp Mousewhisker and Cherrypaw are incredibly sick. Jayfeather is no where in sight and no one is sure that he will get back in time. Leafpool realizes that the cats accidentally ate water hemlock instead of parsley and poisoned themselves. She starts to take over but Cinderheart quickly starts giving orders. Much to Lionblaze's shock, Leafpool obeys Cinderheart. Jayfeather comes back right after they save the cats. He, Leafpool, and Cinderheart immediately get into a big fight. Leafpool is upset that Jayfeather told Cinderheart the truth. Cinderheart feels Leafpool never had any right to keep the truth from her. Cinderheart feels that her past changes everything. Lionblaze is shocked to realize that Cinderheart is Cinderpelt. Cinderheart races from the camp and Lionblaze follows her. He tries to talk to her but she is too upset. She is unsure of her path now, wondering if she is a warrior or a medicine cat. She also notices similarities between her two lives - in her last life she was in love with a cat she could not have too. In the end Lionblaze leaves her alone. He sits by the lake and Squirrelflight finds him. She asks him if he wants to talk and Lionblaze is so upset that even though he doesn't want to talk to his mother he does. He talks about being in love with Cinderheart, but now she feels she has to be a medicine cat. Squirrelflight tells him that all cats deserve to find a mate and have kits - and that she would not have changed anything about her life. Even though it hurts Lionblaze to admit it, he tells Squirrelflight that she was a good mother and should have kits with Brambleclaw. Squirrelflight tells him that will never happen and maybe it is for the best, and that all she wants is her own kits happy. Lionblaze responds that Cinderheart is the most unhappy.

Firestar calls a clan meeting. Everyone is buzzing with the the truth about Cinderheart. Dovewing realizes that everyone has only stopped talking about Hollyleaf because they have something new to talk about. She thinks maybe she should stop avoiding Hollyleaf and show her support by sitting next to her. Before she can, however, Cinderheart does. Foxleap makes a comment about the "odd ones" sitting together and Millie chides him for it, telling him that his clanmates deserve his kindness. Someone behind them makes a comment about how Millie should know all about being an odd one out since she used to be a kittypet. Dovewing looks for who said it but cannot see who it was. Firestar announces that Sol has allied himself with WindClan and is planning an attack. His news is met with anger and shock. Dovewing looks to the young warriors who were planning with Sol and sees them in shock of Sol's betrayal. Firestar tells the cats that they will not attack WindClan, but wait for WindClan to bring the attack to them. Brambleclaw starts talking about blocking off the entrances to the tunnels until Hollyleaf speaks up. She feels that some should be left open so they can control where WindClan comes out. Brambleclaw has her show him which tunnels they should leave alone. After she lays out her plan he asks Hollyleaf to train the cats to fight in the tunnels in case the fight goes underground.

As Dovewing and her sister go to training, Ivypool asks Hollyleaf if she saved the marigold. When Hollyleaf says yes, Brightheart realizes that it must have been Hollyleaf who gave them the yarrow, too. In the tunnels Thornclaw has a panic attack but Hollyleaf helps him. Eventually they reach the clearing and Hollyleaf gives them tips on fighting in confined spaces and in an area with a low ceiling. When they are done the cats feel confident about the upcoming fight with WindClan.

Okay, in order. Breezepelt's anger. I get that Antpelt is his clanmate, but as always Breezepelt is an idiot - a blind idiot. They are being trained to murder, which goes against the warrior code. This is not StarClan, this is the Place Of No Stars - where EVIL cats go. If Ivypool had not killed Antpelt she would have been killed in turn. And as bad as I feel for Antpelt, he was corrupted by the Dark Forest in the end. And, he was murdered in the Dark Forest by a Dark Forest warrior in the first place. That alone should have been a red flag.

Lionblaze and Squirrelflight. Lionblaze seems to be mending some bridges here. First Leafpool, then Squirrelflight. I'm not saying he is happy and has fully forgiven them, but it seems like forgiveness might actually be in the future. He even admitted to Squirrelflight that she was a good mother.

The Mille comment. This REALLY bothered me. Yes, Millie used to be a kittypet, but so to did Firestar. And Berrynose and his siblings, along with their mother Daisy, used to be loners. There is a lot of hate in the other clans for ThunderClan not being fully pure - hatred that can be overcome like it was for the rogues in ShadowClan. But it takes time and assimilation. But hatred in her own clan? That really disturbs me. A whispered snide comment at a clan meeting does not look good to me.

Sol's lies and Hollyleaf's gifts. Of course Sol lied about saving the apprentices and of course Sol is playing the clans. This is what he always does. But I am glad to have the confirmation that Hollyleaf was the one giving the gifts to the clan.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

the forgotten warrior: part four

Jayfeather wakes up to commotion outside. He finds out Dovewing and Ivypool are missing. Patrols start checking in, unable to find the missing cats. Then Lionblaze's patrol returns with them - and with Hollyleaf. Jayfeather and Lionblaze go off to the side to talk. Lionblaze is happy their sister has returned, but while Jayfeather has been hoping Hollyleaf is alive he realizes he is not quite ready for her to return. Everyone starts asking Hollyleaf questions. Leafpool gushes over her but Hollyleaf draws back. Brambleclaw leaves the camp, and Jayfeather suspects it is because he can't deal with the reunion. Firestar orders a nest made for Hollyleaf and asks everyone to leave her alone for now. Firestar goes over to order Jayfeather and Lionblaze to bed too, telling them they can speak to their sister tomorrow. Before their gathering can break up Dovewing and Ivypool rush over with their news of Sol and WindClan. Everyone is angry - but not overly surprised. Firestar decides that they will wait for WindClan to attack because ThunderClan will have the advantage in the forest. The next day Jayfeather, Lionblaze, and Hollyleaf go for a walk. Lionblaze is welcoming but Jayfeather is angry. Hollyleaf is sad she isn't one of the three, but Jayfeather senses no hostility towards Dovewing for being the third cat. Hollyleaf decides to stay for now until the Sol problem is resolved. Back at camp Jayfeather goes to StarClan, seeking out Ashfur. He feels he needs to talk to the cat to fully understand everything and to decide if Hollyleaf should be back. Bluestar finds him and stops him, telling him that if Ashfur found his way to StarClan then he must belong there - and that StarClan could not choose between Hollyleaf and Ashfur.

The next morning Lionblaze wakes up to find Brambleclaw assigning patrols. Dovewing wonders why Firestar isn't telling the clan about the WindClan threat. She and Lionblaze are puzzled over it but wonder if Firestar doesn't want to start a panic until they get more information. Brambleclaw puts Hollyleaf on a hunting patrol and some of the cats immediately object, since Hollyleaf is a stranger to them. Someone else points out the timing of Hollyleaf arriving at the same time as Sol, but Thornclaw points out that Hollyleaf disappeared at the same time as Ashfur's murder. Poppyfrost responds that Hollyleaf would have spoken up if she had witnessed the murder. Thornclaw responds that is not what he meant. Lionblaze has to watch as his sister is suddenly suspected of murder. He tries to defend his sister but Hollyleaf speaks up. She tells everyone how Ashfur had tried to kill her and her brothers. She admits Ashfur's death is her fault. She starts fo talk about being by the stream when Brambleclaw speaks up. He admits to seeing everything. He tells the clan that he saw Ashfur attack Hollyleaf and Hollyleaf defend herself - accidentally killing Ashfur in the process. Everyone is upset but Brambleclaw says he never spoke up before because he thought Hollyleaf was dead so he saw no reason to speak the truth. Lionblaze is surprised that Brambleclaw is covering for Hollyleaf and wonders if he still loves her as his daughter. Firestar settles the clan down. Hollyleaf wonders if she should never have come back but Firestar assures her this is where she belongs. He feels everyone just needs time for everything to be processed. Hollyleaf is taken off of patrols for the moment but is allowed to stay.

Dovewing is shocked that Hollyleaf actually killed a cat. She feels it is no wonder that Hollyleaf wasn't one of the three. As she gets thinking she asks Ivypool if she has ever seen Ashfur in the Dark Forest. Ivypool admits that while she doesn't know him by sight she doesn't think she has. Overhearing them, Brambleclaw sends them on their way after telling them to stop gossiping. Dovewing is summoned by Firestar, who wants her to check on WindClan. Dovewing hears Onestar speaking to his warriors about being careful on the ThunderClan border, but nothing about Sol. Firestar notices that Onestar said almost the exact same things to his clan about ThunderClan as Firestar said about WindClan. He also figures either Onestar knows nothing about Sol or is hiding his information. Firestar feels Sol has something to settle with the clans, but he does not know why. When Dovewing leaves Firestar's den she finds Bumblestripe waiting for her so they can go to training together. They get there and Blossomfall wants to pair with Bumblestripe but he says no, he wants to pair with Dovewing. This causes Blossomfall to overreact and get mad. When they are done training Blossomfall overly critiques Dovewing, much to Bumblestripe's annoyance and Dovewing's embarrassment. Dovewing tells Bumblestripe to walk back to camp with Blossomfall, since being litter mates is more important than friendship. Before leaving her Bumblestripe says he hopes they are more then friends.

Jayfeather comes back to camp and Mousefur calls out to him. She tells him all about the scene that morning with the truth about Hollyleaf coming out. She guesses that Jayfeather knew all along and he admits he did. She accuses Jayfeather of keeping silent because it suited himself. He counter that it suited the clan. Mousefur is silent for a moment then asks Jayfeather if a darkness is coming. He wonders if Mousefur could be the fourth but she admits that she knows nothing. She also says she never thought she would live to see the end of the clans. Jayfeather tells her that so long as he is breathing he will keep the clans safe. Je sits with Mousefur until she falls asleep. Jayfeather seeks out Hollyleaf, who is walking with Purdy. Jayfeather insists he has to speak with Hollyleaf now. Purdy leaves so Jayfeather and Hollyleaf can speak. Jayfeather realizes just how much Brambleclaw - and even Squirrelflight - mist love him and his siblings. Jayfeather and Hollyleaf make up. As they sit there Lionblaze and Cinderheart's hunting patrol comes back. Jayfeather can feel Lionblaze's pain. He asks what is wrong and Lionblaze accuses him of only caring about the prophecy. Jayfeather convinces Lionblaze to confide in him, so Lionblaze tells him how he and Cinderheart are in love but all Cinderheart can see is the prophecy. She feels Lionblaze is too important to be mates with her. Jayfeather resolves to change Cinderheart's mind. He enters her dreams and shows her moments of Cinderpelt's life - and Cinderpelt's death along with her own birth. Cinderheart realizes that she is Cinderpelt. Confused about who she is and what she is supposed to do she asks Jayfeather. He tells her that StarClan gave her another life so she could be warrior and have kits, just like she always wanted. He also tells her that she is Cinderheart - not Cinderpelt - and that she gets to make her own choices. She thanks Jayfeather for telling her the truth. She also asks who else knows and he tells her only Leafpool.

I am glad the Hollyleaf and Ashfur truth is more or less out. I imagine it was not so noble as that, but I will accept that version of events. I am surprised that Brambleclaw covered for her like that. Since the truth has come out he has been strictly a deputy to his children and left his role of father behind. But maybe that was because he didn't know how to act - or how his children would want him to act.

Also, what is up with Blossomfall's behavior? She flip flops on being friendly with Ivypool and Dovewing and then being cold. And generally she seems to like Dovewing (unlike her relationship with Ivypool). And at first she was happy that there might be something between Dovewing and her brother. But now she is acting the exact opposite.

And Mousefur realizes that the end is coming. She always was sharp. I wonder if she will choose to fight in the battle. It would not surprise me if she does.

Lastly, I hope Jayfeather revealing the truth to Cinderheart helps Lionblaze.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

the forgotten warrior: part three

Ivypool works her way secretly around the Dark Forest. She overhears Mapleshade telling Tigerheart that soon the clans will fall and everyone who does not join them will be punished. Much to Ivypool's horror, Tigerheart is eating up Mapleshade's words. After Mapleshade leaves Ivypool confronts Tigerheart about Dawnpelt. After some cross words are exchanged, he admits the Dawnpelt is just looking for someone to blame because of her grief and is currently blaming Jayfeather. Hawkfrost finds Ivypool and takes her away. She asks him about Sol being a part of the Dark Forest. Hawkfrost won't confirm that Sol is, but he does tell her that it is a good thing that Sol is staying with ThunderClan. While out hunting the next day Sol crosses their path on the way to ShadowClan. He insists he has friends there he wishes to see. Millie and Ivypool don't trust him but Toadstep and Hazeltail feel like they are overreacting. Back at camp they pass on Sol's movements to Firestar and Brambleclaw. Brambleclaw wants Sol gone but Firestar cautions him that sometimes it is best to keep your enemies close so you know what they are doing.

Lionblaze is leading a patrol, that includes Graystripe, to check the WindClan border. While there they meet a WindClan patrol with Onestar in it. Onestar angrily tells them they must drive Sol out. Lionblaze is offended that Onestar would tell them how to run their clan but Graystripe tries to smooth things over. Even though Graystripe hates Sol, he warns Onestar not to insult Firestar. He tries to remind Onestar of his friendship with Firestar but Onestar blames Firestar for their friendship falling apart. Back at camp Blossomfall tells Sol what happened. He makes a comment about WindClan being nothing compared to "our" warriors. Unable to bite her tongue, Ivypool tells him he is not ThunderClan. Lionblaze notices most of the cats are upset with her, but Dovewing and Bumblestripe stand by her. Lionblaze also realizes that Onestar has tied Firestar's hands. Firestar now has to give shelter to Sol or it will look like he is obeying orders from WindClan.

Dovewing dreams of a dark forest and of a cat crying somewhere. She is afraid that she is in the Dark Forest, but she can see the stars above. She runs and runs, tripping and falling, waking up in her nest. She realizes the cat crying in her dream is real. She can hear Sorreltail down by the lake in pain. Dovewing races to Jayfeather, telling him that she can hear Sorreltail having her kits. He tells Briarlight to get herbs ready. He takes Dovewing with him to the lake. On the way out of camp Dovewing tells Cloudtail, who is guarding the entrance, to get Brackenfur. More cats arrive - some to help Sorreltail, others to guard her. She has a difficult delivery and Jayfeather worries for her and the kits but everything is okay in the end. Everyone heads back to camp and Dovewing goes back to bed. She has a nightmare of an eagle carrying off two kits. When she wakes up Bumblestripe tells her she is a hero, much to her embarrassment. Later on she and Ivypool are out on a hunting patrol when she hears Sol talking to some cats. Ivypool covers for her as she goes to listen in. She can hear Sol encouraging the ThunderClan cats to attack WindClan before WindClan strikes first. She races back to Ivypool, telling her what she overheard.

Ivypool and her sister race to where to meeting was taking place but Sol is long gone, and their clanmates claim that they were just hunting. Ivypool and Dovewing are upset because they know their clanmates are lying to them, but they don't push it. Dovewing starts to doubt what she overheard but Ivypool is convinced that Dovewing was initially right. That night Ivypool gets an idea about how Sol disappeared so quickly. She gathers Dovewing and go back to where Sol was having his secret meeting. They find a hole leading into the tunnels. They follow it and overhear Sol planning an attack with WindClan on ThunderClan. They accidentally make a noise, alerting Sol and the WindClan cats to their presence. Dovewing is unsure how to get them out when a mysterious cat appears, admitting to be Hollyleaf, and leads them to safety. When they find the exit she begs them to tell no one they saw her but it is too late - Lionblaze and a patrol are out looking for Ivypool and Dovewing and he spots Hollyleaf.

So, first of all, I get Ivypool being upset when she overhears Tigerheart and Mapleshade. And I do think Tigerheart (and Breezepelt) are blind. But... Tigerheart wants to be with Dovewing. And Mapleshade is only talking about doing away with the clans. Yes, she did mention punishment for those who don't join them, but that is not exactly evil. She didn't say murder them. These Dark Forest cats are very good at choosing their words.

And Sol might have ties to the Dark Forest! I have to admit, I never saw that possibility! And I do not believe for one moment that Sol was visiting ShadowClan. He might be visiting cats in ShadowClan but he would never have the balls to walk into Blackstar's camp. Which, really, is just confirmed by his behavior with WindClan. I fully believe Onestar is upset that Sol is here and wants him gone - and I also fully believe that Onestar has no clue his warriors are listening to Sol. I am sure that he visited ShadowClan cats - but if so he did so without Blackstar's knowledge. The Dark Forest wants the clans at each other's throats and between StarClan and Sol they are getting their wish.

Friday, January 18, 2019

the forgotten warrior: part two

Jayfeather goes about his duties. He overhears Thornclaw report to Brambleclaw that WindClan is very jumpy - and claimed to have seen a ThunderClan cat in their territory. However, WindClan never got a good look at the cat nor did they pick up the scent of it. Jayfeather checks over Sorreltail who is pregnant. Then everyone hears a commotion. Jayfeather tells Briarlight to get ready, it sounds like there is a fox in the territory. Cherrypaw and Molepaw come back to camp, excited. While they were out training with Brightheart a fox came along. As they hid in the brambles a mysterious warrior came along and got rid of the fox. Jayfeather delves into the Molepaw's mind to see what happened. He doesn't get a good look at the cat who saved the apprentices, but he can see that someone did. When he is done with them he tells Lionblaze that he thinks to rumors of a loner in the area are true - and he thinks it is Hollyleaf.

The night of the Gathering comes, and as Ivypool and Dovewing head to it they get into a fight. Ivypool is upset because she feels as if Dovewing thinks only the cats tied to the prophecy can protect the clan. At the Gathering the leaders give their reports. Onestar tries to accuse ThunderClan of crossing the border but Firestar quickly defends his clan and points out that Onestar actually has no proof. Caught in his own admissions, everyone is annoyed at Onestar. As the Gathering breaks up Ivypool can see Tigerheart trying to talk to Dovewing,  but she cannot find out what is going on since Hollowflight is trying to talk to her about the Dark Forest. After Hollowflight is called away she is able to talk to Dovewing. At first she is worried that Tigerheart was trying to tell Dovewing about Antpelt but she quickly finds out it is about Dawnpelt's conviction that Jayfeather killed Flametail. Dovewing doesn't want to bother Firestar with this news, though, since she feels it is a lie.

After the Gathering Lionblaze offers to find the stray cat and get rid of it. Firestar agrees. He thinks he is going to find Hollyleaf but instead he finds Sol. Sol asks to see Firestar and unable to see a way to refuse, Lionblaze agrees. At the camp Sol takes credit for saving Molekit and Cherrykit. He also acts like he is everyone's friend. Jayfeather, Lionblaze, Firestar, Cloudtail, and Dustpelt are clearly unhappy with Sol's return but everyone feels like they cannot do anything about it if he did save the apprentices.

Dovewing is surprised to find Sol at the camp. At first she is excited to see someone so legendary, but she notices that not everyone in camp is so welcoming. Then as she listens to Sol talk she becomes convinced he is making up stories. Cinderheart asks her what is wrong and Dovewing admits that she doesn't like Sol. Cinderheart agrees with her, but feels if he did save Molepaw and Cherrypaw then they have to welcome him. Bumblestripe comes over to ask Dovewing if she will go for a walk with him but she tells him no. Hurt, he leaves. Cinderheart tells her to go after him and Dovewing finds herself doing that. They spend the evening together and Dovewing's powers come back. She realizes that while it doesn't feel the same as it did with Tigerheart, it does feel nice to spend time with Bumblestripe. The next day her powers are back fully and Dovewing is happy. Cinderheart and Ivypool assume her happiness is from her walk with Bumblestripe but Lionblaze realizes the truth.

Yellowfang comes to Jayfeather in his dreams and tells him that the clan will need an extra medicine cat in the future, so he should tell Cinderheart the truth of who she is. When he wakes up he tries to go about his duties. He snaps at Briarlight for being interested in Sol. Then he checks on Sorreltail and tells her she needs to rest more now that she is pregnant. He goes looking for Cinderheart but Leafpool overhears and seeks him out instead. She tells him he cannot tell Cinderheart the truth of who she is. She won't let Jayfeather explain and they get into a fight with her leaving. Jayfeather decides that for now Cinderheart should remain in ignorance.

I cannot believe Sol is back! And just after I was asking about him too. Talk about timing! He must have been the cat in the introduction talking about vengeance. I don't believe for one moment, though, that he saved the apprentices. Sol, put himself in danger? Never. That must have been Hollyleaf. Now, Sol let others give him credit for something another cat did? Always. And of course all the young cats don't realize how bad he is. He always has a way of manipulating people. At least none of the older cats are taken in - even if Purdy still is.

And Dovewing seems to be finding happiness in her own clan. This is good. And I am unsure of Cinderheart finding out the truth about her past. I understand the logic that they need more medicine cats, but Cinderpelt always wanted to be a warrior and now she has the chance. I'm not sure that should be taken from her.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

the forgotten warrior: part one

A cat makes their way towards the lake and the clans. They wonder if the cats that they remember best will still be there. The stars in silver pelt start to come out, and the setting sun turns the lake blood red. The cat has returned and is ready for vengeance to begin.

Jayfeather wakes and he and Briarlight go about their duties. She tells him what herbs they are running low on. She also gives him a clump of fur she found hidden for him to throw out. He doesn't tell her it is Hollyleaf's fur, instead he tells her he will throw it out while hiding it in his nest. Bumblestripe comes in, worried for Dovewing and her nightmares. But Jayfeather tells him he has no herb to cure her, only time will. Brambleclaw wakes up Ivypool and Dovewing. They look awful and he asks them why. Whitewing fusses over them and refuses to go on her patrol, insisting she needs to stay behind and care for her daughters. Jayfeather wonders who the fourth cat is, how they will even recognize him or her, and if that cat will even be in ThunderClan.

Ivypool, Dovewing, and Whitewing head out for their duties. Ivypool is upset that Jayfeather made Dovewing go with him to the mountains. She is worried that Dovewing could have been the one the eagle carried off. Whitewing fusses over them more, telling them that no matter what is going on she won't be shocked or love them less. Ivypool is willing to bet that isn't wholly true. Ivypool asks Dovewing if she is okay and Dovewing admits she is still having a hard time using her extra senses. The cats spot Jayfeather and Whitewing makes Ivypool go help him - even though Ivypool knows that Jayfeather would never want another cats help. They find the marigold plants but they have been eaten by rabbits. Ivypool is despairing until she notices someone gathered some marigolds and hid them on a branch of the tree. She collects them for Jayfeather then offers to rub fox scent around the eaten plants to scare the rabbits away so they won't eat them again. She helps Jayfeather bring the plants back to camp and he dismisses her. She asks Blossomfall for help for Blossomfall deliberately avoids her. Ivypool wonders if it is because Blossomfall is beginning to realize the Dark Forest is not a good place. She asks Birchfall for help instead and he agrees. As they leave camp Birchfall tells her that he saw her in the Dark Forest. Ivypool is upset but tries not to show it. She wonders if there is anyone left in her clan who she can trust. As they talk it is obvious that Birchfall doesn't realize what an evil place the Dark Forest is, and only sees it as an opportunity to become a better warrior. They gather the fox scent and put it around the marigold plants. Since now they smell like fox they go to the border between their territory and WindClan territory to rinse off. While their Breezepelt and Heathertail come along, threatening them for using the stream. Birchfall argues that the stream belongs to neither side and Ivypool just wants to leave. Breezepelt whispers to the cats that he does not wish to fight them so just go. But Heathertail cuts in, wishing to attack. Breezepelt responds that it isn't worth the fight but instead of taking Breezepelt's opening and leaving, Birchfall continues arguing and actually steps onto WindClan territory. The behavior of both Breezepelt and Birchfall upsets her. Breezepelt should not be siding with them over his clanmates and Birchfall should not be acting so argumentative. Just when Ivypool thinks that she will never escape fighting, Sorreltail and her hunting party comes along. She sides with the WindClan cats and orders Birchfall and Ivypool back onto their land.

Dovewing is collecting moss with her mother when some of her friends come along and ask her to hunt with them. With Whitewing's permission, she does. The cats have a race along the way then split up to hunt. While chasing a squirrel, Dovewing almost accidentally crosses the ShadowClan border, but she stops herself just in time. Tigerheart appears, warning Dovewing that Dawnpelt believes Jayfeather killed Flametail. Dovewing feels that this accusation is ridiculous. Tigerheart tells her that he doesn't believe it, he is just telling her because he doesn't want to be enemies. Dovewing tells him it is too late for that and leaves. As she goes the squirrel crosses her path. Annoyed because she knows Tigerheart chased it back she kills it for her clan.

Lionblaze is returning from a training session with Blossomfall and Foxleap when Sorreltail comes racing into the clearing, calling for Firestar. She tells him how she caught Birchfall and Ivypool about to fight with WindClan. Dustpelt is annoyed, since he feels they have enough problems without creating more. Poppyfrost's kits come tumbling out of the nursery, eager to fight. Lionblaze looks on the affectionately. He sees Cinderheart and the pain in her eyes. He knows she is wishing for kits with him and he wishes she could just see past the prophecy. Purdy tells Dovewing that Mousefur doesn't like the moss she collected. Graystripe tells Blossomfall and Bumblestripe to go collect feathers, which causes an argument because the young warriors are tired of doing apprentice duties. To prevent an argument, Firestar names Poppyfrost's kits as apprentices. After the naming ceremony (in which Molepaw didn't want to be made an apprentice until he was reassured it wasn't just about chores, to Firestar's amusement) Lionblaze asks Ivypool and Birchfall about the fight. Birchfall's answers shock him, and after the warrior leaves he asks Ivypool if she has seen Birchfall in the Dark Forest. She says no, but Lionblaze realizes that she does know he goes there, she just hasn't actually seem him there. They get into an argument about how little she reports back and Dovewing has to break it up. Ivypool stalks off and Lionblaze asks Dovewing to use her senses on WindClan. Dovewing is forced to admit she still can't use her power. Lionblaze assures her that things will be fine, but privately he wonders if the three have been reduced to two.

At first I was thinking the mysterious cat was Hollyleaf, but then I thought no because why would she be looking for vengeance? But I do think the marigold plants must have been saved by Hollyleaf. And I cannot believe Birchfall is in the Dark Forest! And acting so aggressive over the stream! Something has to give soon. Before everything is lost.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

goosefeather's curse: part two

Before the Moonstone, Clouberry speaks the words to name Goosefeather. The unseen cats chant his new name, making him wince, then Sagepaw starts chanting his name, making him feel better. Goosefeather hears the dead cats again, speaking of things yet to come. (Blood spilling blood - Brambleclaw killing Hawkfrost. Darkness, air, water, and sky uniting - I believe that was the wording used when they united against Scourge. Someone being a kittypet - probably Firestar but could also be Pinestar or Cloudtail. Water destroying someone female - I assume Feathertail dying for the Tribe but I not sure. Fire saving the clan - the prophecy about Firestar.) Later on, back at the camp, Cloudberry sends Goosefeather out to collect herbs. Stormtail leads the badger to him then runs away. Goosefeather realizes this is the moment and accepts his death at first, but then decides to attack back. Moonpaw rescues him, but she lashes out at him, angry at him. When he tries to tell her that it was Stormtail's fault she doesn't believe him, telling him that Stormtail is the one who went to the clan and told them Goosefeather was in danger, and leaves him.

The cat from his vision of the kittypets attacking finds him and offers to teach him how to fight. After they practice he asks her name and she says it is Mapleshade. Goosefeather goes back to camp where Moonpaw apologizes and offers to teach him how to fight but they just wind up arguing over him being a medicine cat. He confronts Stormtail, who denies everything. Then he is summoned to help Larksong deliver her kits. As he touches them he realizes the one will be clan leader and the other a medicine cat. He wants to tell Doestar but Cloudberry won't let him, telling him that every kit is special, and that these kits deserve to grow up without knowing the future.

Days pass and Cloudberry and Goosefeather watch Sunkit and Featherkit play and grow. Cloudberry warns Goosefeather not to let the future blind him to the present. Cloudberry tries to get Doestar to eat, but she refuses. Leaf bare is on the way and while her clan is strong she worries how they will eat all winter - especially when three litters were just born. One night while sleeping, Goosefeather wakes up to a bitter cold. He leaves the den and enters the clearing where he finds his clan starving to death around him, and a dead cat lying there. He races to Doestar's den and wakes her with the news of his vision. Pineheart comes in, having seen Goosefeather race in. He is unsure of Goosefeather's vision. Doestar has Goosefeather bring Cloudberry in and the four cats discuss what to do. Cloudberry has the idea of burying prey to save it for later. Everyone works on burying food. Stormtail asks Goosefeather if this is his doing. Goosefeather responds that Doestar wishes this, but he also mocks Stormtail, implying he can see his future. He leaves the camp and works his way towards snakerocks. While there he sees Mapleshade kill another cat. Seeing Mapleshade he asks her if this is true. Mapleshade says yes, that he hates ThunderClan and will not rest until she has her vengeance. Shocked, Goosefeather points out that she helped him. She responds that it doesn't matter, because Goosefeather has been doomed by StarClan. As she leaves him he realizes he has never seen his own future.

The clans are at the Gathering. Rain starts so they all leave. As they go Goosefeather realizes his mother is getting old. Back at camp Cloudberry says she would rather have cold then rain, since rain makes her ache. Goosefeather assures her that the rain will go away. But it doesn't and Goosefeather realizes the rain will rot the stored food. He tells Pineheart that they must dig it up immediately. They race to the food but when they unearth it, it is already rotten. Goosefeather looks to Doestar and realizes she is scared. He understands that his prophecy is going to come true and there is no way to stop it. As the seasons turn deep snow comes. Clanmates starve to death and Nettlebreeze lies dead in the clearing just like Goosefeather saw. Some of the cats resort to eating worms and bark to survive. Cloudberry tries to comfort Goosefeather, telling him there was nothing he could have done to prevent this but Goosefeather blames himself. He leaves the camp and Pearnose finds him. She tells him that his path is a difficult one - to know the future and be unable to change it.

The snow melts and the weather turns warmer. Doestar makes all the apprentices into warriors. Cloudberry fears that Doestar will die soon. She tells Goosefeather that she will care for Doestar personally, and no one is to go near her. Doestar dies quickly and Cloudberry will let no one but herself sit vigil with their leader. After sitting vigil, Cloudberry tells Goosefeather that she will bury Doestar alone and that he must take Pineheart to the Moonstone. Goosefeather realizes that Cloudberry's days are numbered. At the Moonstone Goosefeather watches as Pinestar receives his nine lives. As the ninth one is given to him he has a vision of Pinestar with a twoleg. The vision fades and Pinestar excitedly tells him he received his nine lives. Goosefeather can only nod as he realizes he has seen the future and in it Pinestar betrays his clan - and there is  nothing Goosefeather can do to stop it.

So I enjoyed this story. It gave a glimpse into what lead up to Firestar's story. I was hoping for confirmation (one way or the other) on Firestar's parentage, but no luck. And I was also hoping that Goosefeather's vision of attacking the WindClan herb store would be explained but no luck.

It must be hard to see the future and be powerless to stop it. That must be a hard burden for Goosefeather to carry - and a hard life to live. All along I thought Pinestar had a choice - and at every moment he did - but in another way he really had no choice at all. I stand by my initial thought that he never should have been given the burden of leadership. He might have been okay as just a warrior, but never more then that.

Monday, January 14, 2019

goosefeather's curse: part one

Goosekit is listening to an unnamed elder tell a story about TigerClan when his mother calls for him. He wants to stay with the elder and hear more but she shoos him away. Goosekit finds his mother then goes to the fresh kill pile. He has a hard time navigating the camp because there are so many cats there. He makes his way back to his mother, speaking about how overwhelmed he is. She is amused and tells him there are no more cats then usual and that they are his clan and will protect him. His sister Moonkit is playing with Stormpaw. Goosekit tells his mother that one day Stormpaw will try to kill him with a badger attack. His mother, Daisytoe, does not believe him and tells him to stop making up stories. But Goosekit insists so she tells him he needs to stop listening to the elder's stories. Goosekit won't be swayed and believes Stormpaw to be the meanest cat in ThunderClan.

Goosekit is playing hide and seek with the other kits. When it is his turn to find the other cats a warrior he doesn't know tells him where they are hidden. Because he found them right away the other cats accuse him of cheating and declare they don't want to play with him anymore. Goosekit is upset since he feels he didn't actually cheat - he didn't ask the strange cat to tell him where everyone was hiding, he volunteered the information. There is a commotion when Cloudberry, the medicine cat, asks after Swiftpaw. Swiftpaw was supposed to be gathering herbs for her but hasn't returned to camp yet and should have a while ago. Patrols are started to go look for her and Goosekit asks the strange cat why he doesn't look for Swiftpaw. The cat responds that he is an apprentice and isn't sure he can go out to look for her but he asks a passing warrior after Swiftpaw. He responds that last he knew Swiftpaw was at Sunningrocks and leaves. Goosekit runs over to the warriors and blurts out that he knows where Swiftpaw is.

Everyone else thinks Goosekit is making it up and refuse to go to Sunningrocks but Larksong and Mumblefoot take him seriously and leave. They return with Swiftpaw but when the cats try to thank them they respond that Goosekit is the one who deserves thanks. When they question him about how he knew he tells them a warrior he doesn't know told him. No one believes him and insist that he tell the truth. Cloudberry steps up for him and tells the cats that it doesn't matter since Swiftpaw is safe, then she takes Goosekit to Doestar and has him repeat everything. After talking about what happened Cloudberry then takes Goosekit outside to show her other cats that he doesn't know. Cloudberry realizes that Goosekit can see dead cats. She tells him he has a gift but must keep it a secret and decides she must train Goosekit to be a medicine cat.

Swiftpaw is made a warrior and then, even though he is only four moons old, Doestar names Goosekit as a medicine cat apprentice. This causes some grumbling in the clan since he is not six moons old yet. Some cats - including Larksong, Mumblefoot, and Moonkit - cheer him while others - including Stormtail (formerly Stonepaw) and Nettlebreeze glare. Cloudberry takes him to the Moonstone for the first time for the medicine cat gathering. Some of the cats are welcoming, while others, like Echosnout the RiverClan medicine cat who was Cloudberry's mentor, are less welcoming. As they settle down Goosepaw asks why he has to do this since he sees StarClan all the time and is practically a medicine cat already. Cloudberry points out to him that there is more to being a medicine cat then speaking to StarClan and tells him to settle down. But as he does dead cats emerge from the shadows and start speaking to him all at once, telling him of events to come and overwhelming him. (They speak of a cat who burns like fire - Firestar. Of fickle hearts - Spottedleaf. Of more water then any cat has ever seen - probably the sun drown place. Listening to midnight - the badger. The lake running red with the blood of brothers - Brambleclaw killing Hawkfrost. ShadowClan soaring above all - not sure, possibly the rise of Tigerstar. Leopard and Tiger feasting on bones - Tigerstar and Leopardstar's alliance. Rivers of blood washing away everything the clans know - I assume the fight with the Dark Forest.) Scared and overwhelmed, Goosepaw runs away. Cloudberry follows him, telling him he cannot leave before the ceremony is over. He refuses to return, telling Cloudberry of the dead cats. She tells him they will have to figure out a way for him to ignore them.

Goosepaw is practicing memorizing herbs with Pearnose's help. Moonpaw overhears him and asks who he is talking to. Knowing his sister cannot see the dead cat he tells her he is talking to himself. Moonpaw leaves to find Stormtail and Pearnose dismisses Goosepaw. As he goes back to camp he has a vision of kittypets attacking a ThunderClan patrol. He doesn't know if this is an image of the past or the future. Suddenly another cat is there, telling him that the kittypets are strong. She is enjoying watching the fight and when Goosepaw asks her who she is, she is surprised that ThunderClan has forgotten her already. The vision fades and Goosepaw races back to camp. He tries to act like everything is normal but then he hears Squirrelwhisker's patrol isn't back yet. He goes to Doestar's den, seeking out Cloudberry to tell her of the vision he had. Cloudberry has Goosepaw tell Doestar, who orders Pineheart to take a patrol. Pineheart is annoyed, feeling they shouldn't be listening to an apprentice but Cloudberry points out that Goosepaw is a medicine cat. When Pineheart returns with the missing cats Doestar calls a clan meeting to acknowledge Goosepaw, and to ask Cloudberry to give him his full medicine cat name. Cloudberry agrees causing some cats (including Moonpaw and Stormtail) to become upset but other cats (like Squirrelwhisker) are supportive.

Okay, I will admit, Goosepaw is not the most likeable cat, however his clanmates seem to have a real problem with respecting medicine cats. A medicine cat is supposed to be a place of honor, yet all of his clanmates seem very dismissive of him. I get that he was made an apprentice very young, and I know his clan wasn't told why, yet they don't seem to care that StarClan chose him for this path from birth. Even Pineheart is not supportive. I don't know if he knows about Goosepaw's visions or not, but he is constantly talking down to Goosepaw. One day he will be clan leader and Goosepaw his medicine cat - granted, he doesn't know this but, at the same time, it is the logical assumption to make - yet he is wholly uninterested in anything Goosepaw has to say and dismisses it outright despite the number of times Goosepaw has been right.

I did wonder at Ravenwing's death, and what ThunderClan would do. It is nice to see that RiverClan sent a fully trained medicine cat to them. And I bet anything that the cat who was enjoying the vision of the kittypets and ThunderClan fighting is Mapleshade - which makes me worry for Goosepaw's future. He is already bitter and struggling with his visions and his status as an outsider. He doesn't need Mapleshade filling his head with lies too.

On a final note, it was nice to see all the references to things that have yet to happen, and seeing that StarClan foretold of them long before. Especially since they didn't necessarily give away the outcome. Hawkfrost could have killed Brambleclaw. Leopard and Tiger could have feasted on the bones of the clans instead of prey. Spottedleaf could have fallen for Thistleclaw completely. All they did was foretell that these moments would come, not the outcome of those moments. So it was nice.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

sign of the moon: part five

Jayfeather is upset with Rock's proclamation. He argues he wants to stay with Half Moon, but Rock is adamant he must return. He tells Jayfeather that he and Half Moon have different destinies - his to be one of the Three, Half Moon's to be the first Stoneteller. Jayfeather returns to the cave where everyone is happy and hopeful since their bird attack worked. He tells Half Moon he must speak with her. He takes her into the pointed stone cave and tells her of her destiny but she becomes angry and leaves. She goes to race outside but Shy Fawn goes into labor. Half Moon helps Jayfeather deliver the kits, one of whom is Lion's Roar - his brother Lionblaze. He looks over and sees his sister, Dove's Wing, and thinks on how she has the same name in both lives and how the Three exist even now. Half Moon and Jayfeather make up. He speaks the words naming her Stoneteller and leaves.

Lionblaze is out with some cats practicing night tracking. At the abandoned Twoleg nest they spilt into two groups. Brackenfur leads one with Thornclaw, Bumblestripe, and Birchfall. Sorreltail leads the other with Lionblaze, Berrynose, and Ivypool. As Lionblaze listens to Ivypool give good advice he wonders if the Dark Forest ways are becoming integrated with ThunderClan ways, or will Ivypool be in trouble for sharing the Dark Forest's secrets. Sorreltail's group quickly wins. Lionblaze tells Ivypool that she did good, and comments on her Dark Forest training helping her out. She insists she would never use that training against her clanmates and Lionblaze assures her he knows this. She admits to feeling guilt when she uses her Dark Forest training. He tells her that any source of training can be good. He asks her if any other cats from ThunderClan are in the Dark Forest. Ivypool hesitates then tells him that they keep the cats separated. After she leaves Lionblaze realizes she didn't say there were not any ThunderClan cats, meaning more ThunderClan cats might be receiving training.

Dovewing and Foxleap are still out on patrol when they see the other group of cats fighting an eagle. Dovewing wishes to help. At first the Tribe cats refuse, but then they decide it is the right thing to do. Everyone is given very specific duties but when it looks like the tribe cats might not win Foxleap jumos onto the eagle with them and becomes stuck. Swoop saves Foxleap but becomes captured herself. The cats are unable to save her, the eagle flies off, and Dovewing senses when she dies. Splash angrily blames Foxleap for the death of Swoop and is uninterested in the intruders thanks. Back at the cave she announces to everyone what happened, laying the blame on Foxleap. Crag reports to Stoneteller who also blames Foxleap as well as all the clan cats because if they never came then Swoop would still be alive. Squirrelflight assures Stoneteller that they will leave as soon as they can. Jayfeather tells the cats that he will do what he came to do so they can leave.

Jayfeather turns to Stoneteller and tells him he must choose a successor. Stoneteller says it is too late, that their ancestors no longer watch over them. He leaves the main cavern as his tribe starts to panic. The Tribe of Endless Hunting comes to Jayfeather. Cloud with Storm in Belly tells him it is time for Stoneteller to join them and that Jayfeather must once again name a Stoneteller. He sees Half Moon amongst the ranks of the ancestors. Cloud tells him that the end of the stars is drawing near and that three must become four. Jayfeather tells her he doesn't understand and before she, along with the rest of the Tribe of Endless Hunting, fades away she tells him that the fourth is with him already and he will not have to search far. His vision over, Jayfeather seeks out Stoneteller. Stoneteller is dying and finds peace in the discovery that his ancestors never abandoned the tribe. He leaves the dead cat to break the news to the tribe. They are devastated and ask if Stoneteller named an heir. Jayfeather tells them yes and leads them outside. There he names Crag the new Stoneteller amd speaks the words that he spoke long ago for Half Moon. The tribe cats move forward to greet the new Stoneteller. Half Moon comes to Jayfeather and tells him he chose well and she will wait for him for forever. Squirrelflight asks him if they can go home now and he says yes.

So, first of all, I'm a bit bummed that only ThunderClan got a POV this book. The last book broke the norm so I was hoping that Willowshine or Kestrelflight would get a voice this one. We did, however, get to see the Tribe. But it is odd that Flametail got his own POV last book just to be killed off.

Secondly, is the fourth cat Ivypool? That would be the logical choice, especially as she is already spying for Jayfeather. And, Cloud did say that the fourth cat was already with them. Likewise it could be Hollyleaf - if she is alive, especially since they always assumed she was one of the Three. But, it could just as easily be Blossomfall, who is also with the Dark Forest, or any other cat. Nothing says the cat is even in ThunderClan. But, my money is on either Ivypool or Hollyleaf.

And, for a totally random question, where is Sol? After being so obsessed with the Three and bringing StarClan down why isn't he here now? Maybe because he knows he cannot sow any more discord?

Lastly, I am glad Stoneteller refound his faith. And I understand Ivypool lying to Lionblaze about Blossomfall, but I hope that doesn't blow up in her face later. I hope she is able to save her clanmate.