Friday, July 26, 2019

the first battle: part five

Even though they are vastly outnumbered, Thunder and his friends rush into battle. Thunder ends up in a fight with Snake - who is actually trying to kill him. Lightning Tail saves him and expresses shock at how vicious Clear Sky's cats are being. Thunder tells him they will just have to fight to kill as well. However, despite his words, Thunder is upset. He can't believe how easily Clear Sky's cats are willing to kill - even Falling Feather and Quick Water - and he can't believe how easily his friends are willing to fight the same in return. He saves Gray Wing from Petal, who is trying to kill him for revenge for Fox. Fircone attacks Thunder, and when Thunder tries to point out that Fircone didn't want this his old tribe mate responds that times have changed. Tall Shadow kills Fircone. Snake kills Frost. Clear Sky kills Rainswept Flower when she accuses him of being greedy. Horrified, Gray Wing attacks Clear Sky. He tells him he is glad Storm is dead so she doesn't have to see the cat Clear Sky turned into. Thunder tries to reach Gray Wing but Falling Feather stops him. She tries to kill Thunder, but Jackdaw's Cry stops her by attacking her. Thunder desperately tries to figure out how to stop the two sets of siblings from killing each other when Leaf attacks him. Defending himself, Thunder thinks he has accidentally kills Leaf. He is devastated at what he has done and cries out for Dappled Pelt. She arrives and tells him Leaf will survive. Thunder tries to reach Gray Wing yet again when a cry turns him away. He sees Falling Feather and Jackdaw's Cry kill each other. Thunder turns back to Gray Wing and Clear Sky. His father has his uncle pinned down. Clear Sky orders Gray Wing to give up, but Gray Wing refuses. Instead he tells Clear Sky to just do it, to kill him and live forever with the knowledge of what he has done. Clear Sky can't do it. He looks out over the battlefield and sees the destruction. He announces that the battle is over.

Clear Sky tells his cats to go away. He feels he does not deserve to lead since he could not bring himself to kill Gray Wing.  Nettle asks who won, and Clear Sky tells him no one. Confused, Petal tells everyone to return to camp. Clear Sky watches as Thunder, Lightning Tail, and Acorn Fur find Hawk Swoop's body and mourn her. He comments that they are acting like kits. Gray Wing tells them that they are kits, Hawk Swoop's kits, even Thunder who she raised. Clear Sky feels guilty for hurting his son, but pushes the feeling down. The forest cats collect their wounded and leave. Dappled Pelt, Lightning Tail, and Acorn Fur head back to camp for Cloud Spots and supplies. The moor cats refuse to leave, wishing to sit vigil with their dead. Clear Sky is upset. He feels that this battle was supposed to prove how powerful he was, how he could take any land, how he could take care of his cats. Instead all it proved was that the moor cats were willing to fight just as hard as he. He wonders if they all traveled here just to die. River Ripple arrives. He says that he saw the fight but did not join it because it was not his battle. He accuses Clear Sky of bringing death. Clear Sky argues that he just wanted enough prey for his cats. Looking around at all the dead bodies, River Ripple points out that there will be plenty of prey now. Gorse Fur says maybe they should leave the moor. Wind Runner insists they will stay and fight for it. An argument breaks out amongst the survivors over Clear Sky's greed. Much to Clear Sky's shock, Gray Wing speaks up, saying Clear Sky was never greedy in the mountains and that he cannot have changed that much by moving here. Suddenly starlight turns the dead cats silver, and Storm walks into the hollow.

Gray Wing watches as shadows of the fallen cats rise up from their bodies. Hawk Swoop comforts Thunder; Falling Feather and Jackdaw's Cry make up. The former rogues are shocked by what they see. Gray Wing and Clear Sky speculate at this turn of events, feeling that Stoneteller would understand. Turtle Tail and Emberkit arrive. Emberkit assures his mother he is fine, and that he now has Turtle Tail to care for him. Turtle Tail calls Clear Sky a fool for forgetting where he has come from. She and Gray Wing move aside to speak the goodbyes they never got to say. Turtle Tail says they have come with a message and then turns towards Storm, who is loving towards Clear Sky.

Clear Sky and Storm argue as he tries to make her see his side. She accuses him of greed but once he starts talking about Fluttering Bird she realizes, to her relief, it was fear that drove him. Storm asks Thunder if he can guess the message, but he cannot. He also doesn't understand her telling him that now is the time for him to make things right. Shaded Moss dresses down Tall Shadow for her part in the bloodshed but she refuses to agree with him that she holds any blame. River Ripple speaks up, feeling he knows the message. Clear Sky tries to silence him by telling him he doesn't belong, but that angers Storm. She tells Clear Sky that this is his problem, he is too busy trying to tell everyone who does and doesn't belong there. A star falls across the sky. Everyone sees it as a sign. The dead cats tells them that this is their message - unite or die. Thunder speaks up, saying Clear Sky prefers the tree while Gray Wing prefers the moor. How are they supposed to unite? The dead cats insist they must find a way - or die - then leave. River Ripple asks if their ancestors walked among them in the mountains. Tall Shadow says no, just with Stoneteller. River Ripple points out that maybe that is because there was no need for then to in the mountains.

StarClan has officially come! I'm so glad! And, the full moon peace at Fourtrees is being born! I have been waiting for all of this for forever! Of course, that is also because it has taken me months to get to book 3, let alone finish it.

I'm glad Clear Sky received a dressing down from his fallen kin. He was sorely in need of it. I'm also glad he couldn't bring himself to kill Gray Wing. Hopefully peace will now come between the two groups.

When will the other three clans appear? I know Thunder is destined to become Thunderstar but what about everyone else? And when will Pebble Heart travel to the Moonstone? I am so impatient! That is the problem with prequels - at least with me. You already know what is going to happen so you are in a rush to get there.

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