Glory is shocked at there being a blind dragon. She asks Tamarin questions about how she gets around the village. Tamarin admits that she used to have problems but the tribe helped her and now she has everything memorized. This gives Glory hope for her people since they were all willing to help raise a blind baby. Magnificent names the five areas of the competition - fruit gathering, venom targeting, treetop race, camouflage, and a flower hunt. She names Dazzling for the fruit hunt. Glory huddles with her teammates to figure out which task they should each have. It is decided that Mangrove will do the fruit hunt, Kinkajou the venom targeting, Jambu the treetop race, Glory the camouflage, and Tamarin the flower hunt. Glory is worried about using Tamarin for the flower hunt, Tamarin insist she is up for the task. Dazzling and Mangrove leave for the fruit hunt and the treetop race starts. Jambu and Exquisite step forward. The race starts off even but Jambu pulls ahead. However, before he can win, a group of sloths ambush him by tangling him up in a rope.
Glory is furious that Exquisite would cheat like that but since it cannot be proven - and Magnificent denies it - Handsome has to name Exquisite the winner. Next Tamarin and Fruit Bat have the flower hunt. Fruit Bat tears up the arena looking for the hidden flower but Tamarin finds it quickly by using her superior sense of smell. Once Fruit Bat realizes where Tamarin is looking she tries to beat her to it, but she fails and Tamarin is declared the winner. Next is the camouflage contest between Glory and Magnificent. Glory is blindfolded while Magnificent hides. When her blindfold is removed she notices Exquisite and Fruit Bat staring at a tree. Fruit Bat tries to get Grandeur to look at it too but the old dragon refuses with a look of disgust. Glory realizes they are trying to mislead her so she looks to the crowd, figuring out where Magnificent is easily. Magnificent is furious at Glory's easy victory and then is blindfolded herself. Glory instantly camouflages herself before hiding so Magnificent cannot win the way she did. She decides to hide in the very tree Exquisite and Fruit Bat tried to trick her with. Magnificent looks to Exquisite and Fruit Bat for a clue as to where Glory is hiding but they are no help. Instead she decides to rush at Sunny, who is holding Glory's sloth, Silver, for her. Silver becomes startled and runs to Glory for protection. Magnificent finds her easily. Glory is furious with her for deliberately attacking the sloth - and the RainWings in the audience are shocked - but Magnificent doesn't care and is declared the winner.
Sunny and Tsunami are upset by Magnificent's behavior but Handsome assures then that she is the winner officially, though not in spirit. Magnificent is angry at this but says nothing. Dazzling and Mangrove return and Mangrove is declared the winner. Magnificent is furious and almost slips when she says that Dazzling should have brought back 19 pieces of fruit, implying that she had hidden a stock pile for Dazzling to gather. Magnificent denies any cheating on the part of her team and they move on to the final contest - venom target between Kinkajou and Grandeur. Grandeur easily beats her is distance and they move on to precision. Kinkajou is upset, feeling she has lost the competition for Glory. Glory assures her that she has done her best and that even if she isn't declared queen they will still figure out a way to save the RainWings. Glory notices Grandeur listening in to their conversation. Grandeur takes a shot at a target and then Kinkajou has a turn. They move on to the next target but as Gandeur fires a sloth moves in front of the board - and Kinkajou dives in front of it to save it, getting sprayed with Grandeur's venom.
Everyone panics and Glory furiously bemoans the lack of tracking who is related to who. She tells Grandeur to start testing her venom with others and goes first. Surprisingly Glory and Grandeur's venom cancels each other out. Glory uses her venom on Kinkajou to save her. Grandeur is shocked and tells Glory that she is descended from the original line of RainWing queens. She tells her that since none of her daughters were worthy of the throne the royal eggs were mixed in with the common ones, and Grandeur hoped to one day find a dragon who was worthy of being queen. She feels Glory is this dragon so she forfeits, declaring Kinkajou the winner. Magnificent is furious but Grandeur tells her that none of them deserve the throne. Glory is declared the new queen and the RainWings cheer, much to Glory's shock. Tsunami teases her for becoming queen when everyone thought that was Tsunami's destiny. Glory asks her for help in turning the RainWings into an army. Sunny pipes up that she has another suggestion but she doesn't get to voice it. Instead Clay shows up with the news that Starflight is gone, probably to warn the NightWings about Glory's plan.
The false dragonets are sitting around in the NightWing kingdom. They are miserable to be trapped there and don't know what is going on. Fatespeaker sees some NightWings bringing in an unconscious NightWing dragonet. She loudly declares to her friends that she is having a vision, but they don't care. She doesn't either because she knows that the unconscious dragonet is important to her destiny.
So I gotta say, all those queens were pretty lousy. I was beginning to think Magnificent would win the throne, and then maybe the RainWings would choose Glory to lead them. Grandeur forfeiting was a nice touch, though.
Starflight running off to warn his tribe was a dumb move. Everyone has this hope that their tribe is perfect - and then they wind up shitty. We already know the NightWings are shitty between Morrowseer and Deathbringer. And now they have Starflight prisoner. He should have known better, but I understand why he wanted to believe differently.
I am curious what Sunny's plan is. Since the war is about her tribe - and because she is such an odd SandWing - I am betting the key to solving this war is her somehow.
Glory is furious that Exquisite would cheat like that but since it cannot be proven - and Magnificent denies it - Handsome has to name Exquisite the winner. Next Tamarin and Fruit Bat have the flower hunt. Fruit Bat tears up the arena looking for the hidden flower but Tamarin finds it quickly by using her superior sense of smell. Once Fruit Bat realizes where Tamarin is looking she tries to beat her to it, but she fails and Tamarin is declared the winner. Next is the camouflage contest between Glory and Magnificent. Glory is blindfolded while Magnificent hides. When her blindfold is removed she notices Exquisite and Fruit Bat staring at a tree. Fruit Bat tries to get Grandeur to look at it too but the old dragon refuses with a look of disgust. Glory realizes they are trying to mislead her so she looks to the crowd, figuring out where Magnificent is easily. Magnificent is furious at Glory's easy victory and then is blindfolded herself. Glory instantly camouflages herself before hiding so Magnificent cannot win the way she did. She decides to hide in the very tree Exquisite and Fruit Bat tried to trick her with. Magnificent looks to Exquisite and Fruit Bat for a clue as to where Glory is hiding but they are no help. Instead she decides to rush at Sunny, who is holding Glory's sloth, Silver, for her. Silver becomes startled and runs to Glory for protection. Magnificent finds her easily. Glory is furious with her for deliberately attacking the sloth - and the RainWings in the audience are shocked - but Magnificent doesn't care and is declared the winner.
Sunny and Tsunami are upset by Magnificent's behavior but Handsome assures then that she is the winner officially, though not in spirit. Magnificent is angry at this but says nothing. Dazzling and Mangrove return and Mangrove is declared the winner. Magnificent is furious and almost slips when she says that Dazzling should have brought back 19 pieces of fruit, implying that she had hidden a stock pile for Dazzling to gather. Magnificent denies any cheating on the part of her team and they move on to the final contest - venom target between Kinkajou and Grandeur. Grandeur easily beats her is distance and they move on to precision. Kinkajou is upset, feeling she has lost the competition for Glory. Glory assures her that she has done her best and that even if she isn't declared queen they will still figure out a way to save the RainWings. Glory notices Grandeur listening in to their conversation. Grandeur takes a shot at a target and then Kinkajou has a turn. They move on to the next target but as Gandeur fires a sloth moves in front of the board - and Kinkajou dives in front of it to save it, getting sprayed with Grandeur's venom.
Everyone panics and Glory furiously bemoans the lack of tracking who is related to who. She tells Grandeur to start testing her venom with others and goes first. Surprisingly Glory and Grandeur's venom cancels each other out. Glory uses her venom on Kinkajou to save her. Grandeur is shocked and tells Glory that she is descended from the original line of RainWing queens. She tells her that since none of her daughters were worthy of the throne the royal eggs were mixed in with the common ones, and Grandeur hoped to one day find a dragon who was worthy of being queen. She feels Glory is this dragon so she forfeits, declaring Kinkajou the winner. Magnificent is furious but Grandeur tells her that none of them deserve the throne. Glory is declared the new queen and the RainWings cheer, much to Glory's shock. Tsunami teases her for becoming queen when everyone thought that was Tsunami's destiny. Glory asks her for help in turning the RainWings into an army. Sunny pipes up that she has another suggestion but she doesn't get to voice it. Instead Clay shows up with the news that Starflight is gone, probably to warn the NightWings about Glory's plan.
The false dragonets are sitting around in the NightWing kingdom. They are miserable to be trapped there and don't know what is going on. Fatespeaker sees some NightWings bringing in an unconscious NightWing dragonet. She loudly declares to her friends that she is having a vision, but they don't care. She doesn't either because she knows that the unconscious dragonet is important to her destiny.
So I gotta say, all those queens were pretty lousy. I was beginning to think Magnificent would win the throne, and then maybe the RainWings would choose Glory to lead them. Grandeur forfeiting was a nice touch, though.
Starflight running off to warn his tribe was a dumb move. Everyone has this hope that their tribe is perfect - and then they wind up shitty. We already know the NightWings are shitty between Morrowseer and Deathbringer. And now they have Starflight prisoner. He should have known better, but I understand why he wanted to believe differently.
I am curious what Sunny's plan is. Since the war is about her tribe - and because she is such an odd SandWing - I am betting the key to solving this war is her somehow.
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