Nautilus shows off the false dragonets to Morrowseer but they are just as unimpressive as the real ones. Morrowseer decides that he needs to take the dragonets with him for training which is when he finds out that not only are the false dragonets children of members of the Talons of Peace, but that the false SeaWing, Squid, is Nautilus's own child. Much to Nautilus's horror, Morrowseer implies that everyone who knows the truth that these are not the real dragonets should be killed. Morrowseer then goes on to say any of the false dragonets that do not work out should be discarded. Nautilus begins to wonder what he has gotten himself into.
Glory and her friends work their way through the MudWung kingdom towards the RainWing kingdom. The poison is spreading through Webs and he keeps insisting on breaks. Rain pours down around them and Glary hates it. She is worried what she will find when they reach her home. They hear some MudWings approaching and hide. As Glory listens to them they speak of a monster that is killing them off. She leaves the others to follow to find out more, hears some screams, and when she comes across them again they are dead.
The dragonets discuss the dead MudWings. Out of fear some hint that maybe they should leave. Sunny and Glory argue that the RainWings can't live here and not know what is going on. Webs makes a dig at how lazy and oblivious they are, angering Glory and Tsunami. Tsunami demands he tells her anything he knows about the monster but Webs knows nothing. As everyone talks things over they realize Sunny is missing.
As they look around for Sunny they realize Webs has disappeared too. Glory hears the wiz of something and watches as Clay disappears right in front of her. Clay is taken too and Starflight dives for cover. Glory places herself in front of Starflight and demands to speak to someone. Suddenly the trees are filled with RainWings. The dragons, led by Jambu and Liana, explain that it is just sleeping darts and this is how they bring intruders to their home. Starflight asks if they are prisoners but the RainWings seem shocked by the idea. Screams fill the air.
The RainWings explain that the screaming is just monkeys. They say the monkeys never used to scream and that it started a few years ago. Glory finds it odd that the monkeys would suddenly make a different noise, and even odder that the RainWings don't care. Glory and Starflight are led to the village while their unconscious friends are carried there. Glory mentions to Jambu that her egg was stolen six years ago. Much to Glory and Starflight's confusion, Jambu doesn't seem to care. Glory is upset that she knows so little about RainWing culture and is frustrated by Jambu and Liana's confusion and indifference. She also feels frustrated that her emotions are playing across her scales, though the same is true for the other RainWings. They explain it is sun time and that all the RainWings sleep during this time of day. The sun charges their scales and fills them. Starflight is excited to realize this is why she always takes an afternoon nap. Starflight also asks after the monster but the Rainwings know nothing. Glory joins them for a nap while Starflight stays with their friends.
So I think there is more to the RainWings then meets the eye - after all they do have dart guns to knock out intruders - but I am also suspecting that they might be exactly what they appear to be as well. Glory is looking to prove the world wrong with a super special tribe but I have a feeling that while they probably aren't as lazy as everyone says, they probably are very relaxed - and maybe even pacifists.
I'm a bit intrigued by this group that seems so different from every other group of dragons. They don't even care that there might be something out there killing MudWings. Which has me questioning if any if their own dragons are missing.
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