Tuesday, January 12, 2016

cat among the pigeons by agatha christie

In case you are curious, this book also qualifies as #1 or #12 - but again, I'm not using it for either. Also, you should expect all of my book posts to come in double...

"Cat Among the Pigeons" had a LOT of themes going on all at once. On one hand it was the story of an exclusive girl's school in England where a very unfortunate and very random murder of the physical education teacher happened. On the other hand it was a story of political uprising in the fictional middle eastern country of Ramat. On one hand it was the story of two best friends - one of whom observed everything and the other of whom observed nothing. On the other hand it was the story of secret agents going rogue, a missing princess, and blackmail. How all of this tied together - along with another two murders - was something only Poirot could figure out.

Again, I saw the David Suchet movie on netflix and decided to reread the book. This book I enjoyed far more, even though Poirot didn't make an appearance until 2/3 of the way through (in case you are curious, he is in the entire movie). The story was fast-paced and while I don't mind slower stories this one had so much going on there was no time for slowness. The ending was just as clever as I remembered. Normally I don't care too much for Christie's spy/secret agent mysteries (but that's because most of those types of stories make me roll my eyes, it has nothing to do with Christie herself) but this one was very good.

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