Thursday, January 7, 2016

first post?

About two years ago I had a blog that I loved called Runes & Ravens. In it I talked about all the books I was reading - my thoughts on them, quotes I loved from them, etc - and my reading goals. The name Runes and Ravens referred to both the written word and the power within them (in this case, runes) and the thoughts they can evoke (hence the ravens for Odin's ravens Huginn/Thought and Muninn/Memory or Mind). The title alone seemed to inspire me to read more and put my thoughts to paper (or, in this case, computer screen).

Eventually, as happens sometimes, life got a bit hairy. So I stopped reading so much and posting so much. And eventually I stopped reading and posting completely. In the end I decided to retire the blog so someone else could use the name if they wished and find their own form of inspiration from it. 

Imagine my delight six months ago (when my life started to straighten out again) when I realized the blog name was still free.

My old Runes & Ravens was long gone - all the posts are lost since I chose not to save them - but I could start a new Runes & Ravens. One where I once again talk about the books that move me, inspire me, make me think, make me cringe, make me happy, make me sad, make me wonder, make me marvel - a new blog where I can talk about what I am reading and the thoughts that run through my head while I do so. 

So, I restarted the blog. 

Then I did nothing with it. I'm not sure why. Maybe because it was hard to restart a thing I had not only ended but deleted completely? Whatever my reasoning was the day before New Year's Eve I saw my empty blog again and decided it was either time to do something with it or let it go for good.

So here I am, doing something with it. I'm going to start reading books again. And moreover, I'm going to start talking about books again.

I've already read two books so far this year. I'll try to post about them in the next few days. Then, I'm going to share a 2016 Reading Challenge a friend of mine sent me - and I'm going to try and do it. Then I'll share the Reading Challenge I wrote for myself - and I'll try to do that one too. And I'm going to talk all about it here on my new (old) blog.

So stick around if you want to hear about it. Meanwhile, I'm off to go work on book #3...

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