So, at this moment, if I could have ANY five books with or without a dent to my wallet what would they be?
- "Shadow Moon" by Chris Claremont - it's a sequel to "Willow" which is book #2 on my reading list for this year. Fan opinion is 50/50 - apparently you either love it or hate it. I have a feeling I'm going to be in the "Hate It" camp even though I want to be in the "Love It" camp. So, I would appreciate it if someone else would buy it for me. However I know that is not going to happen so I'll probably buy it tomorrow. Used. Which, is not an insult as I actually prefer to buy my books used. Less pollution...
- "I Quit Sugar: Your Complete 8-Week Detox Program and Cookbook" by Sarah Wilson - a friend recommended it, I really want to read it, I really don't want to pay for it because I'm pretty sure I have a rough idea what it is going to say. It's not cheap - it's not expensive but it's not cheap - and used it isn't really any cheaper. In other words, I'm just being cheap.
- "Under the Banner of Heaven: A Story of Violent Faith" by John Krakauer - totally NOT my type of book. Recommended by a cousin of mine who I have zilch in common with because of some rant I went into on facebook this one time about I can't even remember what. However, this book seemed to both support my argument and make me look at my argument in a different light. I want to read it but I also know it'll depress me so I don't want to read it. The issue with this one isn't price based at all, I'm just afraid to read it.
- "Warrior Goddess Training: Become the Woman You are Meant to Be" by Heather Ash Amara - also totally not the type of book I'd normally read but it looks awesome so I might just have to get it. Also, it will fill reading goal #11 so there is that bonus.
- "Mermaids: the Myths, Legends, and Lore" by Skye Alexander - how freaking awesome is this?!? A book all about mermaids and their myths and lore!!! I NEED this book!!! There are more in the series, too!!! Unicorns, fairies, dragons, vampires - I need them ALL!!!
And that is it for today's FBIWSWBFM post. Tomorrow I should be putting up a post about the book I just finished last night.
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